AN: So sorry about the long wait, everybody! Last year was really hectic. At one point I had my laptop stolen in a break in and got it back from a pawn shop only to find it wiped clean. So I had to rewrite this chapter AND chapter 8 of Hothead Meets Blockhead while studying and looking for another job! This chapter is a long one and I recommend rereading the prior chapters in order to grasp everything.

Thank you for all the favorites and reviews! I am so happy that you all love my work. Hopefully I can continue and finish this someday. Special thanks to xamethyst-rosex for coloring my art for the new cover.

Warning: This chapter contains a scene near the end which could be triggering as it contains mature subject matter such as sexual assault and violence. So avert thy eyes!

Chapter 4: Bluebeard

Embroidered slippers clacked against the well-polished marble floor and a long silk robe swished behind with each step. The doors parted to the private kitchen and a familiar face was standing behind the counter with a greeting smile.

"Good morning, your majesty." Makoto gave a small respectful bow of her head.

"Good morning, Mako." The queen sighed and closed the door behind her. She looked much more tired despite retiring early the night before. And she knew Makoto would catch on that she didn't sleep much.

"Would you like some tea?" The cook asked.

"Please," the queen nodded as she took a seat.

The teacup was filled and mixed to her liking before being laid out in front of her. The queen gave a nod of thanks before taking a sip and gingerly setting it back on its saucer.

"I just baked these. Would you like some?" Makoto asked and lifted up a large platter with a tower of chocolate chip cookies on it.

The mixed emotions washed across the silver-haired woman's face. A strong woman such as herself rarely let someone see her vulnerable. Yet now she was fighting the grief-stricken look off her face as soon as it came. She knew damn well who those cookies were for. Makoto would bake them in abundance for Usagi every birthday since she started working at the palace.

Normally she wouldn't, but whenever things spiraled out of the queen's hands she turned to sugar for comfort. This was one of those days, she concluded as she reached for one and took a bite. "It's good," she said with a small crack in her voice, forcing a smile.

"I'm glad." The brunette smiled back. "If it's not too bold to ask, would you like someone to talk to?" She asked softly.

A moment of silence hung in the air after that question. The queen took a sip of her tea to wash down the cookie. "Mako, do you think I'm a bad mother?" She asked bluntly, her voice solemn.

Makoto shook her head. "No, I do not."

Serenity took a shaky breath as her glossy eyes welled with tears that threatened to fall. "I just feel as if, this was my doing. I was too hard on her and I pushed her away…" She choked.

"Your grace," the chef frowned and reached to take her hand in hers. "This isn't any of your doing. You mustn't be so hard on yourself." She squeezed her hand. "Usagi loves you, very much. She thinks the world of you."

The monarch's eyes gave a little shimmer through the tears. Makoto seemed like her only other source of comfort aside from Raditz. They shared a special rapport only two women could understand.

Serenity had a most complicated relationship with her own mother, Selene. The previous queen taught her to be strong and unyielding, that a true queen never cried. Obviously that left Serenity to grow up with a handicap when it came to trust. Her being emotionally stunted and always needing control was the rift that wedged between her and the princess.

She had held off on everything concerning her daughter that was long past due: marriage, her coronation, and birthing an heir. In the beginning she was convinced the extra time was a kindness she wished she was bestowed at her age by her own mother. More time to become better acquainted to her possible betrothed before surrendering herself to serve her kingdom. But along the way, the queen's patience ran thin. The princess still remained so naïve and childish, a disheartening reality. How could she trust her daughter with the responsibly that was constantly being avoided with every opportunity? Usagi made no effort to choose a suitor, neglected her studies, and habitually snuck out of the palace on top of all that. The days before her daughter's birthday Queen Serenity had finally reached the end of her rope.


"So help me gods, either you start displaying more diligence towards your birthright or I will choose whom you will wed on your birthday and make him my successor instead!"

"What, how could you?!" She shrieked as she clutched at the stained fabric of her skirt. "That's despicably unjust, Mother!"

"You heard me," she ground out sternly. "You're of marriageable age and it's high time you behaved as such. You are no longer a child!"

"You would sooner see a stranger take your throne than your own flesh and blood?!" The blonde choked out in tears. Such an action only occurred when an heir had committed enough misdemeanors to be deemed by the council inept to rule. Her mother demanding this would be the same as announcing to the masses that her daughter was a disgrace.

"If it means sparing the kingdom from a ruler who turns away from every basic task given, a ruler that can't be expected to be punctual at a council meeting, and has little regards for her own safety: Then, as queen, I will do what I must." She hissed out, hitting the nail on the proverbial coffin.

Usagi's posture slid into a limp state of complete defeat and the monarch could see the look of shock and utter betrayal shining in her eyes.

Her mother stood firm, raising her chin up and fighting the maternal instinct to soothe the pain she inflicted on her daughter. This had been a long time coming and she needed this rude awakening to sink in.

Two familiar guards leaning against the corners of the room witnessed the exchange transpire and remained silent. One had his hands folded on his chest while the other's posture stood upright and appeared as appalled as the princess. The latter of the two took a couple of steps forward when he saw the blonde whirl around and begin to shake with fresh tears rolling down her cheeks, fighting back sobs.

"Rabbit," Raditz breathed as he reached out.

Stretching his arm toward her seemed to be in vain however. He disregarded his mate's expression of blatant disapproval of him trying to comfort the girl yet Usagi ran past him while wiping her eyes.

Turles, who had been on the other side of the room, decided to follow her and make sure she would still get her space. His voice could be heard ordering the princess's night guard past the door to not pursue her.

End Flashback

"I have no doubt she loves me. But perhaps I wasn't as supportive as I should have been. There's so much about becoming a queen she has yet to learn." Serenity sighed and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"Perhaps she's frightened with the prospect of never living up to your standards. With a queen like you, she already has a tall glass to fill."

Serenity gave a slow nod. That was a valid point that didn't cross her mind. Usagi had accomplished very little next to how she was in her own youth. Usagi however didn't have her drive and desire for overachievement like she did. Perhaps it was unfair to judge her performance next to hers. "Thank you," she breathed out gently. If she were to ever see her daughter again, hopefully she might be able to see eye to eye with her over that.

"That's what family is for. I am technically your sister in law after all." She said and tipped her a wink.

The silver-haired woman merely shook her head with a small smile. "I'm quite amazed Turles would find someone as wonderful as you to be his mate. Then again, I'm sure your cooking left him free of all doubts."

"You're damned right it did," she snorted. "Half right actually, it was my right hook too." She corrected herself. 'Also didn't hurt that she had a sultry accent to match her voluptuous figure.' A voice not hers echoed in her mind, making her cheeks tint pink.

"Typical," Serenity snickered.

