After scrambling off my bed, sweeping multiple papers aside, I finally find my phone and answer breathlessly.

"Hello, Light?"



"Hey! It's been a while! How are you?" His tone is the same as always, but it's a little different. More... pride-filled somehow.

"Umm... okay I guess? What about you? Where have you been?" I soften my tone so I don't offend him. Now it seems like I'm just concerned with how he is, which I am, but underneath all that, I'm confused and suspicious.

"I'm sorry, I've been so caught up with this Kira situation. You know my dad's chief of police, right? Sometimes he tells us stuff that's not in the media, so it's really frustrating."

"Wouldn't that make you happy? With all the extra information, you could be able to piece together more than the average person..." I trail off and pick at my nails, waiting for an answer.

"Yes... well, can we go out again?" he evades the question and changes the topic.

"Yeah, as long as you tell me what's going on."

He's silent a while before answering.

"I couldn't tell you over the phone. I'd have to talk to you face to face."

I glance at a calendar hanging on my wall, still uneasy about whatever he planned.

"Well then... how about tomorrow?"

"Perfect. Is during lunchtime alright with you?"

No, it's not alright with me. Thirty minutes during a lunch period isn't nearly enough to say what you want to say, I know you. And besides, what if someone overhears what you want to say? Chances are that's not going to be good.

I circle the date on my calendar with a pen.

"... yes," I finally sigh out. Light's silent again.

"I know it's not fair for you to ask this, but... you have to make sure that whatever I tell you never reaches anybody else." Light actually sounds a little worried. I furrow my brow. Light's not one to worry.

"Sure. I don't care, I just want you to tell me what's going on," I dully reply, struggling to keep any emotion from reaching him. He's quiet.

"See you tomorrow." He hangs up.

My heart aches at that sentence... it means two things. I'd be able to talk to him again and me being selfish, I could probably restitch our broken bond together, because I missed him.

And it means that whatever he says is personal. For him to tell me that the information he'll give me is strictly between us means it's serious. And I'm not sure if I want anything serious to happen between us. For my own selfish reasons, I just want us to have fun and ignore the painful things in life.

A cold breeze falls over my skin and I grimace, looking over at my window. Beside it is the bathroom pervert. Instead of screaming at him, I merely groan and drop my head into my hands.

"Please get out before I get upset," I moan. He smirks and walks over to me. I keep my head in my hands, properly showing him no respect.

"Hey, you know Light?" He's trying to start a conversation about him.

"Shut up and get the hell out." My voice becomes more forceful and I desperately try to keep my calm-ish demeanor.

"Aren't you wondering how I even got in here in the first place?" His voice is full of amusement. Well, I'm glad that *somebody's* taking life easily.

"All I'm wondering is how to get you out."

"Do you believe in... shinigami's?"

My blood turns cold. The very same question was asked of me just yesterday. But instead of the happy feeling that I got yesterday when Light asked me, the question turned sour at the lips of this man.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, technically I'm one."

I lift my head from my hands and stare at him incredulously. I wasn't sure what a shinigami was supposed to look like, but this scrawny, mischievous, weird-haired guy before me certainly didn't look like a god of death.

"I'm an American shinigami, but we're kinda all the same. We're not really living or dead, and we have powers, although those powers are different for the types of shinigami's. Although I gotta say, looks are totally different. I'm much more good-looking than your Japanese shinigami's." At this, Jack winks at me and smirks at my uncontrollable blush.

"You've seen a Japanese shinigami?" I ask in wonder. They're probably not bad looking, because I assume Jack's just trying to make himself look better than he actually is.

Jack frowns a little at my disregard that he himself is a shinigami, but answers nonetheless.

"Yeah, ask Light, he'll tell you all about them." His voice turns hard and sarcastic. I narrow my eyes at him as my blood runs colder. How would Light know? He's the most practical guy I know. For Light to believe in shinigami's (that nobody really sees) is a far stretch from his personality.

"How would Light know?" Out of curiosity, I ask Jack. If his answer describes something that isn't in Light's personality, I'll know he's lying. But why would he suddenly have an issue with Light? He hasn't even met him.

Jack merely shrugs in response. What an ass! My anger suddenly boils up.

"My patience is running quickly with you today," I growl.

"Light's not as innocent as you thought," he taunts.

That's it.

"Say one more bad thing about Light and I will wave your head on a spike in front of all of Japan! Do it, I dare you!"

"Light is..."

"I'm not interested in your stupid opinion of Light!" I suddenly scream, not really wanting to hear another crude thing about my friend and I grab a book beside me to throw at him.

"Light's killing people!"

I freeze. My fingers around my book weaken and it falls to the floor.

"What?" I whisper. Light doesn't even have the guts to fight with anybody. There's no way he could kill.

My fear turns into fury, and I direct it at the supposed shinigami in front of me. He's totally serious.

"If this is your idea of some kind of joke, it's sick!" I hiss at him and grind my teeth together. I'm really pissed now. How could someone have gotten me angry so quickly? Before I met this guy, I could have easily kept my emotions inside of me, and now I just lash out in fury without warning.

"No, trust me, it's not a joke!" He sighs sharply, obviously frustrated. "I wish I can show you, but I can't! You just gotta ask him or see for yourself or something!"

"Why... in the hell would I ask my best friend if he's killing people?! Beside that, he's harmless! He couldn't do that! Now get the hell out before I literally try to find a way to kill you!" My rage clouds my mind and I mindlessly yell at him, not paying attention to what I said. Jack's shocked blue eyes pull me a little out of my mind cloud and my face cools down a little. Even though I don't like him one bit, I feel sorry for him. If what he says is true, I know he's only thinking one thing: She's just like Light...

My face heats up again and tears spring to my eyes. I rest my eyes on my ceiling, trying to make them fall back behind my eyes, and then I look at Jack. He's gone.

They fall on my face, but I don't feel them.

I look at the calendar again, where I circled tomorrow.

I guess I'll have to find out myself. If he is killing people... If he's even Kira... I shudder at that thought. If he is... because I'd know... he'd kill me. If he wasn't, and I accused him of being Kira, what then?

My brain doesn't want to imagine that emotional pain, and it shuts down. A thousand pounds of pressure suddenly clamp down on my head and I fall to the floor.