"Bianshay by Request"

I know it's been a while. I just hope I can still bring you a fun, loving, sexy story!

I'm trying!

Rated M for Mature.


"I will never forget this night. And I will always love you B. You are without a doubt the love of my life."

We kiss.

"I love you. I'm so glad you're nerves settled down and that you'll be dancing behind your Beyoncé."

"I never agreed to that."

"But something tells me you will do whatever it takes to be right there on stage with her and I applaud you for that."

"You have some dancing experience in your repertoire of work ya know so I think you'll be helping me achieve that goal."

"I will?"

"Won't you?"

"Whatever it takes. I love you."

"I love you."


Chapter 41: Rogue

February 2015

Bianca POV

"Oh my god, I'm going to miss you B, you know how much I hate waking up with you on my mind and not in my bed," Shay says leaning against the pillows on her side as she watches me pack in just my bra and panties.

"Your bed?" I quip without even looking her way.

"Fine," she grumbles, "our bed."

"You can be such a big baby sometimes," I say making sure she can see my smile.

"Hey, it's not like I go to Canada to shoot PLL. I'm home every night," she defends.

"I know. You're so loud when you're trying to be quiet," I chuckle as I shake out a shirt before folding it to put in my carry on.

"Hey!" She tosses a pillow at me hitting my shoulder and the side of my face.

"Hey yourself!" I throw it back.

She laughs, "Are you done yet?"

"Almost. You're so impatient."

"I'm always impatient when I want to fuck."

"Shay!" I laugh tossing my head back with a huge grin on my face because I didn't expect her to say that!

I zip up my bag, leaving it by the door before sauntering towards her with her on her knees waiting for me. She pulls her tank top over her head, throwing it at me. I catch it, and then let it fall to the floor as she shakes out her mane. She massages her breasts, tempting me with a gentle touch of her nipples.

"How will I be able to leave tomorrow?" I ask as I slowly approach the bed, my eyes where her hands mold and where her fingertips pass lightly over her firmness, perking up with each touch.

She keeps my attention on her body as she lowers her voice, "Forget being poetic. I'm going to fuck you with the expectation tomorrow will never come."

My breathing escalates. My hands reach behind me unclasping my bra, getting out of it quickly. She's about to stop what she's doing until I say, "Don't."

I slip my fingers under the elastic of her waist pulling her panties down under her ass. She widens her stance just a bit leaving them right where I left them. My hand covers her pussy moving at the same speed she massages her breasts.

"You like that," I rasp as my fingers find her groove rubbing over her hole.

"Mmmm," she reacts before her mouth falls open with quick short breaths.

She's so wet; my finger slips in without even trying. She rocks over my digit as I add another. She pulls her nipples towards me as far as they will stretch before letting go. She bounces as she rotates in circular motions with me inside her...

This is too much. I need that erotic open mouth on mine right now! My other hand takes her by the back of her neck smothering her lips with mine. This makes her bounce and twirl faster. I can feel her need to collapse on the bed as her thighs burn from holding herself up on her knees. I let her go. I let my fingers extract so I can pull her panties all the way off; I tear mine from my body before climbing onto the bed. I, then, climb over her deciding what to do to her next...

She thinks I'm going to capture her lips but I know how wet my fingers left her so I crawl backwards until I can easily dive onto her pussy. She squeals in delight as my mouth devours her goodies...

Her back arches, her vocals erupt, her pussy throbs and thrusts against me. I look up, if only, to memorize her sultry neck, her luscious lips, her hardened tips, her incredibly sexy caramel toned body.

My mouth makes her cum and her cum makes her scream! Her jaw tightens as she tries to sit up, her screams inaudible as I've managed to suck her into a demanding orgasm. I hold her down, giving her the time she needs to regain her senses and focus her attention on what I'm about to do to her...

I kiss up to her abs, circling her navel with kisses so sweet, sweeping so gently across her belly as I taste her with both my lips and my tongue. Her body stops trying to sit up as she falls back into the sheets, her arms above her head, smiling with eyes closed letting her senses feel my touch. Her breath makes her torso rise and fall in time with the trace of my tongue from her navel to the middle of her belly, kissing back down just so I can start again. My hands lay tenderly against her ribcage feeling her breathe with such ease and excitement. My palms remain intact as my fingertips gently graze her tingling honeyed skin. I let my mouth fall open so my lips are what she feels tickling around her navel before my nose snuggles her delicately and my mouth resumes its soft, wet kisses...

At last I hear words from her lips, "I thought I was supposed to fuck you."

"Mmm," I kiss up, up, up to those gorgeous pouty lips, "say fuck again," I command her.

Our mouths are inches apart when she says it.


Her mouth hangs open on the "k" and I take full advantage with my own. Our lips seal only to unseal letting our tongues have a go before our lips take over once again...

