He comes in every Thursday night to watch her fold jeans. It sounds stupid, but there was something about the way she did it that was heavenly. It was the faces she made as she tried to reach the tops of the shelves. She always folded the jeans a little harsher after someone messed up her perfect piles, the sound of her snapping the denim filling the store.

This is one of the few nights Wally let his best friend Dick tag along. In his mind it's less creepy if he has someone with him. He'd rather have someone to converse with as opposed to awkwardly staring her down all night. That was creepy.

"Is today the day?" Dick asked as he looked through racks of shirts, not that it mattered. There wasn't much he could afford after buying his college textbooks. He should have just found them online.

"No. It will never be the day because she's probably out of my league," Wally sighed. He was actually hiding behind a rack while watching her. Again, trying not to be creepy.

"Everyone's out of your league. I'm out of your league." He put the shirt he was holding back on the rack. There was no way he could afford it.

Wally turned around looking defeated. "What good are you?"

Dick adjusted his sunglasses and smiled. "Trolling"

Wally smacked his friend on the back of the head. This was not the kind of encouragement he needed, and it was already later than he had intended on it being. He had to make some kind of move soon. At least ask her about the sale or something.

"Will you just grab your belt or whatever bullshit item you're buying tonight so we can leave? We've been standing by these shirts for 10 minutes." Dick could understand why his best friend would, for lack of a better word, stalk the shopgirl, but he also grew tired of being Wally's beard when they were at the mall. They were clearly not having "Quality Bro Time" as it was referred to.

Wally sighed again and grabbed a pair of boxers off the wall. He's pretty sure he has a couple pairs of these exact ones at home, but it's an excuse to talk to her so it's worth extra underwear. He walked over the wall of denim and tapped the girl on the shoulder. This was his favorite part of his Thursday.

When she turned around to look at him, Wally was certain time slowed down. Or stopped. It was frame by frame. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail that seemed to dance as she turned her head. Her eyes were some strange grey color he had never seen before. Once Dick had asked him to describe them and he could only respond by quoting How I Met Your Mother. She didn't look surprised to see him standing behind her, but the way her lips parted gave her a look of feigned shock. It was stunning.

"Heeey..." He was trying not to be awkward, but it couldn't be helped. He held up the boxers in his hand. "Do you mind?"

The girl looked to the counter to see if there was anyone already there. It wouldn't be the first time he had asked her to personally check him out. There was no one at the register, so she smiled and looked back at him. "Sure."

They reached the counter and she started processing the purchase. "So, Wallace West." She had learned his name after handling his credit card about a dozen times. "More underwear. You must really go through these and socks." Her voice held a hint of teasing.

"Yeah, I just keep ruining them!" Oh great. He would say something like that. Her eyebrows rose in a combination of shock and amusement. "Not like that! I just...underwear?"

The girl laughed, and it did not help the situation. She had a wonderful laugh that was dry and almost silent. Wally held is head in hands. This was going swimmingly.

Suddenly Dick was at his side, or maybe he had been there all along. Wally could never tell. "Artemis, huh? You named after a cat or a goddess?" Wally had never been happier to see him.

"Neither as far as I know. Nice reference though." She smiled at the smaller boy before returning to Wally. "$10.87, Wallace West."

"Wally. Just Wally. Definitely not Wallace." He finally moved his hands to give her the credit card.

"Or Wall-man. He loves being called Wall-man." Dick teased.

"Wall-man? You should get that put on the card." Artemis said enjoying Wally's distress.

"I just want my underwear and to go home and drink until I do something even more embarrassing than this."

"It won't take much" Dick laughed.

"Oh now there is something I would like to see." Artemis handed the poor kid his bag with a look of exaggerated pity. Their fingers met for a brief moment, and Wally swore his heart skipped a beat. "Unfortunately," she continued, "my place is here until close."

"Well next time you don't have to close you can join me in watching Wally drink himself into oblivion." Dick stuck his hand out to shake the girl's.

"That is a plan." Artemis accepted and shook Dick's hand to seal the agreement.

"I hate both of you." Wally grumbled as he turned towards the door.

"But you don't even know me!" Artemis countered as she followed them, breaking at the denim wall.

Wally and Dick headed towards the car as the latter tried not to snicker too obviously. Wally could feel the blush rising in his ears. This was not good.

"So he asked her?" Barbra asked. Wally groaned and shoved more nachos in his mouth.

"Can we please stop talking about it?" He had wanted to drink his embarrassment away at home. Alone. W