I'm back baby! With new chapters and new stories coming your way! Things have calmed down and I'm getting back to writing. Sadly Kitten and Puppy will be deleted. If any of you wish to continue it private message me a sample chapter of how you'd take it over. Thank you Boris Yeltsin for your help and continued support on all of my stories.

With Jade asleep, Tori and Cat watched a movie. Having let Cat choose the movie, Tori ended up putting in 'The Little Mermaid'. Tori didn't mind because it kept Cat quiet, at least for the most part. Near the end, Tori heard Jade begin to cry. Tori rushed to Jade and picked her up.

"It's okay baby girl. Mommy's got you." Tori said rubbing Jade's back.

"Mommy wet." Jade whimpered.

Tori quickly changed Jade's diaper and then carried her out to where Cat was.

"Jadey! Ous wa up." Cat exclaimed and Jade looked at Cat with a grin.

"Tissy! Pway!" Jade cheered.

"Just for a little bit, then it's time to be big so we can finish doing our project." Tori said before putting Jade down.

"Otay mommy." Jade said sadly and then went off to play with Cat.

Tori watched over the girls while they played until they whined for food. Leading the girls upstairs, Tori put Jade in her highchair and helped Cat into a big girl chair. With both girls sitting, Tori got out some fish crackers and gave each girl some. Then went about making three grilled cheese sandwiches.

"Here baby girl." Tori said giving Jade half of one of the sandwiches before giving the other to Cat.

When Tori was finished with the other two sandwiches, Cat and Jade wanted more. Tori split one of the sandwiches and gave each girl half before she began to eat her sandwich.

"Me pull mommy." Jade said whining.

"Me too." Cat said.

"Alright sweethearts. Let's get you two cleaned up and then you'll get some juice and we can go watch a movie." Tori said as she cleaned the girls up and got them juice cups.

"Mommy me wan baba." Jade whined not wanting a sippy cup.

"Alright baby girl."

After transferring Jade's juice to a bottle, Tori led the girls downstairs to watch a movie.

"Baby girl go pick a movie." Tori told Jade, who grinned widely and toddled off to pick one.

"I wanned ta pick da mobie mommy!" Cat yelled and stomped her foot.

"We don't yell Kitty and you got to pick earlier." Tori said sternly and Cat huffed and glared at Tori.

"Knock off the attitude or you can have a spanking and a time out." Tori said as Jade toddled back over holding 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' sending Cat into a tantrum.

Tori picked Cat up and went into the nursery and stripped Cat of her pants and diaper before spanking her five times.

"I sorry mommy." Cat cried.

"It's okay sweetie. Let's get you into a new diaper and then you can have your time out." Tori said before putting a new diaper on Cat.

Tori led Cat to corner and told her to stay until the timer went off. With the timer set for eight minutes, Tori grabbed another diaper and some wipes before leaving the room.

"Baby girl let's change your diaper." Tori said looking over to Jade and saw Jade had been crying.

"Come here baby girl." Tori said with her arms open to which Jade toddled to and clung to Tori.

"Let's change that diaper and we can cuddle until sissy's time out is over." Tori said before quickly changing Jade and throwing the dirty one away.

Tori cuddled with Jade on the bed until the timer went off.

"Come out here to me Kitty." Tori said and Cat toddled out of the nursery.

"I sorry mommy." Cat said.

"You're forgiven sweetie. Now up on the bed and I'll start the movie." Tori said as Cat scrambled up on the bed.

Tori started the movie and Jade cuddled into Tori and sucked her thumb. Cat curled up on the other side of Tori and watched the movie while Jade slowly fell asleep. Once the movie was over, Tori realized that Cat had fallen asleep too. Not wanting to wake either girl, Tori fell asleep.

The feeling of wetness woke Tori from her sleep. Looking at both girls, Tori realized that they'd over filled their diapers. Easily sliding out of the bed, Tori started a shower and quickly cleaned herself up before running a bath. With the bathtub filling, Tori changed her clothes and woke the girls.

Quickly, Tori got both girls undressed and into the tub. Both girls splashed around and played but all to quickly it was time to get out. Tori got both girls out and wrapped them in towels before steering them toward their regular clothes.

"It's time to be your regular selves." Tori said and Cat came out of her mindset.

Jade however pouted and clung to Tori. Gently Tori eased Jade off her arm and said,

"It's time to be big Jade. We skipped school and now we need to finish our work."

Jade nodded and slowly came out of her mindset. Cat and Jade got dressed while Tori removed the sheets from Jade's bed and put baby powder all over the bed. Tori took the soiled clothes and sheets to the laundry room and put them in the washer. As Tori headed back to Jade and Cat, she heard the two saying goodbye at the front door.

"Bye Cat. See ya at school." Tori said before Cat gave her a hug.

"Thanks for today Tori. Bye." Cat said before she left.

