Danny was pulled out of his serene thoughts in a nice, warm shower when somebody began banging on his apartment door. You have GOT to be kidding me! Danny complained in his head. Now, really? Despite how pissed he was, Danny stopped what he was doing and with a deep sigh and threw a towel loosely around his waist. That was when he realized the problem. He had been picturing the way Steve looked this past weekend surfing; basically ¾ naked, his board shorts clinging low on his hips. At some point during his shower, Danny had realized he couldn't take it anymore and began to rub.

These thoughts of Steve had began to occur more often these days, and sometimes Danny just couldn't help pitching a pretty decent tent, today being no different.

While he was in the process of hiding his painful hardon with his towel before answering the door, the person who knocked picked the cheap lock and opened it for themselves.

"Danny?" Steve shouted into the house.

"Yes, dear?" Danny asked sarcastically, sticking his head out of the bathroom door, careful not to show below his waist.

"Sorry to interrupt but we need to go. We've got a case. I called you twice, but you didn't answer."

"Generally, when people are in the SHOWER they don't tend to answer the PHONE, Steven!" This guy is going to give me a coronary. Another deep sigh left Danny's chest.

"Alright, I'm sorry, Jesus. I just don't trust the neighborhood alright. I was worried that something could have happened to you...or Grace," he added quickly. "Speaking of Grace, where is she?"

"Got picked her up early this weekend because Rachel's snot-nosed parents are here from England and she wanted Grace to spend as much time with them as possible." Danny paused for a beat, "Will you get the hell out of here so I can grab some clothes from my room!?" he yelled, realizing that there was no way to hide his erection if he had to go from his bathroom to his dresser in a towel.

"Alright, alright, Jesus. Calm down, Danny. No need to get all worked up."

Danny took a cleansing breath, "Just...Just let me put some clothes on and we can go, okay? And next time, try not to break into my house."

"What?" Steve made face #7, the "Don't-look-at-me-I'm-innocent" face. It was one of Danny's least favorite, but definitely still adorable. That was when Danny noticed exactly what Steve was wearing: a navy blue "U.S. NAVY" t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and cargo pants that were also cut short at the knees.

"Did your clothes get in a fight with a pair of scissors?" Danny asked Steve, looking him up and down, trying to think of other things besides slowly cutting Steve's clothes off of his body and kissing the bare skin as it appeared.

"I was pulling up weeds in the backyard. These are my landscaping clothes. I didn't have time to change before HPD called." Steve glanced down at Danny's bare chest, "What are you doing? Get dressed, we've got to go to HQ!"

"Yes, sir!" Danny mock saluted. Steve would never admit it, but somewhere deep inside of him, heat began to pool in his stomach when Danny said that.

Steve was driving at speeds that in no possible way should be legal, even for a cop, down the Kamehameha. Some sort of terrible music was blaring and Danny was trying so insanely hard not to look at Steve. It was growing more and more difficult due to the fact that Steve's hair was slightly mussed up from working in the yard and that he hadn't shaved in a day or so because the stubble on his face was looking wonderfully scruffy. Why is he so goddamn attractive!? Danny's cock twitched slightly, yet another reminder that he wasn't able to finish what he started in the shower and that his blue balls were getting to be more than unbearable.

Danny shifted uncomfortably, trying to use the case file to cover the all too apparent tent he had pitched in his khakis. "You okay there?" Steve asked smugly. He had clearly figured out why Danny was so grumpy.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" Danny shifted in the Camaro's passenger seat again.

"Well, you said you hated camping."

"What the hell does camping have to do with anything!?" Danny shouted.

"Well, I mean, you've pitched a hell of a tent there..."

"Really? That's how you discreetly ask me if I'm suffering from blue balls? I can't believe people actually think you're smooth. You're so corny I can't even handle myself-"

"I thought it was funny-" Steve cut him off.

"No!" Danny interjected, "No, Steven, it is NOT funny and you know what, I am not okay! If you MUST know, you interrupted some me-time and now I am having some issues. There? Happy now!?"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry that the leader of the human trafficking business that we've been chasing for two weeks was spotted across the island in the open finally and that I thought it would be a good idea to go catch him!"

Danny huffed, knowing that he had been beat on this one. The next minute was painfully silent until Steve's phone rang.

"McGarrett," He answered. Danny' pants were officially WAY too tight and if he didn't get out of them soon there were going to be some big problems. He's the only person that answers his phone with a statement instead of a question. What's wrong with a simple, "Hello?".

Steve promptly hung up and turned the lights and sirens off. Danny was confused. "What happened?"

"Kono and Chin already got him. They were in the area so they got there first-" Steve slammed on the breaks all of a sudden.

"JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH!" Danny yelled. The car came to a stop dangerously close to the Jeep Wrangler in front of them. "THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD NOT DRIVE AT BREAKNECK SPEEDS, STEVEN!" he nagged. "YOU ALMOST GOT US KILLED. AGAIN! YOU'RE LUCKY THIS BABY HAS SUCH GOOD BRAKES!"