About 12 years ago, Turles had met Makoto at a nearby tavern. The moment she met his eyes serving him his rum, he was utterly smitten and vice versa. Since then, they would sneak into the cellar during her graveyard shift for a passionate tryst. This impromptu courtship continued for months until she revealed she was with child. Overwhelmed with the news, Turles decided to help her by bringing in one of her cakes into the palace. With the delicious treat passing the Queen's taste test, Makoto was offered the position as private chef to the royal family. All her financial troubles were taken care of, a rare blessing for an unwed foreign woman like her.

Damned Turles had her furious when he sat her down and told her he couldn't marry her. She thought he was being choosy or was skittish over the commitment. It all became clear that one night, when the moon was full. Then she finally understood all of it. There was no intention of leaving from him.

As long as he was what he was, it was safer for her to claim unmarried and her child a bastard. Having his brother 'balls deep in the queen'—as Turles put it so crassly—was already enough scandal. If it was revealed there were Saiyans in the palace, the kingdom would be in a state of pandemonium. They would look into families first, capture and killing relatives. Turles didn't want to gamble with that risk. She could live with that. So they kept their romance from everyone except a select few and those who can smell otherwise.

"Say, how's your boy been? I haven't seen him around in a while." Serenity inquired.

The cook smiled; happy the queen was looking more at peace. "He's doing wonderfully. He started a little business for himself."

"Really, such as..?"

"He's been making smoke pellets. He's made some good ones to kill rodents with. I just about screamed when he came home with a purse full of coin last month. The markets and butcher shop tipped him heavily that first week."

"Dear gods, your little Shingo, a business man at only 11 years old." She shook her head before whispering. "Are you sure he is Turles's son?" She leaned in, "Because that boy has the last thing you'd expect his father to have: a good work ethic."

Makoto burst into a fit of laughter. There was no point in arguing that. Loyalty to their family aside, Turles had plenty of quit in him when it came to hard work. He usually took the easy way out and detested following someone else's rules. Hell, he should have been grateful to Raditz for keeping his position as long as he had.

A wince escaped her lips as she felt a stinging pain on the back of her thigh.

"Something wrong..?" The queen asked with a touch of concern.

"Oh it's nothing! These cabinets just give me the occasional splinter every time I brush up against them is all," she said and slammed a cabinet underneath the counter roughly with a laugh.

"Mako, I don't mean to be rude, but I'm awfully curious. What is Turles like as a father?" Serenity whispered. "He's usually quite aloof, polar opposite to Raditz, and yet my daughter has always adored him."

A small smile crept over the cook's lips. "I know he isn't really the affectionate type. When Shingo was born, Turles told me he wanted to always be in his life. He's a very thoughtful provider, let's that boy want for nothing. He advises him, pushes him when he needs to, and even when he isn't so talkative, he always tells him he's proud of him no matter what." She said as her smile grew wider. "Of course, he doesn't really say 'I love you' all the time but he's always showed it in other ways." She huffed slightly in agitation. "I mean, he wouldn't fall over dead if he cared to say it more often." She added and bit the inside of her cheek as the stinging pain on her thigh came back.

"Knowing Turles, you won't get it out of him unless they're his famous last words." Serenity smirked knowingly. Usually they butt heads, but she understood Turles's struggle to open up and voice his emotions. It was a very cultural thing for Saiyans, according to Raditz. He always said it was a trait Serenity shared with them.

"I hope not, or else he'll have more to worry about in the afterlife than paying the ferryman!" The brunette growled in response.

Serenity let out a giggle at the way the other woman shook her fist in anger.

As if on cue, the doors swung open and Raditz dashed into the kitchen a disheveled mess. He was catching his breath, winded out from all the stairs he sprinted to get there. His face glistened with sweat.

"Raditz, what is it?" Serenity jumped from her seat in surprise.

He merely responded by holding up a parchment that was addressed to him. "Our ray of sunshine is safe, beloved." He announced with a relieved smile.

"Oh, thank the gods!" She exclaimed, on the verge of tears once more. Her chair knocked over as she rose and hurried to take the parchment out of his hand. It was pulled up and out of her reach before her hand could touch it. "Raditz, give it here." She ordered and held her hand out.

"The instructions say you should read it in private and burn it after you finish." He said in a matter of fact tone.

"Very well, warm up the fireplace in my bed chambers and I'll come join you shortly." Serenity commanded while crossing her arms.

"Mm," he said with a wolfish grin. "That almost sounds like the perfect sentence."

"Gods, you can be such a letch!" The queen hissed in annoyance and swatted his arm repeatedly to his delight. "Hurry up and be gone," she demanded.

"As you wish," he swiftly bowed her before running off.

Makoto was laughing as the queen approached her. That little exchange validated all that Turles had been telling her for years. Behind closed doors, they acted like a pair of honeymooning teenagers.

Serenity reached for a plate and served herself some cookies. "I'll be back for more. I have a feeling I will need them after reading this note."

"Enjoy," she giggled as the queen gracefully closed the door behind her with her free hand.

"Ye gods, I thought they'd never leave." Turles groaned and stood up from behind the counter to stretch, naked as the day he was born.

"I don't recall you nude before you hid." Makoto smirked as she eyed up her man beside her.

"Had to keep busy while you two kept yakking," he shrugged with a roll of his neck.

"And yet you had plenty of time to pinch me."

"Then you slammed the cabinet door on my hand."

"Served you right," she smacked his sturdy chest. "I hope you were really listening to what I said."

He merely grabbed her by the chin so she would look him in the eye. "No more talk," he purred before lowering his lips to devour hers.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and she let out a satisfied moan when she felt him lift her onto the counter and start to peel off her clothing.

Usagi sat at the table and bit her lip. She idly fiddled with her neatly braided hair. Rei was nice enough to style it for her after they woke up. Inside she was anxious to face Trunks after the night before. There was so much she wanted to talk to him about. Her nightmares, his odd behavior…and yet here she was fretting over something as stupid as how he'd respond to her new hairdo. The man has seen her skip around in her undergarments caked in dirt for years. Hell, he even held her hair when she vomited yesterday. Why should this matter now? It was only Trunks after all.

The lady of the Ember Lands huffed in her seat long past their breakfast was eaten. "Where are they? Do they usually sleep in until luncheon? The nerve," she hissed and crossed her arms. "This is unacceptable."

"Calm yourself, Rei. The men were up late last night doing a quick patrol." The baron spoke to ease his granddaughter's ire.

"Out on a patrol? Aren't you the one that told us everyone is not to leave the grounds at night?" Her eyes narrowed at her elder.

"You misunderstand, Rei. They were merely setting up a perimeter as custom to the end of every hunt. Many dangerous animals skulk around at night, best to have as many precautions."

Usagi's eyes widened as the baron's words seemed to pierce into her very mind as images of her nightmare flashed into her head. Those large sharp teeth, glowing red eyes, all dressed in a thick massive coat of dark fur. She could feel the chills overtaking her as the hair on her arms stood up.

