It almost seemed like a dream to Alfred. He didn't leave the room, it seemed that kiss left him into a haze. He looked at the door unsure of what he thought was going to happen. Then Matthew opened it to see his brother in such a goofy state.

"Alfred are you okay?"

"…What?" Alfred muttered through the cloud of his daze

"You don't look sick…so did things go well with you and Ivan?" Matthew asked as he began to take off his cloak and placed it on was the coat hanger.

"Well we spoke and then we started kissing"

"Wait did you guys complete the bond already?" Matthew asked in confusion as Alfred blushed.

"The hell Matt! No!" Alfred shouted as his brother raised an eyebrow at him.

"You're in a dreamy puppy eye face over a kiss?" Matthew questioned as Alfred huffed.

"When you put it like that, fuck man"

"Oh no, I just didn't think you would act like this. You know since 'a kiss is just a kiss'" Matthew quoted as Alfred rolled his eyes.

"That was clearly before I turned into a Veela. The rules change drastically once you have a mate" he pointed out as he sink back into his bed.

"So what was it like?"

"What was like?"

"The kiss"

"Now you're the one that sounds like a little girl" Alfred teased as Matthew blushed a bit.

"I just want to know what a soulmate kiss feels like" he reasoned as Alfred chuckled to himself.

"So when you kiss Natalia you can find out if she's the one?" he cheesed as Matthew's face turned scarlet.

"It's not like that!"

"It really is though, I saw it myself"

"So maybe it is…can you please just stop teasing me?"

"That takes away all the fun…" Alfred groaned as he sighed a bit.

"Forget it then" Matthew said as placed his bag on its hanger and went to his bed to play with his DS.

Alfred was partnered with Kiku to create a Draught of Living Death. It was less than hour in to the potion making. Alfred tried to take a peek at Kiku's notes since the Ravenclaw was a bit at scholar work than he ever was. As Kiku was stirring the potion. Alfred noticed that Professor Malfoy was staring at him again. Mostly, thanking the stars that Kiku was taking the lead.

"How is everything going?" Kiku questioned

"It's going, I can't started my private lessons with Professor Potter yet. But I have a match coming up soon against your house"

"Maybe, I should take a break from my studies to see this game" he said with a slight smile as Alfred grinned

"You fucking should! You never come see me play" Alfred whined

"Because he is a Ravenclaw and not your lover" Malfoy stressed as Alfred blushed a bit at the smart comment. "It seems you're potion is going well" Malfoy said as Kiku nodded. With that Malfoy went to another group who seemed to be struggling with the brew.

"Alfred, Feliciano told me you're thinking about dating Ivan" Kiku said suddenly as Alfred looked at his best friend a bit shocked he would ask that question. There was a time that the two dated. No one really knows about that relationship exploration; not even Matthew. It was when they were in their third year and Alfred just realized he liked Kiku's company. He foolishly misunderstood it as a romantic feeling. So, the two started dating, but Kiku was never physical with Alfred. Alfred misunderstood and thought that the Ravenclaw just was not interested in him. After Alfred broke up with Kiku. He started to sleep around with other people who did find him attractive. It was not until later there it was understood that Kiku was just not interested in sex. Alfred realized that was the issue with their relationship. He needed to be craved and desired. And now being a Veela only intensified those needs.

"Funny story, we're dating now"

"You're dating him?" Kiku a bit surprised

"Don't tell me you're jealous Kiku" Alfred teased lightly as the Japanese boy released a breath.

"Of course not, I just didn't know you wanted to him of all people. Isn't he the same guy who bullied you?"

"Don't you mean tried?" Alfred corrected him as Kiku only chuckled lightly.

"Are you two done chatting? This class is over. We'll pick up where we left off" Professor Malfoy said as the students left.

As Alfred and Kiku stepped out of the classroom. Both were greeted by the Russian who looked at the two with a curious glance.

"Good morning, Kiku" Ivan said with a tight smile as the Ravenclaw returned the tight smile.

