Alfred yawned as Matthew looked at his brother with nervous smile. It had be a week since they returned to Hogwarts and the Gryffindor already was starting to procrastinate. It was not even as if the term even started yet. It was just Alfred starting to finish his summer assignment that at this point he was pretty sure he was not going to bother to finish.

"Al, you have to finish the Potions assignment" his brother warned him

"Yea yea…but this is so boring" he whined as his brother threw his head on the desk.

"…Or are you thinking about what Mom and Dad warned you about?" Matt asked. Alfred sighed at the thoughts.

Their father as they learned from his friends, co-workers, and grandparents; their father had an obsession with magical creatures. Even now, he had what both Alfred and Matthew would testify as a zoo in their backyard filled with every creature that was deemed safe enough to have around children. He even married their mother. Their mother was a sweet caring squib. However, she had so many different magical creatures' lines in her veins it was an unexpected she would be presented as a squib. Even the magic skipped right passed her generation it seemed. Apparently for Alfred at least he did not have that type of luck. The gene had skipped Matthew. Even though they were twins. It seems that Alfred was insured to have some type of inheritance this year. Into what no one knew, there was far too many possibilities to keep track. Even the Healers were puzzled over the extensive family tree. To comfort him a bit, his mother decided to list all the creatures he could possibly be. And Alfred being the type of student he was, never made it pass A from the thousand page book.

"Well…are you?"

"Mattie, let's not talk about it. I need Kiku or Ludwig to help me out. Like what the fuck is this saying?" he complained as his twin only sighed. If Alfred had just his homework alongside Matthew this would have never happened.

"Then we could go visit the Ravenclaw tower"

"But I don't want to move" Alfred whined as he closed his eyes.

"But you have to finish your work tonight"

"I have until tomorrow"

"Classes start tomorrow!" his younger brother cried out as Alfred ignored the plead.

"I'm yours" the blond whispered against the broad built man's ear. The American was placed sitting on the man's lap. The trembling man looked at the face of the man. He could not make out the face. However, the blurred face lends towards him and placed a loving kiss on the smaller man's lips, the feeling that rushed through the man's spine at the touch.

"Indeed…you are mine" he muttered in a huskily familiar accent.

Alfred woke up with a heavy pant. He looked around the room in confusion. He swiped the sweat from his forehead. He reached for his glasses until he realized he saw everything perfectly. He stopped as he looked around almost in confusion. He always was near-sighted as a child. It be that the transformation was finished? Was correcting his poor vision put of the change? He stood up and noticed his back felt slightly heavier. He turned and noticed a pair of wings that looked like it belonged to a bird of prey. The feathers were a light shade of brown with slicks of gold. He was slightly disappointed that they were more like the wings of the bald eagle his favorite bird.

"Matt! It happened!" Alfred shouted as his twin groaned

"…Al it's like three in the morning"

"Come on, look at how cool they are!" he shouted as he pointed to the wing behind him. Matthew stared blankly. He then reached for his glasses. As soon as he noticed Alfred's wings he covered his hands over his mouth to surpass his screams.

"I thought I was going to get dark wings" Alfred pouted as he sat on the bed. Trying to imagine himself with dark brown wings.

"Really that's what you're thinking about?"

"What else is there to think about?"

"I don't know…maybe figuring out what creature you are now?" Matthew uttered reminding Alfred he was no longer human.

"Maybe I'm an angel now?"

"No, angels are normally really goody-too-shoes. And you're more like a demon than an angel"

"Maybe I'm not the so 'normal' ones. Did you think about that bro?" Alfred defended as he brother just stared at him.

"The only 'other' bad angel is Satan and you're not Satan so that's out"

"Okay then boy genius. Just what am I now?"

"To me it looks like you got Mom's Veela's side"


"Yea…they are dark magical creatures. They have wings and are kinda like sirens minus the water and singing part"

"Oh, that's not so bad"

"…Well, the one problem I see for you is this. They have life mates. They are destined for each other. One is the dominant and the other is submissive. If your mate decides to reject you…you're going to either die, or go insane."

"Okay, so can you tell which one is dominant and submissive?" Alfred asked a bit curious about the whole thing.


"Okay so I'm the Dom right?"