Rei was oblivious to the blonde's quivering until she felt a shaky hand clutch her wrist. She turned and gave the princess her undivided attention, anger immediately melting away. "What is it, Usagi?" She asked gently and leaned closer to her.

"I have to see, Trunks." She whispered for only Rei to hear.

Rei gave a nod. She had no room for excuses now. It was day time and the last thing she wanted was for the princess to bawl her eyes out again. "Grandfather, I would like to take Usagi to the servants' lodge." She stated.

"I see," the old man nodded understandably and fished in his robes' pockets. "Rei, I would like you to have the skeleton key then." He said and handed it to her.

"You would give this to me?" Rei blinked in slight disbelief.

"Well I don't see why not? You are of age and I trust you with the responsibility. It is yours to keep." He replied with a smile.

Rei bowed her head slightly. "Thank you, Grandfather." In the Ember Lands it is unheard of for the man of the household to give the key to a woman, even a family member. It usually went to another man. The fact that her grandfather held her in such high regards made her inwardly overjoyed. Such a small thing was a tremendous honor in her homeland.

"No need to thank me. Now, I will go take my tea by the garden and pray." He said as he slowly stood from his seat.

Rei nodded and ushered for Usagi to take her arm and follow her.

"This is the one." Usagi pointed out the door when they came to the end of the hall next to the washroom.

Rei knocked on the door. "Sir Trunks?"

When there was no response the blonde opted for her to use the key. The brunette unlocked the door for her and put her hand on her shoulder. "I'll give you two some privacy. If you need me, I'll be out near the garden for target practice."

She nodded in response and voiced her thanks before entering his room. She inhaled sharply when she closed the door behind her and witnessed a sight she never expected in her wildest of dreams.

Spread out like some sacrificial offering, her night guard was sound asleep in bed stark naked. The light from the sun beamed down on him as if even the heavens acknowledged his tantalizingly divine figure. Suddenly feeling bold, she took a step closer towards him, then three more. Before she knew it, she was at his bedside. It was as if the skin on her cheeks caught fire as she colored from the unintentionally sensual display. 'Dear sweet gods,' never has she seen him this exposed before. He was always presentably dressed before she could roll over and open her eyes in the morning! The lavender tresses she adored weren't in his usually ponytail. They freely draped over the pillow and framed his gorgeous face. The bed sheet draped over his lap being the only thing keeping him fully bared. To think, just under that sheet was his…

A cool breeze caressed her face and her attention turned to the nearby open window and curtains blowing towards her. She tiptoed over and gently closed it before glancing back at the slumbering stud. He glistened in the sunlight from the moist residue of his feverish sweat. While his tan skin still had a reddish hue to it, he was looking in better shape than the night before.

'Poor Trunks, I've never seen him ill before.' She thought with a frown. He always looked after her whenever she came down with a cold. That is unless Raditz was hovering around her like an overbearing mother hen.

Her eyes looked down and saw the cut along his pectoral had fully recovered, much to her relief.

Without warning, the hidden part of him stirred under the sheets. 'Well, according to Rada, that's a sign of good health in a man,' she turned crimson and covered her eyes with her hands for a moment. Letting her curiosity get the better of her, she peeked through her fingers and eventually lowered her hands. Her eyes darted back down at his face and back at the generously sized tent in the covers. 'He must be very healthy,' she gulped while gawking at the size of it.

A sharp breath caught in her lips as she took in the sight of his chiseled tan body in all its glory. Taut muscles adorned his torso as his chest slowly rose and fell with each breath. He was a masterpiece. Taking in a deep breath, she could smell the pine in his scent and it was intoxicating. The pounding of her heart against her chest made her feel light-headed much like the day before. Her hand reached out with the intention of touching his chest, determined to prove if his flesh was still as warm and smooth as it looked. She clenched it merely inches away and bit her lip as she got a grip of her better judgment. She couldn't, at least…Would Trunks even welcome such advances, from her?

The guard took his position so seriously, showing little regard for anything outside his job. 'Does Trunks even find me attractive?' She frowned. They got along so well, but what if he merely thought her a child more than a woman he would bed? 'Does he even feel the same or will he pity me and see this as just a foolish girl's crush?' She was his princess, he was her guard. That would never change.

But this wasn't just a fleeting emotion, not to her. She finally had come to realize her feelings weren't merely infatuation or fondness. Deep down inside it was certain; she was in love with Trunks. His unrivaled patience and understanding, his subtle playful nature, his snarky comments that always got a laugh out of her, his courage to voice his distaste bluntly on something despite being so taciturn… He was the only man she could undoubtedly say she was wholeheartedly in love with, not like Prince Endymion 2 years ago. Only her guard had that place in her heart, so much so that it had ached when they were apart. The emotion was incomprehensibly overwhelming and inescapable. With him, she would happily picture spending every day of her life and every night in his bed.

Now she had wished she left the window open, wanting to fan herself at the indecent thoughts racing through her. Just the thought of them engaging in all sorts of carnal activities, left her aching in a place besides her heart and it was a good kind of ache.

She shook her head to clear her clouded mind. 'Keep dreaming, even if he miraculously said yes mother would kill me!' She inwardly groaned. Their status will forever be hanging over their heads especially back at the palace.

It was as if the idea punted the back of her head as she jerked straight up in an epiphany. Out here, she was just Miss Usagi. If there was any moment to take advantage of the lack of professionalism, this was it!

'Prepare yourself, Trunks. I'm about to show you just what a perfect wife I can be!' She covered her mouth to keep from giggling. When she saw his body begin to shift, she slowly stumbled while backing up. 'He's going to wake up soon,' she internally panicked and tiptoed out hurriedly before closing the door quietly.

An exhale she didn't know she was holding escaped her lips and she walked down the corridor strategizing her next course of action. What would be a good thing to do that would demonstrate she was wife material without being too forward or improper? After all, she couldn't offer to bed him and bear him a child right away. 'He'd probably have a heart attack.' She grinned to herself leaving the servant lodge.

The sun shone down brightly and she covered her eyes. Her grin fell at the sight of clouds at the end of the horizon. Hopefully they weren't headed here. With such a nice day they could do so much. 'Maybe a romantic picnic,' she swooned at the thought of being in his arms while sipping some wine. 'That's it! We'll have a picnic with our favorite foods.' She snapped her fingers while walking towards the manor's larder.

Now, if she remembered correctly Trunks was awfully fond of pheasant meat. Much to her dismay the cellarers said they were fresh out. She thanked them and dashed off when she was hit by another idea. Wouldn't he just be so damned impressed to hear she not only arranged the picnic herself but also went out to supply the food? 'That's right; I'm not helpless in the least. A wife is expected to provide for her husband as he would provide for her.' There was a bounce in her step from her excitement. All she has to do is go into town and… Oh, that's right. She wasn't supposed to come out and say she's a princess for her own safety. That means she needs money to go buy food. Sprinting forward she headed towards the gardens to find Rei.

