When Klaus had punched Bonnie in the head, Damon could have sworn he felt it too—in fact he swore a few times to get it out of his system. He should have been there to shield her from any physical blows, he should have never let this happen. This. This had to stop, and it had to stop now. He needed a plan, a pretty good one at that, but his mind was too numb to form any ideas, he only knew that he had to do something before it was too late.
"Look what you made me do, Damon... now she's useless—" Klaus knew that he couldn't have done things differently, which made this inconvienience easier to bare. The duality of what he felt being the reason for it, how differently he would have felt if, say, Elijah had struck her, was not lost on him. It did not make any sense but it didn't have to, because he was the Original, and the rules did not apply to him. He looked down at Bonnie laying on the floor with her head angled to one side and wondered how her recently aquired vampire physiology would cope with this.
Elijah loosened his hold around Damon's neck and watched as his limp body slumped bonelessly to the hard floor. What danger could he be to either of them now? He knew enough about Damon's character to know that when he awoke, and saw what had been done to his girlfriend, that he would not have the strength to do any real damage. If what had been done to Bonnie had been done to the one he hinself loved, he would have felt the same. Perhaps that was why his brother had put him in this position, to see if he could handle being the one to be the punisher.
"You will pay for this," Klaus snarled. He crossed the small space between them in one stride until he stood looming over the body on the floor. He smiled at the sound of bones cracking when the thick, hard toe of his boot made contact with Damon's ribs. He wanted a responce almost more than he expected it. He could just torture him until he grew bored, without a reason, but it would be so much more fun if there was.
It was on the tip of his tongue to make a wise-ass remark about Why did he have to pay for a mad-man's fit of insanity? But before the words left his parted lips he thought twice. It was something he rarely did, which was why it took him a moment too long to answer. Before he could get a word out, he felt a blow to his own face and tasted blood where his own teeth had punctured the inside of his mouth. It hurt, but it was nothing he hadn't felt before, in any of the fights he had been in as a vampire or as a human. Klaus should know better than to think he would go down so easily.
She blinked once and stared up at the ceiling without really seeing what was there. Her body throbbed with pain all over, but that was nothing compared to what was inside her head. Her skull ached as if it were bruised, if bones ever bruised, and there seemed to be a bigger head ache coming. Where was she, again? She could not remember for all the two seconds it took her to look around, but there was something she recognised out the corner of her eye. "Klaus!" There fear inside her brought the world into sharp focus.
"Bonnie!" Damon cried a second time, reaching for her as if the distance between them were widening.
Bonnie turned to the sound of his voice, but the relief could only last for so long because she could only turn away from the Preditor for so long before the prickling sense of danger overwhelmed her. Klaus's hands were around her throat and his fingers were squeezing as if the tears coming from her eyes already weren't enough. "Damon..."
"Elijah..." Klaus mumured in a slow and deadly voice.
He could not watch her struggle like this and do nothing, and it did not matter that he would have done something, anything, if he had been able. He had to do what he usually never did: beg. "Please... Klaus..." he pleaded, "... Don't do this... I beg of you..." From behind, he felt a rock-solid arm slip around his neck. In less than a moment, it seemed, all the air he could inhale was as thick as smoke, and only just enough to breathe. He could not say another word, although he wanted to scream.
Klaus knelt beside where she lay and, in a movement she could see coming but was unable to stop or react to, gathered her wrists in one of his large hands, pinning and securing them above her head. He leant his head down to her lips, but felt the kick of her legs and instead worried at her bottom lip with his teeth, pressing down so hard he drew blood. She tasted good, and he savoured her in his mouth, licking his lips when he turned back to Elijah.
Elijah withdrew his arm from around Damon's neck and moved to his brother's side. "Yes, brother?"
"I want you to take this knife," Out of a pocket in his trousers, he withdrew something silver wrapped in a silken cloth and held it out, his arm only centimetres from Bonnie's face. "I want you to take this knife, then I want you to run it through his heart—"
"No!" Bonnie screamed, her heart pausing a few seconds from the shock of hearing the killing command. The moment that the word had left her mouth, she knew that she had to bring her magic back, no matter what the cost.
Klaus swore and fixed her with a glare that would have wilted a lesser witch the she. He drew back his arm and stopped, transfixed as something liquid and oh-so-hot moved beneath the surface of his skin. "You are mine," he struck her leg so hard, so quick, "You will not think of him anymore." He ran his fingers across the cool flesh of her hips and waist, forcing her to shiver at the sensation. "He whispered, "You are mine."