Matthew was silent as stared at his older brother. Alfred's smile fell once he noticed the look on his brother's face.

"Wait…I'm the fucking Submissive!"

"…You don't have talons…and your wings are kinda tiny"

"Tiny?! These things are huge to me! And maybe my talons will come in later" he reasoned

"It doesn't work like that Al. It's a one switch transformation. A dominant's wing span would cover this whole room"

"W-what?! Why are their wings so big then?!"

"To protect their mate and children"

"This is totally fucked up…" Alfred muttered as he looked at the ceiling.

"For now on, you need to use a glamour until you figure out how to seal your wings. And one tiny little detail"

"Bro, this can't get any worse"

"…Everyone in the school is going to want to fuck you"

"Okay like that's anything new" Alfred said with a roll of his eyes.

"…No…I mean like they will rape you on the spot if you're not careful" his brother explained

"…Okay…sex is good"

"Alfred listen to me, if you have sex with someone that isn't your mate. You will die"

Alfred stared blankly at this twin. This was starting to turn into really bad fantasy book.

"I don't think I would mind. If I die at least it was a good fuck" he said no longer caring about the his own death

"You will die! The moment a dick enters you, so won't have the chance to orgasm"

"Why does this have to happen to me" Alfred groaned as he sat on the bed with his arms crossed against his chest. Matthew sighed and walked over to his twin and gave him a tight hug. Honestly, he could not say he understand what his brother was going through. However he was going to try his best not to make his brother's transition less painful.

"Come on we have to get you to Madam Pomfrey"

"What?! I don't want to deal with that woman now"

"Come on Alfred, she's the school's healer and she'll ask mom and dad to flow in to help you a bit" his brother reasoned. With a roll of the eyes Alfred cast a quick glamour and followed his brother to the hospital wing. It felt awkward to need glasses. He did not like not feeling the weight of the frames on his ears or the weight of the lens at the bridge of his nose. These are only the smallest of complaints due to his transformation. Now that Alfred's memories was coming back to him. He had woken up due to his dream. His very sexy dream, Matthew's claim of him being a submissive was true. Even in his dream he was the bottom. Not that he minded it in the dream. It only hurt his ego in reality. He knew he'll get over it as he always did. The only thing that really bothered him was the voice. The tiny, faintest voice he had ever heard in his life. A voice that was pleading for him search for his mate. A voice he choose to ignore. After, he still had no real idea what he was now. A Veela, but just what do Veela do? What about him has stayed the same and what about him as changed? What part of his old self was no longer part of his new self? The weight of the transformation was finally taking its toll on him. Once they reached the hospital wing Alfred was almost glad to see the Madam. She looked at the twins and narrowed her eyes at them.

"What is it this time?"

"And this is why I didn't want to fucking come here!" Alfred shouted as the older witch narrowed her eyes at the blond. Walked towards the Healer, Matthew begun to explain the current situation. The woman giggled a bit causing Alfred to glare at her.

"It seems you can't go to class this morning. Either can you Matthew, I'll tell the professors that the twins are having a family issue" the witch said as she walked away.

"I'm sure she's going to floo in mom and dad" his younger brother reasoned as the twin rolled his eyes.

Just like Matt said Madam Pomfrey called their parents and at eight in the morning their bubbling parents walked towards them. Their mother had her blonde hair in a bun with her professional looking robes. While their father had on his casual clothes. Showing he had no plans to go to any of his meetings today. Their mother went to hug Alfred as he laid their limp unsure how to react to her embrace.

"Allie, look how beautiful you became" she said with excitement reflecting in her voice and eyes.

As Alfred like to put it, their mother had a horrible habit of calling him Allie. He knew she thought of it as nothing more than an innocent nickname. However, it almost sounded as if she wanted him to be a girl rather than a boy. She only ever called him, Allie around family to save him from the embarrassment. She rubbed her son's feather to check their health. She then sat down next to them as she looked at her husband. Of course, their father was not so sure how to take the news. Had this happened to anyone else in his wife's side of the family he would have jump at the chance to visit and look at the new creature. However, this was his son. He was not too sure how to handle this.

"Well Alfred…"

"I'm basically a bird" he groaned.

