Pink With Evil
Hey everybody this is my second Kimberly & Tommy story. Please read this it's important so you know what's going on. Basically Tommy is one of the original 5 power rangers and in control of the pterodactyl while Kimberly has the dragonzord but Tommy is green and Kimberly is pink. Please enjoy.
Chapter 1: The New Girl
It was a normal day in Angel Grove for Tommy, Jason, Billy, Zack, and Trini. They were at the youth center watching the gymnastics competition.
When a girl with shoulder length brown hair walked up to the balance beam. Tommy asked, "Who's that?"
Trini replied, "Kimberly Hart. She just moved to Angel Grove."
Zack asked, "How do you know that?"
Trini replied, "We have history together and were talking she's really nice."
Tommy asked, "Where did she transfer from?"
Trini said, "She didn't say. Only that she was glad to be out of there."
Once she said that the announcer said, "The winner is Kimberly Hart."
When everybody left Kimberly went to leave and Tommy walked up to her and said, "Hey your new aren't you?"
Kimberly said, "Yeah I just moved here from Arizona. Well I better go my parents are waiting for me."
Tommy said, "Okay will you be in school tomorrow?"
Kimberly said, "Probably." She then walked out and Tommy walked to the table they were sitting at.
Jason asked, "Is there a Romeo around?"
Tommy said, "Shut up Jason. I wonder why Rita hasn't attacked lately."
Billy stated, "Maybe she's planning something big."
Jason stated, "We better be on the look out."
At the lunar palace Rita saw Kimberly and said, "Finally she will be the one who will become my evil pink ranger."
Goldar said, "With her skills she will command the Dragonzord. But how can we be sure that she can beat the rangers?"
Rita screeched, "Goldar do you have no brains! We send down the putties to test her and when she beats them we put her under a an evil spell and command her to defeat the other rangers especially that green ranger Tommy.
Back on Earth Kimberly just walked into her house and yelled, "MOM! DAD! I'M HOME!"
Kimberly's adopted mother Angela said, "Kimberly I'm in the kitchen."
Kimberly walked into the kitchen and saw her Mom organizing.
She asked, "Having fun?"
Kimberly's mom answered, "Not in the slightest. Kim your stuff is in your room please unpack it."
Kimberly said, "Sure Mom. I'll get right on it. Where's dad?"
Angela said, "With your uncle."
Kimberly said, "Okay I'm going to go start unpacking."
Kimberly walked into her room and started unpacking.
After she made her bed her mother yelled up, "KIMBERLY DINNER!"
She walked downstairs and saw her dad was at the table.
She said, "Hey Dad. How was uncle?"
Kimberly's adopted dad Jeffery said, "Good Kim. How was your first day at Angel Grove High?"
Kimberly said, "Good. I met some people I just hope that I can make some good friends."
Angela said, "Kimberly once people get to now the real you they can't help but like you. It worked for me and your Dad."
Kimberly said, "Thanks Mom. I've got to go it's late and I have school tomorrow."
Jeffery said, "Alright Kim. Night sweetie I love you."
Kim said, "I love you guys to. Good night."
She gave her dad a kiss on the cheek and gave her mother a hug and walked up to her bedroom.
Once she was in her room she sat on her bed and hoped that she would make at least one good friend at school.
She got up and walked to her dresser and got out her pajamas.
She went into her bathroom and took a shower. Once out of the shower she got dressed in her pajamas and braided her hair after brushing it.
She walked back into her bedroom and turned off her lights and pulled back the white comforter and grabbed her first present from her parents and went to bed.
Hope you enjoyed it leave a review and hope you will follow it. Ritas has a plan what will happen next? Read to find out.