This is an answer to kitty132383's challenge ''Things I'm not allowed to do at Hogwarts''. I got the ''241. I will not sing "Defying Gravity" during Quidditch practice.''

Don't be to hard on my spelling and grammar, English is not my first language, and I've only studied it for three years.

It was a super hot forenoon and the Gryffindor Quidditch teams were at the Quidditch-field, ready to practice.

''Hey, where's James?'' Lukas Lövgren, the Quidditch-captain asked.

''Don't know, probably somewhere and prank Slytherins or maybe at detention,'' Miranda Longbottom said and shrugged.

''It's time to try, Defying Gravity; I think I'll try defying gravity…'' James's voice was heard.

''Where are you, idiot?!'' His sister Lily screamed/asked.

''If we work in tandem, there's no fight we cannot win, just you and I defying gravity, with you and I defying gravity, they're never bring us down!''


They were not able to see him because he was under he's invisibility cloak.

''So if you care to find me, look to the western sky…''

James took off his cloak and there he was, defying gravity in the western sky.

''Bring your as down here, now!''

''As someone told me lately, everyone deserves the chance to fly!'' James was so into his show that he didn't notice McGonagall coming up the Quidditch field.

''At least I'm flying free, take a massage bake from me, tell them how…''

''I've have a massage to you, Mr. Potter, detention for two weeks!''
