AN: Oooohhhaaaahhh!!! So sorry about taking so long for this chapter, dad upgraded our computer and everything was lost ~sniffle~ didn't even have time to save I go @_@

Jade swung her feet idly as Tsuzuki talked. Once she had changed, after convincing Tsuzuki of the necessity of it, they had returned to the park. A cool breeze blew by, and she sighed, turning to face him.

" Tsuzuki. I know you're sorry, you don't have to tell me that. We both said things we wish we didn't, and I think we can both be mature enough to move on." She stuck out her hand, and he grinned. After they shook on it, Tsuzuki looked around.

" Ah! Jade, do you want some icecream?? There's a vendor over there!" Jade sighed, rubbing her forehead as inu-Tsuzuki bounced after the poor man. Giving up, she giggled to herself and walked after him.

" Tsuzuki! Oi! Baka!" Grinning, the deranged sweet-crazy man flashed her the peace sign, and all was right. As Tsuzki scarfed down his purchases, Jade stood and gazed around the park. People seemed so happy here, even when they didn't know that yes, there ARE homicidal psychotic doctors running around trying to kill their brother that was brought back to life by a shikigami. Groaning lightly, she cradled her head in her hands. It even sounded insane to HER..


" Mama!!" A little girl laughed, running up and getting caught up into her mother's arms.

" Hello Jade. Did you have fun at the park?" The girl nodded happily, pausing after a moment to frown.

" But that lady on the bench didn't...her husband is mad at her for something." The mother's smile turned into a concerned look.

" Jade, I've told you not to talk to strangers." The girl blinked up at her mother, feeling uneasy.

" I..I didn't! She just...she felt funny..." Anger pushed at the girl, and she whimpered.

" Mama, don't be angry with me..." A stony face looked down on her.

" We're going home." A week later, she was moved to the cell in the basement.

~end flashback~

" Jade, you ok? You look like you're in pain or something!" Raising her head, Jade found herself looking into Tsuzuki's eyes..that were very, VERY close to her.

" ACK!" Stumbling back, her ankle caught on a ledge of a sandbox and she tumbled into the sand.

" Ah, Jade! Sorry!!" Coughing, she pushed herself up and started brushing off her shirt.

" S'ok, Tsuzuki..don't worry about iiaahh!!" Eyes wide, she yelped as she was swooped into the air and caught. Blinking, Jade took a deep breath. Tsuzuki was cackling and grinning down at her, keeping her pinned to him.

" Baka!! Let me go, Tsuzuki!!!!" He ignored her and started walking, much to the amusement of the other people in the park.

" Don't worry, Jade! A gentleman always helps a damsel in distress!" The stress mark appeared on her forehead.

" I'm not a 'damsel'. I'm in distress because of you. I'm doing just fine! Put me down!!!" Grinning, Tsuzuki kept walking. They were on a public street now, and he was looking around at the trees. Some adults commented on the 'cute couple', and Jade started to steam.

" Aren't the flowers lovely this time of year?"

" Put. Me. DOWN!!!!!"

***************************** **************************************************

" Godamnit Tsuzuki!! If you don't put me down, I swear, I'll get my 'pets' to rip your head off!!!" Muraki raised a pale eyebrow as he watched his current object of affection and the annoying boy make their way to the inn.

" realize you're being...carried?"

" Drop dead, Muraki!!!!" Tsuzuki just grinned and started climbing the steps. Muraki smirked, stepping aside to let him by. Hisoka shot him a look that could have killed a lesser man. He waved, and listened as the boys protests carried into the inn. Rubbing his forehead, he pushed his glasses up and followed them. Tsuzuki's arrival had delayed their departure, and they needed to come up with a plan to find and kill his brother.

When he arrived in Oriya's room, he allowed himself a small grin. Tsuzuki had sat down, and Hisoka had stopped protesting. However, Tsuzuki still had the smaller boy locked tightly in his arms, and Hisoka wasn't looking too pleased about it. Or, that's the message he was trying to send to the others in the room. When Muraki looked closely, he could make out the tint of a blush. He was glad that Jade had taken the time to get changed..a male wearing a miniskirt would've drawn some attention. Oriya was just sitting and grinning madly.

