uh...hey guys! :D Hahahha I took way too long to update this story, I know! But I just thought I would sit myself down and write! Here's the next chapter of Life Worth Living~

Emilia made her way through the streets to get to the nearest pharmacy to get herself some painkillers since she hadn't been feeling well. Wrapping her coat around her tighter, she turned her head to the side and caught sight of a shop with beautiful wedding dresses inside. 'Wouldn't it be nice to wear one of those.' She thought to herself but quickly brushed aside the thought, letting out a low chuckle to herself, doubting that she would ever try to get married when the only groom for her was...well...dead.

She frowned at the thought and continued walking when suddenly, she felt an arm on her elbow pull her back. Emilia turned and was greeted by a familiar face. "Em? That you? Do ya still remember me?" The girl asked her eagerly. Emilia's eyes widened but she didn't move. "Taye." She said quietly, looking at her old friend and how much she'd changed. She made no attempt to grow back her hair but you could tell she grew out her adolescence with little details like her face being a little longer and frown lines slowly forming on her forehead, but her face was still flawless.

Taye smiled when she heard Emilia call her name. She was a little afraid Emilia did not recognize her. But then again, the last time the two girls met was at the last DCI meeting. The one just before Bodie's...unfortunate accident. Everyone tried looking for Emilia before and after the blonde's funeral was processed but they all had no luck. "You...in a rush?" Taye asked casually. Emilia lightly shook her head and a bigger grin formed on her friend's face. "Great! Come on!" She said as she pulled her into the shop Emilia saw earlier that sold wedding dresses.

Now that Emilia took a good look at Taye, she realized Taye was wearing a beautiful dress. It was a white sleeveless halter neck that touched the floor with a rather long train following behind it. "You...getting married?" Emilia asked, looking at the gorgeous dress. "Yeah!" Taye said happily. Emilia was happy for her old friend and inquired about the groom. "Hey! Get outta there!" Taye yelled in the direction of the changing rooms. The two ladies looked at the changing room and saw Mo come out in a black tuxedo, looking as good as ever. He was wearing a matching black and white fedora on his head.

"Mo!" Emilia said, a little shocked by seeing two of her good friends in one day. "Em?!" Mo said with a big smile on his face. He brisk walked over to her and lifted her up in a close hug. Emilia giggled a little when Mo put her down. "God, it really is you..." Mo said, looking at Emilia. "The one and only." She half smiled at him. "Well...where have you been?" He asked. "I've been here. Just...never really got round to attending all those reunion dinners or...whatever." She shrugged her shoulders, shoving her hands into the pockets of her jeans.

"Well, we're getting married. But you knew that. Why don't you give me your address? I'll uh...mail an invite." Taye smiled at her friend, passing her a paper and pen she found on a table. Emilia scribbled down her address in her messy handwriting as passed back the paper. They shared short goodbyes and hugs before Emilia left the shop. The former dancer thought about going to pharmacy, as planned, but she figured she could survive on the remaining bottles of pills she had at home already.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up a second. Ferrick, stop trying to shove that pen into the electric outlet. You'll probably electrocute yourself and die." Dare sighed as she put a hand over the phone to warn her ten year old son who immediately backed away and ran off to most likely torment one of his sisters. "Sorry Taye, what were you saying?" The Brit talked back into the phone.

"I saw Emilia last week when I was at my dress fitting." Taye said again, patiently. "No kidding? How was she?" Dare asked, now interested. "She was normal, just a little out of it though. But hey, she's been like that since Bodie...you know." She said uncomfortably. "I still feel bad for her. You gonna ask her to be your maid of honour?" Dare's voice was muffled, as she was chomping down a bag of chips as they spoke.

"If you mean my bridesmaid, then yes. I was planning to ask her when I visit tomorrow. Wanna tag along?" Taye asked. "Yes! Oh my Gosh. What time should I head over to your place?" Dare was pumped. Ever since she had her children, she hardly ever went out anymore. "Maybe about...11 in the morning? We've gotta be there by noon."

"Sweet. Well, I'll chat with you later. I've gotta make sure Ferrick isn't setting the house on fire. Cheerio." Dare said in her cheerful voice before hanging up the phone.

Taye got off the phone with Dare and went into the living room, smiling when she saw Mo sitting on the couch, flipping through channels. She went over to him and sat down next to him, swinging her legs over his lap like she always did so that she was now facing him. Mo smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek to acknowledge her presence before he went back to watching the TV.

