A Polar Bear Named Rufus
Summary: North has yetis, Tooth has fairies, Bunny has eggs, Sandy has dream sand and Jack?
Jack has polar bears as the Easter Bunny soon finds out.
Can be read as a follow up story to 'A Frosty Friendship' but it's not needed.
The guardian of hope was not a happy bunny. What was the man in the moon thinking, making Jack Frost a guardian? He had most vehemently denied it, pleaded for any other but in the end the guardians had bowed to the MiM superior wisdom and North's indigestion. Of course then the jolly man had the most brilliant idea of endearing the winter sprite to them by capturing him in a sack and flinging him through a portal to the North Pole; Not that the pooka had an issue with it (he was still a bit miffed about the Easter of 68).
And so here he was; trying to break into a near impregnable fortress in Antarctica. What possessed the brat to build a giant castle in the middle of this wasteland, Bunny didn't know but it wasn't a choice he'd make; even with his copious amount of fur he was still freezing. He'd take a tunnel if he could but the ice wouldn't break for him. Thus he was scaling the outer wall with the help of a few yetis.
Climbing the glacial walls was the only way in; the draw bridge was up and the wrought ice gate was down blocking off all contact. It was hard work. The walls jutted out in places but were slippery and more than once had the Easter Bunny had his life flash before his eyes. But now they were safely perched on a parapet, looking over a garden carved of ice, dotted with ice sculptures. The whole thing shone in the bright sunlight, appearing as if made from crystal. He was stunned that the arrogant little snot who caused so much trouble and destruction (he would never forget the Easter 68) could create such a master piece.
This only served to further fuel his anger. If the winter sprite was so artistic how come he never volunteered to help the others before? Instead of blizzards and buried eggs, 68 could've been one for the history books.
His inner ranting continued through out their infiltration and had Jack been there to defend himself he would've indignantly questioned why he failed to recall all the times previous Jack had offered to hang out. But Jack wasn't there to pull Bunny from his angry thoughts and the thoughts progressed to mutterings. The yetis exchanged a look, having heard rumours that Jack had taken a leaf from North's book and hired guards for his fortress. After a brief conversation through body language they stayed quiet, deciding that their indistinguishable grunts would only draw more attention and the rabbit wouldn't understand anyway.
They were in the courtyard now, facing the monolithic structure. The Easter Bunny signalled he was going to scout ahead and hopped on, his thumping hops making the yetis wince. Bunny bared no such worries and made his way across the courtyard very brazenly. All he had to do was ring the door bell and swipe that rotten piece of Frostbite into the sack, and then they were home fre—
"Argh," he cried out in a very unmanly shriek as a huge snarling weight crashed into him from the side. He attempted to struggle but an enrage growl held him still, instincts he thought he'd long mastered overtaking. He heard the surprised grumbles from his tag-alongs but he dared not turn to them. He had a freaking polar bear on top of him!
There was a screech behind him, like nails on a chalk board. He strained his ears for the cause and was none too pleased when it spoke.
"Cold callers, Rufus, I hate them." Just what Bunny needed; the winter spirit was here to see him floored by a polar bear. That was sure to fill him with confidence in the guardians. How did it even get into the compound? All the entrances were sealed, he had checked. That's when it clicked…
"Why do you have a polar bear? The guardian asked incredulously. Jack said a few things in Icelandic (when had he learned Icelandic?) and 'Rufus' climbed off of him. Bunny quickly jumped to his feet, his shame turning into ire as he saw Jack ruffle the fur on the bear's head. He was just about to rip into the irresponsible idiot when jack answered.
"Security. North has yetis, Pitch has nightmares, you have those weird looking stone eggs," Bunny bristled and tried to rant again but Jack continued on as if he hadn't notice. "Tooth has the tooth fairies, Sandy has his dream sand and guess what kangaroo, I have polar bears." He then folded his arms and nodded like that explained all.
"That doesn't explain anything!" The Easter Bunny exclaimed and he took a step forward... then jump back when 'Rufus' growled. "Why polar bears? And why name one Rufus?" He gestured at the animal but was careful to keep his hand out of reach. Jack adopted a puzzled look, glancing at his usually cuddly, but now slightly grizzly friend then back at the guardian of hope.
"Why not?"
AN: And another one is done! This was fun to write. I don't have anything against Bunnymund but he is a bit of a sourpuss.
I'm not sure if I should keep this as a one shot or go for a mini series e.g. how Jack found Rufus and the others (did you notice I put polar bears.. plural). What happens when Jack and the bears encounter Pitch etc.
If you liked it let me know. I'm not one of those who say don't fav/follow without reviewing but it is nice to get a little feedback.