They were stuck in gridlock traffic all of a sudden, for what looked like it was about a mile. There must have been one hell of an accident for it to be this backed up. Great. Now we're stuck in traffic for the next half hour, at least, and I'm never going to be able to reproduce again because my balls are going to fall off first!

"Having trouble, Danno?"

"Don't talk to me. I'm in pain and I almost just died and it's all your fault." All my fault? Steve thought. That means I gave him the boner? Well, this could get interesting.

"Fine," Steve murmured and unbuckled. Danny did the same; they were going to be here for a while so they might as well be comfortable.

There was yet another painful silence for about five straight minutes. Steve began to fiddle with the radio, play with his phone, basically do anything except look at Danny and his aching crotch. Finally, Danny reached for the glove compartment to take out the Springsteen CD he kept in there, but winced back when pain squeezed his groin before he could grab Bruce's greatest hits.

"You know," Steve started, "you really should take care of that. It's not good for you."

"In the middle of a highway? Are you serious?"

"I was just saying, from a medical standpoint its not good to just you know, leave it. And...uh...the windows are tinted. It's not like anybody except for me can see you."

"That still leaves the problem of you watching me jerk off!" This wasn't helping. It was only making it so so so much worse. The thought of Steve watching Danny get off was only turning Danny on more.

"Well...I mean..." Steve stuttered. He composed himself, "You know what, forget it. Suffer."

Danny attempted to shift in his seat yet again and this time gasped at the pain. "FINE. FINE!" he surrendered, unzipping his pants. "You win, Steve. For medical reasons, I'm going to take care of this right now and then we will NEVER speak of this ever again. You got that?"

"Your secret is safe with me, Danno."

Danny slipped his hand beneath his khakis, then under the waistband of his boxers and began to palm himself slowly. He winced slightly at first but the pain began to fade as he picked up speed. Right where I left off. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back against the headrest as the tension in his groin relaxed and the pleasure began to build.

So good. So so SO good. Wait, what the hell is that? Without opening his eyes, Danny could feel another hand on top of his own, working him closer and closer to the edge.

"Steve?" Danny asked with a slight moan, even though there was nobody else in the car. It was more of an "What the hell?" type of question.

"I got you, Danno. Let me." Too blissed out to even question his judgement, Danny removed his hand and gasped slightly when Steve's larger one took over.

"Jesus fuck, Steve!" Danny groaned; Steve had increased the pressure and he began to twist his wrist just the right way, making Danny practically see stars.

"Just let it happen, Danno. just give in. Come on"," Steve's voice soothed. Danny's cock throbbed even harder as Steve's calm voice drifted in his ear and his strong hand worked Danny faster and faster.

A few strokes later Danny was bucking up into Steve's hand. Jesus Christ, thank God nobody can see us. Oh my God. Fuck. I can't hold out any longer. Danny gave in reluctantly, never wanting this short moment between him and Steve to end. "Steve...I...ahh...so good...fuck...I'm gunna..."

"That's it. Come on. Come for me, Danno."

"Fuckkkkkk," he swore as stripes of come decorated Steve's right hand and the front of Danny's own boxers.

Danny collapsed back into the seat, still riding the high when he noticed Steve side-glancing at him, clearly amused by the whole situation. Using some napkins in the glove compartment, Danny cleaned himself up the best he could and refastened his pants. Well, this is awkward. Steve used the remaining napkins to wipe off his hand.

Finally, the traffic seemed to be moving. "What's that smirk for?" Danny asked, once he had regained his breath.

"Nothing," Steve shrugged.

"Don't tell me 'nothing'. I know you too well, McGarrett, and you're way too smug about this for my liking."

"Are we really talking about this now?" Aneurysm face began to creep out, but quickly it was masked with "I hate feelings" face.

"Yes, Steven. We are! Because generally jerking your partner off in the middle of a major highway is something that merits being discussed!"

"Okay, so talk."

"Me? Why do I have to talk? I'm not the one who-"

"Well, you seem to be the one making a big deal about it so I'm assuming you didn't like it. So, talk."

"Woah, I never said I didn't like it, I was just making the point that it was ill-timed and-"

"So you liked it?"

"Yes! Okay! I liked it!"

There was that smirk again, "How much?"

"Why are we still talking about this?!" Danny shouted as they pulled into the parking lot of HQ.

Beep! Steve had locked the doors with both of them still inside. He was clearly very determined to make Danny admit that it was the best handjob he'd ever gotten and that Danny had secret fantasies about Steve jerking him off all the time. "Just tell me, and we can end this conversation."

"You're such a control freak. Is this because you never did recon on how I like to be jerked off so now you need to make up for it with a survey or something?"

"No I-"

Danny cut Steve off again, "I liked it, okay, Steven? It was fucking amazing and I've wanted it to happen for a long damn time. Now unlock this door before I-"

"A long time, huh?" Steve asked. Suddenly Steve was very close to his ear and practically murmuring in an octave two below his normal tone, "Well if you liked that, just wait until I get my hands on you tonight after the Hawaii State vs. Army game," then he pressed the unlock button and left Danny in the car, stunned and suddenly finding himself harder than a rock at the thought of a naked Steve yet again.