Hello, fellow Emblems! Don't hate me for what you're about to read! It had to be done for a story! lol

Note: I do not own Emblem 3, to my dismay!

CHAPTER 1: Welcome To Twist

He pulled tight against the rope restraints around his wrists and legs. He struggled a bit against the chilly metal pole his back was against and arms around. Still, no budge. He had tried what must have been a million times to get loose even just so he could be comfortable, with no such luck. He couldn't even move the fabric tied around his mouth. He relaxed with a sigh, choosing to save his strangth for what may come.

The room he was in was dark and dusty. He believed it was a basement somewhere as there were no windows and there were pipes and wires in the ceiling. Many of the pipes had rust dust over them. There was little light, when his captors didn't leave the extremely bright flourecent lamps on that is. On one half of the room, clutter of boxes and chairs, the rest empty. The pole he was wrapped around was clearly newly installed. The floor was complete cement except in one corner where it was old wood. He shuddered, remembering his slight tumble down the ancient steps. He had landed painfully on his right shoulder.

His usual "Inspire" snapback was long gone by now. They had took his jacket and left him in just a sunset designed t-shirt, which was now ripped in places, streched in others, and covered in dirt, blood, sweat, and tears. His jeans were tattered and stained. His face, tear streaked and bruised, was filthy. He wondered where his friend and little brother were. Did they get them as well? Were they okay?

The unanswered questions probably bugged him worst of all. No matter how many times his kidnappers came to him, they never answered him, if they let him speak at all. He never heard sounds from around him or the room he was in. He didn't even know where he was, let alone if there were rooms for the others. He wished they were okay more then he wished he would get rescued. He couldn't stand the thought of what would be happening to his baby brother if they got him, it brought him to tears. He brought his knees up and rested his head against them. Fully exhausted, he didn't realize that he was falling asleep, reliving the past 48 hours in his dreams.

"Wow, that crowd rocked!" Keaton laughed, out of breath, as the boys ran off stage. Their live concert had just ended with a bang.

"Didn't it?!" Drew agreed, each high fiving the others.

They each grabbed a bottled water and went to their dressing room. They chose to share a room, though they had the option to each have their own. Since X-Factor, the boys were inseparable. "Hey, when we get back to the hotel, you guys want to hang out at the hangout?" Wesley asked. He was refering to the dance club, Twist, attached to the first floor of the hotel.

"Will I be able to get in?" Keaton asked, unsure if his age would stop him from the fun.

"Yeah, I checked it out, Wednesdays are any age as long as you're supervised by an adult," Wes laughed, grabbing Keaton and doing the usual big brother thing and giving him a nuggie. Keaton pushed him off.

"Yeah, sure," Drew answered the original quesiton.

It was then that the stage manager came in to tell them that their ride was there. They smiled at each other and walked out. Before they ran out to the car, security tried to make a sort of wall between them and the crazy fans that stayed after the show. There was loud screams and cries and the boys laughed, their Emblems were so dedicated! Counting to three, they each ran out, dodging the hands that flew out to them. They heard their names called behind them but they were coached to ignore them.

"I'm gonna sign us in, I'll meet you at Twist," Wes called to them as they parted ways. Their plans and rooms were all ready done but they liked to 'sign in' to keep some normalcy to their hectic lives. "I'm here to sign for Robert Micheal Trent," he said at the counter. Suddenly, he felt a presence behind. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he got goosebumps. Wes slowly turned around.

Behind him, in line, was a man. He was of average size, caucasin. His hair was spiked in random places and he was dressed in all black. He adorned a leather jacket, silver chain, and dark sunglasses. He held a bike helmet under his one arm. "Hey," he said, snapping Wes out of his trance.

"Uh, hi...you checking in?" Wes replied, stepping to the side for the man.

"Nah, I just need to sign," he stepped up. "So, you know any cool places around here to hang?"

"Um, there's a bowling alley like 10 miles down and a theater the other way."

"Nah, I heard some big star is staying here tonight, streets are packed, to go even that far and back would be a hassle, anywhere closer? Like walking distance?"

Wes smiled at their attention and his obliviation. "Uh, yeah, actually, there's a club here, Twist, its pretty rad."

"Oh, really? Hmm, maybe I'll check it out."

"Cool, well I'll catch ya' later, my boys are waiting on me," Wes laughed, walking away. Even to him though, the laugh was empty, he had this bad feeling. He tried to shake it off on the walk to the club.

Twist was designed very futuristic. The floor was pure pearl tiles and the walls were a sleek, white metal. There were four pillars that were in each corner of the black dance floor. The sterling silver tables were seperated around the floor with four white stools with red cushions to each table. Then, the place went a bit modern with splashes of different colored paints on white curtains hanging all over. At night, the lights would go out and the room would be lit with different colored lasers. It was actually a pretty chill place, like a teen style and adult style put to one.

Drew was already dancing with a girl. Her hair was long and black and she had one a tight, red dress. She seemed to be part latino as she moved around his step-step dance. She made it a show and Drew was definitely enjoying it. Keaton was flirting with a short brunette in the corner. Wes went over to join them.

"What took you so long, bro?" Keaton asked smiling.

"Ah, started having a convo with some guy, no biggie," Wes replied, starting to forget the eerie feeling he had gotten from the 20-something year old.

"Oh, cool, this is Becky," Keaton introduced them.

"Ello Becky!" Wes said with an awful British accent, making her and Keaton laugh. He was pretty random like that. "Well, I'm gonna go find someone like Drew's chick."

"Kay, peace," Keaton said half-heartedly, already back into Becky.

"Wassup?!" Wes yelled over the music to Drew.

"Nothing, bro, having a good time," he responded, not taking his eyes off the fierce diva pushing herself on him.

"She have a sister?!" Wes laughed, making Drew laugh in return.

Their night continued on pretty much like that. Becky and Keaton joined them on the floor for a few songs before going back to gazing in each other's eyes. Wes learned that Drew's girl's name was Mariah. Wes even managed to meet a short brunette, Kim, who he danced with. They stayed until closing, when they were kicked out. Wes and Keaton walked thier girls to their room while Drew walked her to his, not for sex though, he was a cuddler. By the time Wes and Keaton got back to their room, they were exhausted and fell asleep quickly.

Stay tuned for updates, though I can't promise ones every week! I hope that doesn't change your interest in it though!

I really appreciate reviews! (: