-Magnitude 8-
If your world crash on you, how will you survive?
-Chapter 01-
When the ground growl
11.00 am
Domino City
Turtle Game Shop
Hot … it was the only thought that crossed the mind of Yugi Muto, 15 years old boy still in his bed and very much asleep. The last night had been a delirium, a big farewell party for Rebecca and his Grandfather: after a vacation of nearly a month in the not so amazing city of Domino. He couldn't remember much after the third cup of sakè, just too much colors and cry of joy… The headache was becoming a problem for his sleep, and with that he decided that he will never drink again!
"GOOD MORNING SLEEPY-BOY!" with a loud sound the door of his bedroom was forced open and the traitors light began to invade his precious dark lair. "Awwwwww!" moaned the boy under the cover, he didn't want to wake up, even thought he already was.
"ehy ehy! Don't be difficult little boy! It's time to get up!"; Yugi could fill far too well the presence of the other, that maybe was because he was talking in his ears an trying to take away the blankets.
"Come on!" after the final push Yugi was finally deprived of his cover and with a goofy expression he punted at the man beside his bed.
"Don't make that face little brother! Or the zoo-caretaker will ask us to give them back their baby Panda!" said the man while Yugi began to stand up, "Thank you so much Yami!" scoffed the boy while going to the bathroom "Oh I was forgetting Yami…" The man, named Yami in all the glory of spiky hairs looked at his miny-version
"The Theater-company-of Dance called… they wanted back their tutus!" in a flash Yugi disappeared "YOU LITTLE!".
"ahah my friend don't be so sad we will come back for the winter vacation!" a old man maybe in his 70is dressed in a pale yellow was consoling his best friend, patting his head covered by an old bandana "Awww Arthur it's just so sad, if you go I will not be able to play bingo or anything else with nobody!" the man named Arthur laughed at his old friends statement "My my Suguroku that's not true! You have Yami and Yugi they are your marvelous Grandson they will sure play some games with you!" "Oh dear God with them I will never play again! Especially Yami! I can't win against them! I'm telling you Arthur they are not normal! They never lose!" scoffed Suguroku while adjusting the black bandana on his spiky head, a soft laugh left his friend lips "And that's reminds me all the time I play against you… I never win!" "AND that's why I LOVE playing against you Arthur!" Beamed the man.
"Ahah, thank you so much Suguroku you are so refreshing for a person ego" scoffed Arthur in a playful way. The two old man sited on the comfy sofa of Sugurokus living room were lost in the memories of their past, while waiting for their grandsons and granddaughter. After five minutes Rebecca, a eleven years old blonde girl come out from the kitchen "Grandpa! Are you ready? Our flight check in is in nearly two hours!" Come on!" the two old man laughed as the little girls disappeared again. "Your Granddaughter is full of energy my friend" said Suguroku while patting Arthurs shoulder, "At the contrary my two grandsons that are very quiet and educate boys" he didn't even finish, that with a big pop Yugi fell in the room laughing like a maniac for immediately run away from a furious Yami
It really felt like a tornado, and the two old man watched the two brothers run away in another room.
"Oh yes…" said Arthur "very quiet and educate".
11.00 am
Domino Airport
"Yes Father I've all my suitcases and Bombasa is here with me…" A young and charming man stood in the center of the Domino airport, people were looking at him interested and in awe. He was not a tall man, but his manner so regal and elegant made him like a giant. From his accent and the caramel colored skin people could defiantly understand that he was Egyptian, a very rich Egyptian. A expensive black suit and, a pair of golden bracelet accompanied by what looked like a bodyguard made them think he was an important person even thought he looked so young and they were not wrong.
"Master" said the big fat man named Bombasa "The limousine is waiting" at that the man turned to see him bowing before him, "Ah father it seems my limo is here, I will call you as soon as I arrive in the Hotel" said the man to the I-phone, on the other part he could hear the now calm sigh of his protective father.