"Rei," she exclaimed, spotting the brunette lining up her shot.

The noblewoman blinked and lowered her bow to turn to the flailing princess. "There you are. How'd it go?"

"Great," she wheezed, out of breath from the intense run. "I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"Could you spare some coin so I can go shopping?"

"Are you trying to tell me you don't like my riding clothes?" Her right eye visibly twitched in agitation.

"No, they're lovely! Thank you," The royal amended. "I just want to go buy some wine and pheasant for Trunks and surprise him with a picnic." She added with a sheepish blush.

"The nearest winery and butcher is quite a horse ride away." Rei informed her. "And it'd be much more worth your coin to catch a pheasant yourself. They're costly this side of the mountain."

"Oh no, I couldn't do that. I don't have it in me to hunt animals." Her lower lip quivered.

Rei shrugged. "Then don't get pheasant. Get a hen or some squirrel meats. You shouldn't go shopping by yourself either, it could be dangerous."

She had a point but Usagi wasn't in the mood to settle. It was imperative she do all she could to impress Trunks. So much was riding on this picnic. "I'll be fine by myself, Rei. Look at me. I'm a lot less recognizable with my hair cut and worn like this."

"True, but you don't know the village or anyone in it."

"Neither do you and I've got my blade on me, remember?" She said and whipped it out from under her vest.

Rei eyed her hand holding the knife and made a displeased expression. "Put it back. You wave it around like you'll put out your own eye at any second."

The blonde slacked and put the blade away with a pout. "Have you seen Goten, by any chance?"

Rei's cheeks turned crimson and her nose wrinkled in response. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, it makes sense to ask him to hunt down some pheasant." Usagi shrugged. She really didn't understand the animosity Rei had for the groundskeeper.

"Had it ever occurred to you that I could be perfectly capable of hunting, or does that not make sense?" Rei asked in a passive aggressive tone.

"Oh, I meant no disrespect to your shooting skill. I just thought that since you are a proper lady, you wouldn't like to dirty your hands." Usagi said bashfully scratching her cheek.

"Don't dismiss me as the type that's afraid of some dirt." The archer put her hand on her hips.

"My apologies," Usagi bowed. "Can I count on you to get the pheasant, then?"

"You'll get it." Came her sure reply before she rummaged through her belongings and came up with a handful of coin. "This will be more than substantial for fresh bread, cheese, and wine. Spend it wisely."

"This little..? Wouldn't they ask for more silver?" The princess blinked with her brow furrowed in a puzzled expression. Never had she carried small copper change. She was so used to being taught through rounding prices in silver, mostly gold.

"You don't even know how money works..?"

Her answer came with a shake of her head with a helpless frown.

Rei sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose to summon up some patience before giving her a talk about how the currency worked.

"Huh, Goten would usually be in the stables at this hour. Where do you think he could be?" Usagi said as they both saddled their individual horses.

Usagi took Hope and mounted the mare's back. Once situated she began running her hand up and down the horse's neck lovingly. She might have to feed Hope herself if Goten didn't get around to it. Trunks did say Hope was very particular about what she liked to eat, being difficult and hardly settling to graze. Her smile widened at the idea that she would get all of this done and feed Trunks's horse. 'No doubt he'll see me as the perfect bride.' The cerulean pools she had for eyes sparkled in glee, already hearing wedding bells in her mind.

"Why should I care?" The violet-eyed woman scoffed and mounted her black horse, unknowingly bringing the other out of her daydream.

Usagi frowned. "Honestly, he's not an unlikable person. From what Trunks tells me, he's an absolute darling. In fact, he fancies you very much." She added with a sly grin.

"Spare me," the noblewoman huffed and flipped her braided hair.

The golden-haired maiden shrugged. "Suit yourself, then. It doesn't change that he's a catch." She winked before taking off with Hope.

As she shot along the dirt path with the wind in her face, flashes from yesterday with Trunks swept her mind. This was what she wanted: freedom. No security detail, no overbearing mother, no obligations, and no titles. Here she was her own woman and could do as she pleased. Living out any dream she never thought possible, wild and reckless. It was like a blank canvas ready for her to fill. "We're almost there, girl." She cooed gently as they galloped towards the approaching town.

"Made it," she said with a sigh of relief as she approached a corral to drop her off. Horses weren't allowed past the square near the marketplaces. "I'll get you a snack while I'm away. I'll only be gone for a while." Her palms stroked the horse's face before paying the handler the fee to take her.

Her first stop was the bakery and she ogled at the baskets filled with deliciousness through the window before walking in. Palming her coin she recalled Rei's words about being wise with her spending and mentally scolded herself. 'I can't blow it all on bread, just one loaf.' She managed to get a nice one for a pittance of her coin and walked out the door with a satisfied smile.

'That was the first time I actually purchased bread. Maybe I should do it more often whenever I go back home.' She stopped in her tracks and her smile fell off her lips. 'If I can ever go back home,' she worried her lip.

Even if they caught the traitor, could she go back living the same life? Would her mother make her accept Diamond's proposal? Her heart skipped a beat and she shuddered at the thought. Her mother would no doubt shove her into the marriage if he was proven innocent, even more so if the queen learned about her daughter's feelings for her guard.

After all she had been through, and she would come home to that? She much rather disappear. Ever since Usagi was a little girl she liked the idea of being married and having children but as she got older she realized not just any handsome prince would do. Marriage should be love, honor, and commitment…not a facade for a political merger or business transaction. From what she learned about her mother and father's arrangement, her mother wasn't all that in love or passionate with her birth father. There was certainly a deep fondness. Everyone said the late King Siegfried was a good man and good king. Yet the queen mustn't have felt anything significant for him past fondness.

The princess couldn't do with that. She craved love, an excitement that would have her heart bordering on exploding with joy upon her bridal march.

When she came out of her deep thought she realized she had just purchased her wheel of cheese. 'I space out too often. I hope I can remember my way back.'

Locating the winery, she decided to browse the racks. The uncomfortable sensation that she was being watched didn't go unacknowledged. The owner and a couple of men were eyeing her up with piercing stares varying in intensity and nature. Two of them stared at her from across the room and exchanging knowing glances with one another in approval. She opted to ignore them and found the wine bottles she recognized closer to the counter, all together. A smile graced her features when she saw Trunks's favorite wine.

"I'll take this one." She stated and set it on the counter.

"I don't think you can afford it, miss." The shop keeper stared at her.

"What? Just how much is it worth?"

"3 silver pieces," was the answer. "That's why it's with the rest of the expensive ones."

She felt her stomach sink. She only had one piece of silver on her after all of her shopping. It looked like she and Trunks had very posh taste. Sure, they didn't drink a lot. Not nearly as much as her uncle Turles but it was a well enjoyed luxury.

