1 - Evidence

Eva knew which of the twins was up late in the night. Dante left dirty dishes in the sink. Vergil washed his, but the milk carton was always lighter the next day.

2 - Ice

Dante loved the winter, for the sole reason of pelting Vergil with ice filled snowballs. The earful the boys got from their mother when they came soaked and bruised was worth it.

3 - Crash

For the tenth time that night, Sparda had to calm his hysterical wife and son down. Vergil was calm looking, but he could see, smell the fear his son had for the younger twin. It had been midnight when they received the call that Dante was in an accident. His motorcycle was wrecked; they had seen it on the way over. What scared his wife were the coups amounts of blood splattered with it. Later, after a good smacking, Dante reminded his mother he wouldn't die from such a thing.

4 - Choke

Eva was cooking breakfast when Dante went flying over the table to her right. He was laughing, until a livid Vergil tried to murder him with his own scarf

5 - Ash

The last memory the twins had of their childhood home was chard smoke and flames.

6 - Books

Vergil loved reading. One day he came up to Eva and asked "Mother? What is a whore?" suffice to say she gave her husband a stern taking to later that night.

7 - Gun(s)

Dante once asked his father if he could teach him how to shoot. Sparda then redirected him to his mother. When asked by his son he said "She is a much better shot then I am, nearly killing me when we first meet."

8 - Stories

"The first devil arm came into being in the Great War. A dear friend of your fathers was once an advisor to Mundus himself. The she-demon was very powerful, but fell to Mundus when she refused to reveal the position of Sparda. Her pet, a large, majestic Dragon, was furious. After a destructive battle, Mundus defeated the dragon. She was sent spinning from the hit, all the way to the Human realm. A long the way the Dragon took the form of a blade, hoping to fight once more for a person with as pure intentions as her first master. The blade was named for the very act of treason her master committed. Rebellion."

Dante grin wolfishly "When I grow up I'll find her" Vergil snorted "Please, you can't find that blade; you can barely find your socks in the morning".

9 - Switch

The twins though it was hilarious when they acted like each other for a day. Their father couldn't tell them apart, and they confused the dark knight the entire day. It went surprisingly well until Eva came home and blinked "why are you wearing each other's cloths?"

10 - Ribbon

Dante looked up lazily at the decorations Patty set up in his office. Vergil just looked at him from the doorway where he froze. "I knew you liked red but pink?" the comment received him the finger from his younger twin brother.