She wants me up, sitting on the bed. My leg hangs over the side, letting my foot catch onto the edge of the bedframe to help keep me balanced while my other leg lays open, giving her full and complete access...

She slides her legs over my thighs and scoots as close to me as she can. We anchor one another by slipping our arms up the other's back, I brace her shoulder and she braces mine so our free hands can love and fuck and love like there is no tomorrow but if tomorrow should come after all, then we'll love and fuck and love again...

Our eyes stay focused on each other, waiting to see who will make the next move. It's Shay. She rests her tongue on her bottom lip drawing mine from its hiding place. She tastes me with her wetness then grabs my lips with hers. Our kisses are as wild as our fucking. Her lips travel to my jawline biting, holding me with her teeth, exciting me to penetrate her deeper and faster. She follows my lead releasing my face from her bite devouring my mouth, breathing like we're running a marathon, feeling like we actually are but this is so much more fun!

Our fingers slow, our bodies ease and we hold each other close, me resting against her chest, she resting against my head. But I need her on her back, I fall half on her and half on the bed still heaving, still feeling those strong sexual feelings.

She rolls on top of me, still panting, "My turn."

"Huh?" Is she being serious?

"I have to B. I have to have you on my terms before you leave."

"Those weren't your terms?"

She takes my wrists bringing them over my head and smiles seductively, "These are my terms..."

"Good morning," I whisper softly into her ear while tangled up in the sheets and with Shay. My body is so fatigued from last night. I'm not sure how I'm going to motivate myself to be on that plane later today.

She stretches arms up, legs straight, back arched then settles comfortably next to me. She looks into my eyes with, "Good morning back."

"It's going to kill me to leave you for so long," I say.

"It's going to kill me to let you go for so long," she snuggles closer.

She looks at me thoughtfully.

"What? What is it baby?"

"This is gonna sound so corny but I really don't care."

I smile, "Corny? Really? You? I can't wait to hear this."

"B!" She pretends to wriggle free of me.

"Okay, okay. You have my undivided attention," I look deeply into her glistening eyes.

"Listen B, before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason. And ya know what? I do that all the time now."

"Aww," I kiss the tip of her nose. "You're right that does sound kind of corny," I smile with an open mouth like 'gotcha!'

"Bianca! You're so mean," she pouts.

"Shay, baby, come here, I think I know what you mean," I wink.



"One last thing."

"What's that?"

"Can you just hold me for as long as you can before you have to leave?" She looks at me hopefully.

"Yeah baby, I can do that."

I secure her in my arms with her head against my chest, our eyes closed again, as we lie silently entwined...

Shay POV

I smile. We kiss. We kiss again and again while the taxi beeps in the driveway.

"We are super corny aren't we?" I chuckle holding her in my arms.

"Hmm, I think we're cute," she kisses me smiling then walks away looking back one last time before getting into the taxi. She rolls down the window and mouths, 'I love you'.

I clutch my heart, feeling her words flow through me, making me weak in the knees and everywhere else...

I close the door leaning against it, smiling. But this time I have a reason to smile.

I walk into the living room and plop myself on the couch. Then I take my cell phone to call her cuz I'm missing her already. But before I can, it rings. I don't recognize the number so I answer hesitantly,



"This is Shay."

"Hey, it's Beyonce."


"Bianca's sister."


Its Beyonce! Oh my god! How did she get my number! Bianca must've given it to her! Oh my god! What do I do!

"Ohhh, that Beyonce."

We laugh. Thank god because now I feel more at ease lying there on the couch.

"So, I'm filming a video for my next song. And it's gonna have lots of dance sequences in it so I thought this would be the right time for me to see what you can do."


"Shay? Shay? Are you there?"

"What? Yeah, yeah, I'm here."


"Of course, I'd love to do that."

I'm dancing with Beyonce! I'm dancing with Beyonce! I kick my legs like I'm riding a bike!

"Good, I'll have my assistant call you later with all the details."

"Sounds great."

"Okay, then I guess, I'll be seeing you soon?"

"Yes, yes you will."

"Oh, by the way, how's Bianca? Is she there?"

"No, she just left for Vancouver to shoot episodes of a TV show called 'Rogue'."

"Oh right. She'll be done just in time for the wedding."

"You're going?"

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it!"

"I'm excited to meet your mom."

"She loves Bianca so I'm sure she'll love her better half too."

"Oh, no, you've got it all wrong; Bianca is definitely my better half."

"Aww, you two are just too adorable. I'm really happy for you both."

"Thank you. I feel very lucky to have found her."

We chat a little longer and then say our polite goodbyes. I slump in the couch not wanting to do anything as I wait for a call from Beyonce's people and from my people, Bianca...