"I'll be going to my class Alfred. I'll see you at lunch" Kiku walked to the opposite direction as Alfred turned his attention. He noticed the sudden bright smile on his lover's face. Alfred was a bit confused why Kiku would suddenly walk off like that.

"How was potions?"

"I'm only passing that class because Kiku is there with me" Alfred breathed as Ivan nodded.

"Well, I could help you study for it"

"No it's okay, Kiku and I have a study session. He usually asks me about that" Alfred said as Ivan took a hold of his hand.

"What are you doing?" Alfred asked lowly

"We're courting remember?"

"Right…right" Alfred muttered as his cheeks redden at the realization.

"Didn't you get my owl last night?" Ivan questioned

Of course, he got the owl. After yesterday, Ivan had been sending nothing but multiple letters. In just one day, Alfred was showered with gifts and letters. He wasn't used to this treatment. But the Veela in him loved this special treatment. But, he couldn't deny that he did think it was sweet. It felt nice to be loved by someone else.


"Why didn't you write me back?"

"…It wasn't much of a letter that demanded a reply"

"Really? I thought it did"

"All you wrote was that you're thankful that we're finally courting"

"Yes, but don't you feel that same?" As the two walked closer to the classroom.

"I don't know, we just started dating. I'm feeling it out"

"Right, you've never dated anyone" Ivan said with a slight smile on his lips.

"What are you smiling like that?"

"Because I'm happy"

"Happy about what?"

"That I'm the first and only person you'll love"

Alfred's cheeks redden and the gasped of some of his classmates. Others whispering to themselves as they walked into the classroom.

"I should get to class" Alfred said as Ivan nodded

"Have a good time, I'll see you later" Ivan said with a slight bow and walked to his class.

After taking a seat Alfred could see people whisper and gossiping. And he knew this would happen. After all, how could rivals instantly become boyfriends? Alfred reminded himself that he had to focus. He needed to listen and take notes. His dream of becoming an Auror wasn't going to be effected because of this bond. He'll be damned if it did.

After class Alfred walked over to Professor Potter after class. The Professor was shuffling some papers when he noticed Alfred.

"Good job today Alfred"

"Thank you Professor. I have a favor to ask you"

"What is that Mr. Kirkland?"

"Would you mind having private lessons with me? I want to make sure I know these spells for the NEWTS"

"Mhm, dedication, I have no problems helping a student reach their goal. When would you like to start?"

"Tomorrow if possible"

"I'll send you an owl to see if that's possible with my schedule. I'm very proud of you, Alfred. You'll make an excellent Auror that I'm sure"

"Thank you very much Professor"

"But Alfred, I do have a question. And stop me if I'm crossing the line. Are you and Ivan really dating?"


"Mhm, Draco was telling me that something was going on with the two of you. But I never really bothered to think about it" Professor Potter said as Alfred laughed awkwardly.

"Don't worry, it won't disturb my studies"

"I'm not worried, just remember to have fun too" he said as Alfred nodded.

"Good bye, Professor"

"I'll owl you to let you know anything"

"Alfred, it's true then? You're dating Ivan?" Feliciano asked as Alfred laughed awkwardly as he drank his pumpkin juice.

"There are rumors going around about you two hold hands and talking to class together" Lovino said

"…Work gets by really fast…" Alfred muttered

"Mama mi! It's true!" the Italians twins shouted as Matthew started laughing

"Calm down please, they just started dating. Let's not jinx them" Matthew said as Feliciano puffed his cheeks.

"Of course not, this is after all Alfred's second boyfriend~" Feliciano said looking at Kiku. The Japanese Ravenclaw nearly coughed on his glass of pumpkin juice from that comment. He looked up and Feliciano who was smiling innocently as if he had no idea what he was uncalled for.

"Oh Ivan and Natalia just walked in" Ludwig said as he took a bite of his potatoes.

