Make it a double

Come on! Had to be done

Jack was wandering around the giant workshop of North's home. The Russian had left to run some errands and told Jack not to touch any of the toys, bother the yetis or freeze the elves. So Jack was currently bored and a bored Jack was never a good thing.

Jack didn't feel like leaving and didn't feel like making his way to the top of the naughty list and decided he would go exploring. He started in the kitchens, nothing interesting there. He poked his head in a few rooms and didn't see anything of particular interest. In one he found a bicycle and rode up and down an empty corridor for a bit. He eyed the window and the wind blowing outside and weighed up the idea of taking the bike out in mid-air but thought the inevitable trouble that would lead to.

Jack found North's office and the Russian doll he had been shown his first time there. He looked around at an ice-sculptor and started opening draws and cupboards. Just tools and bits and pieces, a couple of letters and stationary. Finally Jack opened a small cupboard and noticed a bottle inside. He pulled it out and noticed it had been open but was still pretty much full. It was covered in dust and Jack blew on the glass and wiped some of the dirt away to read the label of the clear liquid.


Jack turned it over in his hands. Interesting, he thought. He remembered strolling around the streets and seeing grown-ups huddled inside pubs and bars, trying to escape the cold of his snowdays in the evenings and asking the bartender to "make it a double."

Jack unscrewed the lid and brought the bottle to his nose and took a whiff. His nose crinkled at the harsh smell. How could people enjoy this?

He brought the bottle to his lips, his curiousity peaked and took a small swig. He nearly spat it out but quickly swallowed and grabbed his stomach as his body tried to reject it.

"ugghh!" grunted Jack, "that's disgusting!"

Jack really couldn't see the appeal. Still in his three hundred year existence, it was rare to try something new so he took another gulp. Perhaps it was one of those "acquired tastes" kind of deal?

Jack eyed the eggnog in the corner. Perhaps that was the way to do it, mix it up…

Jack took both drinks and sat in a corner, grabbing a goblet on the way past to his appointed seat. Jack felt like a scientist mixing the two together and this time when he brought it to his lips, he nodded in satisfaction. The eggnog still had a bitter bite to it but it wasn't nearly as bad as the vodka on its own.

Jack turned to the window and made a game of it, every time a small avalanche fell at one of the peaks in the distance, he took a swig. He did this for the next hour….

An hour later, Jack was feeling WONDERFUL.

There was so much to do! What was he sitting around for? Waiting for North? No! Things to do, songs to sing… YES! He would sing to the yetis while they worked. Surely they would appreciate the background music? Jack nodded and got up excitedly, swaying slightly as he made his way to the door.

"Lets do this!" he yelled to no one in particular.