A/N: I felt like writing more young Merlin. :) And, with the encouragement from you guys, decided to start this series of one shots. In all of these, Merlin will be 13, unless I make an exception. X) Hope you like em!

BTW: this is probably going to be updated rather irregularly, considering my schedule and other stories, so, yup! Fair warning. ;)

BTW#2: None of these will contain any slash. But, there will be fluff, and bromance, and protectiveness, etc. :)


"Agility, Merlin! You're stiff as a post," Arthur's practice sword collided with his manservant's. Merlin's whole arm wobbled under the blow, and the sword slipped from his fingers, landing in the dirt with a dull thump. He cradled his arms against his chest and glared at Arthur from underneath his helmet. Arthur just smirked in return.

Merlin didn't break his gaze away as he bent over to retrieve his weapon, and Arthur's smile never wavered. The boy straightened, holding the sword somewhat awkwardly in one hand as he readjusted the straps holding his makeshift breastplate in place.

He lolled his neck from side to side, and then spread his legs apart, before giving a sharp nod.

Arthur did not hesitate, and rushed him, sword raised high as he bellowed. Merlin just managed to block the heavy handed attack, but still stumbled backward, and Arthur laughed,

"I told you, you need to move. Always be in constant motion, lithe and quick. Focus just as much on what your own body's doing as well as mine,"

The sparring continued, Arthur with the upper hand throughout. Merlin seemed to be growing increasingly frustrated, and exhausted. He just barely managed to defend himself against Arthur's attacks, occasionally faltering and gaining what Arthur knew would be very many nasty bumps, later. His breathing grew heavier, his movements more and more sluggish by the second.

Eventually, they found themselves in a lock, swords pressed together, and chests close to touching as they glared at each other through their visors,

"Come on, Merlin!" Arthur goaded, thoroughly enjoying himself, "A little more effort on your part and I might even break a sweat!"

Merlin roared in fury as Arthur shoved him backward, and, once he regained his footing, grabbed his helmet and yanked it off. He tossed it to the side, and snarled at his king. Strands of black, drenched hair stuck to his flushed forehead and cheeks, and Arthur's grin only widened at the sight of the angry fire in his eyes.

"You want something more? You want it, you got it!"

Merlin sprinted forward, letting out a youthful, but powerful battle cry with his sword held in both hands at his side. Arthur casually raised his own weapon in retaliation, but was caught off guard as Merlin didn't swing his own. At the last second, as he came upon his king, Merlin thrust his sword to the dirt and tackled Arthur's knees.

Arthur cried out as he fell to the ground, and Merlin scrambled to his feet, breathless and smiling in a very self-satisfied way.

"There, now we're eve-Wah!"

Arthur had grabbed Merlin by the ankle, and yanked so that he flailed and fell on his back. Arthur pounced on top of him, and fought to pin him down as he squirmed and protested. Merlin stubbornly refused to give up, and he somehow managed to roll them over, staying on top for about a second before Arthur did the same.

Arthur found himself laughing heartily as he continued to wrestle with his manservant. They shoved and grappled, shouting insults at each other between their grunts and laughter,

"Oww! You pulled my ear!"

"Well, what do you expect…? They're a rather obvious target. Hey! No biting!"

Eventually, Arthur found himself on top, Merlin stuck beneath him, wriggling and red-faced as Arthur just sat with his arms folded,

"Do you yield?" Merlin was caught somewhere between giggling and growling,

"Never!" he gasped out after a moment. Arthur just shrugged, and with a devious chuckle brought right hand up, and curled the fingers into a claw like shape. The blood drained from Merlin's face, and he began shaking his head rapidly,

"No, Arthur, no!" Arthur waggled his eyebrows and flexed his hand, then began lowering it slowly,

"Arthur. I'm serious, stop! No, no, no, no, no, no," Arthur's hand gained inches towards Merlin's torso, a soft spot just underneath his ribs. Merlin began convulsing and scrabbling this way and that. Finding no escape he turned towards Arthur with wide eyes, mouth set in a firm, white line,

"Don't. You. Dare,"

Nevertheless, Arthur's hand made contact, and he gave one small, decisive squeeze. Merlin's breath caught, and Arthur fancied he heard a small whimper from somewhere in the back of his throat.

And then, Arthur began squeezing and pinching, dancing his fingertips across his manservant's torso. Merlin was sent into hysterical, desperate peals of laughter as his back arched in response. He kicked and squealed shrilly, and Arthur shook with waves of triumphant cackles, well aware he was drunk with power and not caring.

"Arthur!" Merlin begged, looking close to tears as he struggled to speak through his giggles, "Please, please, I can't…I can't take it anymore!" he wheezed and weakly slapped at Arthur's hands, "Please," he choked out. Arthur rolled his eyes and sighed, pulling back with reluctance, and stepping off his manservant. He towered over him, hands on his hips as he watched Merlin slowly recover.

The boy had curled up into something of a fetal position, and tried to catch his breath as he chuckled and gasped. His face slowly returned to a normal color, and he wobbled to a sitting position, and then to a standing one.

He turned to Arthur, trying for an upset glare, but failing as he couldn't keep his mouth from twitching, or his eyes from gleaming.

Arthur reached forward and ruffled his hair affectionately. Merlin ducked away and ran his hands through it in an effort to fix the damage, but Arthur just snorted and inclined his head,

"Now, we're even," he said. He then spun around and began a light, bouncing gait towards the castle, "Come on! You have chores to do,"

He heard Merlin shuffling after him, and couldn't wipe the smirk off his face as they returned to the castle in the light of the setting sun. Merlin walked beside him, once giving Arthur a friendly shove, to which Arthur began to chase after him, spirits high with thoughts of a warm stew dinner and his plans for training the next morning.


A/N: Well, there ya go! :D Please tell me what you thought! This is much more...well, fluffy, than what I normally do. But I really like the thought of Arthur having a kind of older brother bond with Merlin. And, well, let's just say that I found the prospect of a 23, or so, King Arthur tickling a 13, or so, Merlin...well, I kind of got all ooey gooey inside. :3 Anyways, let me know if you liked it! I keep thinking of this plot line, and how all the relationships would be altered along with the story, if Merlin were thirteen. It would be intensely cutefied. :D I'm still bit-balling around and experimenting with this idea, so any prompts, suggestions, ideas are welcome!