"Let's get this over with." Jade said before leading Tori upstairs to an office designed room.

It didn't take them long to finish and once everything was typed and printed, Tori had to head home. While on the outside Jade seemed fine, on the inside she was fighting her emotions to stay inside. Tori looked at Jade and could see the inner battle.

"Jade I can stay if you want. Or you could spend the night at my house. You don't have to be here alone." Tori said rubbing Jade's back.

"It's fine. I'm fine Tori. Drive safe and I'll see you tomorrow at school." Jade said as they walked to the front door.

"Alright. You can always call me and I'll come."

"Thanks Tori."

Tori went home and got ready for bed. Just as she got into bed, her phone dinged with a message. Seeing Jade's name worried her. The message read,

'I'm out front.'

Tori looked out her window and saw Jade with her teddy bear. Rushing downstairs, Tori opened the door and Jade rushed over to her.

"I'm sorry I just don't want to be alone."

"It's okay Jade. Let's head up to my room and go to bed."


When morning came, Tori woke up to being alone. Jade was nowhere in her room. Tori grabbed her phone and saw she had a message from Jade that read,

'Went home so I could get ready for school. Thank you for last night.'

After sending a reply back, Tori began to get dressed herself. When she finished, Tori grabbed some breakfast and left for school. Arriving at school, Tori saw Jade sitting on the hood of her car drinking coffee.

"Hey Jade." Tori said and gave Jade part of her breakfast.

"Hey and thanks."

"Well I'll see you later." Tori said before heading inside.


Jade waited until she saw Cat come in the parking lot on her bicycle. Moving quickly, Jade caught Cat as she was finishing locking her bike.

"Cat we need to talk. Now hold out your arm."

"Oh hi Jadey." Cat said holding out her arm.

"Don't call me that!" Jade exclaimed as she grabbed Cat's arm and led her into the janitor's closet.

"Are we having a closet party?"

"No! Why do you want Tori to baby you?"

"I like to wear diapers. I wear them all the time at home and I've always wanted someone to care for me."

"So you like use your diapers for more just..." Jade said leaving Cat to figure the rest.


"Oh. I gotta go." Jade said before leaving Cat in the janitor's closet.

Jade didn't know what to think about Cat's reasoning for wanting to be babied. She wasn't sure if she'd ever want what Cat wanted. What if Tori liked babying Cat better? The thought brought tears and Jade locked herself in a bathroom stall and cried. She couldn't stand to lose another mom.

"Jade? Jade are you in here? It's Tori."

"Yes." Jade said sniffling.

Tori locked the door to the bathroom and knocked on Jade's stall. Jade opened the stall and hugged Tori and began crying all over again. Tori let Jade cry and rubbed her back until Jade's crying turned to sniffles.

"Now do you want to tell me why you're crying in the bathroom and not in Sickowits class?" Tori asked as she made Jade look at her.

"I no wan wose ou mommy." Jade said slipping into her little space.

"Why are you going to lose me baby girl?"

"Cuz tissy Kitty wan be baby mow dhen me."

"Baby girl what are you saying? Can my big girl Jade come out and talk to mommy?" Tori asked seeing the tears begin to fill Jade's eyes.

"Cat told me why she wants to be babied. She likes to wear diapers all the time and use them for more than what I'm willing to use them for. Then I got to thinking what if you liked that and didn't want me anymore and you left me."

"Jade I'm going to be honest, okay?" Tori paused and Jade nodded.

"I'm not comfortable with the way Cat uses her diapers and I would never, NEVER stop babying you and leave. I'll only ever stop babying you if you choose to no longer want it."

"You promise?"

"I promise. Now let's clean you up and maybe salvage the rest of our classes for the day." Tori said leading Jade to the sinks.


Jade was cleaned up and ready for class by the end of first period. Tori unlocked the door and they left. The rest of the day went smoothly and soon it was the end of the day. Jade and Tori met up in the janitor's closet after the dismissal bell rang.

"Are you gonna come over?" Jade asked after locking the door.

"Yeah but it won't be until 6 or 7. I have some things to get done and look into. I want all your homework done by the time I get to your house."

"Okay." Jade said before they left the closet.

After saying goodbye to Jade, Tori headed home to look into finding a new caregiver for Cat. Tori could tell that Jade, though liked a playmate, didn't like to share her mommy. When she arrived home, Andre was there waiting for her.

"Hey chica." Andre greeted when she got out of her car.

"Hey Dre."

After giving him a hug, Tori let him into her house and sat in the living room.

"So I have a favor to ask and I hope it doesn't wreck our friendship." Andre said as he paced Tori's living room.

At that moment Tori knew that finding Cat's new caregiver would have to wait. Her best friend needed her help.

To be continued.

What's Andre's favor? Why could it wreck their friendship? Answers and more coming soon! Reviews would make my day and encourage me to write more and spend less time on my tumblr.