When Ivan walked in Alfred fault the heat from his glare. He didn't know how to react to that. Was he trying to state something to him? Or make a statement to the school that they were dating? But for some reason he found that pretty hot. Just claimed publicly by Ivan was enough to make the Veela voice stop talking. As they walked closer to the table. Ivan smiled and walked towards Alfred.

"Are you enjoy lunch?" he asked

"Yea, lunch is good like always. Do you want to sit with us?"

"…I…" he was stunned from the sudden invitation. The Slytherin took a quick survey of the table. Matthew moved a bit to make room for both Ivan and Natalia. The rest of lunch was spent with hearing Ludwig and Kiku's theories about how Wizards and Muggles are still the same species. Of course, Feliciano just remember they had homework for charms. Lovino and Antonio were talking about their upcoming holiday plans. Well Matthew was trying to read a book while Natalia stared at him. It was pretty normal things. Minus, Ivan sitting at the table. He didn't seem much, just watched the whole thing. But, he seemed amused by his friends which was a good sign.

"That reminds me; what would you like to do for Halloween?" Ivan asked suddenly breaking Alfred's trance.


"Yes Alfred, Halloween"

"Oh right…Halloween. There masquerade ball planned this year. Feliciano and a few others are responsible for it. I was thinking about going

"A Masquerade ball, interesting" Ivan marveled

"What do you have in mind?"

"Nothing as of now. But I would be nice to see you in a costume…" his voice trailed as he took a bite of an apple muffin.

"Alfred you have to come!" Feliciano cried out pausing from looking though his notes.

"I don't know, I didn't really think about it this year. I have a lot of shit going on" Alfred explained

"Well, I'll like to go" Natalia voiced.

"I guess I'll go…" Matthew quietly answered as Natalia smiled as him.

"I'll ask mom to send us something. I'm sure she'll be excited" Alfred stated

"Your mother has always been the creative type" Ludwig said.

"Remember it is a formal ball" Feliciano said matter-of-fact tone that surprised everyone including Ludwig heard.

"Feliciano" Ludwig said with shock still laced in his voice.

"What? I'm just saying what a member of the Council should remind students" he explained

"Right, I'll be heading off now" Kiku said

"So soon?" Feliciano pouted as Kiku chuckled a bit.

"I have to look over a few things. I'll see later" he said as he left the hall.

"Ivan Mattie, let's get ready for Care of Magical Creatures" Alfred asked as he stood up.

Both Matthew and Ivan explained a looks. And Matthew could instantly tell that Ivan wanted to be left alone with Alfred.

"You two can go ahead. I have to pick something up"

He turned stood up from the table, said his good byes and walked over.

"Shall we?"

"Everyone is acting pretty weird" Alfred said after class as Ivan hummed in slight confusion.

"Matthew only said hi to me in class"

"Well we were in our research pairs" Ivan pointed out still lightly humming to himself.

"And that we're not walking to charms together…these are the two classes we have together"

"He did say he had to speak with Hagrid about his partner.

"…Yea, but still that isn't like Matt" Alfred pouted soon the two were in front of the charms classroom. They exchanged quick good byes and parted way. Alfred took a seat next to Matthew was writing from on his notebook. Then he ripped the paper and handed it to Alfred.

'Ivan is being too dominate'

'What do you mean?'

'He is scaring everyone around you'

'Is that why you walked away from us'

'It must be the new courting thing. But he is doing what he did with Yao before'

'I'll talk to him about it. I don't like shit like that'

'He might not even notice that's what he does'

'I'm pretty sure he does…but why didn't I notice it?'

'You're a submissive. You're not going to think too much of it until the bond is completed. But I don't want you to get trapped in that relationship by accident'

Suddenly Professor Bonnefoy strolled into the room whistling a light tune. And everyone knew, he got laid. The Frenchman was easy to read. He was only this cheerful when he had sex. He was unbearable if he went even one night without it. But today, his tune was light and merry as he walked into the room.

"Good afternoon class. As a daily reminder, love is beautiful" he said with a smile on his face as the class only nodded. They opened their notebooks ready to write their notes.

