"Rei's going to be a few minutes late." Makoto announced to the group of women seated around the quiet booth. She flicked her cellphone shut and set it on the table beside her, trying to prepare for the absolutely inevitable…
"Why didn't she call meeeee?"
The brunette sighed wearily. "Minako, I don't know."
"Give me your phone!"
"Because if she sees my name on the caller ID, she won't answer!"
"That doesn't surprise me."
"Makoto!" blue eyes wibbled in her direction, complete with pouty lip, but she held firm.
"No. I don't want her screaming in my ear for a half hour."
Beside her, Usagi nodded sagely. "It's best to choose one's battles."
Minako scowled a bit, flopping back into the cushioned seat as she chewed on the end of her straw. Well fine. If she couldn't talk to Rei, she could talk about Rei. She took a long pull of the overly surgery soda and grinned wickedly. "Hey Makoto?"
"What?" the thunder soldier propped her chin up in one hand, casting a wary glance across the table.
"You really think Rei is a screamer?"
Makoto's elbow slipped, and she nearly smashed her head into the tabletop. Cheeks flushed, and the brunette could swear the tips of her ears were on fire. "What?"
Minako blinked at her innocently. "I said, do you think Rei is…"
"I heard you the first time!"
"Oh my God." Ami muttered, slinking down into her seat. Five minutes. They had only been here for five minutes and…
"I bet she is." Minako stated, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "All that passion, and she's just so angry all the time." Another pull on the straw. "I bet she's just wild."
"Why are we talking about this?" Usagi squeaked, her face a vibrant shade of red.
"Because it's fun?" Minako replied, as though it were the dumbest question she had ever heard. "Come on, can't you picture it?"
Makoto looked horrified. "No. No I can't. That's not something I really want to picture."
"I bet she's all love bites and fingernails." the blonde continued. "She can dig into shoulders and throw her head back, black hair everywhere…"
"And you wonder why she never answers the phone when you call."
"I bet she's a bottom." she nodded confidently, choosing to ignore Makoto. "She's got those long legs. Probably locks them around her partner's waist and…"
Ami was almost hyperventilating.
"And now I have that image in my head." Usagi cried, burying her face in her hands.
"Just stop." Makoto pleaded, knowing full well that it would fall on deaf ears.
"She'd make a good top too."
"I'm going to have nightmares." Ami whispered.
"She'd be all gentle at first, and whisper sweet, naughty things."
"You are sick. Very, very sick." Makoto groaned.
"And she's mouth breathing." Usagi added, noting the faraway look in Minako's eyes.
"She's too far gone now." the brunette agreed gloomily.
Minako was fidgeting with her near empty glass. "Then she'd pick up the pace."
The booth fell deathly silent.
"Little kisses everywhere, heating up in intensity."
Makoto's jaw was hanging open. "Uh, Minako?"
"Arms holding tight, warm and strong..."
"Minako!" Usagi hissed, waving her hands desperately.
"And she'd say, 'Are you okay with this?' her voice all low and sexy…"
Makoto covered her eyes. "Ooooh shit."
"Oh," Minako's voice climbed an octave. "Only if it's you, Rei-chan! I belong only to you!"
"Assume crash positions." Usagi squeaked.
Minako pressed her hands to her cheeks with an overly dramatic squeal. "Promise you won't be rough, Rei-chan!"
"Right now, I'm pretty sure I can't promise that." a low voice growled out, and it wasn't anywhere near sexy.
The blonde snapped out of her daydream, and caught angry violet eyes.
"Ahahaaa…" she laughed sheepishly, flashing a megawatt smile at the soldier now standing at the end of the table. "Rei-chan. What's up?"
"And I'm out." Makoto announced, rising to her feet and slamming her bag on the table, not daring to look the raven haired woman in the eye.
"I'm going with you!" Ami cried, nearly tripping over herself in her haste to vacant the premises.
"Oh my God, don't leave me here!" Usagi wailed, clinging to Makoto's arm.
Rei crossed her arms, unblinking, features set in a look that would have killed lesser beings.
"You know," Minako sighed, rattling the ice in her glass. "you should really answer your phone."
I have a fever, and I blame this one squarely on that. I shouldn't even be sitting up right now. XD