A/N: Hi everyone, I've decided that because this story has the rather uninspired title of 'Harmony', it should have a soundtrack. Therefor I'm going to match each chapter with one of my favorite songs, and if you're so inclined you can listen to them while you read it.

The song for this chapter is Nothing I Can Do, by Ben Taylor. Unfortunately I couldn't find any good versions of it on youtube, but the official music video is on dailymotion dot com, the third link down if you google 'nothing I can do Ben Taylor'. I definitely recommend you look it up, it's one of my absolute favorite love songs.

Harry sighed as he caught a glimpse of curly brown hair disappearing through the Gryffindor portrait hole. His gaze was drawn towards the far corner of the common room, where Ron and Lavender were having a somewhat obscene victory snog, and his jaw tightened in anger. He knew that Ron liked Hermione, and it was obvious that Hermione was in love with Ron, and yet there Ron was, blatantly making a prat of himself with his hands all over another girl. Harry just couldn't understand it. Yes, he knew his two best friends were currently fighting, but their fights were getting ridiculous. They fought over anything and everything because they couldn't talk about what was really going on between them. The sexual tension was driving them both spare, and Harry as well.

Harry hurried out the portrait hole after Hermione, resisting the urge to turn back and slap Ron upside the head for being an idiot, or maybe punching him in the jaw. Anything to make the stupid git wake up. He was going to lose Hermione before he even had a chance to really have her.

Not that he would really mind, if she finally gave up on Ron… He shook his head to expel the dark thoughts that sometimes crept up on him. Harry had promised himself that he would never do anything to hurt Ron or Hermione, and if that meant repressing certain feelings for his female best friend… Well then, that was just the way it had to be. Ron and Hermione were the two most important people in his life, and he couldn't bear to lose either of them.

Harry had made a promise to himself years ago. As long as Ron was interested in Hermione, no one would ever know that Harry was in love with her.

Harry had first realized the depth of his feelings in fourth year, when Hermione had turned down his invitation to the yule ball. He hadn't expected to be so… disappointed. And jealous. Hermione had been precious to him since first year, but before the ball he hadn't realized that he might have been hoping to share more than just friendship with her. Unfortunately, around that time it had also become clear that Ron liked Hermione, in that way, and that Hermione had been hoping for Ron to ask her to the ball. Harry had just gotten Ron back as a friend, and he knew that if he confessed his feelings for Hermione he would probably lose them both. After all, why would Hermione ever choose him over Ron? So he had kept silent and promised himself that he wouldn't stand in the way of their happiness.

Now, two years later, he was starting to regret that promise. Ron and Hermione were still dancing around each other, and Harry was caught in the middle. He honestly wasn't sure what was more painful, watching Hermione endlessly get hurt by Ron's idiocy, or imagining them finally getting together as a happy couple, as was inevitable. Everyone could see it but them.

Harry had tried to move on, he really had. He had pursued his doomed, fleeting attraction to Cho like it was a lifeline, and now he was considering finally asking Ginny out. He liked Ginny, she was pretty and intelligent and fun and she played quidditch. He would be crazy not to like her, but… he didn't love her. Hermione might as well be the only girl in the world, because whenever she was around he couldn't look at anyone else. No one else understood him the way Hermione did. She had unknowingly won his heart years ago, with her kindness and intelligence and unwavering friendship, and there was nothing he could do about it now.

Hermione had Harry's heart, but hers belonged to Ron… what a soap opera. Sometimes Harry felt like bashing his head against the wall. Being in love with his best friend was bloody frustrating.

With one last disgusted look at Ron, Harry followed Hermione out of the common room. He found her in the first unlocked classroom he came across, sitting on the teacher's desk, with a small flock of golden birds fluttering around her head. Harry couldn't help but admire her spellwork. She was so competent, that was one of the things he loved most about her, Hermione was no helpless damsel in distress. And she didn't giggle annoyingly, or simper like most girls.

She looked so beautiful with the moonlight glinting in her hair.

Harry wanted to bash his head against the wall again.

She looked up when he opened the door. "Oh, hello, Harry," she said, her voice brittle. "I was just practicing."

"Yeah, they're…err…really good."

He had no idea what to say to her. He was no good with emotional... stuff, even disregarding his personal stake in this matter. He hovered awkwardly just inside the door.

"Ron seems to be enjoying the celebrations." Hermione said abruptly, her voice unnaturally high pitched.

"Er… does he?" Harry wanted to smack his head against the wall again. Er does he? He was supposed to be comforting her, not making an arse of himself.

"Don't pretend you didn't see him," Hermione bit out. "He wasn't exactly hiding it, was - "

To Harry's horror, the door burst open and in came Ron, laughing and holding Lavender's hand.

"Oops," Lavender giggled, and Ron blinked in surprise.

"Er… Hi Harry, wondered where you got off to…" Ron said, deliberately not looking at Hermione.

Hermione hopped off the teacher's desk and stalked past both boys, back straight and head held high. Harry couldn't help but admire her dignity and grace, as well as the gentle sway of her hips.

"You shouldn't keep Lavender waiting," she said quietly, and walked past.

Ron looked relieved that nothing worse had happened, and Harry wanted to punch him again.

Just before she reached the door, Hermione suddenly whirled around, her face contorted with a wild mixture of pain and fury. "Oppugno!" She shrieked, and the little golden birds she had conjured started to dive at Ron. He yelped and covered his face, while Hermione turned and ran from the room.

Harry immediately chased after her, not sparing Ron a second thought. Hermione would never do anything to permanently damage him. If Ron couldn't figure out how to deal with some conjured birds then he deserved all the peck-marks he got.

He caught a flash of movement disappearing around a corner, and finally found her curled into a ball in an empty alcove, sobbing quietly into her hands.

