Teach Me Tonight

By Lady of Spain

Chapter 1: Growling Pains

Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight.

Teach Me Tonight

Did you say that I've got a lot to learn?

Well, don't think I'm trying not to learn

Since this is the perfect spot to learn

Teach me tonight

Starting with the A, B, C of it

Getting right down to the X, Y, Z of it

Help me solve the mystery of it

Teach me tonight

One thing isn't very clear my love

Teachers shouldn't stand so near my love

Graduation's almost here my love

You'd better teach me tonight

I who thought I knew the score of it

Kind of think I should know much more of it

Off the wall, the bed, the floor of it

Hey, teach me tonight

The midnight hours come slowly creeping

When there's no one there but you

There must be more to life than sleeping

Single in a bed for two

What I need most is post graduate

What I feel is hard to articulate

If you want me to matriculate

You'd better teach me tonight

What do you get for lessons, teach me
Come on and teach me, teach me tonight.

Excerpts from the song lyrics: Teach Me Tonight

I was fourteen years old, a happy, helpful kid, living with a mom, dad and sister who loved me. I liked girls, and sports, and living in La Push. I loved the close-knit community. I even liked school. More than that, I was the friendliest kid in the Quileute nation. Most everyone liked me, well except for Paul—but he was a grump. By that I mean Paul had a short fuse. Man, he was ready to rumble at a minute's notice. Had the muscle to back it up too. You didn't mess with Paul Lahote, unless you enjoyed pain. I don't think he actually hated me though, he just said I got on his nerves on account of—I talked too much. So, what? I liked to talk. How else did you get to know people? And I was definitely a people person.

I didn't get why all the girls were always making goo goo eyes at him. For some reason, they all found him sexy. I wanted to learn how to be sexy too, so I asked him one day while we were in the cafeteria, eating lunch, "Hey, Paul, how come the girls are always following you around."

He leaned back in his chair and with a mouth full of food, and in typical sarcastic fashion, fired back, "What do you need to know for? You're fourteen; you're still a dumb kid."

"You don't have to be so mean about it. You're always rubbing it in. Some day I'll be fully grown; as tall as you are. And actually, I am not dumb. Far from it—I'm one of the best students in all of my classes. Jeez, I just want to know how to get the girls to follow me around. You know they all think you're sexy, don't you?"

Paul made a face at me, and blurted, "Nooo—ya think?"

"Oh, come on Paul, what's your secret. I want to be known as Smokin' Seth when I'm your age."

"Pft! Good luck with that, junior."

I felt like a puppy, standing on his hind legs begging for a doggie treat. "Just one pointer, just one."

"Shut your mouth for one. Let her do some talking. By the way, ya gotta stop sayin' jeez— god, you sound just like Jake."

I was confused, because I knew the girls liked him too. I leaned toward him. "What's the matter with sounding like Jake?"

"Nothing, but he talks about as much as you do."

I took a bite of my sandwich. "Okay, no more, jeez. What else?"

"One day, one pointer. See me tomorrow ... maybe." He stood and walked away to take his dirty tray back to the conveyor belt. While on his way, two girls were immediately on either side of him, batting their eyelashes, and rubbing up against him. Looking over his shoulder, he gave me an obvious smirk.

He never did give me another pointer, the jerk, but soon I had other things on my mind anyway.

My mom was a nurse, and she would always nag my dad about eating healthy and staying away from fatty foods—you know, all the foods that tasted good. He wouldn't listen, and then it was too late. One afternoon, my dad had a heart attack, and never made it back home, unless you think of his returning to the home of that great spirit that sent him here. I had to be the man of the house now.

At first I was angry at my dad for not caring enough about us to take care of himself. It seemed stupid to be mad at someone who wasn't there anymore though, so I had to turn my anger into something constructive, like helping my mom and Leah.

I tried to be strong for them, and saved my tears until bedtime. I cried into my pillow several nights, hoping that they wouldn't hear me. Leah didn't hide her tears, and it was up to me to be her support. That surprised me, since she was much older than I was. She seemed more devastated by my dad's death than me. Maybe it was because the men in her life were ripped away from her; first Sam, and now Dad.

Those first few weeks without Dad's calming influence were really rough. Leah was a powder keg; you never knew if she was going to burst into tears or just bust you one. I was pretty lucky because she usually blew up at Mom or any guys from the rez that ventured near her. She was protective of me even from herself I guess, for being her little brother and all. My job in the meantime was to be her shoulder to cry on; the trouble was I wanted to cry with her, but I couldn't let my guard down. It was pretty much exhausting.

