AN: So I don't know if anyone is still waiting for this update, but if there are then here it is. Well, enjoy.

It was not Kimmy Jin's intention to hurt Beca. It had been very therapeutic what with all the months of torture, but violence rarely solved any problems. And if there was one thing Kimmy Jin wanted, then it was to solve her Beca problem which in turn would involve solving Beca's Chloe problem. Really though, Kimmy Jin was not one to be a matchmaker. She didn't really understand love. Some would even go as far as accusing Kimmy Jin of not believing in it.

Kimmy Jin did believe in love though. She just didn't believe that true love happened very often. Such a love was a rarity, something special that was meant to be cherished. But despite that (or possibly because of that) it was something was often not seen for what it truly was. And that was one of many reasons as to why Kimmy Jin held such distaste towards ignorant people… like Beca.

As far as ignorant people went, Beca had to be the worst. And while Kimmy Jin had expected her to be as such, she still found her level of obliviousness to unbelievable. Thankfully it was also a bit amusing, as one would expect Beca to be deaf not blind due to the volume that she listened to her music at. And she still would have found the entire thing to be funny if not for the fact that she now needed to help Beca see clearly if she had any chance of regaining her sanity.

And, unfortunately, knocking Beca to the floor was fairly counterproductive. With a sigh, she decided to help Beca to her feet. "Come on," she said, offering her hand out to the brunette. "Let me help you up." Beca skeptically looked up at her, rubbing the back of her head as she grumbled under her breath. "I won't hurt you, I promise." Still that wasn't enough, and Kimmy Jin was forced to grit her teeth. "I'm sorry, okay?" Beca continued to look unsure but slowly and tentatively grabbed onto Kimmy Jin's hand allowed her to assist her to her feet.

"Why'd you hit me?" she grunted, to which Kimmy Jin rose an eyebrow.

"Have you already forgotten about our little conversation?" she asked, not without a good bit of annoyance in her tone. She had to remember even if Kimmy Jin wouldn't have put it past her to have forgotten. And there was also the possibility that she had hit her a bit too hard. Kimmy Jin internally flinched at that thought, but she pushed those thoughts aside when she remembered that Beca was a tougher than that.

"No, I remember. I just don't get why you hit me."

"You were being stubborn."

"And the only thing you could think of doing was to knock me flat on my back?"

"No," Kimmy Jin answered simply. "But it sure felt good." Beca shot her a look, but she any comment she had ended up stuck in her throat. Instead, she simply shook her head in disbelief. It nothing else, at least she had made some progress, but it wasn't as much as Kimmy Jin would have liked. If she had any hope helping Beca and maintaining her sanity then she'd need to hurry things up. Without too much consideration for Beca's wellbeing, Kimmy Jin grabbed her by the wrist and began leading her out of their dorm. "Come on," she told her, hoping that Beca would follow without question.

If only Kimmy Jin were that lucky. Just as to be expected, Beca tried to pull away. Kimmy Jin had a strong grip though so she managed to keep hold of her. Physically, Kimmy Jin was far stronger than Beca but even then she didn't actually want to drag her the whole way. Besides, she didn't exactly know where to bring her. She hated to say it, but Kimmy Jin would need Beca's help for that. And there was also the teeny tiny possibility that Beca would blow on her rape whistle. Kimmy Jin couldn't see it on her, but there was always the chance that she had it on her somewhere.

And that scenario was one that Kimmy Jin would have liked to avoid most of all. Of course she could have easily talked her way out of that situation, especially since no one would believe that she would even want to rape Beca, but there was a slim chance that they wouldn't believe her. And that would be most unfortunate. Kimmy Jin sighed and tugged on Beca's wrist once more. Beca tugged back.

"Let go of me."

"I said come on."

"And I said let go of me."

"Can you just come on?" Kimmy Jin insisted. She was nowhere fast and all she wanted was just a little bit of cooperation. She was trying to help Beca after all. Sure, she was only doing so for her own benefit, but she was trying to help her. Beca wouldn't believe that though. Anyone could tell just by looking at her. Even if Kimmy Jin explained everything to her, she wouldn't understand. Oh how Kimmy Jin hated dealing with uneducated people. She groaned in frustration decided to play nice. She let go of Beca's wrist. "Would you get moving if I told you where I'm bringing you?"

She kind of wanted Beca to say no, if she did then Kimmy Jin would have enough reason to smack over the head. But Beca didn't say no. She observed her closely, checking for any sign of sincerity, which was pretty absurd because Kimmy Jin was always sincere. She didn't pay coy, ever. She always got straight to the point. Kimmy Jin didn't understand why anyone would do anything less.

Apparently Beca seemed to realize that as her shoulders slackened. She let her guard down slightly and answered, "Maybe." And after a moment of thought she added, "Probably not, but maybe. So where are we going?"

"To find Chloe."

"Why would we need to find Chloe?"

Kimmy Jin laughed. "Seriously? Did I hit you that hard? Do you not remember a thing about what we were just talking about?"

"Yes I remember," Beca's tone grew harsh. Her walls were coming up again. "But that doesn't explain why we need to find her. I don't like her like that, despite what you think." Kimmy Jin rolled her eyes. Denial was one thing, but Beca was something else entirely. "I don't, okay?" She said once more to emphasize her point. Beca turned her back to Kimmy Jin and crossed her arms over her chest. Kimmy Jin growled. She marched right up to Beca and forcibly spun her around.

"Yes, you do!" she practically screamed in her face. "Just admit it! That's all I'm asking." In reality all Kimmy Jin was asking was for Beca to man up, march down to Chloe's dorm and confess her feelings for her, and then stay in that dorm for the rest of the year. But for the time being she was okay with taking baby steps so long as they would end up making progress. "Can you honestly tell me that you've only ever looked at her as just a friend?"

