sorry for the wait! i hope you enjoy reading this one ;)

chapter 7

Yukina was heading home from school when he thought of calling his lover, Kisa Shouta. He pulled out the pink cased cell phone, but it suddenly rang. Without pause he answered it and a worried voice spoke over the phone.

"Kou, I just got a call from Aya. She's at the hospital! She didn't tell me what's wrong, do you know anything?"

"What! Aya went to the hospital! Which one?"

"she told me the one by M-college. Please make sure she's okay!"

"yeah, of course mom." Kou said as he rushed to the train station.

Kou reached the intensive care unit and saw Aya's tall slender body leaning against the wall of a clean room, smelling of bleach.
"Aya! Is everything alright?" Kou yelled as he ran to her side.

"Why are you here?" her soft eyes were teary and red as she looked at Yukina.

"My mom told me, so is everything alright?"

"no, that nice man from the train…he helped me with that weird pervert and… and then he collapsed!" Aya cried as Kou pulled his childhood friend into his arms.

"Okay, Aya have you called this guy's family, do you know him?"

"No I don't know him. I haven't called his family yet, even though I do have his phone." Aya pulled out the lime green phone and handed it to Kou.

'hmm, looks a lot like Kisa's phone.' Kou thought as he opened it. He scrolled through the notifications and saw the man had a missed call. He looked at the call log and saw 'one missed call: Yukina Kou'

"Which room is he in? Tell me!"

Kou shouted at her and she looked at him "why?"

"just tell me!" Kou shouted as she pointed at the room with a whiter-than-white door open.

Yukina bolted into the room and saw Kisa, hooked up to an I.V. and a monitor beeping every time his heart-beat.

"Kisa! Kisa!" Kou yelled as he ran to his lover's side. He held Kisa's cold and pale hand as he looked at his love's closed eyes; it looked as if he was sleeping.

Yukina looked up and saw a doctor in a white lab coat walking in with a clipboard and a thick black pen in his hands.

"sir, please step out of the room. I need to do an evaluation." The tall doctors said as he stepped next to the worried prince. Yukina reluctantly let go and walked out of the room, staring back at Kisa as he grabbed the door and shut it.

"do you know him?" Aya asked as she saw Yukina rested against the wall and slowly slid down it as his legs gave out. She had never seen the prince so…shaken in her entire life.
"yeah…I do."
"who is he?"
"Shouta Kisa, the only person in the entire world I'd die for."
"okay, but how is he important to you?"
"Aya…he's my lover."
Aya's eyes widened as she heard the rough words come from her friend's voice. "You're…gay?"

"what's a little more than loving someone for who they are and not gender?" Yukina said as a few tears eloped from his cinnamon eyes.

"ok, well I'll stay with you, until he wakes up." Aya walked over to Yukina and sat on the cold floor next to him.
Yukina smiled as Aya gave him a small hug.

"thanks, Aya."

The tall and tanned doctor came out of the room an hour later…he sighed heavily. Yukina and Aya both looked up. "Young miss, you must be his girlfriend. he's been diagnosed with basic exhaustion and poor eating habits. Please take the time to look after him." The doctor walked away and Kou stared at Aya very confused.
They walked into the room and saw Kisa awake yawning. "Hi, I'm Aya. I'd like you to know that If you hurt Kou I have no problems castrating you." Kisa's eyes widened as he heard the threatening words from the young women.

"how…what?!" Kisa looked at her.

"it's okay, Shouta" Kou said as he entered the room, shocking his older lover.

"Hey! Don't use my first name." Kisa shouted at him.

"oh Kisa…I'm hurt."

Aya looked over to the small white counter in the room and saw a small knife and walked towards it. She picked it up and twirled it in her fingers as she walked back over to Kisa. Yukina laughed as one of Aya's really terrifying skills showed. She looked at the basic white wall and threw the short but strong knife. Kisa's eyes widened as he saw the knife staying in the wall.

"okay, okay, Aya. don't scare Kisa-san too much." Kou interrupted.

'she's fucking crazy!' kisa thought as he watched her walk out of the room. Yukina gave Kisa a tight hug and whispered "you scared me" in to his raven haired lover's ear.

Kisa frowned and apologized. Yukina smiled as he looked into Kisa's dark brown eyes. Yukina kissed him and pulled him into another hug.

"okay serious talk now." Yukina said as he sat on the edge of Kisa's bed.

"what and why did you tell Aya about us?"

"that isn't important! What is important is that your doctor told me…that you don't freaking eat! You're a grown freaking man! Learn to take better care of yourself, or I'll be playing doctor and taking care of you."

"hey, hey, hey! I promise I'll eat better and stop saying crazy shit like that!" a bright crimson blush grew on Kisa's cheeks.

"oh I know you will because starting when we get home, I'll be cooking for you."

"Yukina your busy, you don't need to do that."

"it's fine, I love you too much to let you starve."


"I said it's fine, I'm your boyfriend…after all, or does Aya need to come back in here." Yukina laughed evilly.

"okay! Fine, just don't bring Aya back here!" kisa was actually afraid of Aya-chan.

"oh and Kisa-san."