"That's good Atemu, but remember that you are there to work not to have fun!" The man, Atemu, smiled at his father apprehension 'cause this would have been his first job alone in a different country "I know father I'm here as your representative I will not mess up", his father scoffed on the other line, clearly that was not what he wanted to hear "You do not represent ME but ALL the Egypt! Son I know you are young and want to have fun, I mean you only have twenty-two years old but as delegate of the Republic of New Egypt we need to make a good impression, mostly with our ally!" indeed Atemu know that fact, it was a recent govern theirs. The NEW Egypt… so other people called them. His father was positioned on the big chair of president and that role scared his family.
He know history and he had meet the past leaders… now all under the ground with a bullet in head.
So here he was making propaganda of his new power, to let people of the other nations, know that Egypt was far more civilized that they were given credit to.
"Don't worry father I will not let you down!" he could hear his father let his back slide on the chair "I know son, you always make me proud" "Than I will go father, at the three I have a meeting with the Ishtars Family for the Inauguration of their Museum" said Atemu while going to the limousine, outside it was really hot, not that he minded since he was habituated too far to hotter temperature but still he preferred the cool air of the airport "Good son, then I'll call you later. Bye!" "Bye!"
"Huff" finally closing the phone Atemu could relax a little, Bombasa closed the limo door, he didn't talk that much and for that, Atemu was glad. After a moment they were in road and Atemu could think of something else.
"Japan…" he had never been so far from home, but he was glad. No more anxiety, no more fear. He was in a calm and boring country and that felt good. He passed an hand in his spiky hair, black and magenta mixed themselves in his anty-gravity hair while blonde spike bolted out like thunders. At home he had many problems 'cause of his strange hair and his frightening blood-red eyes.
But here...
"This is good" said aloud Atemu looking outside to admire the tall and magnificent buildings.
Everything was perfect , as his limousine rode to his hotel in the tranquil and silent Domino city.
11.00 am
Domino Center
It was a quiet morning like everyone else. But in the middle of the town a ferocious sound woke the sleeping creatures of the near park.
At the sound of speed a young boy of sixteen years old and blond hair was screaming while running on his bicycle so fast that the people near the sidewalk got scared.
"damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it! DAMN IT!"
Cried out the furious boy. "OF ALL THE DAY I HAVE TO BE LATE TODAY!"
Joey, that was the boy name, was AGAIN in deep trouble. The last night he had spent it talking to one of his best friend named Tristan, he had ended up going to bed very late with his apartment messed up. It was not like he had forgotten what today was, but he tended to be a little disorganized. So at 10.30 he woke up, remembering that the train of his sister will arrive in less than two hours and for him to arrive there he needed at last one.
"Oh Geez! Mum will kill me!"
For not talking of his sister that even thought she was an angel, well… she didn't take too kind the fact to be left alone in a train station.
With a shiver he thought of the hard punishment he would receive if he was late.
"Oh God if you love me do something!"
11.00 am
Domino Museum
"Miss Miss!" the frenetic voice of Tomoe the 50years old warden of the museum echoed in the big and dark halls, he had worked in that museum for all of his life, with his blue uniform and the torch, when he was young he used to cry in the angle at the doors for the fears of shadows that moved in the night or jump by the little sound that filled the air in the silence, he had grow up as a crybaby, or so his late wife always told him, so it was not strange that even now he was running in his old bones like there was no tomorrow .
"MISS! Miss Ishizu!"
For the long, long year since she had become the head of the Domino Museum, Ishizu Ishtar had become quit accustomed with the eccentric old man and his antics. Sometimes he would call in the deep of the night for the fear of some mummies that would have come to life, or even hug her like she was a big (inexpressive) Teddy Bear the morning she would come back to the Museum. He was a good man, she liked him.
Bu again this is Ishizu Ishtar 29 years old Egyptian lady, intelligent, brilliant, sophisticated, regal, noble and well gorgeous.
She know far too well how men from her homeland lusted for her, black silky hairs long and straight, blue piercing eyes, a dark caramel skin and a silhouette that could put a model in despair.
But Ishizu is not only that, she is a modern women with only one think in mind… Career!