Narrator POV

When Bianca gets to Canada and settles into her hotel suite she calls Shay who just got out of the shower. She lies naked across the foot of the bed and answers her phone.

"Hey Baby."

"Hey...I thought of you today. Lovely perverted naughty and wickedly beautiful thoughts."

Bianca laughs, "I had those same thoughts of you."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really."

"As a matter of fact, I was wondering..."

"What, what were you wondering?"

"I was wondering, what you're wearing right now."

"Hmm, just the smile you gave me last night."

She laughs again and then turns serious or maybe seductive is a better word, "I can picture every inch of you."

"Mmm, I hope so."

"Hey, I want you to do something for me."

"Anything. What is it?"

Her voice lowers in pitch, "Take your fingertips and kiss each one."


"Just do it okay?"


"Did you?"

"I did."

"Now take those just kissed fingers, tracing them over every curve of your body, stopping at all your favorite destinations. Let me feel you with my mind."

Shay's breathing escalates after following Bianca's instructions to the letter.

She husks through the phone, "Let me hear you, let me hear your breathing and your cursing and your erotic sounds of intensity. You are a goddess, Shay, my goddess."

Shay's own touch elicits purrs and moans of self-satisfaction while Bianca curls her lips to one side envisioning her beautiful baby doing just as she instructed.

"Mmm Bianca, you make me feel like a goddess and you are definitely mine, do you even know that?" she breathes through the phone.

"Yeah baby, I think I do."

The rasp of Shay's voice makes Bianca wriggle against her pillows. She unbuttons her jeans and slips her hand over her moist self, feeling her throbbing, reacting from the sounds coming from Shay.

They take the time to love themselves while picturing the other pleasuring their favorite destinations. Several minutes pass as they moan their self-accomplishments and slowly regain their senses...

"B, can I tell you something?"

"Sure baby."

"I want you to know that nothing has ever compared to that single moment when I first kissed the girl of my dreams and knew that my love would last forever."

"Who's the girl of your dreams?"

"Bianca! I thought we were having a moment. And if I had a pillow I'd so throw it at you!"

"Aww, baby, we are, I promise. I love my corny little Shay."


They giggle.

"I love you too, especially because you love my corniness."

"I do. I really do."

"Well, I guess it's good night then."

"Yeah, it is, good night. And Shay?"


"I knew too."

Shay smiles blushingly, because Bianca always makes it right and good and normal, a really good normal, not corny, just normal...

Shay POV

I get ready for bed, plopping onto the mattress, fluffing up my pillow when something falls to the floor. I pick it up; it's a note that says Shay in her handwriting. I smile excitedly as I open it up...

I read, "I want you. I want your sleepy confused look when you wake up. I want to be the warmth that fills the space in your bed. I want to be the sheets your fingers crave at night; the blanket that wraps around you. I want to drink tea or lattes or whatever you want with you, share some music we find. I want to talk about everything in the world newspapers, I want to discuss with you, to be stubborn and quick-witted with you. I want to have differences between us. I want your flaws. All of them. I want to go into the deepest corners of your mind and never get bored of you. I want to be surprised by the new all the time. I want to look at you like a movie; a living piece of art; always trying to chase what you crave, and finally, I want to capture you with my heart."

My tears well up in my eyes, tears of love and happiness and forever. I clutch the note close to my heart feeling each word fill my soul. I love Bianca more and more each day and more than I thought I could ever love anyone.

I cry myself to sleep, not unhappy tears but tears of a future built solely on our love...

Two weeks later...

Bianca sends a tweet that exposes her hotel and room number on a bouquet of flowers.

"Damn it Bianca! Pick up!"


"Bianca! That tweet you posted of yourself shows a bouquet of flowers with your room number on it!"

"Oh, I know! I can't believe I did that. Don't worry I fixed it. One of my fans pointed it out and I got rid of it."

I check her account, "B! Cursing on twitter!"

"What? All I said was shit. It's no big deal."

"You're too funny."

"You know how much I love twitter." I know she's rolling her eyes right now!

"Well, if you let me help you then..."

"You're the selfie queen Shay, not me. You can have all the social media you want. I'll just keep to myself."

"You don't have to ya know."

"I know. But Twitter was never my thing. And I knew I wouldn't keep up with it."

"Are you abandoning it?"

"Nah, just hiding for a while."

"If that's what you want but seriously I can help."

"I know and I really appreciate you for that but I think this marriage between twitter and me has long passed the honeymoon phase."

"Okay, okay but that better not be any indication for us."

"Never. You and I are so much more than that."

"I hope so."

"Shay, I don't want social media in our bedroom or our life, okay?"

"Not even just a little?"

"I want us to be as private as possible. But I know you can't help sharing so just take it easy with us."

