Disclaimer: Happy Easter.
Shippo sniffed the air, his eyes narrowing as he took in the dense forest around them. Kagome was somewhere around the area, but he had trouble pinpointing her exact location. Huffing, he turned towards a crouching Ginta, who was sifting through some broken leaves and sticks.
Normally he would have asked Kouga to tag along, as he was the best tracker he knew (and would honestly jump at the chance of helping Kagome). But he was on the other side of the world, though Ginta wasn't his second in command for nothing.
Shippo stilled when he sensed two large sources of power zero in on their location. On edge, he looked up ready to attack when he saw Kagome's friend with a green alien hovering above them before landing.
"Gohan," he greeted the kid. Kagome had mentioned to him that he was unique. He should have pressed for more information, she was a trouble magnet. "Find anything?"
The younger boy spoke, "Just that she's in this general area. You?"
The fox demon shook his head. "Anything, Ginta," Shippo asked, tails wagging insistently.
Ginta stood and brushed off the dirt and said, "Yeah, this way." The wolf took a few steps to his left before suddenly ducking to the ground as an arrow infused with holy power lodged itself in the tree behind them.
Shippo instantly recognized the reiki aimed at them. Those sacred arrows were practically Kagome's calling card.
"What was that," Gohan asked, as he examined the glowing arrow. Power continued to radiate from it.
Shippo's eyes widened when he saw someone other than Kagome step out, bow in hand with a large white snake around her shoulders. He didn't immediately recognize the woman, but the scar over her eye was vaguely familiar. "Where's Kagome," he demanded.
The woman smiled and notched another arrow. He and the others prepared to dodge and sweep in when the snake around her shoulders lunged. It quickly grew in size and before they knew it, the demon was the size of a train.