Her brothers said it was a pity that she had choose to marry the work instead of a rich man, but again a man she loved but he was beyond her reach.
SO here she was Lady Ishtar in her big office, restructured recently, in her big black leather chair in front of a desk in ebony full of papers and contracts. The door busted open revealing the now out of breath Tomoe, "Tomoe-san" she greeted patiently the old Japanese man.
"Anf…anf… the… anf…T-the b…Anf" Tomoe was clearly in trouble, so always without a blink Ishizu rose from her expensive chair to the place Tomoe was having hard time to catch breath.
"Tomoe-san, Tomoe-san please relax" she said in a mothering way to the old man while helping him to sit down on one of the chairs of her office.
After some moments and a big glass of water Tomoe was back in shape with two big red cheeks "So Tomoe-san…What was the problem? She asked patiently now that he was okay.
The dumb expression of the man made it clear that he had already forgotten but even so "Ehm…" the finger of the man pointed to the direction of an imaginary answer seemed like an antenna ready to pick up the information that his Alzheimer had stole.
"AH!" jumped the man "I remember!" he cried out loud, Ishizu sited on her desk with elegance waited.
"Miss Ishizu your little brothers are dueling with the ancient sword from the roman exhibitions in the Patio!" .
Tomoe who had always seen Miss Ishizu calm and collected, know that only two things in the world would make her change expression
One was snakes.
And the others…
Her stupid little brothers.
With huge and heavy steps Ishizu stomped in the Patio at the sound of old and precious sword of the Giulyous Empire crashing against one another.
In the center of the future Roman hall of the museum still full of ancient objects not in exposition, stood her two stupid, idiotic, infantile and crazy younger brothers.
"MARIK, MALIK!" with a roar Ishizu made her presence clear and the two twins stopped their fighting.
The swords fallen on the ground.
"Damn, I bet it was the old fart" whispered one twin making the other snicker.
"Tomoe-san is not a old fart Marik!" roared Ishizu now in front of her brothers. "You must show him more respect exactly how you should to these artifacts!"
Marik, clearly the wilder of the two brothers scowled "How so?! He doesn't do a thing expect cry for mammy and we were showing respect to the words! By using them how they were used!" With a smug face Marik looked at her sister, while the other twin was already taking the sword to their place.
"Come on sister" said Mailk "We weren't doing nothing serious, just playing a little… we were careful".
So Ishizu stood there looking from a twin to another.
Malik and Marik were twenty years old, still relatively young and childish. Marik the wilder and craziest of the two was so tall that even Ishizu was forced to look up, had wild blond hair and a pair of intelligent violet eyes, he had always been a problem everywhere. He was a pest as a child a genius, but in a evil way and most of the times he dragged his, a little more quieter, brother in his prank.
Malik the younger one, was more tranquil as his hair that stood in a non so strange way, but he had delusion of grandeur that sometimes powered up his protective psycho-brother.
"What will I ever do with you two" she said disconsolate while the other two grinned.
"maybe you could let us play a little more" they chirped together "NO!".
"TSK Party-popper" .
"For the love of Ra boys!" she urged stressed "You know that the son of the president of Egypt is coming here! We need his approval to let the section of Ancient Egypt start!" now Ishizu know that the boys were all hers "With his consent we can bring here the last piece of our exhibitions!" the gleaming eyes of Malik meant that he had his hear, and if two+two still made four, than Marik will listen too "You mean… The Pharaoh!? They are going to let us exhibit the Nameless Pharaoh!"
Set one go
By the cry of joy she know she had won.
"So if you two will behave today, it would be amazing. I'm organizing the party for our important guest, it will be taken in the Museum…" she made a pause just to be sure she had their attentions "So boys…
With a roar the two fled away laughing hysterically.
"And now Odion…" she said and instantly he cell phone ringed
"Hello Odion?"
"Hi sister" said Odion, as Ishizu answered.
"Brother are you still at the police station?" she asked even thought she already know the answer, Odion sighed.
Odion 34years old man, a police officer. He was still trying to adjust to the air of Domino, more specifically Japan.
