Summary: Harry Potter Transformers Crossover (Prime, TFA, G1 and the Movies) A series of one shots with Harry paired with different male characters from Transformers. Slash, Yaoi.
Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers or Harry Potter. Seriously if I did I wouldn't be writing fanfiction.
Midnight: So while I re write Strange Times and finish chapter 8 for it, I thought you guys would like a couple of one shots to keep you entertained til I get it finished.
Also before I forget Sirius is paired with Thor and Will so the poll is closed.
Anywho, Review and give me a pairing. Here are the rules for the one shot ideas.
Harry will be submissive.
The character he is paired with has to be male and from Transformers.
The Transformers character you picked to be paired with him must be from either Prime, Animated, G1, or the Movies (aka Bayverse) since I don't know Armada or Beast wars that well.
Please provide a prompt for the pairing.