Here it is! The long-awaited sequel to Bite Me! Will contain whatever pairings I can throw in.

The Shakespearean thing might be a while, since this one's all-consuming.

"Breakfast is almost ready, Mattie!" I called over my shoulder. "It probably won't be as awesome as your pancakes, but it should be pretty awesome, seeing as how I made it!"

"Thanks, Gil."

It had been a month since Mattie's brother had disappeared. We all knew that it was most likely suicide, but since vampires don't tend to leave earthly remains, there was a slight chance that he had just run off. I knew better than that, but it was good to keep some hope, I guess.

I set the pancakes down in front of the Canadian, who was gazing thoughtfully out the window. Across from him sat Arthur Kirkland. I didn't bother making pancakes for him, of course, because he is a vampire and I don't make blood pancakes.

Mattie, ever the polite, took to inviting the vampire over every so often, as he knew the Brit was probably feeling lonely. Isn't my Mattie the sweetest? Even though he's a werewolf, he invites a brokenhearted and most likely hungry vampire into our house!

Matthew, my dearest, most awesome Matthew, whom I could not comfort nor aid when his brother kicked the sparkle bucket. He hadn't gotten over Alfred's death, and I couldn't blame him, but wasn't it my duty as his (awesome) boyfriend to cheer him up? I was very angry with Alfred, for leaving his little brother feeling guilty and depressed. And I also felt like I was letting Alfred down, because before he died, he had told me to take good care of Mattie. All I could do was hold him and let him know that I understood.

Ludwig had died that day, for about half an hour, and that had been the worst moment of my life. Even though I hadn't been responsible, I felt awful that I hadn't been able to protect my little brother. It was a bit different with Mattie, however, because he had prompted Arthur to turn Alfred. Matthew had acted with good intentions, hoping to save his brother, but Alfred was gone and Matthew took full responsibility for that.

"Isn't it a little early in the afternoon for you to be out and about?" I asked Arthur, trying to dissuade the awkward silence that might fall.

"I haven't been sleeping well." he replied, head resting in his hand and elbow propped up on the table. Normally, I'd make a crack about gentlemen and table manners, but this wasn't the time.

"You mean at all." Matthew sighed. "Arthur, I know you feel awful about what happened, but even vampires need rest..."

"I'll be fine."

"At least eat something!" the Canadian insisted. He acted like he was over the death, that he wasn't picking at his pancakes and not even trying a bite, that he wasn't tearing himself apart inside. Sitting next to him, I took his hand under the table and gave it a squeeze. It was all I could think to do.

"I'm not thirsty." Arthur had that sort of look about him when everything's too much and you just sort of shut down.

"You're going to starve. I don't want to be responsible for another death." Matthew said bitterly.

"It wasn't your fault!" I said hurriedly. "Don't blame yourself, OK?"

"Sorry." he said.

"Don't apologize, either." there was a silence while I thought about what to do. "Hey, how about you and me go on a double date with Luddy and Feli?"

"You and I, Gilbert."

"Exactly! It'll be nice! And Arthur, there's really nothing I, even in all my awesommeness, can do for you, but try to eat something tonight... for our sake." ugh, it felt so weird, being nice to a vampire. But if Arthur ate something, then Mattie would maybe feel a bit better, and when Mattie was happy, I was happy.

"We'll see." the Brit said. "I think I'll take my leave now, since you probably have plans to arrange."

"Don't beat yourself up about it, alright?" Mattie said, seeing his friend out the door as I texted Ludwig.

'Hey little bro, u n feli up for an awesome double date with me n birdie?'

'I suppose we're free tonight. Ja, Feli seems to agree.'

'The awesome me is thinking we should do somthng special.'


'Cause birdie's all bummed out about his bro. Wat do u think we should do?'

'Feli says pasta.'

'Feli always says pasta. Hey, theres that ochstra thng where theres supposed 2 be a rly good pianist tonight.'

'If you can get tickets, I'm in.'

I smirked. The awesome Gilbert ALWAYS got tickets. This was a great idea. Mattie and Feli both liked music, and I supposed I could tolerate it, especially with my Birdie at my side.

"Hey Mattie, ever notice how the word pianist sounds really dirty?" I asked, walking over and hugging him from behind.

"That's something only you'd notice, Gil." he said. I could hear the smile on his voice, though. "Why are you bringing it up?"

"Apparently, there's this really good pianist -keseses, I'll never say that with a straight face!- in town, and we're gonna go and see if he lives up to his reputation."

"Sounds pretty nice, actually." he said thoughtfully. "But please don't bring any rotten tomatoes to throw at people. You remember what happened last time."

"Ja, ja. I know."


"Yes, my Birdie?"

"Could you let go of me? Not that I don't enjoy your hugs, but I have to feed Kumakimchi."

I sighed. I really didn't feel like letting him go.

"The polar bear can wait." I told him, letting go of him enough for him to turn and face me. I hugged him again.

"He tore apart the bathroom once when I was three minutes late."

"Sorry, but I think my hugs should be higher on your priority list than the state of the bathroom."

He pushed me away, but not before giving me a maple syrup-flavored kiss.

"You're always at the top of my priority list, Gil, but I don't want to have to put new wallpaper up for the third time this month."

"Alright, go feed Mama Bear, Goldilocks. But watch out for the big bad wolf!" I said with a wink. He laughed, and went to fetch some fish from the fridge. I, meanwhile, pulled out my laptop and set about procuring tickets. "So what's this pianist's-heh, I still can't get over that!- name?"

Apparently, his name was Roderich Edelstein and he was from Austria.

"I've never heard of him. What kind of a name is Roderich, anyway?"

"OK Arthur, my awesomeness is done with you. Go away."

"Whatever. FML."