" So. We have to kill Saki." Hisoka rolled his eyes, shifting slightly in Tsuzuki's grip, presumably to become more comfortable.

" We weren't aware of that, Muraki." Tsuzuki grinned slightly, and Oriya poured tea for everybody. Muraki drank, pretending to ignore Hisoka. He was an important part of the mission so far, but if he continued to distract Tsuzuki's attention and make inane comments, his job could easily be switched to 'cannon fodder'.

" Oh pipe down, Muraki. You're thinking loud enough for the both of us, and I'm gonna have to fight your brother anyway, aren't I?" Hisoka, now Jade, spoke with one eye closed, the other half-open, shooting him a defiant look. Muraki's grip tightened on the tea cup, but otherwise he maintained a calm façade. Jade smiled.

" Sorry. Ok, so what's the plan for mission 'Kill-A-Dead-Guy-Who- Would've-Stayed-Dead-If-A-Doctor-Had-Kept-His-Nose-Out-Of-It'?" Oriya started coughing violently, having choked on his tea, and a low growl made it's way from Muraki's throat.

" Boy, this is serious. Saki could easily have killed people by now." Jade, in return, growled at the nickname, but quieted down. 'Annoying child.' She shot him a glare, and he smirked back at her. Oriya cleared his throat.

" While the battle of the wills is amusing to watch, I believe we have to plan an attack on a dangerous murderer." Jade looked like she was about to say something, and stopped, settling for drinking her tea and withdrawing inwardly for a moment.

" Which one?" Muraki glared at Tsuzuki as Jade giggled, trying to act like she was coughing.

"Very amusing, Tsuzuki. May we move on?" Jade smiled and scrambled out of Tsuzuki's arms, settling between Muraki and her previous captor. Raising an eyebrow, Muraki noticed the interesting choice of placement. She was either trying to keep them from arguing, or..protecting Tsuzuki. Either way, it was interesting to watch.

"Well Muraki, he's your half-brother. What are his weaknesses?" Muraki paused a moment, thinking, and then smirked, looking over at Jade. It was her turn to choke on her tea.

" No. Muraki, there's no way!" Shaking her head back and forth, she watched as Muraki's grin only widened. He reached forward and gripped her arm. 'Revenge, my dear, is a sweet thing.' Jade glowered at him and yanked her arm away.

************************* **************************************************

Saki was amused. It had been longer than he had expected his brother....half wait before trying to kill him. After running, Saki had expected Muraki to come back almost immediately. 'Little doll,' he mused quietly, 'where are you hiding? You'd better come out soon, because I want to rip your heart out.' He was, and had been, waiting patiently in Muraki's house. So far, however, there had been no sign of his pale-haired brother.

The doorbell rang. Eyes narrowed, he made his way to the door. Somehow, he had a feeling that his brother was too smart to announce his arrival like that. Still, that didn't keep him from being cautious as he opened the door. What he saw startled him.

" Are you Kazutaka-san?" A woman peered up at him, eyes wide, blushing slightly. She was wearing a dress that, while covering everything decently, gave away more than it hid. Coming up to her neck in a halter- style, the dress fell softly to the ground, gold dragons embroidered into the fabric. Long hair was done up into an intricate bun, and Saki could do nothing but stare.

" Anou..sir?" Blinking, he nodded. Really, he wasn't lying if he said yes, was he?

" Ah. Well, Oriya-sama sent me to-" The name clicked, and Saki grabbed her wrist rather forcefully, dragging her inside. Oriya! One of his half- brother's pathetic least when he was younger. The woman squeaked as she was dragged inside, the door slamming behind her.

" Sir! You're hurting me..Oriya-sama said that this would happen. Please, he wants to apologize for the fallout between the two of you..he told me to tell you that even though you two have argued horribly, he hopes that you, Muraki-sama, will forgive him and accept his..." she paused, eyes flickering briefly, "his gift." Saki watched her carefully as she slowly started to blush under his scrutiny. 'A gift? She's not holding anyth..' Saki slowly started to smile viciously, and spoke.

" And I take're the gift then?" The woman nodded slightly, ducking her head.

" Yes sir." Saki chuckled darkly. She didn't seem like the type of girl that Muraki would like..but then, he wasn't Muraki. Reaching out, he took her elbow.