"No sweetheart, you're a veela…you didn't read the book I gave you?"

"Madison, everyone knows he didn't read the book. Why the bloody hell would you think he would even bother?"

His wife rolled her eyes and she tried her best to soothe her upset son. Matthew felt rather useless looking at the scene. He turned to notice a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Anyways…you'll be fine once you have your mate" Madison cooed as Alfred groaned

"What happens if I don't want a mate?"

"Oh please Alfred; all veela want the same thing. Have their mate and bear children for them and be happy" his father said

"What are you talking about? I'm still a guy. I can't have kids" he reasoned. Alfred quickly noticed the blank stares from everyone in the room as panic begun to surface.

"I can get pregnant?!" he shouted

"Well Allie, remember your uncle Leonardo?"

"Why? Are those his kids?! I thought they adopted them!"

"Alfred, how could he adopt kids that look just like him and Robert?"

"You never know! Maybe they are good at picking!" he tried to reason as he got blank stares again.

"Great, now I'm a girl with a penis" he groaned as the Healer giggled a bit. Alfred narrowed his eyes at her.

"Can you leave now? Clearly, I need alone time"

"I'm sorry that I roughed your feathers" she laughed as she walked out of the room.

"Just kill me now…" he muttered

"Relax Alfred; it's not going to be the ending of your life. Just a whole new beginning" his mother said as she kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm sorry your father and I have to run. We have an appointment in just ten minutes. Good luck Allie" his mother said as their father nodded and followed after her. And just like that Alfred was left alone with his brother unsure of what to do. Madam Pomfrey returned and chuckled a bit as she noticed Alfred was groan in misery.

"Matthew, I've told all your professors about your brother's current situation. You may stay if you want" she told the younger twin with a sweet voice.

"Thank you Madam Pomfrey but I really need to make sure my notes are well-written. I don't want to bother Kiku and Ludwig for them" he explained. The healer nodded as Matthew said a quick good bye to his brother he dashed out of the hospital wing. Leaving the newly-fond Veela crushed. Madam Pomfrey gave the winged-being a potion to help calm his nerves and advised him to go to sleep to relax a bit. Alfred at this point only nodded as he pulled the covers over his head and forced himself to fall asleep.

"Ve~ Matthew where is Alfred?" Feliciano asked as the blonde stiffen at the question.

It was lunch and most of the Hogwarts students mixed within different houses. Even though Alfred pointed out that most of their friends were Hufflepuffs and a few Ravenclaws. Ludwig looked at his dotting boyfriend and nodded in agreement. 'Crap, even Ludwig noticed' he thought as he knew just what was going to happen next.

"Yes, even though Alfred is a lazy idiot. He never skips the first day of class. He looks to see how everyone has grown over the summer" Ludwig said as he took a sip of his coffee

"Yea, so he can hatch a plan to fuck half the class" Lovino pointed out as Antonio laughed at this boyfriend's comment.

"Well, he is sick right now…" Matthew weakly explained

The others simply stared at him. He knew they did not believe a single word he said but he was not going to say to his friend; that his brother was now a magical creature. That was not his business to tell the world. Just as he was worried that they would as another question, Kiku and Yao were walking together towards the table.

"What the heck is Yao doing here?!" Feliciano shouted as Ludwig only sighed

"…He wanted some space" Kiku explained quietly

"Space from what?" Lovino said in confusion.

"Clearly…Hufflepuff don't know how to take a hint" Yao said with a roll of his eyes.

"So Ivan, broke up with you" Ludwig said in his matter-of-fact voice. A slight bit of tears formed in the corners of the Chinese Slytherin's eyes at the comment.

"Don't talk to me about that arsehole" he nearly growled

"I take it wasn't a mutual break up" Matthew laughed weakly.

"Apparently he just suddenly broke things off with Yao" Kiku explained as the Slytherin nodded his head in agreement.

"Well, maybe there were signs and you were just too blind to see it"

"Oh yea, the sign at midnight last night he was muttering I love you. Then at 3am just cuts it off as if it was nothing. I clearly should have known" Yao said with venom in his voice.

"Clearly we know what position you were" Lovino said as he ate his slice fourth slice of pizza

"Same as you, everyone in qudditch team notices" Yao said and it caused Lovino's cheek to match the color of a tomato.