"Yes… no… I don't know." Beca's face fell. Her confidence broke. She broke out of Kimmy Jin's grip and wondered over to her bed. She sat down on it and then proceeded to use both hands to massage her forehead. "It's confusing," she admitted. "I don't do relationships; I don't know this stuff works." And just like that, they were getting somewhere. Kimmy Jin could have yelled in triumph. Well that is to say that she could have, if she were the kind of person to do stuff like that. She wasn't. Kimmy Jin didn't like to boast, except in those certain circumstance where she really wanted to rub her victory in someone's face. "So maybe I like her, okay? Is that what you want to hear?"

Not really, no. It wasn't as though Kimmy Jin didn't already know that little bit of information. Nor was it something that was hard to figure out. No, hearing Beca say that she might have feelings for Chloe (when in fact she really, really did) did not bring Kimmy Jin much sense of satisfaction. She decided to give Beca one last chance. "So why don't you just come with me to figure this whole thing out, huh?" Beca took her lower lip between her teeth. She chewed on it nervously as she thought. Eventually she nodded her head slowly.

Beca got up and the two of them set off. Kimmy Jin wanted to believe that Beca would go find Chloe herself, but she didn't trust her in the slightest. She knew that the moment she left her side that Beca would go running for the hills. So she stuck by her, making sure to keep a few steps behind so that she cut off her escape if Beca chickened out as well as to not make it look like they were actually walking together.

It was obvious that Beca wasn't completely sure about what they were going to. She was fidgety, but through their little trip she held onto her resolve. She kept going forward and Kimmy Jin kept following her and in no time they were standing outside Chloe's dorm, or at least they were standing outside what Kimmy Jin could only guess was Chloe's dorm. Beca lifted her hand up to knock on the door, but she stopped before her knuckles hit the wood.

"What are you waiting for?" Kimmy Jin was getting impatient. Beca mouthed something along the line of 'just wait' and so Kimmy Jin did, for a while. She supposed that a few seconds longer wouldn't hurt anyone, but Beca just couldn't bring herself to knock on the door. She tried again and again, but she always fell short of making contact with the wood. Kimmy Jin growled. She shoved Beca aside and gave three firm knocks.

"Hey, what was that for?!"

Kimmy Jin wasn't going to answer, but even if she was she wouldn't have had the opportunity to do so. Almost immediately the door swung open. It was Chloe. Her eyes fell on Kimmy Jin and momentarily her brows furrowed in confusion, but she quickly recovered and smiled. "Hey, what are you… Beca," her gaze shifted, Kimmy Jin completely forgotten about. Kimmy Jin could have laughed. Chloe was so obvious. "What are the two of you doing here?"

Beca opened her mouth to answer, but Kimmy Jin wasn't going to let that happen. She interrupted her by shoving her into Chloe and told her, "Beca has something to tell you." Beca shot her a quick glare and Kimmy Jin simply rolled her eyes. This was why they had come by. So sue her if she wanted to get things over with quickly. "I'll leave you two alone." Kimmy Jin then promptly shut the door. She waited outside just in case.

Slightly shaken at the turn of events, Beca became silent. Chloe looked at her with soft, concerned eyes. She took her hand and asked, "What is it Beca? What's going on? Are you okay?" Beca could barely hear what she was saying. Her heart was racing and Chloe's words were being drowned out by the intense beating. She would have been surprised if Chloe didn't hear it as well. But maybe she did, and perhaps that was why she had asked if Beca was okay.

And at that moment Beca realized that she was. Despite the anxiety she was feeling and uncertainty of what she was doing; Beca knew that there was nowhere else that she would have rather been. She knew that she did love Chloe and that she had probably known that the entire time but had just been too afraid to admit it. Beca looked down at their entwined fingers and then back up to Chloe's beautiful face. In an instant, Beca grabbed Chloe by the back of the head and pulled her in for a searing kiss. It felt magical, unlike anything that Beca had ever felt before.

But then Chloe pulled back, her eyes wide with shock and possibly arousal, or at least Beca hoped there was arousal. She touched her lips with the pads of her fore and middle finger, pulled them away and then examined them. "What was that?"

Fear set in and Beca began to panic. "I just… I thought… that you… and… I'm sorry, I should just…" She turned away, ready to bolt out of the dorm as she quickly as she could, but before Beca could reach the door knob, Chloe's hand was around her wrist.

"Wait, don't," she said, and so Beca didn't. "It's not what you think. I just thought that you were with Jesse."

"I… I am, I guess." For that one moment Beca had completely forgotten about him. He didn't matter, and all that Beca cared about was the fact that Chloe's lips were on her own. "I… I'll break up with him."


"No, I'll break up with him." She said the words with such finality that Chloe decided not to argue any further. "He's a nice guy and I do like him, but we would have never worked out and I don't love him. I love you."

"Finally!" Both their head snapped towards the door.

"Was that Kimmy Jin?" Chloe asked the question that was on both their minds.

Success. Kimmy Jin had finally achieved success. With that done she got up from the ground and proceeded to return to her dorm. After all the unresolved sexual tension that Beca and Chloe had experienced, she was very certain that any attempts to continue listening in through the door would not end well. It wouldn't take long before Beca and Chloe gave in to their desires, which was something that Kimmy Jin didn't want to eavesdrop on.

Although, from what she knew, she wouldn't have been surprised if Beca didn't have the slightest idea of the first thing to do. That would have been amusing to watch, if also very creepy to watch as well. Kimmy Jin would later learn that she was very much correct. But of course, she had already known that she was right.