Disclaimer- Don't own it!
Authors note-
Very short snippet! Just came to me while I struggled to write my other story. Just a drabble!
Facing down the devil. It wasn't something one did everyday, the Devil wasn't even something he believed in. But as he realized what was going on and the trap that had been set. Destroy the Devil, kill Rose. Don't destroy the devil, be stuck there and let the Devil himself escape with Rose on board the very ship she was on. Words escaped him out of nowhere and even as he spoke, he realized deep inside of him, how very true it was.
"So, that's the trap. Or the test, or the final judgment, I don't know. But if I kill you, I kill her. Except that implies in this big grand scheme of Gods and Devils that she's just a victim. But I've seen a lot of this universe. I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi-gods and would-be gods, and out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if I believe in one thing, just one thing, I believe in her."
And why wouldn't he? Rose had faced many worse things in their time together. They'd almost died together many times, old face, new face, it didn't matter, she'd stood by his side time after time, even taking in the Vortex to keep him safe. If there was anyone in this world, in this universe, in any universe that he would believe in? It would be her. She'd do anything for him and if anyone knew him, they would know he would do anything for her.
That's why he had the strength to brake the urns, to risk her life, because he knew, he knew that she would make it through. There was no way it would happen. Rose was strong, stronger then anyone he'd ever met in his life, or it felt that way.
And soon enough, he was proven right and holding her in his arms again, though he'd lose her twice more, unless you count the one time he sent her away.
Years later, in a hotel that had a Minotaur, they were all faced with something that could take your very faith away and while looking into the room, seeing what beheld him in that room, one thing stayed true. His faith in Rose, no matter the distance, no matter how much time passed, or where she was?
He would always believe in her.