A couple of months went by, and we were still getting used to the idea of Dad being gone. Leah was constantly in a pissy mood, like she was on the rag all the time. She complained that her skin prickled, and she felt hot. I was beginning to feel like one of those guys that felt pregnant when their wife was, because it seemed like I was all prickly and hot too. We were two Saguaro cacti.

Mom got worried and took our temperatures; it was way high, around 106. Shouldn't we have been dead? Mom went to the council, but whatever they told her, she kept from us ... until it happened.

Leah was in the back yard, hanging out clothes when Mom stuck her head out the back door. "Leah," she shouted, "Emily's on the phone and wants to talk to you. She says it's important."

"I don't care. I'm not talking to her. She can leave you a message for me."

"Don't you think this has gone far enough? She's your cousin. You need to forgive her."

I was sitting at the kitchen table doing homework, minding my own business. I learned to tune out the two of them. It was times like these that I really missed Dad.

Looking at me, Mom pleaded, "Seth, can you go out there and reason with her? She might listen to you."

"Yeah, right," I mumbled as I got up from my chair.

I walked up behind her and tapped her on the back. "Hey, Leah, Mom—"

She faced me and practically growled a warning. Her teeth were clenched, as she hissed, "Beat it, shrimp." She rolled her eyes up to the sky. "Gawd, why does she send my poor little brother to do her dirty work? Turn right around, and tell her no, I'm not talking to that bitch."

I resented being called a shrimp, but I knew how Emily had hurt her. Leah couldn't lash out at her, so I was the scapegoat. "But think about it, Sis. How long has it been? Are you going to hold a grudge for the rest of your life?"

"Yes, now get your damn butt back inside and tell Mom, it didn't work."

Even my patience had its limits. She didn't have to be so mean to me. I was only the messenger. I hastily uttered, "Mom's right. You are the most stubborn girl in the world. No wonder Sam left you."

Crap, I didn't mean to say that—too late. My sister was turning purple with rage, and slapped me across the face, but she didn't stop there. She pulled her hand back to land another blow, when I caught her wrist. It turned into a wrestling match, and suddenly the heat in me ... I don't know ... it just seemed to be spreading and getting hotter. Leah let go; we were both shaking. I thought I was losing my mind, because there was Leah blurring in front of my eyes. I turned and started to run, but I got so scared when I realized I was now on four fur-covered legs. I took off toward the trees, frightened to death. I didn't stop running. What was happening to me?

Seth, slow down. It's okay, man.

I recognized the voice, it was Jake.

I halted, looking around, desperately seeking a familiar face. Jake, is that you? I can't see you. Where are you hiding?

I'm not hiding anywhere. I'll see you soon, but you need to stop where you are. Don't worry, I'll find you. And ... Seth ... you'll be seeing a huge red wolf. Don't bolt. That'll be me.

What? This was incredibly nuts. Were the legends true then? I stood in the middle of a clearing, my mind churning out explanations that made no freakin' sense whatsoever.

Suddenly, I heard leaves rustling and the sound of someone breathing loudly, followed by the scent of a dog-like animal. A large russet wolf practically spewed out of the trees, and skidded to a stop in front of me. Even with the warning, I found myself slowly backing away from the huge beast. Before I knew it, there were two more wolves padding up behind me. I later found out that they were Quil and Embry.

Don't be afraid, it's only me.

I don't understand. How can I hear you?

Just follow me, and Sam and I will explain everything to the two of you.

Oh, yeah, I nearly forgot. Leah was having some weird out-of-body experience too.

Jake let out one of his throaty laughs. It sounded strange coming from a wolf—some kind of crazy bark.

We were all heading back toward the creek, where we used to fish, our minds chatting back and forth.

Jake said something that rattled my brain. Apparently, up until now, there hadn't been any females in the wolf pack. I have to admit. We were all stunned when Leah joined our pack.

Yeah, well I was just bummed that I missed it.

You're such a perv, Quil. It was Embry's voice in my head now.

Guys, Jake cautioned. You're talking about Seth's sister here. Have a little respect.

Hell, that was respectful. She's a beautiful woman, a little cranky maybe, but I wouldn't mind—

Quil, drop it!

