Double Date

By Lady of Spain

Chapter 1: The Pink Cadillac

Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight.

Kudos to my faithful beta for fixin' my flaws.

Paul has somehow arranged two dates for the same night. Jacob gets roped into fixing the problem, and instead gets stuck taking the two girls out. Bella sees him with one of the girls, and turns green with jealousy, and Paul ain't too happy either.

There she was, his dream girl—the girl with the ebony eyes, straight black hair and an hour glass figure. Her name was Valerie Antone, and she was sitting with some friends in the cafeteria. He'd asked her out at least six times in the past; she always agreed, but then would break the date at the last minute. Something always seemed to mysteriously come up. Paul held a high opinion of himself so he figured sooner or later she'd give up and go out with him; he just knew it.

"Hey, Valerie," he said as his long legs straddled the bench where she sat eating.

Her head whipped sideways to see who was behind that voice. "Oh, it's you, Paul."

"Is that any way to greet, your future lover?" He licked his lips sensuously, peering deep into her eyes.

He is such a good looking guy, she thought. But, he was so full of himself. The boy was persistent too. Good grief, was he actually going to ask her out—again?

He cleared his throat. Oh great, here it comes, another invitation to join him in his lair. Why couldn't Jacob ask her out? He was available again. She heard about that Swan chick. Didn't she get back together with her ex, that Edward something or other?

He wiggled his eyebrows. Didn't he realize how ridiculous he looked to this girl? "There's a dance this Friday, I thought you might like to go with me. We could meet at The Pink Cadillac, have a bite and go from there."

Damn, she couldn't think of an excuse at the moment, so she caved and said, "Sure, but let me call you first, just in case." She picked up her tray hastily. Standing close to the table she uttered, "Bye, I've gotta get to class."

Man, this girl was as evasive as that red-headed bloodsucker. She had to run out of excuses eventually. What was her problem anyway? Could it be that she actually didn't want to go out with him? It was hard to imagine. Nah, that couldn't be it. The girl was probably just overwhelmed by his good looks, hot bod, and charming manner. Yeah, now that made sense. He could see how he might make her a little nervous, or unable to control herself around him. He didn't blame her one bit, the poor thing, so he kept on pushing her to get a date.

Forty-eight hours went by, and Paul hadn't heard a peep from Valerie. One day, when he was leaving the school for home, Jennifer Davis cornered him at his locker. "Hi, Paul. Hey I was wondering. I really would like to go to that dance this Friday, and no one's asked me yet. I know this is kinda forward, but do you think you could take me?"

Paul was looking forward to this Friday too, not especially with Jennifer, but the elusive Miss Antone hadn't given him the green light yet. Next to eating, and chasing girls, dancing was one of his favorite pastimes. And let's face the facts folks; he had the moves. He figured Valerie was bound to pull the same crap again. What the hell, she didn't know what she'd be missing.

He pulled out the books he needed and closed the locker. He didn't have to think twice. This would save him the time and energy of finding another date. The best ones were probably already taken anyhow. Besides, Jennifer wasn't bad looking. Her lips were full and sensuous, her eyes were smoky and her short, spiky hair was beautiful except for all the gel she put in it. So he responded quickly, "Meet me at The Pink Cadillac at six forty five this Friday. How does that sound?" He'd be damned if he would walk into that dance—stag. After all, he was this hot stud, Paul Lahote. He had a reputation to protect.

Jennifer seemed pleased. Her plump lips turned up into a smile. "Great, I'll see you then." She winked one smoky eye as she sashayed away.

Swaggering into the restaurant, Paul glanced around at the booths and tables, singling out Jennifer. He spotted her in a corner booth waiting for him; in the next instant, Valerie entered from the side door. Holy ## %%$! He was seriously screwed. Oh man, how did this happen? Of all the days for Valerie to actually show up.

His rep as a stud would now be mud if this ever leaked out. Stealthily, Paul backed up and accidentally bumped into none other than Mr. Sunshine, Jacob Black, who had just entered the restaurant. What a lucky break, he'd get Jacob to do his dirty work for him.

Jacob was stunned. "Are you kidding me? Tell me something, Paul, how did you manage to get two dates for the same night?"

"It's a long story, but will you do it?"

Rubbing his brow with one hand, Jacob finally responded. "Jeez, do I have sucker written on my forehead or what?"

Paul placed his hand on Jacob's shoulder, a look of pleading in his eyes. "Just do me this one little favor."

Flicking Paul's hand off of himself, he groaned, "Okay, but this is a one time offer. Now get outta here."

Hesitating, Paul grimaced. Crap, is that Jennifer looking out the front entrance? How am I gonna get out of here? I can't get through Jennifer, and if I use the side door, Val will see me."

Jacob pointed down at the floor. "Get on all fours. You should be used to it by now." The situation suddenly took on an amusing note. Was Jacob really laughing at Paul's predicament?

Thank god the place wasn't very busy yet. Paul took Jacob's advice and crawled from table to table. "What the ..." he overheard from a lady whose leg he brushed against. Then "Ow," escaped his lips as she kicked him in the ear.

"Sorry, sorry," he muttered as he made his way to an area set up for a '50's dance party. As he stood up, he cut in on one of the couples and rocked and rolled with the surprised girl clear to the back of the restaurant. He rudely dropped her there, and ran through the kitchen slipping out the delivery door amidst shouts of protests from the workers.

Poor Jacob, this wasn't his problem, yet here he was lying to Jennifer to help out his pack brother. Good thing he had an active imagination. Hoping to sound convincing, he spun a yarn on the spot. "Paul asked me to come here and let you know that he had to leave suddenly. His cousin was in a car accident, and his whole family is at the hospital. He's sorry that he couldn't be here with you." Looked like she was buying it too.

