The Skylanders had just watched Kaos get shot to Earth. There was probably the loudest commotion skylands had heard ever! Hugo was trying to calm everyone down but with all the noise even he couldn't hear himself. Suddenly, Hugo noticed Sonic Boom and got an idea. He stamped on her tail and he let out an ear-piercing shriek that attracted everybody's attention. "Quiet down!" Hugo yelled. Sonic Boom stamped on Hugo's foot at that moment. Hugo screamed in pain and everyone laughed.

"Payback," Sonic Boom chuckled. Hugo ignored her and started talking.

"I know that you're all excited about all this but…"

"This is gonna take a while," Stealth Elf whispered to Bash.

"-we need to get things back on track. We need to build new houses for you guys and…"

"Yeah, Hugo, we all get it! We need to build a few things here and there and get things back to the way they used to be," Flynn interrupted.

"Okay then, so we need…"

"A break. I've been working my butt off saving skylands…" Flynn started. He then noticed a few of the Skylanders giving him cold stares. "And of course the Skylanders helped al little. But we all deserve a rest before we rebuild half the island," Flynn explained.

"Well, what exactly should we do to relax?" Hugo asked.

"It's so obvious. We'll have a gigantous party to celebrate my- I mean- the Skylanders victory," Flynn said.

"How is that supposed to help the Skylanders relax?" Hugo asked.

"Hugo, my friend, I have no idea. But, The Skylanders, and myself, should have a party to celebrate our courage, heroism and of course my awesomeness…BOOM!"

"Actually, 'Brain Trust' here might actually have a point," Cali interrupted. "A party could do them some good. They've been focusing on defeating Kaos for a long time now. They should take a break and have some fun," She said. Hugo scratched his furry head for a while, thinking it over.

"Ugh, fine. Just for one hour," Hugo sighed.

"Aww, come on. Make it five hours," Flynn pleaded like a little kid.



"Done!" Hugo ended. He then walked off to his library.

"Okay, everyone, let's Par-Tay!" Flynn announced. All the Skylanders burst into excitement.

All the Skylanders wanted to talk about was the party. But while they were doing that, Flynn, Hugo, Cali and a few others like Persephone, T-Bone and General Robot were busy decorating the area around the Core of Light. A small group of Skylanders, Spyro, Chop Chop, Voodood, Prism Break, Whirlwind and Slam Bam were discussing what they were gonna do at the party. "I can't dance," Prism Break complained. "I'm probably just gonna spend most of the party at the food stand.

"I'm gonna dance all night without eating or drinking at all. Because I can't eat or drink. I'm a skeleton!" He joked. No one really found it funny.

"I heard there's a D.J table. I wonder who the D.J is," Spyro said.

"I just hope the D.J isn't Hugo. If he's the D.J we'll all be dancing to the Cyclops Sisters Slow Songs," Whirlwind joked. All of them found that funny.

"Oh come on!" Chop Chop groaned.

"How much longer?" Voodood asked. Spyro looked up at the sky. The sun was starting to set,

"Any time soon," He assured them.

"I just can't wait much longer!" Slam Bam exclaimed.

"Looks like you won't have to, here comes Hugo," Whirlwind gestured with her head towards Hugo, who was approaching them.

"The party's ready!" He announced. He didn't have time to move out of the way before he was trampled by over thirty Skylanders.

All the Skylanders immediately started dancing to the music (which was D'Jayed by Drill Sergeant who used his drill hands as needles for the records). Cali was drinking punch when she heard someone politely cough behind her. She turned around and saw Flynn wearing a tuxedo. "Whoa, Flynn, I've never seen you without your pilot suit," Cali said.

"You'd have to be an idiot to go to a party in a pilot suit- Oh, CAKE!" Flynn ran towards a triple layer chocolate cake and cut off a huge slice. Cali sighed. This was gonna be a long night for her. Suddenly there was a huge cheering coming from the dance floor. There was a huge crowd in the middle of the party zone. It seemed like Flameslinger and Dino-Rang were having a dance off. Dino-Rang started breakdancing and Flameslinger did and Irish jig. It was clear that Dino-Rang was winning so Flameslinger decided to take it up a notch. He started spinning on his head and then everyone started cheering for him. Dino-Rang then started to do some serious street-dance moves. Then Flameslinger copied him. This went on for a while until the street-dancing somehow morphed into ballet! Flameslinger leapt through the air but landed face first in the punch bowl. Hugo ran over and pulled the blindfolded elf out of the bowl.

"Right, no more dance offs!" He scolded the Skylanders.

"No fair, that was fun!" Flynn argued. Hugo just gave him a cold look and left.

"I am now taking song requests," Drill Sergeant said in his robotic voice. Lightning Rod immediately went up to Drill Sergeant and told him his request. Drill Sergeant placed on a different record and started to spin it. Skylands most popular band: Troller-coaster started playing and everyone started dancing. Hugo hated the music and he tore out two of the pages from a book he was reading and stuffed them in his ears. Suddenly everyone stopped dancing when they heard a loud cry. Trigger Happy was racing around the party zone with what looked like chocolate frosting around his mouth. It was clear that he'd eaten too much cake and had gotten hyperactive.