"Forgive me; I was sure I had more coin on me." She sighed and let the keeper put it back. He recommended a cheaper bottle saying the taste was the closest she could get for what she had on her. She thanked him and left the shop with a frown. 'Well, what did I expect? I don't live in a palace anymore.' Suddenly feeling gloomy, she mentally lamented over not being able to supply Trunks the comforts he had enjoyed while serving her in the palace.

He wouldn't eventually tire of her and think her a burden, would he? After all, her privileges as a princess were endless. If they were gone, he'd have to take care of her without a cushy lifestyle to fall back on. He did always say she was a handful. But her love could make up for more than enough of it, can't it? She was more than willing to give him her hand in marriage, along with the rest of her. Be it working as a milk maid or selling vegetables in the market, she'd work her small delicate hands for him, all to ensure his happiness.

She handed a bit of what she had left to a stand that sold carrots and headed back towards the corral. Hope, from the other side of the fence, immediately made a beeline towards her at the sight of carrots. "You were really hungry. Guess hay doesn't quite fill you up." She giggled and fed the horse her snack which the mare greedily partook. "Looks like Trunks is stuck with us high maintenance women, huh Hope?"

Giving the horse more carrots she turned and saw a group of children hurrying around the corner, laughing and shrieking with excitement. The royal's curiosity got the better of her and she collected her purchases and left the horse, promising to come right back to leave soon. She followed where the children rushed to and saw them stop in front of a stand to watch a puppet show. A large whimsical smile spread across her face at the display.

"How in hells is this supposed to bring me peace of mind?" Queen Serenity shouted in outrage, pulling at her silver bangs. And here she had hoped reading a letter from her daughter would have soothed her worries.

She and Raditz simultaneously accepted the letter's authenticity when it came to the handwriting, careless grammar, and little rabbit doodle at the end. Usagi used to always sign her name as such when leaving Raditz and Turles notes since she was a small child. "This is worse than her running away. She's taken a threat for her safety as a sort of excuse to go on vacation!"

"The only matter of importance is that she's safe with her night guard." Raditz crossed his arms as he saw his love fall backwards on the bed with an irritated huff.

"How do you know? She doesn't flat out state her location or even a name for that matter."

"She wrote 'I am residing with a confidant' that's the word I used when we were talking about him. Apparently even on his time off he always seems to sniff her out, gods be praised." He said with a half smile.

"Should we be worried about him? It'll be the third night full moon, after all." The mother worried her lip.

"The two never shared a bed before. I never once caught his scent on her sheets. He may be young but he's a willful pup, I'll give him that. He wouldn't even touch meat on an empty stomach unless it was offered to him in mess. There's no one better to trust with the task."

"I don't know how comfortable I am with my daughter staying with her night guard, no matter how honorable you say he is. We know what happens to women in my family and their night guards."

"Honestly beloved, I don't think our rabbit will end up being half the deviant you are. I'm sure," he smirked.

"That isn't what I meant!" She glared up at him with her flushed skin.

Raditz sighed and took her hand in his, stroking her fingers with his thumb absentmindedly. He could feel her stressed mind racing miles per minute.

Her eyelids closed as she thought something she always wondered but could never say out loud. 'Did we make the right choice? Keeping her in the dark?'

The man she knew as her true mate gave a single nod without hesitation. There were horrors she had seen through his mind's eye that compelled them to shield the princess from. Over the years it became harder to approach the idea of telling her about them. She was still so delicate and green, practically blind to the darkness that existed in the world. To Usagi, monsters came from storybooks and skulked in the dark of one's nightmares. They didn't wear the skin of men with hate and bloodlust. No, she wasn't ready to understand such a thing and she would be better suited not to. The crown princess wasn't suited for that world.

It would eat her alive.

"Now what to do with this Prince Diamond," she mumbled.

"Isn't it obvious? Tell the boy to piss off and send him home." Raditz spat in annoyance, feeling his primal side rise to entertain thoughts of torture in order to make the prince confess to any plots he had against the crown.

"There isn't enough proof to take such action. Even Usagi says she suspects him but isn't entirely sure. If there were any witnesses they would have said something during questioning the other day. Besides, if we're wrong, I doubt the royal family of Gem will brush off accusations of treason like a scuff on their shoes. We'd have their naval fleet to answer to. There's no chance we can withstand such an attack. The port cities are still the most vulnerable after all." Rising up on her elbows she sighed and bit into another cookie from her platter. "I'll just have to tell him she went on her little retreat and if he wants an answer it should come from her. I will not clean up her mess this time."

"You would have made a wise general, beloved. And a ravishing one at that," he smirked.

"Behave," she rolled her eyes while swatting him lightly.

"As you wish," he purred and leaned in to kiss her.

Watching the children hurry back to their waiting parents or siblings after the show, the princess in disguise felt her heart swell with warmth. Family was such a beautiful thing to have. She wondered how grand it would be to marry Trunks and continue living with her mother, Raditz, Uncle Turles, and Mako. Maybe if she gave Rei a nudge towards Goten's direction, they could visit occasionally too. Now wouldn't that make a lively picture? All the fastidious dinners would be ones to remember!

She finally snapped back to reality at the sensation of being watched once more. Holding her purchases close, she slowly eyed her surroundings while slowly heading back toward the direction of the corral. The blonde stopped right in her tracks when she locked eyes with a man in front of her. It was one of the men staring at her from the winery, she'd bet the last of her pocket change on it. Somehow, the way he was looking at her made her feel uneasy. Much like how Diamond looked at her and, 'Just like those…kidnappers!' As soon as her hands trembled, her body flipped into fight or flight mode as she sprinted away to the side.

Apparently her instincts were on par as she heard footsteps coming after her. Her heart raced alongside her legs in her panic. 'Why? Why me? Is it because I came by myself?' She panted, tears coming to her eyes already. Unsuspectingly she was boxed in by other men in cahoots with her pursuers and found herself being backed into an alley. She tripped and fell backwards, her bagged purchases hitting the ground.

"Please, just take it. Take my food, take my money, just please don't hurt me," she pleaded as she crawled back until she reached a barrel and shakily stood up with it as a support.

"Easy, dove. We won't hurt you." One sniggered.

Obviously she didn't believe him for an instant, even when she had that tiny sliver of hope for the best in her heart. She counted, four of them this time. They weren't as big as Turles or even Trunks for that matter yet they still looked strong enough to pin her down. She huddled by the barrel and watched them like a wide-eyed frightened doe.

The smallest of them bent over to collect the items that fell. "Some good treats we got here. Were you on your way to a party, dove?"

Her head shook in response as she felt as if a wave of tremors was hitting her body at once. Sweat streamed down her gold colored brow. The air was sucked through her teeth as it was suddenly getting hard to catch her breath. It wasn't even that long of a sprint yet her body reacted like it was desperate for air. Was it possible to drown without being submerged in water?

"Well then, maybe you'd like to join us instead?" A bigger fellow inquired as he looked her up and down. "It's been a while since we had some pleasurable company." Another added, gesturing to all of her.