Ivan was waiting outside the classroom. His eyes meeting Alfred. Alfred felt a chill run down his spine.

"Shall we?" Ivan asked as Alfred blushed a bit.

"You don't have to walk me to every class"

"But, I want to" the Slytherin said as Alfred blus cheeks redden. Soon the two began to walk as Alfred noticed the frighten stares from some of the classmates. He would looked up at Ivan to see that his face oozed such a strong negative energy into the space. This is what Matthew was talking about at Charms. Ivan was being…well Ivan. He always had the face. That glare when they were just rivals. Although, Ivan said he never hated him.

"Alfred, what are you thinking about?"

"That we need to talk"

"Talk? About what?"

"About this courting thing…"

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Look let's talk about this after my class"


"No? Ivan I have class right now"

"Just miss it, this is more important. Our relationship is more important than how to transform a key into a bird" he said as people gasped and began to whisper. This just what he didn't want their relationship to be.

"Fine! We'll talk about this!" he shouted as he walked ahead of Ivan. Ivan followed behind him realizing that he only made the situation worse. Soon the two were in front of the Room of Requirements. And a door opened instantly as Alfred opened the door and walked to the couch that was in front of them. Ivan sat down and was silent as he looked at the angered Veela that was pacing the room.

"All day I was thinking of you know this dating thing is cute"


"Let me finish Ivan. You were with me the whole day and the Veela part of me was quiet because I was next to you. And I was happy because it finally stopped crying! That shit wouldn't stop fucking crying for days. And you know what, I like hanging out with you. I like holding your hands and you walking me to class"

"…I'm confused where the issue is Dove"

"I'm getting there. What I don't like is the face you make"

"My face?"

"The face you make to create distance. Everyone is too scared to even get close to me. Even Matt is scared to get close to me"

"He was fine at lunch"

"Yea, because we were having lunch before you got there. I need you to work on that" Alfred said as Ivan fited his glance at his mate. This is what he wanted to talk to him about? His presence in the hallway. Was Alfred that drift? Did he realize he was always like this? That people always feared him. But, if even Matthew was a bit nerves to talk his own twin to class. There could be some truth in Alfred's speech.

With a sigh Ivan stood up and walked to the smaller male. The Veela instantly stilled when he noticed his mate's movement.

"I've always been scary to other people"

"Not to me, a jerk but not scary" A smile tugged on Ivan's lips as he lowered his head a bit and placed his forehead against Alfred's. Their blue eyes and violet eyes staring into the other, it was Ivan who spoke first in a low husky voice.

"I would like to kiss you"

"…Do you have to ask? We're dating"

"Courting, dove. There is a difference"

"…What's the difference?" Alfred whispered softly.

"I can see why Americans would get confused" Ivan said as he placed an arm around the Veela's waist.

"Dating is one or two dates. But both parties knows nothing might come from it" Ivan then pulled Alfred closer than their chest were pressed together.

"As for courting, I plan to marry you" He said roughly against Alfred's ear.

"Again…may I kiss you?"


It wasn't soft and it was hard as Alfred thought it would be. Ivan's lips were firm yet soft. As their lips molded together. Alfred could felt Ivan's tongue brush against his lower lips. The Veela opened his mouth and the kiss deepened. Kissing Ivan left Alfred weak in the knees. He placed his arms around his mate's neck pulling him closer. Their tongues dancing graceful as Alfred moaned into the kiss. Ivan pulled away to look at his lover who's eyes were in a slight daze.

"Cute" Ivan said as Alfred smiled a bit.

"I'm cute? Well, I'm already skipping class. Want to make out?"

"The best idea I heard all day"

A/N: I just decided to take down the previous chapters. Because the direction this story is now going, is very different than it's first draft. Just a reminder, almost is not all my stories are first drafts. To save myself horror of just bothering you guys. When I update it's just going to say new chapter. Because it is a brand new chapter! Thank you and thanks for sticking around for this story. Have a blessed day.