"Well, that's kinda odd for him just to break up with you. Ivan was clearly very much in love with you" Ludwig reasoned as Yao's face harder trying to willing himself.

"Please calm down Yao" the Japanese Ravenclaw said.

"Well you guys, I'll be back in time for magically creature. I'm going to check on Alfred" the blonde said as he left the table.

Matthew was sure that Alfred was still asleep but he did not feel comfortable lying to his friends about this. He knew that that if he stayed any longer the topic go back to him. Matthew was a horrible liar, it came to major things. He was good at lying about small unimportant things. However, the fact that Alfred was now a Veela would have been too difficult to lie about. He walked into the hospital wing and noticed that Alfred was just flipping through one of his qudditch magazines with an expression of pure boredom.

"Alfred…are you okay?"

"Just bored" he muttered

"Just bored?"

"I want to go to class" he said in the same dull voice.

"…Who are you and where is Alfred?"

"Shut up Matt, it's me. I'm just so bored in this place" as he shoved his brother with the magazine.

"Do you think that Madam Pomfrey would let you going to class?" Matthew asked

"Well I don't see why not? He seems perfectly fine" the Healer said suddenly taking the two by surprise. She performed a quick scan over the Veela to make sure everything was as it should be. She then dismissed them much to Alfred's excitement. Matthew did look at this brother closely. Last night was too dark, and he was also too tired to really see the difference in Alfred. He was still the same height. However, his eyes was a little lighter than before. It was too much of a change but ever so slight. He did not talk like he used to. Alfred was most of a feminine walk to him. Not that he was going to tell his brother that. His eyelashes were longer and they curled up rather than straight. His lips were a bit fuller but will has the same shape. His skin was flowing and looked almost dewy. And his hair was longer. But Matthew was pretty sure Alfred noticed that change since it was clearly as day.

The two walked into the Care of Magical Creatures a tad late, they were pretty sure that Hagrid would not be too upset with them being tardy. Hagird and their father were very close friends who would swap information about creatures. It was almost second nature to see the wizard in their backyard talking to their father well, petting the creatures. As the pair walked to their seats they noticed that it seemed this year it was Gryffindor and Slytherins mixed together. This only made Matthew hope to Merlin that Ivan was not in their class. And as if it was a cruel test of god there come the Russian with his crowd of faithful followers. Not that Matthew was going to lie. Ivan was very good looking; he had platinum blonde hair with blue eyes that almost looked violet. He was tall with broad shoulders that only make it even clearer that he had an ideal manly body-fame. Clearly the summer was good to him since the Russian looked even more handsome than before.

"Look Alfred at how much Ivan changed" he whispered to his twin. Alfred stole a glance at the upper classmate who was chuckling at something one of his Slytherin friends said. Alfred quickly turned his head when he started to feel his heart rising and his cheek turned a scarlet color. "That's him! That your mate!" Alfred's inner voice shouted in excitement as the Veela tried to ignore it. Why Ivan? Of all the people in the bloody school why did it have to be Ivan? Matthew noticed the reaction and raised an eyebrow at his older twin.

"Are you okay Al?" he whispered. Before Alfred would tell his brother anything Hagrid started his lecture.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, since most of you are coming of age. I thought it would be a grand idea to teach you folks, about some creature inherit that some of you might know about. This is a very sensitive time for most of the students. So there are a list of common creatures a wizard or witch might turn into.

"Alfred do you think that dad had a talk with Hagrid about you?" he whispered. But the younger twin turned to notice that his brother was not listening to him at all. Veela would not stop looking at his lap so intensely. 'What's wrong with him' Matthew thought as he placed a hand on his twin's shoulder.

"Are you feeling okay Alfred? If you want to go back to the hospital wing let me know" Matthew said as Alfred looked at his brother with a tiny smile on his lips.

"Thanks bro, I'll let you know if anything"

"Now, go break up in pairs of two. I'll assign the pairs to one creature. I expect both you to help each other on this project" he explained. Before Matthew could say anything Ivan was already in front of Alfred smiling well Alfred stated looking into his lap.

'…It has to be the transformation' the twin thought.