" I'm sorry to have hurt you earlier, my dear. What's your name, seeing as you obviously know mine." The woman bowed again.

" Jade, sir."

******************** **************************************************

Tsuzuki was having a nervous breakdown. Cerberus was pacing and growling, and Ifrit was close to doing the same. Muraki just leaned against the streetlight in his usual fashion.

" You needn't worry, Tsuzuki-san. Jade can take good care of herself until she gives the signal." Tsuzuki glared at him, eyes flashing.

" I can't believe you told her to go in there as BAIT! She could be killed, did that not occur to you, Muraki?" Muraki merely smirked and watched the house in the distance.

******************** *******************************************

Jade was ready to kill Muraki. Not that she didn't like the dress, it wasn't that bad, but Oriya had given it to her, not Muraki. Muraki was the insane one that came up with the plan. 'Get on Saki's good side and get him outside. I don't care how you do it. We'll take care of the rest.' Her eyes hardened as she watched Saki's back as he went to get drinks. 'All and great, Muraki,' she thought venomously, 'but how the hell am I going to get him outside??' Saki turned and handed her a glass, a white wine moving sluggishly in the crystal glass. He was doing pretty well in finding things, considering that it's not his house. She smiled lightly at him, remembering to blush slightly, and sipped. Fighting the gag reflex, she looked up at him.

"It's..different." Kill me now, god I need a REAL drink!!! Saki just chuckled.

"You get used to it after a while, Jade-san." Waving her hand, Jade shook her head delicately, mindful of the bun.

" Please, just call me Jade." The sentiment seemed to amuse him, and he chuckled. She itched to shudder. Waves of emotion much like Muraki's was crawling over her skin. And she had to pretend to like the guy...she wasn't sure if his gift to her was worth it..when suddenly, out of nowhere, she got an idea.

" Muraki-sama, would it bother you too much if we went outside?" Saki stared at her incredulously, seeing as the comment came out of nowhere.

" Outside? Why?" Here goes nothing..she cleared her throat slightly.

" Well, it's such a clear warm night..and the stars are beautiful this time of year, so I thought that if we..well, after we..." Trailing off, she ducked her head, pretending to look at her glass, peering up at him from under her bangs. Saki laughed again, thick emotion running over her, threatening her shudder reflexes' strength.

" Very well..come, let's go out before we get distracted."

Once they were outside, settled 'comfortably', aka her leaning back into Saki's arms, trying desperately not to overload or shudder, Jade and Saki sat lost in memories as they looked up at the stars.


Hisoka eyed Muraki suspiciously. It wasn't every day that a madman showed up in your bedroom after trying to kill you.

" Why would I want to help you get rid of your brother?" Muraki smirked, glancing out the window.

"I could give you anything you want, bouya. Anything." He emphasized the last word, lightly touched Hisoka's wrist, and Hisoka understood with a gasp. Complete freedom. Muraki could either nullify the curse, or leave it. He wouldn't have to be Jade and Hisoka. Just one or the other. But..

" How do I know you'll stop?" Muraki glanced over at him, looking slightly amused.

" You're considering my offer." Hisoka ignored him and repeated his question, trying to push down the rising hope in his stomach.

" Once I kill Saki, my revenge will be complete. I'll go on being a doctor at the Tokyo Hospital. No more killing, abusing, etc. I have no more need of it. You and the other Shinigami will be rid of me, so to speak." Hisoka still hesitated, though the offer was looking more and more tempting every minute. Tsuzuki wouldn't have to deal with Muraki anymore..and neither would anybody else, including him.

" What if I decide to come after you? Get my own revenge?" Muraki grinned slightly at this, going very cold.

" I'll kill you. Self defense, you understand, but you will die nonetheless." Hisoka battled with himself for a long moment, and then nodded curtly.

" You will, of course, have to lower your shields for the agreement to bind. I won't attack you, and my guards will be down as well." Muraki offered his hand. After another long moment, Hisoka let his shields fall and took the doctor's hand, managed to shake it as waves of emotions washed over him, and then passed out. When he awoke a few moments later, Hisoka informed the others of his decision and walked out of EnMaCho...possibly forever.