"Get him!" Hugo yelled as he took the pages out of his ears. All the Skylanders chased after Trigger Happy. Trigger happy charged down towards the beach with the others in hot-pursuit. Trigger Happy ran across the sand, up the slope next to Clam-Tron-4000 (who was pretty confused when he saw all of the Skylander's run past), and back into the party zone where he crashed into the refreshment table and knocked all the food onto the ground. Luckily he knocked himself out in the collision. Slam Bam carried the unconscious Trigger Happy to Persephone the upgrade fairy to be healed Hugo looked at the mess. He looked at the scene and smiled when he noticed something. "At least we still have the decorations. At that moment one of Trigger Happy's guns fell on the ground and a bullet shot out of it. It hit one of the paper chains and it spilt in two. Hugo's face fell. The place was a mess.

"Hugo, who cares about the mess," Flynn comforted. "We still have something to celebrate: The defeat of Kaos. As long as there's something to have a party about we don't need decorations or food.

"Wow, Flynn. I think that's the kindest thing you've ever said," Hugo said.

"Really? I was just looking for an excuse to keep partying," Flynn replied.

"Well, then, what are we standing around here for. Let's party!" Hugo shouted. The Skylander's all cheered. "But first I'd like to put in a song request," He added. There were lots of groans. Hugo whispered something to Drill Sergeant and he let out a robotic groan before putting a record of the turning table. He put his drill on the record and as it spun The Cyclops Sisters started to play a slow song. The Skylanders all covered their ears and none of them danced. Hugo went back to drill sergeant and whispered something else to him. Then he handed Drill Sergeant what looked like two Ping-Pong balls. Drill Sergeant took his drill off the record and started to speak.

"We will have a spotlight dance. But instead of spotlights we will use balls," He said. The Skylanders looked at each other wondering what Drill Sergeant was talking about. "I will throw two balls into the crowd and whoever catches them will dance with each other in the middle of the party zone." The Skylanders all liked that idea so they gathered into the middle of the party zone. Drill Sergeant threw the two balls into the crowd and everyone ran around to catch them. Cali was just sitting near the Core of Light drinking what was left of her punch and not listening to anything. She was just about to take another sip when something landed in her cup. The punch splashed in Cali's eye making it sting for a moment. She looked up and everyone was staring at her.

"What?" She asked.

"You sort of caught the ball Cali, so you're one of the spotlight dancers," Drill Sergeant called out.

"You know, the one where you and the person who caught the other ball dance in the middle of the party zone," Terrafin said like it was obvious.

"Well, who caught the other ball?" Cali asked. The Skylanders parted like the Red Sea. Cali saw who was in the middle of them and groaned. It was none other than… Flynn! Cali slapped her hand on her face. She's rather dance with Wrecking Ball and he smelt like an un-flushed toilet.

"Score!" Flynn grinned. Cali refused to move. But Prism Break picked her up and put her down in front of Flynn in the middle of the dance floor. Drill Sergeant started playing the Cyclops Sisters song again. Cali couldn't think of anything worse than this. She was dancing with a mabu with the IQ of a box of crayons to the Cyclops sisters while everyone was watching. She'd have given anything to be sitting down with her punch again. "Just follow my lead; I've danced with tons of girls… I mean, not really," He whispered. Cali had never danced with anyone before and she didn't know where to put her hands. Flynn put his around Cali's hips and Cali just let her hands dangle. She was so embarrassed. She just decided to hold Flynn's hands and move from side to side, which seemed okay. But soon, Flynn started showing off by doing all these crazy dance moves like spinning Cali around and lifting her over his head, which made her feel a little queasy after a while. She just prayed that the song would end so she could finish her punch but the song just kept going. She swore to herself that she would pound Hugo into the ground once the song was done. The song did eventually end and Flynn finished by dipping Cali towards the ground so they were face to face. A few of the Skylanders (particularly the girls) gathered around the pair to see what would happen. Cali knew what they were thinking so she slid away and went back to her punch while Flynn punched the air shouting 'BOOM!'

"They set a good example so everyone get on the dance floor and get close to your partner. There were more boy Skylanders than girls so most of the boys were relieved that they didn't have to dance to any more slow songs. The couples were: Spyro and Cynder, Whirlwind and Zap, Stealth elf and Flameslinger and Sonic Boom just danced with her babies like a crazy mom would. Hugo walked over to Flynn and smiled at him.

"You know, Flynn. This whole party thing was a good idea. Great work," Hugo congratulated.

"No biggie. I think this was the best party I've ever been to, and trust me; I've been to a lot," Flynn replied. Cali walked over.

"Yeah, despite being humiliated in front of my friends, this has been a pretty good party," She admitted.

"Want another round?" Flynn asked.

"No!" Cali whipped around and scooted off. Then something really strange happened.

"I've just had a good idea," Hugo chuckled. He walked over to Drill Sergeant and whispered something to him. Drill Sergeant put on a different record. Everyone knew it was another Cyclops Sisters record but no! It was a hit song by 'The Backstreet Brutes'. All the Skylanders cheered and started dancing to it. Hugo walked back over to Flynn with a huge grin on his face.

"Why did you do that?" Flynn asked.

"Just between you and me, this is Persephone's favourite song," Hugo whispered. Sure enough, the upgrade fairy was fluttering around the party zone.

"You mean you… you know…"

"Do not tell anyone!" He hissed.

"Not even…" Flynn was cut off by Hugo because he was pointing at his hand, then at Flynn then he punched his hand…hard. Flynn got the message and kept quiet. The two of them joined in the dancing along with Cali. It sure had been a great party!

The End!