156 REVIEWS! *Faints* Thanks so much guys, I am almost crying with happiness. Last chapter now...awww :( I am so sad that this is ending but I am also happy that I have completed my first HunterXHunter fic to so many favs/follows/reviews.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this final chapter and thanks so much guys for sticking with the story. It means a lot.
P.S. Happy late birthday Kurapika :D
Kurapika felt sick and had a pounding headache when he eventually regained consciousness. With his one eye closed, Kurapika stirred a little and groaned; his lack of Nen making him feel terribly weak and frail. A hand rested upon his right hand and both arms rested on a blanket which covered his body up to his neck. Groaning again, the Kurtian opened his eye.
Leorio sat on a chair besides the bed he was lying in, his entire arm in a sling after what happened to his hand. It wasn't the hotel bed which Kurapika had awoken in before; this bed was totally white and clean as it was a hospital bed. Kurapika wasn't surprised to see he was in a hospital but he knew that hospitals could do nothing about lack of Nen. He must only be here so the nurses and doctors could monitor him and check whether he was alive or not.
"Kurapika!" Leorio exclaimed, a sense of relief and happiness to his tone. "You're awake!"
Kurapika sat upwards and rested a palm on his forehead. God how this headache hurt. "How long was I out?" The Kurtian asked tiredly, not responding to Leorio's exclamations.
Frowning, Leorio dismissed earlier before he scratched the back of his head in thought,"Umm... about three days... nearly four; since its now seven PM." Kurapika nodded, finally removing his hand from his forehead. "Is Chrollo dead?"
Leorio was a little surprised to see the Kurtian concerning himself with the leader of the Spiders so quickly but he did expect Kurapika to ask sooner or later. After all, Kurapika had been stabbing Chrollo when he fell unconscious. Looking into Kurapika's eye, Leorio murmured, "Yes, Kurapika, he is dead."
The Kurtian boy glanced downwards for a moment; a solemn look on his face. Although he was putting on an emotionless façade, Leorio could see the pain residing in the blonde's eye. A sense of slight guilt and confusion seeped into the teen's aura as he pondered what Leorio had said. Leorio didn't know it but Kurapika was mourning the leader of the Spider's demise. He felt guilty - like he did with Pakunoda and Uvogin - and didn't quite know what to do next. He hated Chrollo Lucifer; but that didn't mean that he didn't feel guilty having killed him. However, Kurapika knew he needed to avenge his deceased clansmen and that would only be done once the Spiders were gone.
The blonde lifted his head and stared into the space before him and through the window opposite his bed. The sky was orange in the evening light and a few ravens flew across the sky. There was no time for mourning now. He could mourn about the Spiders and his clan after he'd finished the job at hand. "What happened after I fell unconscious?"
Leorio straightened up, the blonde still not looking at him. With a sigh, the tall man began, "After you fell unconscious; we were all rushed into hospital..."
"...Killua woke up about an hour after he went into hospital for his shoulder injury and has already been dismissed. The poison had next to no effect on him thanks to his treatment when he lived with his family although his shoulder injury was pretty serious. But he has been bandaged up and is fine..."
"...Gon had a very minor concussion from when he was slammed into the window, but nothing serious. He was allowed to leave immediately after they checked him. He's been spending most of his time in here, actually, waiting for you to wake up with me and Killua. They are actually in the cafe right not getting some chocolate, I think..."
"...I had my hand put into a sling," Leorio held up his arm for emphasis but Kurapika still wasn't looking at him. "And you were put into here. We didn't know whether you were going to get up or not and I never expected you to get up this quickly; if at all."
The Kurtian boy nodded, sensing Leorio had finished talking. "What about Senritsu and Hisoka?"
Leorio's eyes widened like he'd remembered something. "Oh I have something to tell you first!... They are both fine by the way... After you fell unconscious, it turned out Chrollo didn't die immediately and had a copy of the Sonata of Darkness on him which the Troupe used to torture Senritsu. He tried to whistle the song with his last breaths to kill us all but, luckily, he could only play the version of the song he had on the piano so it didn't work. He died soon after that and Senritsu claimed the Sonata."
Kurapika smiled slightly having heard that. He was glad his friend had also achieved part of their life's goal. "And Hisoka?"
Leorio sat back in his chair and crossed his arms; being gentle with his hand in the sling. "I don't know, he disappeared as soon as Chrollo died..."
"KURAPIKA!" The blonde jumped as a voice said his name. Turning, the Kurtian saw Gon with Killua close behind in the doorway; holding an opened bar of chocolate in their hands. "YOU'RE AWAKE!"
The blonde smiled a little wider and laughed. So his fight was Chrollo was over then? He should enjoy these moments while he could before the Troupe started chasing him down...
Senritsu clutched the Sonata of Darkness in her hands tightly. How long had she tried to find the Sonata? Four years? Five? Well, however long it had been, this was the day she had finally achieved her goal of gaining one of the three remaining versions of the song; the piano version to be exact. Once she got rid of this, there would only be two versions of the song left: the violin version and the harp version and after that... there would no longer be anyone who would have to suffer this same cursed fate as her or that of her friend.
The bonfire before the music hunter burned with a furious rage. The bonfire was wide and tall with the flames causing masses of smoke to pollute the air around her. Senritsu stood alone. She gripped the Sonata even tighter, crinkling the paper and causing small tears to make its way down the edges of the music sheet. Too long has she awaited this moment.
Senritsu took a deep breath as the girl took a hesitant step towards the bonfire. She was right in front of it now and she almost choked on the smoke. Gripping the Sonata tighter, the music hunter stood tall and then... she tossed the cursed music sheet on to where the worst of the flames resided. The girl then jumped backwards, back into the clear air.
The fire whipped at the paper without mercy, quickly reducing the ends of it to ash and then doing the same for the middle. In mere seconds, the paper was gone and the moment was done.
It was over. The Sonata of Darkness, piano version, was gone. "Finally," Senritsu whispered as she continued to watch the roaring flames.
Machi was angry. Angry that the Troupe's plans had once again failed because of this Hell-born, Chain-user. How had the plans failed? Two Spiders were now dead, one of them being the leader of the Troupe, and they did not recapture any of the Chain-user's companions in the process.
All of the remaining Spiders stood in the middle of the main room of their temporary headquarters; all of them mourning in their own silent way. Some of the members cried; others remained silent, while others burned with anger. Machi was the latter.
All Machi knew was that she was going to hunt down the Chain-user and avenge Pakunoda; Uvogin, Shalnark and Chrollo. "Hope you are ready, Chain-user!" The pink-haired girl muttered. "We are coming for you and this time; I will be sure to slit you neck myself!"
The End
Okay, I am going to leave this fic open-ended just to annoy you guys ;)
So this is the end then... it doesn't feel real. It feels like this story was going to go on FOREVER (Even though I have only been writing it for... three months I think) I have really enjoyed writing this and sorry there is no sequel planned but, who knows, I could write one in the future.
Anyways thanks to all those who have read this story and I will see you soon with a new HunterXHunter fic.