"I can't," she squeaked.

"Now why's that, dove?"

"Are we not good enough for you?"

"She looks plenty good to me." One added, making the others laugh.

"Please," she held out a hand in a futile attempt to keep them from stepping closer. "I'm supposed to be somewhere else."

"Where's that, dove? Perhaps my gents and I can escort you."

Her head shook at that and the men were all the more amused.

"You got a husband waiting for you?"

"I," her voice cracked. She couldn't really say Trunks was her husband. There was no ring to prove it. "I have somebody, and he will come looking for me!"

Apparently they found that hilarious. "You hear that? He'll come looking for her."

"Sounds like a keeper," one nudged the other.

"Looks like the men agree you can do better. What say you come with us and we'll have a party of our own?" A rag in one of the men's hands caught her eye as something from a flask was being poured into it. It couldn't have been the same kind of thing that put her to sleep, could it?

"No," she sniffled. "Please," she pleaded with a shake of her head. Hot tears rolled down her sweaty face.

"I'm afraid we insist. You're such a mess, after all. Can't have you wandering by your lonesome," the smaller one smirked as they all stepped closer.

Her quivering hands clutched the empty barrel with a vice-like grip, determined to use it as a shield of sorts.

When the one with the rag lunged at her, her body responded with that usual stroke of brilliance she showed in her many escape attempts in the past. The barrel was sent out of her hands with a forceful shove aimed for his legs. He toppled over like a domino and the rag fell out of his hand. She then seized the opportunity and drew her hidden blade on him as he was on the floor and vulnerable.

"Stop," she exclaimed as they froze in bewilderment at the sight of the tiny maiden pressing the blade of a familiar looking hunting knife to their companion's throat. "If you value his life, you will let me go. Now," she commanded.

It was suddenly quiet, and she was growing more uncomfortable with how they stared at the knife in her hand more than her threatening glare. "I mean it!" She exclaimed, pressing the blade down to break skin on the man's neck and droplets of blood trickled down.

"What's the commotion?" A new voice broke the silence as the group parted to let a hairy woodsman through.

"Boss," the remaining four whispered.

"Look what's in her hand!" The smaller one of the group called out.

"Well now, what do we have here?" The man in charge scratched his chin at the sight with an amused smirk.

"Clear the path and let me through!" Usagi tried again, hopeful on getting the reaction she wanted.

"My men and I would be happy to oblige, milady. But that knife in your hand is suddenly bringing many questions to mind. I'd like some answers." He calmly crossed his arms.

"I didn't steal it if that's what you're implying, sir." Her brow was furrowed at him with anger but the crack in her voice and trembling lip gave away her fear.

"Well it belonged to one of my lieutenants and I find it hard to believe it would end up in the hands of a scrawny thing like you."

The princess suddenly felt her stomach twist into knots. Whoever owned the blade was one of his men. They were dead because of her.

"I found it in the woods," she said, not particularly lying.

"Really," he said as his men stood beside him as if to make a wall between her and her escape from the alley. "I find that interesting information. Seeing as I haven't heard from my lieutenant in days. Last I heard he was hiding out in the woods."

The hand clutching the knife trembled at that, it didn't go unnoticed to her audience.

"Why don't you show us exactly where you found it?"

She shook her head, fresh tears pouring from her eyes.

"She looks scared, boss." One whispered. "She knows something."

"Oh, I'm sure she does." The leader said before giving the blonde's captive a knowing glance.

She let out a scream only to have it muffled by a large hand as she was unexpectedly overpowered and pinned to the floor on her back. Her body thrashed and struggled under the weight of the man she had at her mercy just seconds ago. The knife discarded after he had roughly bashed her forearm into the floor. A loud yelp of pain escaped the back of her throat. Cerulean eyes clouded in tears looked on at the weapon as it was picked up by the man in charge.

"You see, when my lieutenant disappeared, word was going around that he was hired to 'collect' a girl for some unknown employer. Now I could just be thinking out loud, but it's much too convenient having a strange yet fair maiden like you wandering around town all by her lonesome, with this, and just happened to be in the woods to find it." He said and held the knife close to her face before caressing the skin of her temple with the flat side of the blade.

A whimper escaped her as she was filled with a paralyzing fear. This was worse than her nightmare, because this wasn't a dream.

"I know exactly who you are, milady." He said menacingly. "And you're coming to the woods with us to retrace your steps."

Close to dusk and the group of hoodlums rode up to the partly burnt shack where she was held prisoner. Usagi was gagged and made to ride double in with the leader sitting behind her, hands bound behind her back while his held the reins.

"All right men, set up camp." The woodsman commanded. "Place look familiar to you?" He stated more than asked her with the way she bowed her head to look away shaking. "Search the shack."

The men came back empty handed aside from a flag that had the same emblem from the knife the man in charge of her captors confiscated. How strange…she remembered the fire, and stripping down. Yet all of her jewels and her gown hadn't turned up? Maybe that was a good thing. If they found such lavish items they would know her true worth and hold onto her for a hefty ransom. Perhaps that's why the two never stated to the others what kind of girl they were going to 'collect'. If you pawned off a princess and split the spoils with just two people, you got a bigger pay cut. That's how the economics of it worked according to Turles.

Collecting…her eyes fell on the patch of dirt and recalled the night of her abduction. The limp female form was carried and dumped carelessly and buried in the cover of night. She could still remember the awful stench.

The blonde whimpered and lowered her head, emitting muffled sobs.

"What is it?" The boss asked in mock concern as he pulled her off the horse and kept a firm grip on her. He noticed her gaze on the unmarked recently dug grave and signaled his men to dig.

Two dug at the grave while the other two lackeys set up camp. Apparently there was little use for the shack since the fire she started burnt off the roof.

"So what started the fire?" The leader asked as he removed the gag from her mouth.

She closed her eyes and decided not to answer.

A brief sigh in exasperation escaped him before slapping her with the back of his hand. "I brought you here for answers. Speak, now!"

The royal let out a cry at the stinging pain coursing her face. "Me, it was me!" Overcome with sobs, she hit her knees on the dirt with that confession.

"Now we're getting somewhere."

Usagi looked around and saw how the others either sneered or appeared indifferent to the cruel treatment. Not one of them took sympathy on her. The ones digging were blatantly ignoring the whole thing.

"Don't be shy now, keep talking." He pushed on.

"I-It was me, I started the fire to escape and then I…" She sniffled trying to spit it out. Once it would leave her lips, they'd take out their vengeance out on her. That terrified the petite princess.

"Boss, I think I found something!" One called out as the shovel hit something hard.

"Well unearth it already," the man barked out grabbing her from the clothing on her back to force her up and over to the hole.

"Shit, is that the Rook?" A digger asked in shock as a body was revealed, head first.

"Aye, that's his scar on the neck," another answered.

