Authors Note: alright I've been playing Harvest Moon TOTT for 3DS. It has taken up most of my life… I found myself playing one day, right after I had gotten Cam to a green flower level, I thought to myself 'Why don't I make a fanfic?' I thought about this for a while not really knowing a story line or anything. It sat at the end of my mind for a long period of time. Then well something snapped and I instantly came up with a story. Well this was a long note… anyway enjoy
"Did you hear? They say there's a new girl coming to town! Everyone is talking about it, how could you not know?" Ash stared excitedly at his best friend, who wasn't paying much attention. "Come on, show a little interest." He pouted and gently got down from the spot he sat on the small flower stand.
"It's not that I didn't know, I just didn't care much." The florist looked down as he worked on a bouquet of some sort.
"You're no fun, I mean you might even fall for this girl one day." Cam looked up raising an eyebrow. He could see Ash was holding in laughter by the way he put his hand tightly around his mouth.
"Just laugh already before you explode." Ash let his hand free from his mouth and grasped his stomach chuckling much louder and harder than Cam had expected, but the florist just rolled his eyes and went back to his work.
At that moment Ash turned around finally finished with his laughing fit. He turned around to see the mayor had returned from going to greet the new comer.
"Hey, Rutger! Where's the newbie?" Ash called and the mayor turned to face him.
"There was a slight…mishap, our newest friend, Lillian, will be here shortly." Rutger looked a bit uneasy, but both Ash and Cam decided to shrug it off.
Just as the mayor made it into town hall a young girl with mid-length caramel hair walked into town square, she looked a bit confused and undecided.
"Whoa that must be her. Come on Cam let's go meet her." Ash prompted for Cam to leave his stand. "You go ahead and greet her, I'll stay here." Ash complied, but there was no way he would let Cam get away without meeting the new resident of Bluebell.
"Hi, you must be the new girl, Lillian, right? I'm Ash, I live in that house over there." He smiled and held out a gloved hand. The girl seemed a bit shy but lifted her own hand to make contact with his.
"I'm Lillian, but I guess you already knew that…" She looked as if she didn't know what to say.
They stood in awkward silence for a bit, and Ash couldn't stand being quiet for too long. He shifted his feet a bit than decided to give her a grand tour.
"Hey I'll show you around, I'm not much of a tour guide, but I can show you all the people around here." Lillian nodded and smiled, it was a pretty smile one that could light up a room in seconds.
"First I'll show you Howard's café, my friend lives there and has a little shop, let's go see him." Lillian was trying to grasp what he was saying, but didn't quite get it. Who was Cam and Howard? She just followed quietly behind him.
"Hey Cam!" He yelled out to his friend, but Cam immediately averted his eyes. Lillian and Ash got closer to the little flower stand. Cam looked annoyed by the two of them, Lillian felt guilty of being a bother.
"Don't be like that, this is Lillian. I told you there was a new girl." Ash smirked leaning his weight against the table by his arms. Cam looked up to see the girl he had heard so much about. She was smiling, and her face was slightly pink.
"H..hello I'm Lilly, er…Lillian, I mean you can call me Lilly if you want to, but um…" Ash looked at her and had to suppress laughter, she was totally nervous!
"Welcome, I'm Cam." He flashed a brilliant smile and her face turned a darker shade of red. "I live in Howard's café, but I work here, come by anytime." With that he put his head down and began working again.
"I'm going to take her to meet the girls I'll see you later." Cam just nodded his response, and Lillian waved, though he probably didn't see it. Ash guided her to two girls standing talking in low voices and occasionally glancing in Lillian's direction.
"Hello girls, it seems like Lillian is a big topic." The two girls were very pretty, one with blonde hair tied into a bun, the other had a darker auburn color hair that was down in loose curls.
Lillian looked down at her own clothes the Mayor had insisted she wear, she wasn't all dolled up or anything, 'maybe I should've down something, I look like a mess.' She looked up to meet the two girls.
"Hello Lillian, I've heard so much about you! We should sit down for a spell and talk when you've settled in, oh right, my name's Georgia." She smiled, and she was very nice. Lillian smiled also, it was easier to befriend girls than boys.
"It's nice to meet you, I didn't know I would be talked about much…" The girl next to her smiled also, she was beautiful, and that was an understatement. "I'm Laney, I'm sure we will be great friends." Lillian smiled and nodded, it was starting to get late and she hoped to get some hours of sleep in.
Ash finished showing her around, she met new people, and she got too talk to Cam again while he was finishing up work, though it was simply a 'thank you' for being so kind.
"Thank you, it means a lot to me that you went out of your way to show me around." Lillian had gotten a little bit closer to Ash but not much. "Don't mention it! I'll always help you if you need it. Even if we are farm rivals we shouldn't hate each other." He winked at her and suggested he walk her home but she assured him she was fine on her own.
Lillian thanked him one more time and headed toward her farm, suddenly she was stopped by Ash calling her name. "Uh…Hey Lillian! Try to make friends with Cam alright!" She looked back and grinned "Okay! I promise!"
Lillian reached in her pocket for the key to her new home. She opened the door and immediately kicked off her shoes; it had been a long day. She looked around her; this was the start of everything. She had been too excited to breathe everything in.
Gently she took the first step inside her new life. She sat down in a chair by the table, she was tired but she had one last thing to do today. She took out a pen and old notebook from her bag and began to write:
Dear Mom,
I made it! Bluebell is amazing, and I think I'm already starting to make friends! All of the people here are really nice and I'm excited to begin work tomorrow. A boy named Ash showed me around town and helped me meet everyone there, he's very sweet. There are two girls my age here! They are both beautiful and kind to me, I hope we can be friends. I miss you a lot mom, but don't worry I'm sure I will do a fine job.
Love, Lilly
Lillian smiled as she finished writing the letter meant for her mother, and folded it neatly. She got up from her chair with the smile still remaining and went over to the bookcase. She had put a small box on the edge of the bookcase; opening it she slowly slid the letter inside and shut it quickly.
She then let out a huge yawn and let herself fall onto her bed, she closed her eyes and instantly fell asleep.