I can try but it's gonna be a bitch sweeping it out of my head.

Jake's eyes glanced at me. Just ignore him; he's a wolf in more ways than one. He'll chase anything female—human , or in this case—canine.

The creek loomed ahead of us, and there were other wolves surrounding a smaller one. I guessed it was Leah. We trotted down the embankment, slipping between all the ferns, until we met up with them.

Leah came bounding toward me. Seth, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I slapped you, I—

Jake turned to her, confusion in his eyes, and like a magnet, they were drawn to hers. What the hell ...?

Well, Quil, you're out of luck. Looks like the deal has been sealed. Our next Alpha has found his mate.

The great Jacob Black was silent, and he was staring at my sister. And she was staring back. What is this all about?

Embry began, Well we were going to tell you about that later, but the wolf's out of the bag now. Sam, can you help us out here?

Sam looked our way, and thought, C'mon, Seth, I'll tell you all about it.

He walked leisurely beside me. So when a guy or girl sees his or her imprint, or true mate, after they've phased ...

I was thoroughly indoctrinated as one of the pack, so officially I was a wolf, and proud to be a protector of our people. Leah wasn't as thrilled about it, but she finally snipped the strings that bound her to Sam, so that was good enough for me. She and Jake were inseparable. I used to think he'd never get over Bella Swan, even though she married Edward and moved to New Hampshire. But now, it was like he'd never known the girl. I was happy for him, and especially for Leah. No more arguments with Mom, no more snippy remarks—it was a miracle. I was looking forward to the day when I would imprint on someone.

That summer, Jacob's sister, Rachel, came home from college. She'd graduated early, and they were giving her a party. Leah was nagging me, "Come on little brother; it won't be that bad. Maybe you'll meet some girls there. There'll be food ..."

Great—a party with all the relatives. They'll all be pinching my cheek and telling me how much I've grown. Why would Rachel or any of the tribe care if I showed up or not? I pursed my lips and let a puff of air out in frustration. "Do I have to?"

She messed up my hair, just to aggravate me. "Yes, you have to. She's going to be your sister-in-law someday, so get used to the idea of being around her."

I didn't want to be around her. I'd seen her before she went to Washington State, so what was the big whoop. She was older, nearly twenty, and I hadn't turned fifteen yet. I'd be the youngest kid there, feeling out of place. But being Leah, she was persistent.

"You are coming with me tonight, now go get dressed." She dragged me through the hall by the arm, and pushed me through my bedroom door. She wasn't pissy anymore, but she sure was bossy!

"Why do I have to go to this stinkin' party? So what if there are girls roaming the halls," I muttered to myself. I pulled my best T shirt over my head and changed my pants. Then I re-combed my hair. Leah had it sticking up all over. It looked like I just fell out of bed

I'd seen every one of those girls. They didn't do anything for me. A few of them I could call friends. Some could get me all hot and bothered, not that they'd ever let me snuff out the flames though. I still struggled with becoming Smokin' Seth, and had a looong way to go.

We got to the Blacks' home and Leah hauled me bodily out of the car. Good thing Mom wasn't watching. She'd probably give both of us a tongue lashing. She was already in the house, helping with the food. Mom was always like that, bringing food to sick or needy people in the tribe, or in this case a party.

Jacob came to the door to greet us. "Hi, beautiful."

He ignored me, just like I knew he would. Apparently, there was no one in the world, except Leah.

The expression on his face was pure ... I don't know ... adoration, like he worshipped her or something. And Leah was all moony-eyed too. I had to look away; it was embarrassing how they undressed each other with their eyes. I wanted to get in the house and away from these two—but quick. I didn't know these people. They were totally different when they were together, or maybe it was the other way around? In any case, I was anxious to cut out. Let me in the house!

Her voice came out like a cat's purr, all breathy-like. A James Bond girl couldn't have been any sultrier—was that a word?

Oh god, she was raising the eyebrow. "Hi, yourself, you handsome devil, you."

Jacob was immediately glued to my sister. It was nauseating the way they were all over each other. They snuck off to his bedroom, and left me standing by the door, feeling like an idiot. I let myself in and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a hamburger off the table.

While they were doing whatever, I was planning my escape. Rachel came into the living room, as I was sneaking toward the front door. Her back was to me, so I didn't get to see her face.

Ignorance was bliss; if I had just stayed a while longer, I would have had two more years of being with the love of my life.