The corpse of the one called Rookie had something lodged in his mouth, partially sticking out the unhinged jaw. One of the bandits roughly pulled it out to reveal a rock covered in dried blood stains, the murder weapon.

The blonde felt her insides go cold and her mind flooded with images, taking her back to that night.


"Now to pay your penalty," Rook sneered.

She shrank backwards near the edge, trying to crawl away aimlessly. Her vision was now blinded by tears as their footsteps came closer. She shut her eyes tightly, bracing herself.

Just as she felt the merciless grasp pull her head up by her bangs, a sudden crash was heard behind them and then a mighty roar was closing in.

"The fuck was that?" The older one exclaimed and got out his knife once more, glancing around.

Wasting no time seizing an opportunity, Usagi socked Rookie where it hurt while it was exposed and vulnerable. He let go of her hair and keeled over as she crawled away from him while writhing around her legs to loosen the bolas tangled around them.

"Damn it, Rook. Now's not the time!" The chief hissed at his incompetent partner. "Get the girl and run,"

Snap went the nearby trees one by one as they crashed against each other and into the ground with a powerful boom.

The older of the two kidnappers turned his head and slowly dropped his jaw in slight shock at a large dark figure of what appeared to be an animal standing upright on its hind legs, staring back at him menacingly.

"You…fucking bitch!" Rookie hissed as lunged at her on the dirt and pulled her by her still bound ankles and then yanked her towards him by her long hair.

Usagi yelped and her hands flew for the nearest object to hold on to, a rock bigger than her hand.

At the sound of her cry in pain the creature snarled and stalked forward. The man with the knife charged at it. He immediately regretted it when it realized just how strong and fast this thing was. Its enormous hand had found his throat before he could thrust his blade in, only scratching its chest before dropping it. The vice-like grip squeezed slowly, sadistically. Chief's legs flailed as he made frantic choking noises and his eyes were bulging and watering in response to the pressure.

"Hold still, you cunt-!" He said as he flipped her over on her back to face him only to have her scream once more before cuffing him with the rock. He went down with that.

Sitting up she reacted out of instinct and bashed his head with the rock again, then again, and five more times afterwards…or was it seven? Only when she realized her strikes drew a lot of blood, did she stop and drop her improvised weapon with trembling fingers. Realizing the man beneath her was no longer moving or breathing, she pressed a hand against her mouth in distress. The potent scent overflowed her sense of smell. The princess's face was decorated with red smears from her bloodied fingers. She crawled away to distance herself, unknowingly getting closer to the edge of the cliff. Her eyes never left the corpse of her captor. She couldn't stop her body from shaking.

Oh gods, what had she done?

As if it knew the fight was leaving the choking man, the dark figure roared in his victim's face before roughly slamming the body to the ground in a powerful display of strength. The force was so great the ground cracked underneath.

Usagi looked up when she felt the earth beneath her shake in contrast from her body. Not paying attention to how the cracks were spreading around her. Blue orbs met a pair of red eyes that glowed in the moonlight. They widened as it made its way towards her, building up speed.

"No, no..!" She shrieked in horror and then once more when her weight made the tip of the edge give out from underneath her.

Before she knew it she was falling backwards and screaming out as loud as her voice could allow. The last image of her mind was those red eyes coming for her and the massive arms reaching to grab her while she fell into the void.

End Flashback

Another backhanded smack across the face snapped her out of her episode and she realized she had been screaming out loud the whole time she mentally checked out. She gasped for air desperately, stammering incoherently in her hysteria.

"Look at me!" The woodsman snarled and grabbed her by the chin to lock eyes. "What did this?!"

"The monster, the monster of the woods…the monster," she repeated over in shock before fainting.

The faint sound of rolling thunder in the distance brought her out of her unconscious state. She came to with something snug around her neck. After a little bit of squirming she found that her ankles, arms, and waist were bound, wrapped around the tree she was tied to. Her wrists were connected to the piece of rope around her neck, lifting them would risk choking herself. Fluttering her eyelids to get used to the lighting, she observed her surroundings. It had gotten dark as the only source of light came from the massive campfire crackling about.

"Nice of you to finally join us, dove." One of the men whistled, making the others snicker in amusement. They apparently had helped themselves to her wine and food she had purchased earlier judging from the scraps they were finishing off.

Usagi inwardly cursed as she struggled against her bindings. "Please, let me go!" She pleaded.

"Now why would we do that? You told us there was a monster on the loose." One snickered.

"Seems fitting, lovely maiden strung up as a virgin sacrifice," another belched.

"Definitely appetizing," she heard another whisper towards their leader.

"Enough," the man in charge held up a patch that had the emblem for the queen's guard. "We dug up the bodies while you had your sleep. They were wearing this uniform for a little undercover job I gather. They've gone to an awful lot of trouble for someone."

Usagi gulped, eyes watering up once more and her insides went cold from nerves.

"What are you? Royalty, nobility, or maybe some wench carrying the seed of one?" The one she recognized as the man she threatened earlier approached her, his breath thick with the scent of wine and maybe some mead.

She turned away, repulsed by the odor as much as the subject of conversation.

"I sure hope it's the last one. Means I could fuck you and not worry about the mess," he snickered.

She closed her eyes and cringed in disgust.

"Let's hear it," their leader insisted.

"I'm not a w-wench." She said with a quivering lip and watering eyes.

"You hear that, boss? We're in the company of a high caliber lady." One joked.

"That explains the pretty clothes." The man invading her space tugged at her tunic.

She shuddered and looked away. If she told them who she was, they might just leave her be. However, she'd scare her mother senseless when they hold her for ransom afterwards and she had no guarantee she'd be given back to her at all. Then it occurred to her, these men were tied to the ones hired to take her. Surely whoever hired them would catch wind and want to acquire her first! Either way she pondered about it, none of it concluded her ending up safe.

'If only Trunks were here,' she thought, nay prayed as fresh tears streamed down her cheeks. The princess then realized he might have been held at a disadvantage, being up against five men. Some armed at first glance, they could have hidden knives on them and with her all tied up at their mercy he would have been forced to surrender. They probably would have hurt him too. She shook her head at that thought. Well, luckily he wasn't here after all and had to go through such an ordeal. But he would have urged her to stay strong, keep fighting. That's what she was going to do.

"Well are you going to tell us who you are or not, dove?"

She inhaled sharply and spoke in a tone somewhat lower, trying to mask her distress. "No."

"She's lively, I'll give her that." The woodsman stroked his beard. "Now a fresh thing like you can't go to waste, but a noble birth would mean we have to be sensible in our handling. Until I can get an estimate for what your maidenhead is worth, milady. You can rest assured we won't touch it, for now."

Why did hearing that not alleviate any of her worries at all?

"Until then, looking and touching goes."

The men cheered as the boss backed away, heading towards the bushes to take a piss. "And no marks on her face!" He called out before disappearing from their line of sight.