Since he had worked in the army of his homeland until his family transferred, things had gotten a lot quieter and he was glad.
Odion was very Egyptian look. He was the tallest in the police unit, half bald if not for the pigtail of black hair, his dark and gloomy expression didn't make him the more cute person in the world but he was a wise man. At the beginning his companion of works were weary of him but after sometimes they all come to appreciate the good giant.
Is supervisor is a women who hadn't waited a moment to demonstrate that SHE was the boss and that he was in a place where he should have shown women the respect they deserve.
Just a little misconception of his origins. But again Haruka his boss, didn't know of what kind of sister he had. So after a mouth of harassment and insults that he had taken in silence, well his little sister found out and made sure that no one would EVER again treat his big brother in that way.
Haruka learned her lesson.
Odion sometimes was a little embarrassed by his energetic family, but he loved them with all his heart.
Ishizu, Malik and Marik were only his adoptive family, he wasn't really a blood relative. The mother of his sister found him one day in the street he was only 1 years old and since then she had taken care of him as if he was her son.
So he loved his family and loved begin part of it.
"Then tell me Odion, why are you there and not at home preparing yourself?!"
Odion rubbed his temple while trying to not listen to the screaming voice form the hall "I was going home really but… I had bumped in a problem" the cry of indignation in the hall grew of intensity and of obscenity.
"Really? What kind of problems?"
"well Ishizu, my problem is a blond teenager boy who nearly invested me with his bicycle".
11.00 am
Domino city
The Great Studio Center
Would had not been for that atrocious voice Mai would have been still asleep in her luxurious car. The driver with her manager seemed far too enthusiastic about that place.
"Geez guys, it's only a Model Agency!" she said while petting her white-fur coat "I mean it's not anything new." With a hand her long curly platinum hair became like a waterfall of pure gold "If you want a model here I am…" with a sensual move she placed the big fashion sunglasses of D&G in place covering her vicious violet eyes, "… I don't think there are any Japanese girls who can compete with me"the two man looked at her with awe as they parked the car.
"And that's because…" in a single move Mai Valentine was out of the car and now was invested of white light by the photographers.
"I AM the most gorgeous woman in the World"
11.00 am
Domino Park
In the center of the gorgeous green park of Domino a boy, a teenager, sited lonely in one of the many red benches of the park.
"Huff" he scuffed while looking at a little package in his hands, he passed an hands in is brown spiky hair, still wondering what he should do.
"Problems big boy?"
Turning his head the boy watched a girl in front of him, she was tall, with a marvelous body, short brown hair and big blue eyes.
"What do you want Tea?"
The girls raising her hands in symbol of peace token place near the boy in big thoughts "Oh nothing Tristan, I am just wondering what's that package about!" she said smirking at him.
With an hasty move Tristan putted the present in his jacket. "Nothing!"
"That doesn't seems nothing to me!" she inquired again looking at his profile. His expression was hard and serious, but the red ears of embarrassment meant everything else.
"Is that for Miho?"
Tristan gulped embarrassed and he stood up from the anxiety.
"Uhm…" Thought Tea looking at him and then "AH! That's right! Today it's your anniversary! An year since you two had become a couple!" she beamed as his face become more red than the bench "That's the present for your Anniversary how sweet! Tris-HMPH!" she couldn't end her phrase 'cause Tristan hastily putted an end on her mouth silencing her .
"Stop Stop!" he begged her "You can't say things like that out loud! It's embarrassing! Do you know what will happen if Joey found out about this!?" she shook her head since Tristan hand was still closing her mouth.
Finally he let her mouth go.
"I swear he is an idiot Tea!" he cried out while moving his arms in air, "Yesterday night I tried to talk to him about this things, but he laughed! HE LAUGHED!" .
After his outburst Tristan looked at Tea, she calmly stood up, patted her knees and taken her gymnastic bag.
"You are right he is an idiot." She said and he nodded happily
"BUT OU ARE FAR MORE IDIOT THAN HIM!" and to conclude her rage she hit him with her heavy bag.
