Chapter 1

Jessie's POV

I can't believe Elijah has asked me to come and stay with him in his new house. I'm 13 years old and my dad is going away to Australia on a business and I can't go with him so Elijah said I can go and stay with him in Rhode Island. I'm so excited! I am in a train to get there from Boston. Elijah is meeting me at the station in Newport; this is my first time on a train alone, I am really nervous. The train suddenly came to a halt. I realised that I was now at Newport station. I got up and grabbed bag. The doors open and I step out "Mind the gap" God that voice is annoying! I walked along trying to find Elijah in the crowd. I couldn't see him anywhere. I carried on walking through the crowd and felt that someone was following me. I turned around but no one was there. I must be imagining it. I reached the exit and decided to start walking to his house. It isn't far from the station. 224 Jepson Street, only a mile away. It won't take me long to get there. I got out my phone and text Elijah:

I'm gonna start walking to urs. Cant find ya anywer.


I walk out the entrance still feeling that someone was following me. Still no one was there though. I walked into an alleyway. It was isolated, great. Only two ways in or out. I carried on walking. I start wondering if he has even got my text. My pace quickened. This time I know someone is definitely following me as I can hear their footsteps. Shit!Where are you Elijah?! I was about to walk into a deserted walk way. I was literally crapping myself. I tried to turn down different paths to lose this guy. I turned round a corner as this bloke slowed down. I ran slightly to try and escape the guy. I look for an exit, scanning the area as quick as I could. I sped up as I saw one. I am about a metre away from the exit when I see the world around me go dark.

Elijah's POV

I think it's really funny how Jessie doesn't know it's me yet. I realised that she had started running after turning the corner. I just carried on walking along slowly. It was so funny! I didn't want to give it away so I had to laugh really quietly as hard as it is. I watch her as she tries to run to an exit. I look away at my phone for about 2 minutes. I look up and see her trip over the crack in the tar mac. I quickly run over to her.

She looks like she is really hurt but tries to get up. She starts to move but falls backwards. I move quickly to catch her; the prank has gone way too far. I help her walk over to a bench nearby before she probably wants to kill me.

"Hi Jessieā€¦" I smile trying to seem really sympathetic. She just gave me evils in between tears. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean the prank to go this far." I think she was feeling kind of relieved by this point. She started to cry even more, I hugged her tightly. After about 5 minutes I stood up and helped her up. We started the short walk home, in between me trying to get her to forgive me. It took me the whole way home and a lot of promises of McDonalds and things like that before she forgave me.