"I'm sorry to interrupt – Father Tommy is here." Emily poked her head into the study where David stood with his sisters, discussing something obviously private.

"Thank you Emily, we'll be right out." Mary said kindly. David didn't turn around to acknowledge her, which Emily found odd, but with emotions running high in the house right now on this day, she didn't question it.

It seemed like a blur of comings and goings, meals, crying and awkward introductions the past two days as family members and most of the community had come by the house to pay their respects to Carlita Rossi.

Since their incredible night in the bedroom two nights ago, nothing very romantic had happened between them, Emily knew logically it was because he was stressed and grieving, but she was worried. Except holding her hand anytime they were near and a bedtime kiss, he hadn't touched her. Was he regretting sleeping with her? Had it been a one-time thing? Emily shook the worried thoughts from her head as she loaded the dishwasher. She couldn't think of David changing his mind, she couldn't bear it.

Clouded as her thoughts were, she didn't hear him come into the kitchen, until he was putting his arms around her torso and kissing the back of her neck. Gasping slightly in shock, Emily leaned her head back on his shoulder and put an arm around the one encasing her belly. "Everything okay up there? Looked pretty serious…" Emily dropped the cup in her free hand into the top shelf of the dishwasher and turned around to face him. His eyes were tired, a little swollen around the edges from the tears.

"As okay as it will be for a while. Take a walk with me? I need some fresh air." He kissed her neck, embracing her closer.

"Yea, okay.. Let me get my jacket." Reluctantly leaving his warm arms, Emily's thoughts took on a whole new direction. From quiet and distant to public affection and neck kisses? Not that she was complaining, of course…. She smiled to herself as she slipped on the jacket JJ had dropped off for her.

"So… what's on your mind?" She smiled knowingly after they'd walked through the field of winter tree's in the back property. David grinned back, this was going to be an interesting relationship, being able to profile each other so easily.

"You are." He stopped in his steps and pulled the hand he was holding closer to him. "I've been a little out of it... I can't ever thank you for what you've done for me this weekend. Being here…"

Emily shook her head, "You don't have to thank me. I wouldn't be anywhere else." She couldn't help the smile that broke her face, she'd never felt so happy to be able to wrap her arms around someone, to be so close to someone she loved. There were no questions in her mind of her feelings, it was something so finite… and while it seemed sudden that in a weekend she knew she was in love, she also knew that she'd loved him since the day she beared her soul, and he'd kept her secret, saying he was all-in. Was he still, all in? Did he feel the same about being with her? As he kissed her, sucking first on her lips then her tongue, her thoughts went into a hazy mass of love, lust, hope and ultimately fear that he loved her back. Should she tell him? Should she say the L word? It had been easy to confess to Carlita, but could she tell him? Would he think that it was too soon?

"Emily, why did she say that? Why did my mother tell me that you loved me – her dying words." David cornered her with a deep stare. Oh, if any eyes would know a lie, it was those obsidian orbs, penetrating her soul right now.

"Because I told her that I did." Emily looked down, the intensity of their eye contact far too much right now. "She told me to take care of you, I told her I would."

"Did you say it because it was what she wanted to hear?" He lifted her face up to look at him with his thumb.

"What? No!" Emily became indignant, "What kind of question is that?"

"One from a man who wants to know if the woman he loves, loves him back." David was fighting to keep himself calm, she'd just said she didn't lie, but it was too soon to get excited. He must know the full truth, his heart was in a most fragile state right now, and granted, it probably wasn't the best time to interrogate her about how she felt about him but the gaping hole left by his mothers depth demanded he needed love, and it had to be Emily's.

"Dave… I would do anything for you. I would die…"

"Don't you ever say that again, Prentiss. I've almost lost you twice, don't you ever say that again. Do you understand me?"

"I didn't actually die, Dave, you know that…"

"Don't ever say it again." His grip on her tightened, his voice dangerously low.

"Fine…" She sighed, giving him sarcastic smile.

"I love you Emily Prentiss." Satisfied, he covered her smiling lips with his again.

"And I love you, David Rossi." She chuckled, a little embarrassed. It sounded odd to say out loud, but it felt great.

"Then I want to give you something. My mother instructed my sisters to give it to me, for you." Dave pulled an aged, deep red trinket box from his jacket, and handed it to her.

Looking at him in question, she opened the box and gave a small gasp, "It's beautiful…" staring up at her was an intricately engraved gold band, with three blood-red rubies across the top.

"Originally when my parents married there was no money for rings. Years later he bought her this… Her favorite color was red." David kissed Emily's bent head, "Will you wear it until I get around to buying you your very own?"

Emily's face shot up to look at him, surely she had heard him wrong, buy her a ring? "What do you mean, buy me my own?"

"Your own wedding ring, Em. I want to be the one that puts it on your finger someday." Dave whispered, kissing the spot under her ear. She closed her eyes at the contact, tears forming starting to burn her eyelids. She could hardly process it all… Carlita had given her ring to David specifically for her, David was telling her he wanted to put a ring on her finger…

"I don't….really know what I'm supposed to say…."

"Tell me you'll marry me someday when you're ready, and that you'll wear my mother's ring in the meantime, like a promise." He leaned his forehead against hers, suddenly quite fearful that he'd pushed too much too soon.

Emily looked into his eyes again, searching for the lie or the joke, and found none. He was serious, he meant every word.

"I will." Though her words were barely a whisper, David could tell by the tears and smile she wore that she was happy.

"Good, because I wouldn't let another soul wear my mother's ring." David took the ring out of the box and placed it on the ring finger on her left hand, sealing the deal with a long kiss.

"It fits perfectly…" Emily held her hand up in the sunlight, enjoying the glittery effect of the jewels. While a man had never given her a ring in her life, David had seen this gesture before, and it made him chuckle. "I'm glad you like it. I know it's old, I promise you'll have a beautiful ring." He promised, kissing her cheek.

"I don't need any fancy rings, Dave. This is perfect. I think Carlita would be very happy about this."

"Yes, she would." Taking her hand, David slowed his walking, he was in no hurry to get back to this otherwise awful day. In a couple hours they would bury his mother, and then a houseful of people would be crying, pouring out their "I'm so sorry for your loss"es and telling their most cherished memory of her… He was just happy to have settled the matter of securing their future together, he would need Emily today, and he would need her for the rest of his life, he was sure.

I won't let this one get away, Ma.