Hey everyone. No The Escaped Love has been discontinued, but this is a new story! PPG and Rrb are not owned by me.

Chapter One: Stupid Boy

"So are we going to do it?" Brick asked.
Blossom just shook her head.
"It's too early for that," she responded.
"It is Brick, now stop being a baby."
Oh the joys of being in a relationship, Brick and Blossom where arguing about weather they where going to cook dinner together. Blossom is an awesome cook, and well Brick not so much. Still, he was improving. I look over at my other sister Bubbles and she is giggling with her boyfriend Boomer. It makes me sick. As for me, well... I was single and loving it.

You see Brick and Boomer are brothers. There is a third brother who well, hates my guts. Honestly I hate him too. Sadly we play on the same ice hockey team, so we have to get along. Yeah I play hockey, only girl on the Townsville North High team. We have a game in two hours and the five of us where waiting for Butch to show up at the school. I was starting to get impatient.
"Buttercup! Don't worry, he'll be here," Bubbles said to me looking away from Boomer.
"I know, it's just. Ugh! If he is late again, coach will be angry at the entire team. And I don't want him to me at me."
"Selfish!" Boomer coughed.
I just glared him for even saying that.

About thirty minutes passed before we heard screeching tires. A boy entered the building heaving.
"Where have you been Butch?" Brick smartly asked.
"Sorry! Was kissing with a chick," he responded.
Of course he was. Idiot boy, if he spent as much time flirting as he did on scoring, we wouldn't be 2-5 this early in the season.
"Come on, we have to head to lockeroom. Buttercup why didn't you just go down before us." Boomer said to me.
"Because the last time I went down before Brick showed up, he never did!"
Blossom and Bubbles gave their boyfriends long goodbye kisses which disgusted me. They didn't even say goodbye to me, and I'm their sister!

"Come on guys, break it up. Lets go!" Butch now po'ed said.
"Before I kiss the-"
"You say it, I will punch you in your face," I told him with a warning look.
All he did was pout at me. There a times where though, I really wanted to punch him. Finally, the two boys where done and the four of us headed to the lockerooms to get ready to get on the buses for the rink. Meanwhile, Blossom and Bubbles got into Blossom's car to head there ahead of us. I was just hoping that today's game would go well for us.