Drew grunted, sitting up in pain and raising his hand to block the sunlight coming in through the huge hospital window. He inhaled air quickly, wincing at the slight pain from the two broken ribs and giant bruises on his stomach. It was very hard to move around, especially when he first woke up from being cramped and still the whole time sleeping. He had to get 4 stitches across his forehead and a few band aids here and there but for the most part, he was okay.

After stretching as best as he could with as little pain as he could, no easy task, Drew made his way over to the bathroom. He glanced at Keaton in the bed. He had hardly came around at the crime scene and the doctors were afraid he'd slip into a coma. Before that could happen, they placed him under a medicine induced coma, planning to only let it go on a week, so that his brain and body could heal. His head was busted pretty hard against the wall and he, like Drew, also had busted ribs, one of which just missed puncturing a lung. Drew had gotten two hours of sleep since that night. He honestly could tell how long it'd been. A day? Two? Was it nearing a week? Checking his phone for the millionth time, Drew saw it had just been over two days.

Drew sighed, as hard as it was on home, it was harder on Laraine. She felt guilty enough that she wasn't there to protect her boys but now she couldn't be with the one in the hospitable because she had to be with the police to help find the missing one. It was tearing her apart. Law enforcement, at least, was being very understanding. They agreed that when the doctors released Drew, the two would switch places. As Drew was there the night of, he'd be more help anyway. Drew couldn't wait, he wanted to be out there searching for the bastards that did this to his family. Just thinking about it made him angrier than he's ever been.

"Hey Keaterpan, how you doin'?" Drew asked gently, coming out of the bathroom. He has heard somewhere that speaking to someone in a coma as if they could respond might help the process. "Ya'know, with the acoustics in here, I don't need to write in the bathroom. I can sit right here, comfortable on this nice blue couch next to you, and write you a song. Isn't that chill?" Drew chuckled at his own joke. In reality, the couch was stiffer than the tile floor and whenever he actually tried write, the nurses would come in to ask him to stop, claiming there were noise complaints. "So Keats, let's do a bit of True Friends shall we?" He stood up and grabbed his guitar. He couldn't play sitting down just yet because of his ribs but it was okay, he liked being able to walk around and do his thing.

He strummed the strings slowly before getting into tune for the song. He played and sung softly, knowing he had maybe 10-15 minutes before a nurse would come in and give him a look. He would than have to put his only true outlet down and go back to the wonderful beat of the heart machine and the fuzzing of the muted TV. Not like it really mattered anyway, even his music couldn't help take his mind off everything.

"Keats, just last week we were all partying and having a good time. Hell, we just did that commercial! It's like, I try not to take for granted and be grateful for everything. I try so hard to just be happy to be alive, I mean I am too. I treasure each moment and each time I finally get up, I get knocked down twice as hard. The pain hurts, ya'know?" Drew began, dazed, his fingers beginning to strum a whole new beat as he came to the close for Reason. His voice became raspy as he fought against tears and he could feel a knot forming. "I just don't get it, man. We're good guys, aren't we? We've stuck to our morals, we're nice. We try to protect the earth and all its beauty. We respect everyone and play our music to try and better the world. Yet, he we are." Drew sighed. "Good things happen to good people, I guess, but why? Ugh! I just don't get it!"

"You're not meant to." A voice rang into the room, scaring Drew from his daze. He actually jumped sideways, to stand in front of Keaton, mentally protecting him in-case the men were back. His heart was racing and he was fighting his body from shaking. He'd been traumatized, that's for sure. The voice was just Laraine, who was holding two Starbucks coffees and more stuffed animals from fans. The room was actually filled with stuffed toys, Get-Well wishes, pillows, blankets, etc. Emblems were worried and they cared, there wasn't much they could do. "You're 19, dear, not 90. You're not meant to understand life and it's entirety. This isn't your fault." She walked over to him, putting her stuff down on the table as she passed it. She pulled the struggling boy into her arms and hugged him tightly. "Wes will be okay. Keaton is expected to have a full recovery. We will make it through this. Okay?"