~end flashback~

Problem was, she didn't know who she wanted to stay as..she, Jade, loved Tsuzuki dearly. Hisoka did too, but probably wouldn't admit it any time soon. Add the complicated factor of Tsuzuki loving Hisoka..'and you have a poor little confused me', she thought glumly. Though, it was getting easier and easier to come to a decision. She was almost 100 percent sure of who she was going to live out eternity as.

//Catch me as I fall, say you're here and it's all over now. Speaking to the atmosphere, no-ones here and I fall into myself//

She felt him wrap his arms around her and nuzzle her neck, and she couldn't stand it anymore. Shoving away from him, she threw her concealed ofuda into the air and watched as it rose as a pure white bird and then exploded into flame. Saki roared in anger, scrambling up as Tsuzuki, Muraki, Cerberus and Ifrit rushed into the backyard.

//The truth drives me into madness, I know I can stop the pain if I will it all away, if I will it all away..//

Jade watched with a sense of detachment as Ifrit ran forward and grabbed Saki, pinning his arms behind his back. Saki struggled wildly as a blaze of fire announced Touda's arrival.

" Touda!!" Tsuzuki sounded almost happy to see the errant shikigami..would he care about Touda even after what he tried to do? Would he still care about him, Hisoka, after...

//Don't turn away, don't give into the pain, don't try to hide, though they're screaming your name, don't close your eyes, god knows what's behind them, don't turn out the light, never sleep never die..//

She clutched at her head as emotions ran freely. It hurt....Saki was angry, confused, upset, and afraid, Muraki was triumphant, victorious..and Tsuzuki..Tsuzuki was.everything. She felt him as he always was, happy, joyful, proud, afraid.and the darker side of him as well. Fuming, bloodthirsty, apathetic, and violent. Her head was going to rip apart. Someone was calling her name as a sick ripping sound and a splatter reached her ears just as the hot liquid lacing her face did. A dying scream mingled with everything else and her skull felt like it would shatter. A hand covered in a sticky warm liquid caressed her face gently, and the pain intensified.

" Ah, Jade..such a little flower, so delicate." Makeitstopmakeitstopmakeitstop... PLEASEGODmakeitstop...she heard someone scream. Was that her? She didn't know anymore, it hurt it hurt it hurt..but she couldn't close her eyes, couldn't make it go away, demons were waiting in her head..., so she forced herself to look up through the dizzying pain, to see the carnage splattered across the lawn. Saki was dead, and Touda was sitting by Tsuzuki, Ifrit and Cerberus calmly cleaning themselves off. Muraki was smirking in front of her, his pristine white outfit covered and saturated in red. She thought she was going to puke.

//I'm frightened by what I see, but somehow I know there's much more to come. Immobilized by my fears, and soon to be blinded by tears, I can stop the pain if I will it all away, if I will it all away.//

"Jade!" Warmth surrounded her, relief and..something else..enveloped her, pushing at the darkness, fear and hate that was slowly dragging her away from herself.

" Tsu.." She changed, and Hisoka was once more overwhelmed, stumbling back slightly. Tsuzuki kneeled, steadying him. How did he get onto the ground..? Muraki chuckled and leaned close to his ear.

"Is this who you chose..?" He could barely hold his head up to nod, and Muraki stretched a hand to his eyes, his cold hand surrounded by a sickly layer of red.

//Fallen Angels at my feet, whispered voices at my ear, death before my eyes, lying next to me I fear, she beckons me shall I give in..//

Hisoka was delirious, this he knew..because Jade was standing there, in front of him, smiling lightly and watching Tsuzuki fondly. She shimmered, grinning at him and winking. 'You take care of him, you hear me??' Her voice echoed strangely in his head.but it was the only thing he could hear.

Jade sighed heavily, watching the other three. It felt weird, seeing herself...well, himself..laying there, half dead and half really dead, if that made any sense. She smiled lightly and ran her hand through Tsuzuki's hair, bowed to Muraki, and then turned and walked away.

//Upon my end shall I begin, forsaking all I've fallen for, I rise to meet the end//

"Hisoka? Wake up! Muraki, what did you do to him?? Hisoka!!!!" Kurosaki Hisoka was unconscious. And he wouldn't wake up.