Yukina grabbed Kisa and whispered in his ear "I love you, and I'm extremely happy you're safe." Yukina then pulled Kisa into a passionate and fiery kiss.

'I'm weak to this person, he takes everything and I can't ever turn him away.' Kisa thought as his boy warmed to the kissing and pure emotion that was coarsening through his weakened body.

Kisa walked into his apartment and heard someone in the kitchen. "Yukina, it's been an entire week! When are you going to stop cooking for me?" "Yukina walked out of the kitchen, wearing a frilly pink apron and smiled . "how about…for ever and ever?" Kisa sighed…"what's with the apron?" "oh..Aya gave it to me, along with a message." "do I even want to know the message?" "oh she only says "hello and if you hurt Kou she'll kill you." Yukina still had the same stupid smiled on his face as he hugged Kisa's tired body. "dinner is almost ready, so just go sit down." "okay, you need to stop treating me like im a child." "oh…I think you need to rely on your boyfriend more." Kisa blushed as he walked into the living room and sat down.

Yukina walked out of the kitchen and placed the two meals on the table and then sat next to Kisa.
Yukina looked over to Kisa and asked "what did you do with "that" book?" Kisa looked back and said "you'll never believe this do you remember when I was with Na-chan at the bookstore?" "yes." 'as if I could forget my Kisa with another man' Yukina thought as he ate some of his meal. "Well, Na-chan knew I was lying to him about want it and made me buy it anyway!"

"You're still talking to him?" Yuikna's voice was inquisitive as he questioned Kisa's friendships. "yes, I am, but you don't have to worry because we've decided to stay friends." "okay, but did he touch you?" "no, not at a…oh." Kisa remembered the small confession Nagisa had told him before he had collapsed. "not at aohhh, what?" Yukina glared over to him. "well…don't get mad, but Na-chan kissed me when I was drunk." Without a word Yukina pushed his older lover down and started to roughly kiss Kisa's soft lips.
"Yukina! What are you doing?" Kisa said as Kou broke for air.
"imprinting…of course! so that everyone will know that you are mine!"
"What the HELL! You're not a damn wolf how do you plan on imprinting with me?"
"well how do most couples imprint with their lovers?"
"Exactly…and I plan on making a child with…you."
"What? We're both men! Men can't get pregnant!"
"oh well, I'm not stopping until you are pregnant with my child." Yukina smiled as he pulled off Kisa's shirt.
"it's true…Beauties don't have brains."
"you're gonna regret that tomorrow." Yukina said as he carried Kisa to the bedroom

*later that night*
"Kou…GET OFF ME!" Kisa yelled at his young lover.
"nope, not until the next round."
"WHA-… I can't do it…we've already done it THREE freaking TIMES!" kisa grabbed one of the icy cool pillows and a sheet that had fallen to the floor during their love making and slowly walked to the bathroom.

"what are you doing?" Kou asked as he sat up in the bed.

"goodnight." Kisa said as he slammed the bedroom door.

"that freaking asshole, trying to break me!" Kisa mumbled to himself as he walked into the cold bathroom and locked the door.

The next morning Kisa woke up with a very painful lower back and knew that today would be very, very hard. Kisa felt like he'd be sick and walked over to the clean porcelain sink and hung over it. A loud nock from his younger lover was heard.

"Kisa, you need to wake up."

"I'm up…okay." Kisa unlocked the door and saw his prince rushing over to his side.

"Kisa, are you okay?"

"yeah, I just felt a little sick." Yukina smiled as he wrapped his arms around his love's waist. " Maybe you were wrong…" Kisa looked up and said "it is inhumanly possible for me to be pregnant!" He shook off Yukina and walked to his bedroom for clothing.

He grabbed a light green T-shirt and a pair of dark denim jeans. He looked over to the clock and saw he was running late. He started to rush his way to the door, but something within him "Clicked" and he went straight to the floor. "Kisa-san…are you okay?" Yukina asked, stifling a laugh in his throat. "bite…me." Yukina helped him up and gave him a kiss goodbye as he walked slowly to the door. Yukina watched him and whispered "miracles can happen."

Ritsu looked over to Kisa and said "you look like hell, are you okay?" Kisa looked over and in an evil little tone he said "of course I look like hell! I slept in my bathroom…and do you want to know why I look like hell?" Ritsu nodded as he was curious about the reason. "Because…men can't have babies!" Ritsu stared at him with a blank expression as he turned back to his work. Kisa pulled out the wastebasket. Ritsu looked down and said "you have food poisoning…Hatori-san had it a few days ago and is still home sick." Kisa looked up 'thank freaking GOD!' the thought of him being pregnant with Kou's child was…terrifying nonetheless.

thank you emothebunny121 for editting the chapter ;) so kisa's alive you can relax now.. and no, he isn't pregnant.. if he could get pregnant i wonder how his child would look like..

yukina: " he would probably look like me"

kisa : " lucky I can't get pregnant.. two yukina's are too much for the world to handle"

yukina: *sniff* "oi meanie, should I let aya chan know how bad you treat me?"

kisa:*scared* "oh no wait! a kid who looks like you is a dream come true" (a/n: that totally made him sound like a pedophile.. sorry)

yukina: "that's more like it"