"AWWW! Tea! That hurts" Tristan was now holding his hurt shoulder, while Tea looked at him "Tristan, who cares if Joey laugh at you! Who care if all the boys thinks you are sissy for giving your girlfriend a present for the Anniversary!" "Well I care…AWW" another hit on the other shoulder, "Don't be stupid! They can go to hell! Give her the present and don't be an idiot!" he looked at the ground "yeha… you are right I will go to her home ask her for a date and give her the present" "eheh Of course I'm right!", with that Tristan smiled "Well let me give you an advice too Tea" he said while going to his motorcycle.
"You should confess to Yami soon or later!"
And with that the boy was gone.
Tea looked at his bag, "I will… it's just that I don't know how"
So she too had gone, for her lesson of dance.
11.00 am
Domino City
Kaiba Corporation
"Kaiba Corporation tower, the biggest skyscraper in all Domino and maybe all Japan.
Until the death of its founder ,Gozaboro Kaiba, it was one of the biggest military industry of the World, but as his adoptive son ascended to the throne, the merchandise of Kaiba Corporation changed drastically.
Software, computer, programs and mainly virtual games. In a new face of the markets they made to the top thanks to the dazzling guide of Seto Kaiba the 21 years old adoptive son of Goz-"
With a click a young women turned off the Tv.
Lately the reporter didn't talk about anything else, Kaiba here, Kaiba there… She was bored of all of this attention on the man, while sitting back to her chair in front of the computer the woman adjusted her Ponytail, her hair was her only pride, white and long, no one had that kind of hair and she know the man she was in love with, loved them as well.
"Kisara…" called her boss.
Turning around in her blue tailleur the woman looked up to her tall boss known as Seto Kaiba.
"Did the Von Schroeder Company call?" his tone was cold and indifferent like always, but she loved his icy attitude. "No sir, do you want me to call them?" The big young man said nothing and returned to his office right next the one of his secretary. She waited for him to close the door than she dialed the number…
"Good morning, Von Schroeder Company right? I'm Kisara Mizuno the secretary of Seto Kaiba"
In his luxuries office Seto Kaiba could observe the now so big city of Domino,
How many dawns and sunsets had he admired from the immense wall made of glass? Sometimes he felt like a king in his reign looking to his domain. Tall in his white suit he built an empire that was not hiding blood in his foundation, no not like his merciless father.
Looking again outside after the long talk with the Von Schroeder he felt strong again and yet…
"Kisara…" he called from the interphone, "Yes?" "Call Mokuba for me" "Yes sir".
He turned to his thoughts while passing a hand in his short brown hair.
"Mokuba in on the second line, sir…" Seto did a curt nod even thought Kisara wasn't there to see it, but in any case she know that he will never say thanks.
"Hello Mokuba"
He said while sitting on his chair "Hi Big Brother!" the happy voice of the little boy made immediately Seto relax. "What are you doing Mokuba?" he asked even thought he know already the answer "Homework! And they are booooooooring!" he didn't smile but his blue eyes shined while listening to his little brother, "I know Moki but you need to do them" his voice was stern, without emotion, but his brother could still hear under it his amusing laugh. "You say that because you don't have to do any!" pouted the boy on the phone, "I run a Company, I have a different type of homework" said Seto while taking in hand the only photo on his desk, it shows two young boys playing chess one was a boy with short brown hair and blue eyes, Seto, and the other a little child with long black hair and big blue eyes, Mokuba.
"Anyway big brother…" began Mokuba and Seto could understand by his tone that he wanted something, "Can't we go to the Amusement Park this afternoon? I swear I will do all my homework! Please please…" Seto sighed his brother was really a child, but again he was just eleven years old. "Ok Moki" "…Ohhh Come on Please pretty ple-WAIT WHAT?!" for a moment Seto thought he was about to laugh… but no false alarm, "I'm saying we can go. I don't have much to do anyway" Seto was forced to take the phone away of his hear 'cause the cry of Joy that Mokuba was giving were too much for him.
"THANKYOU BIG BROHER! I swear you are the best brother in the whole world! I can't wait for this afternoon! This day is going to ROCK!".