Taye then moved forward, kissing his jaw line. Kiss after kiss, Mo switched off the television and turned to face her, kissing her on the lips. She giggled as he slowly pushed her back on the couch. They were very passionately lip-locked when suddenly, Mo's cell phone started to ring. Taye quickly pulled away. "Aren't you gonna get that?" She asked. "It can wait." Mo whispered, leaning forward to kiss her again when she pushed him back. "Pick up your phone and call me when you're done." She smiled at him sweetly and kissed him playfully on the lips once more before sauntering up the stairs.

Mo groaned and picked up his phone. "What do ya want Glitch? I was busy, ya know!" He grumbled. "Mo...can I come over? It's serious." The Asian's voice croaked through the line. "Hell no!" Mo said angrily. "Too late." Glitch said, before the line went dead. A second later, the doorbell rang and Mo gave himself a face palm, knowing exactly who it was and dragged himself to the door to allow his friend in.

"What up?" Mo asked, leading him into the living room where he sat on a chair opposite Mo. "It's Elise..." Glitch rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "What did you do..." Mo narrowed his eyes. Elise was like a little sister to him and he promised Glitch that if he were to hurt her, it wouldn't be pretty. "She's...pregnant."

"Well, I don't see what the problem is. Ain't that a good thing?" Mo relaxed, leaning back into the couch. "Not really...I told her to get an abortion and-"

"YOU TOLD HER WHAT?!" Mo yelled at him. "It's just a freaking abortion!" Glitch raised his voice as well. "Damn it Glitch! That's her KID we're talkin' bout' of course she has to keep it! Why? Isn't it yours?" Mo slammed his fist down onto the couch.

"Well of course it's mine, but don't you think we're too young for all this?" Glitch tried to explain. "You shoulda thought of that before you knocked her up." Mo crossed his arms and shook his head at his younger friend. "God fucking damn it! Both of you are exactly the same! I came here to talk to you because I thought you'd see it my way!" Glitch shouted, suddenly standing up. "Your way is fucking messed up Glitch! That kid's YOUR responsibility! You can't just tell her to get rid of it and expect her to be chill with it!" Mo stood up as well.

"I'm doing this for her too! What happens when she HAS the child? Everyone's gonna judge her and the kid and they'll be mocked because Elise and I aren't married!"

"Then why don't you two just get married?" Mo shrugged his shoulder, saying it like it was the easiest thing in the world.

"Then why aren't you and Taye married?!" Glitch screamed.

"This ain't even about us! This' about you not taking responsibility for your actions!"

"You sound just like my mom! Stop talkin' to me like I'm some kid!"

"Then maybe you should stop acting like one." Mo clenched his fists, looking away. "I don't have to put up with this shit." Glitch muttered. He grabbed his jacket and stormed out the door, slamming it behind him.

"Mo?" Taye said softly from the stairs. "Yeah babe?" He sighed, turning to look at her. "The boy just needs time."

"I know."

Aubrey closed the front door and sighed. She had just come back from sending Anabel off to school. She went to the kitchen island in the kitchen and sat there, burying her head in her hands. Ever since that night, she hardly ever saw anyone in the house happy. Angel stopped showing as much love as he used to and even if he did, she would always push him away.

She heard footsteps at the stairs. "Where are you going?" She asked. "Out." Was his curt reply. "Don't just say out. Where? With who?" She stood up, walking over to him. "Why do you need to know?" He looked down at her. "Because! I'm your wife! In case you'd forgotten. Tell me, is there another woman?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "What? No! Of course not!" Angel replied, exasperated. "Then why aren't you telling me where you're going?"

"Why does it matter that much?!"

"Because you're never home! You're out in the day and only come back late at night! Anabel and I need a father and a husband! Not an occasional show of care!" Aubrey yelled at him, jabbing her finger at his broad chest. "Princesa, I'm doing this for your own good." He grabbed her wrists and looked into her eyes.

Aubrey stood there silent, not sure how to reply. Angel let go and quickly left the house. "ANGEL!" She screamed after him. Aubrey bit her lower lip and let a tear slip from her eye.

"Expecting?" Oblio asked, surprisingly calm. "Well...yes. Expecting." Jaryn replied. "Who are you expecting? When are they coming?" Oblio cut a little bit of pancake, shoving it into his mouth gracefully. "I meant that I'm expecting a child. You're going to be a father."

It was silent for a while before Jaryn felt herself being lifted up into the air. It was one of those occasional moments where Oblio was so happy, he hugged her and twirled her around. "Jaryn...I'm so...ecstatic and excited." He smiled at her, kissing her on the lips. Jaryn let the corners of her lips curl up into a grin as well as they hugged again.

How many of you were expecting Oblio to be angry XD Please review if you liked this chapter and I hope you all have a nice day ahead! :D