"I can do that B." At least I think I can...

I want everyone to see how good we are together but I understand her need for privacy. I just hope I can stay true to her request. Social media is like a drug for me and I can't let my addiction to it affect us.

At least I hope I can't...

The next day...

In a few weeks I start shooting PLL again. So working with Beyonce now is perfect timing. I don't know what to expect but I show up on time ready to do whatever it is she needs me to do...

It's a video for a song called "7/11". It's overtly sexual and I'm not wearing much of anything. Very short shorts but what Beyonce wants Beyonce gets. Wearing this actually makes me feel very sexy and wanted. I wish Bianca was here to see me but my selfies will have to do! She loves it when I selfie! I laugh to myself.

It's just me so it doesn't count towards my social media crush...

"Wow, Shay, you look incredible."

"Thank you," I blush, "You do too as always."

"Well, then, let's get this thing shot."

I learn the choreography and I'm so glad I've been going to the gym and getting a home workout with Bianca cuz my thighs are burning!

We do take after take after take with different angles and that's just rehearsal! I'm beat!

But, alas, we have to come back tomorrow for the actual shoot and then again if they need to do any reshoots after editing through the footage.

After I take a quick shower and change, I happen to walk out at the same time as Beyonce. We have a nice chat and you can tell she's thrilled about her mom's impending marriage to Bianca's dad. But it's so hard to concentrate while she's talking and I sort of just nod as she goes along not really hearing her because I'm in such awe of her.

When I get home I call Bianca. We chat for a long while and I realize just how much I miss her...

Third week of March 2015

Days go by and I have to report to PLL...

It's season six and we're supposed to be in our twenties and Emily has somehow gotten stupid and didn't graduate from college. She also has all these money problems which I find hard to believe since her father must've had a pension from the army. And of course they want Emily and Alison to get closer which I find pretty bizarre considering Alison was so cruel to Emily. She just wanted to confirm that Emily was gay by changing in front of her and having her help her with her bra. And as soon as Emily kissed her shoulder Alison freaked. Why? Because she never loved Emily the way Emily wanted her too. But, let's see, six years pass and now all of sudden Ali is gay. It must be the water in Rosewood cuz everyone seems to be finding their inner lesbian on this show!

If I had it my way, Maya would be alive. If I had it my way, Emily would find Maya somewhere outside of Rosewood, probably California, where she's from. If I had it my way, Emily would move heaven and earth to be with Maya...

Sasha is cool with me. She knows how I feel about this whole Emison nonsense. She thinks it's pretty inconsistent with her character as well. But we're just the actors who get paid to keep the bullshit going. And that's exactly what it is...bullshit.

We do our table read and all I want is to go home, get in a bath and call Bianca...

I throw my stuff on the floor when I get in the house. I don't even take the time to put it where it belongs. I lock up and feel the bath calling for me. But as I get closer and closer to the top of the stairs, I swear I hear soft music playing. It is soft music playing! Should I be scared? My heart pounds. Now I see light flickering. Candles are lit throughout the bedroom. A trail of rose petals leads to the bathroom.

I start stripping out of my clothes without even checking. It's her! I know it's her!

I'm nervous. I'm excited. I'm breathing rapidly.

I take one slow step at a time peering through the doorway. My chest heaves as I look towards the tub filled to the top with white foamy bubbles and my beautiful, beautiful Bianca!

I rush over to her kneeling on the tile, grabbing her face, kissing her over and over until my lips stay with hers feeling their intensity.

I pull myself away excitedly catching my breath, "What? What are you doing here?"

"Do you want me to leave?" she skims the top of the water picking up bubbles in her hand blowing them at me.

I laugh, "I love you so much."

"Then get in here while it's still hot," she emphasizes the 'hot'.

I sit between her legs lying back feeling her arms embrace me.

"This feels so good. You feel so good," I turn to look at her, kissing her lips, saying, "I love you," against them.

"I caught a break and I wanted to see you so I flew home for a couple of days."

"I want you to stay."

"Well, I have two weeks left and then I'm yours again."

"Good. I like you being mine."

"How was PLL?"

"Oh please, I don't want to talk about that disaster. I just want to be with you. Is that okay?"

"I was just being polite. I'd rather just be with you too."

"I love you so much Bianca. This is just what I needed."

We kiss.

Her hand slips down my torso between my legs.

I keep her hand against me for this is exactly what I need right now...


To Be Continued...

I know that song was in 2014 but for storyline purposes I had to change when it came out.

I have no idea how Beyonce talks so I'm keeping it vanilla. LOL.

And I have no idea where PLL is at during this time so I just added what people have told me.

Yay! I'm less than a year and a half behind! Pretty soon it will be 2016 in this story!