11.00 am
Domino Hospital
"Doctor, how are his conditions?"
Outside the white sliding doors , Maximiliam Pegasus listened quietly to the conversation. He know he shouldn't for his own good, but the waiting was far too much.
"They are not that bed…" the long pause made Pegasus lose color
"…but only if he stay here, I'm not sure of his conditions right now, the ictus doesn't seem to have damaged his brain, We had taken him in time, but there is the possibility that he will be subject to another one in the next hours or maybe days" a soft cry could be heard outside and Pegasus suddenly felt nauseous, was he dying?
He looked around just to see white everywhere, he was in a hospital bed. It hurts his left eyes hurted so bad.
He remembered yesterday afternoon, he had gone on the veranda, doing what he loved the most: painting a tale for his dear wife Cecilia. Then he felt nauseous and the left eyes burned so much that he thought it was going to pop out, he cried out as loud as he could while he was feeling numb. Crocket and Cecilia were there in an instant.
And so here he was… ictus. It was a miracle that he was still alive but.
"I can't see from my left eye" he noticed, for his own good he didn't know that he couldn't see 'cause there was no more eye there. The ictus pushed like a monster in his brain and his eye was just above it.
"Doctor…" the feeble voice of Cecilia felt like a little nightingale "w-will he live right?"
Maximiliam Pegasus couldn't see the doctor but by the cry of joy of his wife he was sure the answer was affirmative.
He wanted so much to go out there and embrace her but he couldn't move a single finger not eve to move a strand of his silver hair.
But in the end what counted the most was that he was alive.
Even so Maximiliam Pegasus mayor of Domino City cursed the day.
"Oh goodness the reporters will eat me alive".
11.00 am
Domino City
Kurai Hotel
"This is BORING!" with a loud POF a white haired boy jumped on his massive bed, "Ryou! Damn it how much time do you need in the bathroom?!" scowled the boy messing with his wild long hair "Here I'm dying out of boredom!" it didn't wait too long as another white hair puffed out of the bathroom.
"Shut up Bakura! I need my time!" said Ryou after closing the door again, "You are worse than a girl Landlord!" called out Bakura. "Don't call me that!" cried out from the bathroom Ryou "You make me seem like a sort of a master with his slave!".
"but in a way it is…" murmured Bakura.
So here he was Big and bad Bakura Takezu the terror of the merchant street, monster of London the Voldemort of retailers.
Since his childhood he had showed an incredible talent: in thieving.
The psychologist said he was a natural Kleptomaniac who had taken his involuntary problem to an extreme level . "TSK, next level my ass" thought aloud the white boy.
His family had left him when he was 13, so he become a thief to survive and he was pretty good at it!
But then three years ago he made the wrong decision and he was arrested. Since at that time he was still underage the Judge decided for a Social work… in a place where he could steal without stealing: the municipal Landfill. God the smell!
He was forced to work there for an year but when he was finally free from trash and sewage, he found out a family.
DHO! He thought that day, from a smelly prison to a frilled one! It was hard for him.
He never really had a family and he thought he didn't need one.
But then he found out the sister of that bitch that was his mother had been searching for his. Unfortunately she died of cancer in that year but she was able to meet him.
Bakura rolled on the bed at the memory of the frail woman in her hospital bed, bald and emaciated. He thought that in her golden days she must have been beautiful.
So from that day on he was forced in the family of his aunt.
He could only get along with Ryou his cousin. He was a nice guy, even thought if a little effeminate and shy.
Bakura had tried to stay away from trouble, but they seemed to like him so after a big incident with a big knife and a big mean bully crying for mama he was sent away from his uncle with Ryou, with the hope to let him out of dangerous trouble.
"Bakura! Why don't you watch the Tv?" called out Ryou from his shower.
"Tsk, okay Landlord!" tuning on the Tv he scanned the programs…
"Good morning dear citizen I hope you feel well for a walk because today is going to b Super-special-awesome!"
"Awww bloody hell!"
