Today a guest read through this story and completely tore it apart in the comments. As they obviously continued reading, the disgust for my character development grew until they reached the end. All I could do was laugh because I missed the anxiety of reading a emotion jerking fic. I could feel the passion of hatred towards my plot and I was amazed that though the person was angry they kept reading. This made me chuckle and think about how devoted I once was. For the angry guest, I present chapter 18 after months of stalling. Thank you for giving me the motivation to continue writing (btw this was not meant in a satirical manner at all.)

Chapter 18

"So what I heard from Casey's husband was true!" he said angrily as he looked at the pregnant woman before him.

Liv stared at him wide eyed and stunned. Not knowing what to do she turned around and bolted upstairs, leaving the door wide open.

She went to her room and sat on the bed nervously.

She grabbed her phone and called Casey.

As the phone rang she repeated to herself over and over again: "What the hell am I supposed to do?"

Casey's phone went to voicemail and Liv kept calling back until she finally gave up.

Downstairs, Chris had let himself in and was pacing back and forth in the living room angrily waiting for her return.

"I can't believe this bitch is pregnant! This can't be my baby. I told her I didn't want any kids. I have been putting up with that one brat of hers all these years." Chris said out loud. "OLIVIA get your ass down here!" He demanded.

Liv bit her nails and decided that enough was enough she was just going to face him. She tied her robe securely over her belly and opened the door and descended down the stairs.

"Are you ready to explain how the FUCK you are pregnant right now?" Chris yelled as she stood across from him.

"Do I need to explain to you how a baby is made?"

"Ohhh Liv it is in your best interest not to get smart with me right now, I am pissed." He said as he punched his fist into his other hand and paced faster.

"Whose baby is it?"

"It's your baby Chris."

"It can't be mine, I haven't seen you in months. I go away and come back and all your shit is gone without an explanation! Who are you fucking!"

"No one Chris. The baby is yours. I found out I was pregnant and I knew you didn't want kids so I left."

"I am going to ask you one more time, who is this bastard's father!"

"You are!" she said trembling. I am almost 7 months pregnant which makes the time of conception way before I left."

"You think I am stupid bitch?" he said as he slapped her to the ground.

She hit the ground hard but turned on her side to protect her unborn child.

"Chris, please stop. What the hell is your problem?" she yelled.

"Because you run away like the little bitch you are. You come to New York and immediately start fucking around." He yells as he kicks her in the back.

"Whether you believe it is your baby or not, I didn't ask you for anything Chris. I just want you to leave and let us move on with our lives. You don't even want it." She says with tears running down her face as she lies on the floor curled into a ball to protect her baby.

He picked her up off the floor by her hair and pushed her up against the wall and screamed, "Even if that little bastard in your stomach is my kid, how dare you take what's mine!"

He punched her in the face, splitting her lip as she stumbled to the ground again in pain.

"Chris don't do this just leave please!" she screamed.

"Shut up bitch," he screamed as he came down to the floor and began punching her over and over. She tried to turn and cradle her stomach in her hands.

As Riley came out the shower she heard the commotion downstairs. She got dressed quickly and peaked out of her room to see what was happening.

He stood above her and his fists went back and forth on her already bleeding face. She screamed as he continued to beat her. He got up and began kicking her in the back. He pushed her over and slapped her back and forth. He grabbed her by the hair and banged her head into the floor and did it over and over again.

"Stop!" Riley yelled as she saw her mother being beaten by Chris. She ran over to him and jumped on his back.

As Chris struggled to get Riley off his back, Liv crawled over to her safe and quickly got her spare gun out.

He rose up and threw her off of him. She fell back onto the glass top living room coffee table. It shattered as her body made impact with it, Riley lay on the floor unconscious.

"Riley!" Liv screamed.

As he turned around to finish off Liv he looked up at her with the gun shaking in her hands.

"What are you gonna do? Shoot me!" he yelled.

He came closer as she trembled. As he was about to lunge at her, she pulled the trigger without hesitation. Two shots were heard; he stopped and looked down. He had been shot.

He crumbled to the ground and his blood began to pool around him.

Liv dropped the gun and ran to her daughter who was still unconscious.

She ignored all the pain she was feeling and cradled Riley in her arms with tears coming down her face, "Wake up baby, please wake up!"