The words from dinner still echoed in his head. 'Little bunny getting fat on bread and honey.' Bilbo ran self-conscious hands over his middle. It was softer and rounder then when he started this adventure. It would seem the days they have spent at the shifters house has allowed the hobbits body move into a more natural state. The buttons of his shirt and waist coat pulled a little more than normal. He shouldn't care. In fact he should almost be happy; a thin hobbit isn't an attractive or healthy hobbit. He was also at that age where a hobbit is expected to grow width wise.

So why did he care? Well, it was a simple reason; it was part of something far more complicated. First he never thought he would be attracted to another man, second, he never thought he would be attracted to a crownless king of a dwarf. Who also, basically hates him and is only being nice because he saved and more than likely will go back to hating him here in a few days.

A sigh escaped Bilbo's lips. All of this made him feel even more helpless then before. He doubted Thorin thought much of him before this. He grabbed his belly roughly as if scolding it for doing something every hobbit expects; to grow. Now it was a guarantee that Thorin would have no interest in him. Then again he was assuming Thorin didn't mind the fact he was a man as well.

Bilbo grabbed a towel lent to him by Beorn, "A nice hot bath will help settle my mind," Bilbo said quietly to himself.

He opened the door to what seemed like a large cleaning room and felt his cheeks heat up like they were next to a fire. There already in the huge tub was Thorin. Bilbo was going to quietly turn and leave before he was noticed but it was too late.

"Bilbo." Thorin said becoming aware of the hobbit's presence.

The hobbit froze like a scared little rabbit, which made him want to swear curses at himself. Not only did the dwarf prince just call him by his actual name, but he was also naked just a few feet in front of him.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were in here. I will be going." He turned to leave as quickly as his feet would carry him.

However, Thorin's commanding voice stopped him, "Wait. You don't need to leave. There is enough room for us both. No need to waste water."

Bilbo started to protest; for many different reasons, none he was willing to speak out loud, so he was giving the dwarf prince babbling excuses with barely formed words. Thorin didn't say anything but the look he gave the hobbit shut him up and made him nod in defeat.

"Fine, but close your eyes until I am in. This isn't something a hobbit is used to." Bilbo said trying to keep his voice sturdy.

Thorin chuckled but did as requested of him. He heard a small disturbance of the water and finally a timid 'you can look'. When Thorin opened his eyes Bilbo was sitting across from him with his legs curled up against him.

Bilbo thought the mix from the heat of the water and his own inner temperature rising he was just going to pass out. He was staring right at Thorin's bare chest. His strong perfectly sculpted chest that was covered in dark hair; then there was his strong arms that rest along the tubs edge. By his Tookish blood! Was Thorin cut from the mountains? No man, dwarf or otherwise, should look this sculpted.

"Is there something wrong, Bilbo?" Thorin's deep resounding voice shook the Halfling out of his thoughts.

"Ye-yes why would you think otherwise?" Bilbo sputtered out.

Thorin moved an arm; his hand lightly grazing the water causing it to ripple as he gestured at the Halfling, "Because you are almost curled up like a babe in the womb and your face is as red as embers."

Bilbo huffed and tried to find words, but his brain was just melting over having Thorin naked in the tub with him, and that he himself a fat little bunny could be seen without the cover of clothing by him.

"I didn't realize this would be so stressful for you. You hobbits are a nervous sort. I will take my leave." Thorin started to stand to leave.

Bilbo felt his heart jump into his throat as the water covered less and less of the prince until it was only covering the lower half of his abdomen.

"Wait! No, stay I walked in on you…" Bilbo said hastily as he darted his gaze about looking for a clean escape and his towel.

The hobbit was so concerned with finding his towel he didn't notice Thorin had moved up to him.

"Bilbo," His voice was low like rolling thunder, and had a touch of tenderness to it not common for the dwarf prince.

Bilbo choked down a yelp when he saw Thorin before him, bracing himself with the tubs sides as he stood on his knees.

"What is wrong?" He asked in a voice that was too caring for Bilbo to handle and in a panic he slid under the water.

The hobbit quickly regretted this when he realize what he was looking up at; there in all of its glory, the line of Durin.

Like the scared little rabbit he felt like he jumped up out of the tub with a yelp, almost sending Thorin backwards, but he was able to steady himself. Bilbo just grabbed at the clothing and what he thought to be his towel on the floor and covered himself before he ran.

Bilbo moved his bedroll as far away from everyone as he could before he curled up into it and softly cried himself to sleep. He didn't want this feeling of self-hate; such feelings were magnified when it came to the small folk. For all their cheeriness you never hear about how many fall into such a deep despair and end it. He most of all didn't want these feelings for Thorin, the root all of this pain. He just wanted to go to sleep and wake back up in his home.

Thorin listened to the muffled sobs of his hobbit, and as much as he wanted to go over there and apologize for putting him in such an awkward position, he didn't know how, let alone if his further presence tonight would only make things worse. One thing he was certain of, however, was the hobbit had been acting strange ever since dinner and he couldn't figure out why. It pained him to see Bilbo suffering. The way it weighed his heart down was unbearable to the dwarf. Over the course of this journey the only thing he wanted outside of taking back his home was to see that Halfling smile.