13.00 am
Domino City
Turtle Game Shop
After opening the shop- door Yami had gone in the living room, seated in front of the tv, in a pair of blue jeans and white t-shirt his little brother Yugi was intent to play with his playstation.
"When will grampa be back?" asked the spiky haired boy with a chips between his lips.
Yami rolled his red eyes still amused by the attitude of his little brother, "I don't know Aibou, Arthur and Rebecca flight should be ready so after they leave he will be back in an hour" Yugi nodded still concentrate in the game as Yami slide beyond him to embrace the boy "Why don't we play a game little brother?" Yugi paused the game and looked up at his brother with his big and adorable amethyst eyes. "What game?" with a chuckle Yami petted his brother "Why don't we play duel monsters? It's been a while since we had a match and if I remember right, I am in vantage of one match!" he said while his little brother pouted.
"Then I will defeat you this time! So we are even!" and with a jump Yugi made it upstairs to take their decks.
"Ahah, my little aibou is so energetic".
Every day we live with expectation, with delusions. We make plans for the afternoon, we make promises for next days.
A single moment could meant everything for one person, but would be wasted for another.
Every days is routine. We program our life, we think that they will always be like the day that had passed. Sometimes sad, sometimes happy. We live our moment in a state of apparent peace.
Nothing new, nothing strange… only the usual boring life.
But sometimes we can't program everything.
Domino City
A sound lauder than a thunder from the depth of the Earth.
"Yami! Did you hear that?" Asked Yugi frenetic, forgetting his card on the pavement. His brother tensed.
"Bombasa! What happened?!" asked alerted Atemu from the limousine, Bombasa didn't know.
"Don't worry brother my train is arriving now" said Serenity in the phone, she couldn't hear it but Joy in the train station did.
"WHAT THE HELL!" cried out Marik while grabbing his twin hand as his sister and Tomoe rested immobile at the center of the Museum.
Tea jumped by the shock, she was near home after her dance lesson and the sound made her tremble.
The loud whir of his motorcycle failed to let Tristan and Miho hear the sound. "I love you Tristan" she whispered happy.
"BLOODY HELL!" cried scared Ryou, Bakura tense like a feline grabbed his cousin hand.
The monitor of the hospital blanked for a moment, Cecilia scared grabbed her husband shoulder. He was still asleep.
Kisara was startled by the sound and Seto was immediately near her. But he was worried. Mokuba was at home.
Mai cried annoyed "Stop this sound I'm trying to change dress for the parade!"
Suguroku jumped taking an hand to his heart. Outside the airplane was ready to fly, Arthur and Rebecca onboard.
We don't plan nothing
We just wait to live another day…
Domino City
An earthquake.
…And wait for it to let us live.
"OUT YUGI OUT!" as soon the ground began to roar and move Yami grabbed his little brother arm and forced him up.
They run from their home, Yami could see the rubble began to fall, the shop was their way out, the door open.
"Brother brother!" The scared cry of Yugi echoed in Yamis mind, and as they were moving the ceiling beyond them began to crash their memories, their precious memento. It was hard to stay up, it was harder to run, but if they stopped even for a moment, their house would become their tombstone.
"we will not make it" barely a whisper in that dreadful minutes ,they were too slow, Yami could see the exit just a little forward them, but… without an help…
"AH!" Yugi cried out when he felt his big brother push him forward with such strength.
He couldn't see but Yami could.
Light and Darkness, Hikari and Yami.
That's what they had always been, so even now Yami Muto smiled as he watched his little sweet brother fall in the light of salvation, but around him only darkness.
Domino city
After the Earthquake of 8.0 magnitude
A cry rise from the ground but this time it's from lost souls.
So here a new story, in truth this is an old project of mine, but after some "incidents" I wasn't able to work on it.
So here it is, there will be many pairing, many characters and many problems.
This first chap is probably the only one with so many little short characters episodes, next time it would be centered more on two in particular.
I hope you'll like it ù_ù
For copyright: I don't own Yugioh!, but some character are mine.
So please review!
Next Chap: Even in madness you must go on
See you soon!