Usagi let out a scream as they began to pull and tear at her clothing. They pulled out their blades to quicken their efforts in order to expose her. She squirmed and struggled but felt herself not only choked from the rope but getting nicked by the blades as well. The sensation of fresh blood trickling down her skin as she decided her only option was to keep screaming. Then she felt lips against hers and the taste of that wine or mead. Whatever it was, it tasted awful. Every ounce of her body refused the kiss and it took a punch across the cheek for her to realize she had bitten him and drawn blood from his lip.

"No good cunt," he muffled as the blood dripped down his jaw. "I'll give you a bloody lip, you whore!" He moved to punch her again but one stopped him.

"You heard what the boss said, not the face!"

"The boss isn't here," he argued.

"Just help us get her naked and you can suck her tit for fuck's sake!" The third added.

The princess only kept wailing in response to what they had in store for her.

"Shut up," another grunted and punched her in the gut after he stripped her to her flesh.

She heaved and coughed after taking such a rough blow. The cloth around her waist and thighs was torn off with a loud rip. When it became clear that violence was the way to silence her screams they kept punching. Her ribs, her abdomen, even her pelvis took blow after blow until she shrunk back silently in submission.

"Had enough? Maybe now we can carry on all civil-like," the drunk sneered and grabbed her bare breast roughly.

"No..!" She let out before getting smacked across the face by him again.

"Where the fuck is the boss?" The man that stopped the drunk earlier huffed before a loud roaring thundered through the clearing.

Something zipped through the air and bounced on the ground before rolling to one of the men's feet, earning petrified screams. It was the woodsman's severed head.

"M-Monster..!" Another hollered as they all began to scramble about.

The woman had closed her eyes from that last strike she took to the face. She heard a commotion with hurried booming footsteps and the sound of vicious feral growls. The men's screaming filled her ears. There was choking and gargling, and then their voices dropping following the loud snapping noises. Those noises sounded brutal, like breaking bones and…were their limbs being torn apart? She dared not to look. She found herself shaking hysterically and crying once more. The princess knew she was left. Her fate was sealed.

Why was it so quiet now? Had the monster chased them off? Did it eat them and find itself full already? Could it have been feasting and disinterested in her at the moment? If it was the latter, it was best she try to do something before it came back! Maybe one of the men dropped something sharp in their wake. One cerulean eye foolishly peeked and looked down, spotting the severed head of the bearded man.

Several trees away, one man of the band of thieves remained. He trembled in silent fright and pissed himself. As the hulking figure closed in, intending to secure the last kill, a horror filled scream rang throughout the clearing.

"Trunks, help me! Please," She cried and squirmed before sobbing silently. She wanted to go home, she wanted to wake up and be safe at home. Every inch of her body shook in pain from the whole ordeal as she wept and shivered simultaneously in the cold night air.

The monster of the forest apparently turned its attention away from the man, allowing him the opportunity to slip away. He nonetheless ran as if it didn't in his heightened state of adrenaline in flight, disappearing into the thicket.

When she heard a deep animalistic bellow and heard the heavy steps approach she lifted her head up weakly and looked up at the feared beast with a quivering lip. "Please," she tried. "Please, don't hurt me." She begged it.

In the light of the fading campfire she could finally get a good look at the creature. She estimated it had to be about maybe 8ft tall, massive body with thick dark brown fur wrapping powerful looking limbs. The form looked apelike yet the face was shaped like a baboon's, sharp teeth with fresh blood dripping from them. Its glowing red eyes looked right at her but she turned away and closed her eyes.

It leaned in closer and she braced herself. She tensed up at the sensation of it sniffing her up and down briefly. A helpless squeak escaped her lips when it rumbled with displeasure. Wet and warm teeth suddenly began to nibble around the side of her neck, smearing a bit his victim's blood on her skin. As if she suddenly remembered what it was like to breathe, she gasped as she felt her neck freed and her wrist bonds loosen, then the ankles, then the waist. Without the tree to support her weight, her knees gave out on her and she toppled into the creature's waiting arms. Then when she thought it couldn't get surreal enough, it lifted her up bridal style and cradled her, protectively! The night air reminded her she was naked and she covered her hardened nipples with her arms, flinching from the fresh bruising on her bare breasts. Her arms and wrists were also raw and sore from the rope. The arms around her held her tighter and the creature began walking on its hind legs.

Usagi didn't know where it was taking her but she wasn't in the state to voice a protest or even squirm. Settling in its embrace she submissively went limp against its chest. Smell of blood aside, it smelled better than what she would have expected of a forest creature, better than a palace horse actually. All of the sudden it began to purr like a large palace cat. Strange how such a sound easily soothed her enough to close her eyes.

She woke to the sensation of cold water lightly splashing her face and gasped at the sight of the creature. How long had she been asleep? Probably not too long as it was still dark out, only light now by an oil lamp. Looking around she realized they were in a cave, next to a small shallow pool of water.

A gigantic hand, large enough to crush her very skull, brushed her wet cheek tenderly to where she had been struck repeatedly. Her cerulean eyes met red and she felt a strange but familiar tugging sensation.

"I know you," she whispered hoarsely.

A ceramic bowl entered her line of sight, filled with the fresh water from the pool. It was offered to her lips. She accepted it without any fear or doubt and drank. "Thank you," she mumbled gently when she had her fill. Another bowl full of water was brought up but then poured onto her body, washing away the dirt and dried blood. She jolted and remembered her state of undress.

She let out a tiny shriek at the cold sensation. "Please, no, too cold!" She raised her arm weakly and winced from how sore they still were. The hairy creature relented at soaking her some more and began licking the raw red patches of skin on her wrists from her bonds. She tilted her head at that. Well, it was still just an animal. Animals lick their wounds, usually. It must have really cared for her to be doing such a thing.

A squeak escaped her lips when its tongue gave her a chaste lick on the cheek. Oddly enough its saliva quickly took the stinging sensation and pain away. When it lowered its head to lick the rest of her, she lightly shoved at him and shook her head. "No, no please," she pleaded, tears coming back into her eyes. She covered herself with her arms once more. "Don't," she sniffled. Her body had been put on display for multiple strange men against her will. Deep down inside her heart it pained her to realize that.

Once more the purring started up as it wiped away a stray tear from her face and lifted her back up and away from the pool. She shivered at how cold she was after her impromptu shower. They nestled down in an area covered in cloth and blankets, like a nest of sorts. It pulled a rolled blanket up and unraveled it to drape it around her. She cracked a smile as the warm cloth was tucked and wrapped around her so tentatively. For a raging homicidal beast that could tear limbs apart, it was definitely soft for her. That was a relief, given the circumstances. No longer need she worry if it was going to eat her. Funny, the blanket smelled kind of familiar. Was it pine? Her head grew fuzzy once more as her exhaustion won over her again.

"Thank you," she whispered and let its soothing purr lull her back to sleep.