I'm back from the dead! Leave comments and PM me on anything from mistakes to ideas! Thanks me spuds!

~Jack's P.O.V.~

I was having fun bringing snow and freezing weather to Burgess! I should take Brianna here sometime. Even thought I was having fun, I could feel someone's eyes burning holes into my skin. I turned around but no one was there. I saw Jamie and his friends having a snowball fight and decided to join. I'll have to make sure they meet Brianna sometime. Even though she is a guardian, they will still be able to see her.

~Bri's P.O.V.~

North was showin' me how to hide my wings from the humans to be able to walk around freely without being seen and experimented on. After my lesson with Pawpaw, I chose to go meet Cracker Jack in his warren.

Xxxxxxxx-Time skip from le doctor!-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX

Once I got to the warren, I saw Bunny paintin' his googies for the chiren (children for Cajuns) this Easter. I decided to go help him. "Hey Cracker Jack!" I yelled while walking over to help paint. "Come to help Big Foot?" "Yup I sure have" I answered back. I grabbed a paintbrush and dipped it in blue paint.

We had painted 15 in a couple of minutes and Cracker Jack went to his house to get mire paint and all of a sudden I was unconscious.

~ Pitch's P.O.V.~

I've finally got her! Ooohhhh my plan has been put into action! I put Brianna into a cage hanging from the ceiling and locked the door. I called on my nightmares to go fight the other guardians so they would get the message of who took her. Once I sent out the nightmares Brianna started to wake up. I went up to the cage and she was now fully alert. "Let me outta here ya' creep!" she yelled. "Not until I am able to drive fear into the hearts of little children again!" I screamed back and nocked her out with my nightmare sand again.

Hope you like cliff hangers! Let me know what you think in the comments or PM me!