Submissive Veela try to make themselves smaller when they see a larger being close by. And since Veela was unmated it could be worse since he naturally felt defenseless. Matthew knew until Veela found his mate he would have to help defend his brother. So he took a step between Alfred and Ivan. This seemed to take Ivan for surprised as his lips curled a bit to the right side of his face.

"Hello, Matthew how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay thank you. What do you want with Alfred?"

"I just want to say hello. It has been months since I last seen the two of you" Ivan explained as Matthew narrowed his eyes.

"Alfred's not feeling good. So can you have your little hexing talk later?" Matthew said as Ivan's face relaxed into his blank stare.

"Is he now, he must have a fever since his face is red. He also looks a bit flushed" Ivan pointed out.

"I'm fine, I'll just go use the bathroom" Alfred said quickly nearly running to the door.

"Why did you leave?" the voice hissed in disapproval. He just became a Veela is was not like he was going to accept that a Slytherin. And Ivan Braginski, the sadist of the two of them had hated each other since the day they met. Ivan had asked him to be friends and Alfred declined because he heard numerous rumors just how awful the Russian was to his 'so-called-friends'. From that point on, the two have been archrival. They always tried to best the other in anything. But Braginski his mate? The person he was going to have children with. The person he had a wet dream about? Nope, Alfred refused to accept this reality at this moment. This was not happening he was use of it.

Well walking to the bathroom there was a Hufflepuff walking to the same direction. However the guy stopped right in front of Alfred blocking him from moving forward. So Alfred took a step to the left only to have the Hufflepuff block him.

"What the fuck man? I'm trying to go somewhere"

"You're so pretty" he muttered as Alfred stared at him. Fuck it was the allure, he completely forgot about it.

"You're joking right. Come on dude let me get through" Then suddenly the man pushed Alfred into the bathroom. He slammed Alfred into the wall and held the Veela's wrist over his head.

"I just want to show you a good time" he whispered against his ear then took a long lick up Alfred's neck.

"You have to be fucking kidding me!" the blonde shouted as he realized someone grabbed the Hufflepuff off of him.

"Are you alright?" Ivan asked as he looked into Alfred's eyes causing the Veela to blush madly. Then the Hufflepuff came back trying to pull Ivan away from Alfred. Then Ivan casted a wordless hex it seemed since the man was not screaming as if something was attacking him. "Look our mate came to see if we were okay". Alfred ignored the voice as Ivan stood in front of him not moving.

"Personal space there buddy" he said as Ivan only nodded in understanding.

"Was he an ex-boyfriend?" Ivan asked suddenly as Alfred looked at him in confusion.

"No, but why would you ask me that?" He quickly noticed just what the Russian said.

"I was just curious. I don't see another reason for someone to focus themselves on you" he said with a dangerous tone.

"It was nothing, it was a onetime thing I'm sure. Anyways, thanks for everything…" Alfred said unsure just how Ivan was going to react. The Russian only nodded his head slowly and returned to the direction of the courtyard.

As soon as he entered the Hospital Wing. The Healer went to check for an abnormality. When her showed he was stable. She advised Alfred to take a break for a moment to relax.

"Hey, I have a question"

"Yes, dear?"

"My allure, does it affect everyone?"

"Well, it'll affect nearly everyone but your family"

"So are you affected by it?"

"No, since I'm don't fit the role you're searching for"

"Oh…Oh!" Alfred as he started to understand what the older witch was saying.

"So, my scent would only affect Dominates right?"

"Okay, so serious question and don't laugh"

"If this is a professional question I won't"

'So there is a voice in my head. That told me that I found my mate. Thing is my mate doesn't seem all that hot and bothered to me"

"Well, your gut feelings are never wrong. It might not look that way to you. But everyone deals with sexual tension differently" she reasoned as Alfred' face paled.

Fuck, so it was true. Ivan Braginski was his mate. This is not want he had planned at all.

Hello, thank you for reading this story. For those who don't know much about this title. It was inspired by the endless trope in the Harry Potter fandom. I thought it would a creative spin to put the boys in that universe. If you do choice to read on, please note the other chapters are all 1st drafts. So the quality is much much lower sorry about that. Thank you for reading.