Harry hesitated. He really didn't know what to do with crying girls! After a moment of anxious deliberation, he sat down beside her, and awkwardly pulled her into his lap. She stiffened for a moment, and then relaxed into his embrace, burrowing her head into his chest and clutching his robes in her hands. He tried rubbing her back gently, and that seemed to help a bit. He knew he should say something to comfort her, but he didn't know what.

"Er… Ron's an idiot," he tried. This made her snort and laugh a little before she started crying even more. Okay, well that…kind of worked. "He doesn't even have the emotional range of a teaspoon, he has the emotional range of a toothpick." Hermione giggled wetly, and Harry smiled, warming to his subject. "He has all the emotional intelligence of a flobberworm." Hermione giggled again. "If a pink elephant held up a sign that said 'I love you Ron Weasley,' he'd say 'Bloody hell, a pink elephant with a sign!' and completely miss the point." Harry wasn't really sure what he was saying, but Hermione was laughing helplessly, so he figured he must be doing something right.

"Harry," she gasped through her laughter, "sometimes I really love you."

Harry's stomach flipped, and then he winced, knowing she couldn't see his face.

Not as much as I love you.

He tightened his arms around her momentarily.

"Feeling any better?" He asked.

"Yes," she whispered. "Thank you, for being such a good friend." She snuggled closer to him, and he couldn't help but notice how comfortably their bodies fit together.

They sat together in silence for a few moments with him gently running his hand up and down her spine, and Harry thought she might be falling asleep. He was just enjoying having her in his arms, and he didn't ever want to move.

"Harry?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah 'Mione?"

"Why doesn't he notice me? Is it because I'm not pretty enough?" She sounded near tears again, and Harry sucked in a breath.

"No!" He exclaimed, "Mione that's not it at all, he does notice you…"

"Because I know I'm not as pretty as Lavender, or, or Fleur Delacour," she continued in a whisper, "and he really only notices girls who are beautiful…"

"Hermione, stop." Harry cut her off firmly. He tilted her chin up to look at him. "You are beautiful," he said fiercely, "more beautiful than Lavender or Fleur could ever be." He caught her eyes with his own, hoping she would be able to see his sincerity. He was worried that she might see more than he wanted her to, but he couldn't let her think she wasn't beautiful. Just the thought made him want to laugh hysterically. How could she be so oblivious to the effect she had on him? For someone so incredibly smart, sometimes she could be really dumb.

She smiled sadly at him. "That's sweet of you to say, Harry, but you don't have to tell me what you think I want to hear. I don't have any illusions about my body."

Harry almost growled in frustration. How could he make her understand without revealing too much?

"Listen Hermione, Lavender and Fleur… they're both very beautiful, no doubt about it, but not in the same way you are. Lavender is beautiful only because she tries so hard, I bet she spends hours every morning doing her hair and makeup. Fleur is gorgeous, yes, but most of that is just the veela allure, take that away and she's just a pretty girl. But you, 'Mione, are beautiful without even trying. You don't need makeup or veela allure to make guys notice you."

She was staring at him with a doubtful expression, and Harry was getting desperate. He started to babble. "You have the most amazing hair, did you know? It's really soft, and it always smells really nice, how do you do that? And when you sit in the sun it has all these streaks of red and gold and it looks like you have a halo, or maybe like your head is on fire, but in a good way…" Hermione's lips twitched, and Harry was starting to panic but he just kept going. "Your eyes are really beautiful too, from far away they look brown, but they're not really, they're green and gold and amber and gray and I can always tell what you're feeling just by looking at them, they're the kind of eyes a bloke could get completely lost in." Harry was, in fact, starting to lose his train of thought as he looked into her aforementioned eyes. He knew that there was a line here that he shouldn't cross, but he couldn't remember exactly where that was…

He tucked her hair behind her ear, lightly tracing the shell as he did so, and then gently trailed his fingertips down her neck, making her shiver. She was staring at him with wide eyes now. "Your ears are nice too, so delicate…" Without conscious thought his hand came up to rest against her cheek, and his thumb stroked lightly over her bottom lip. She inhaled softly and her lips parted, ever so slightly. His eyes dropped down to consider her mouth. "And your lips," he mused, almost to himself. "Perfectly shaped…" He wondered what it would be like to kiss her.

Harry came back to himself with a jolt. What was he doing? Hermione was sitting on his lap, staring up at him with a dazed expression, and he was caressing her lips. He was supposed to be comforting her about Ron, his best friend, whom she was in love with. Harry pulled his hand away from her cheek. He blushed and a look of embarrassed panic crossed his face. He had to deflect her attention away from him, quickly!

"I know for a fact that Ron has definitely noticed you," he blurted out, "I think he's only doing this with Lavender to try and make you jealous."

Hermione blinked at him, and then shook her head slightly to clear her thoughts. She smiled hopefully. "Do you really think so?"

"I know so," said Harry, hoping she wouldn't notice how red his face was. "So don't worry, alright? He'll figure it out eventually and stop being such a prat."

She sighed and leaned her head against his chest again. "Thanks Harry, I don't know what I'd do without you," she whispered.

I love you, he thought, but all he said was, "I don't know what I'd do without you either."

A/N: Hi everyone, I seem to have fanfic ADD, I can't stick with one story or even one pairing, but oh well, I go where my muse takes me. This idea wouldn't leave my head, and if people want to read more I might expand it into an actual story with a happy ending. It would stick pretty closely to canon and then extend a bit beyond it, with more focus on the H/Hr relationship than an actual plot. I dislike stories where both Harry and Hermione suddenly wake up one day and decide they're in love with each other, so this would be a slow build up where Harry wins over her affections. I promise both humour and romance.

If you would be interested in reading something like that, or if you just like this as a oneshot, review and let me know :)