"...I was the oldest there...I should've been able to protect them..." He choked out.

"Look at me! This is not your fault, there was no way you could know, everything will be okay, alright?" This time Drew nodded, wiping his face free of tears.

"Got some free time?" Drew asked, clearing his throat and changing the subject.

"No, actually they said we could switch now, I can't help anymore and the doctors cleared you," Laraine sighed. "But how am I suppose to choose where to go? My one son is in a coma, the other is still missing!"

"Look, I can't make the decisions or the choices the you can up here with him. He's still a minor, he'll need you. Mr. Stromberg and the rest of family are out looking as we speak. It's better for you to be up here. I was there. You're not deciding who to stay with or one over the other, you're with both of them, and they know that. Plus, I'll keep you updated," Drew explained, grabbing his jacket and carefully putting it on.

"Thanks, hun," Laraine said, still lost in thought.

Drew walked over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Anytime." As soon as he was out the door, Drew broke into a jog. He hit the elevator button but couldn't take the wait. He hit stairs, jumping down every other half-flight as he made it down the 4 stories in record timing. By the time he got outside to Detective Lorenzo, he was covered in sweat and fighting to catch his breath.

"Mr. Chadwick, you're still injured. If you do this kind of stuff, I'll have to require you to stay away from the investigation. I'm already in hot water for allowing you with me as it is," Lorenzo scolded him with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go," Drew answered with a small smile.

They got into the car and drove off. They were silent for a bit. Drew could tell the detective was holding something back. Finally, Lorenzo cleared his throat. "So, we have a clue..." He began when they were about 5 minutes from the station.

"Really?! What is it?!" Drew practically yelled with excitement.

"We believe it's directed to you," Lorenzo replied, giving him a sideways glance.

"Wait...when did you get this?;

"...it was left at the scene."

"What?!" Drew yelled, fury rising so high so fast that his eyes burned. "You're telling me that you've had a clue that could potentially lead us right to Wes for over two days now?! Don't you guys have a 48 hour rule or something that MOST OF THEM ARE DEAD by the time it's over?!" He was screaming now.

"We believe it is a special case and don't feel as though the 48 hours apply. Plus, we weren't allowed, we couldn't contact you." Lorenzo mumbled.

"Oh, I see, so rather than risk your job, you risked the life if a young man, I get it. Makes sense." Drew yelled, his veins appearing on his neck. "I can't believe it, can't fucking believe it! I swear to God if something happens to him, I'll make your life miserable!" By now, they were turning into the parking lot. Drew got it in a huff and slammed the door as hard as he could, storming off into the building. Lorenzo just followed close behind, he understood the kid's anger, he had felt the same at the crime scene when he was told no about getting Drew.

"It's just a note, we need you to decipher it," Lorenzo explained, giving Drew a piece of paper.

Yes, I want the money, but just not yet I'm a STRANGER, we've never met Call me JAIDEN, if you please Than journey to a place of flees

You've been here before, not long ago It's quite simple, any idiot would know This game will begin BLACK & WHITE, hope it won't take long Feel like giving up, I have Wesley to make sure you GRIND ON

"So you know?"

"Dude ain't no Dr. Seuss," Drew spat a joke as he examined the note some more. The songs must've been been how they knew it was for him but were they there for another reason? How much money did he want? He? She? They? It was all getting to Drew, so many unanswered questions. What was he supposed to get out of this?! He was suddenly hit with an epiphany. "Flees! That would be dogs right? Like two weeks ago, we all were to some benefit at a dog park. I put stuff about it all over, Instagram, Vine, you know. That had to be it! It was the park on East!"

"You heard him!" Lorenzo bellowed into the room. "Meet us at dog park on East Ave!" The room was flooded with footsteps as everyone made their way out of the room, including Drew and Lorenzo.