Her eyes widened as she winced sympathetically. "Oh my gosh, how awful! Was he hurt badly?"

Another fib rolled off his tongue. He hated doing this but he had to admit, it was easier than he thought. "Nah, just some cuts and bruises. They think maybe he might've also fractured some ribs though when he hit the steering wheel. Anyway, I guess it wasn't too serious."

As he stood to leave the table, he noticed Valerie heading his way. Jeez this was not good—not good at all.

She sauntered right up to him and asked, "Hey, Jacob, have you seen Paul?"

Before he had a chance to recap his creative tale, Jennifer interrupted. "Jake was just telling me that Paul's cousin was in a car accident. He sent Jake to tell me that he couldn't make it tonight."

Valerie frowned. "That's odd, why would he send Jake to talk to you?"

Now glaring at Valerie, Jennifer huffed, "Not that it's any of your business, but Paul and I had a date set for tonight."

Valerie's hands suddenly found themselves on her hips, accompanying a look of malice. "That is odd, especially since he had a date with me tonight."

Jennifer pushed her chair back, as she straightened to face Valerie. "Are you serious? You're telling me that he asked you out—for this very Friday?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you." Her brown eyes were now circles of flame.

Jacob slumped back down into his chair, his tongue lolling out between his teeth. Guess it wasn't gonna be a piece of cake after all.

Both girls glared at the lump that was attempting to shrink into oblivion.

"Paul put you up to this? Jacob Black—I can't believe you went along with it." Jennifer was shooting daggers at her target from her eye sockets. "How could you? I could see that dirty dog pulling a stunt like this, but you? I thought you at least had more integrity than that."

"Wait'll I get my hands on him," Valerie snapped. "He'll be in his sickbed for a month! I didn't even want to be here, but he kept pestering me to go out with him. I decided to give in for tonight only. I would be the boringest date ever just to get him off my back. And then I get stood up ...?"

Sinking lower and lower in his seat, Jacob finally replied. "Look, girls, I didn't exactly volunteer for this."

"But you are involved now, so what are you going to do about it?" Jennifer blew a few strands of gelled hair away from her face. "I really had my heart set on going to that dance tonight, darn it!"

Jacob sat up a little straighter. "Well, what do you want me to do about it?"

"Nothing, I'm going home," Valerie huffed. "I should have had my head examined when I decided to go to this stupid dance—with that muscle bound, arrogant JERK!"

Jennifer gazed at Jacob with pleading eyes. "But, I still want to go. Jake, can't you take me?"

"All right ... jeez, I'm such a sucker. You win. We'll eat, and I'll take you home with me so I can change. Then we'll go to the dance."

"Now, wait a damn minute—" Valerie fumed. "Let me get this straight. I get to go home alone, and Jen, here gets to go out with the most eligible guy on the rez?"

Boy that was a new one—the most eligible guy on the rez, huh? I'll have to rub this news in Quil's face. If only Bella would think that ...

But back to the task at hand ... Dammit, he didn't want anything to do with either one of these girls, and here he was being trapped into taking both of them out. Paul was gonna owe him big time. Lahote would also foot the bill for this. Santa Claus, Jacob wasn't!

"You want me to take you out too?" This was getting ridiculous. Why did he let Paul talk him into taking over his problem? He should have just stood by and watched him crash and burn. It would have served him right.

Scowling, she answered, "It's only fair." Finally, she would get a chance to go out with the one guy who could really float her boat.

He knew he was gonna regret this, but he was squeezed into a corner. "Okay, Valerie. There's a bonfire scheduled for next Saturday. If you still want to go, it's at seven o'clock at First Beach."

"I'll be there with bells on." She flashed a bright smile at him, despite her previous irritation

Jacob flinched at the cliché. Did she have to mention ... Bells?

"Yeah, okay, then, I'll be waiting." Unfortunately. He groaned inwardly. First, Bella goes back to that bloodsucker, breaking his tender heart, and now this—having to entertain two girls that he wasn't the least bit interested in. It would invariably remind him of who he really wanted to be with.

Valerie turned, and with her head in the clouds, floated out the door of the restaurant. This wasn't such a bad night after all, in her opinion. There was a lightness in her step now, and her long shiny hair swayed with each of those steps. She didn't even mind the walk home. Jacob Black—she finally nailed a date with Jacob Black. Life was good, more than good—life was great!

The two J's ordered some dinner. He was hoping to have enough cash in his wallet to cover the bill. Washing dishes wasn't exactly at the top of his favorites list. Thankfully, Jennifer didn't order the most expensive thing on the menu, and passed over dessert since she was in a hurry to get to the dance. After paying the waitress, and leaving the tip, he still had a ten spot left.

When they arrived at the little red house, Jacob introduced Jennifer to Billy. His dad was taken aback. Did his son at last take his broken heart down from the proverbial shelf? Was he once more trying to make a go of it with someone who would reciprocate his love? Billy was fond of his friend's daughter, but she caused his son nothing but pain as far as he could tell. Seeing his Jacob with another girl actually made his heart a bit lighter.

After changing clothes, Jacob drove to the high school with Jennifer at his side. The dance was okay as far as that went, but he still had Bella at the back of his mind. He couldn't get over her that quickly. His memory somehow didn't seem to know the meaning of forget. Jennifer was in his arms, but his heart was wishing it was the clumsy little girl with the long chestnut hair and eyes the color of melted chocolate. Bells ... how he missed her.