The days continue to pass in a blur of activity, becoming several weeks very quickly. Time not spent on the seemingly endless amount of paperwork is spent keeping an eye on and teaching Ren. Even knowing the truth of his bloodline it's difficult for Daisuke to make the connection between the hot-headed Ren and his calm and collected father, Sosuke Aizen. There sounds a knock at the door to the office and both the Shark Queen and the young Captain look up. "Come in," calls Tia.

The door opens and Ren steps in. "Oi, Arata," speaks Ren. "I thought we were supposed to meet on the training grounds."

"Ah, sorry, Tia and I have just been buried in paperwork, Ren," Daisuke replies. "And we have to get these papers done before we can do anything else. Sorry." Tia watches the young man with a sort of mild interest as he complains to the young Captain about being blown off.

'When you're really looking...they do vaguely resemble each other,' Tia tells herself. 'It's obvious he favors his mother, though.' After a few moments Ren growls and then glares at the smiling Daisuke who doesn't seem bothered in the least. 'Except for his eyes.' If there is anything that Ren has taken from his father it's his eyes. Eyes that see through someone. Ren finally notices her staring and growls.

"What, Harribel?" asks Ren. Tia narrows her eyes in response and then stands.

"You're being annoying," Tia tells him. "If you want something to do that badly then take Kouta and head to the 80th North Rukon on patrol for Hollows." Ren remains still for several moments. "Is there something else you wanted?"

"I need to speak with Arata..." He meets the Shark Queen's gaze firmly. " private." Daisuke raises an eyebrow in question but stands regardless and walks around his desk to step out of the office while Tia sits down. She has no interest in hearing their conversation. Daisuke doesn't stop however and slowly walks away from the office.

"Let's take a walk, Ren," Daisuke tells him. "I'm feeling a little cooped up." The young Shinigami follows after him, hands stuffed into the pockets of his hakama and looking almost nervous for some reason. "So...what's on your mind?" Ren doesn't respond only looks away from the man. "Ren?"

"How, uh...did you get to know Harribel, Arata?"

"Get to know her?"

"As a woman, I mean."

"Are you asking out of curiosity...or seeking advice?" Ren's cheeks actually tint red in response and Daisuke grins. "So, who is she? Someone I've met before?"

"Does it matter, Arata?"

"I guess not. You've never been interested in anything besides training so I was just..." He pauses for a moment and then grins even wider in response as he looks over at Ren. "Isane Kotetsu!"

"Could you be any louder? I don't think the First Division heard!" The young Captain holds his up in a gesture of apology and the two stop walking in the middle of the hall. "Look, you gonna help me or not? Because if you aren't-"

"It's easy to get to know someone, Ren. All it takes is a little courage to ask her out to dinner in the World of the Living. In fact, anywhere that you two don't have to focus on work is a good place to go."

"I guess it's that simple, huh?"

"Pretty much. Worst that could happen is she says 'no'." Ren nods in understanding.

"Alright. I'll give it a shot." He heads off without another word and the young Captain chuckles, watching him go.

'Hmm, Isane and Ren...I think they'll make a good couple,' Daisuke tells himself. 'Heh. Hopefully Isane can do what Shunsui and I seem incapable of doing and get him to calm down. That would be nothing short of a miracle.' After a few moments he turns and heads back to the office, where Tia is quietly working. The Shark Queen looks up from the papers on her desk at the young Captain.

He closes the door behind him and stares in silence at her for a few moments. "What?" questions Tia.

"Nothing," replies Daisuke, starting to smile. "I was just thinking that you've fallen into your role as Lieutenant rather well, Tia. I think it'd be difficult to find someone in the Division who doesn't like you, Tia."

"Well...the Division does see me as the nicer one between the two of us thanks to someone's plan." The young Captain offers a shrug in response and then heads back to his desk to sit. "Foolish of them, isn't it?" He laughs in response. Tia looks down at her empty desk and then across at Daisuke. "What are you working on?"

"Something extremely important." The Shark Queen stands and approaches Daisuke, peering down at the papers on his desk. "Curious, huh? I thought so."

"Request for leave to the World of the Living?"

"Yes. For you and myself." She reaches down and picks up different paper.

"And this?"

"Something from Head Captain Yamamoto." Tia looks it over and it becomes obvious that it's not a form from the Soul Society but from the World of the Living instead. He takes the form from her and smiles. "Don't worry about the how or why, Tia. I'll handle everything..." He pauses for a moment and smiles. " the way, do you have a swim-suit?"

"Swim-suit? Why would I need that?"

"Well, that's a problem...but that can be fixed."

"What are you planning?"

"Nothing, Tia. Just a little summer fun at the beach, that's all." He gives Tia and innocent smile which she doesn't buy but she doesn't push the issue. "Now...I've got to finish these forms if we're going to enjoy some time off..."

- - World of the Living - -

"'s around here somewhere," comments Daisuke, holding a hand up to shield his eyes from the sun and scanning the forest. Almost they'd brought with them for a day at the beach is sitting on the ground beside the young Captain, who had unsuccessfully offered to carry everything. Tia crosses her arms in response and stares at him.

"You have us hiking through an unfamiliar forest in the World of the Living...and you don't know where you're going?" Tia questions him.

"I didn't say that. I know exactly where we're going...I'm just a little turned around, that's all." The Shark Queen reaches up and pinches the bridge of her nose. Daisuke chuckles and pats her on the shoulder. "I'm only kidding, Tia. Come on." He picks up the things and starts walking, whistling a tune to himself as he does so. Tia sighs in response and follows only moments before he yelps in surprise.

She rushes over to the bushes he's passed through to find him lying several feet down at the bottom of a short drop in a pile of sand. "Are you alright, Daisuke?" He pushes himself up and cracks his neck loudly before smiling up at her.

"Found it!" Tia looks up from his amber eyes to the beautiful beach and even more beautiful, deep blue sea. The waves roll gently to the white, sandy shore and sunlight bathes the entire place which appears a world all it's own away from the rest. "So? What do you think?"

"...You always manage to surprise me, Daisuke," mutters the Shark Queen before jumping down to a far more graceful landing than the young Captain.

"I know that today is your birthday and...well, I wasn't sure if you'd celebrated it before so I wanted to do something special, you know? I mean, it is your first birthday since coming to the Soul Society. You should remember it." He stands and brushes some sand from his t-shirt. "Yamamoto helped me out with some paperwork so the beach is all ours for the whole day." Daisuke is treated to a smile from the Shark Queen and he can't help but smile himself at that rare treat.

"Wait...all ours for the day?"

"Yep! That's why I brought so much stuff. We can spend the whole day here if you want. No Hollows, no Humans...just relaxation."

"Sounds almost too good to be true." The young Captain shrugs in response and picks the things up.

"Let's get set up, huh?" It takes them only a few moments to put the beach blanket down and the large beach umbrella set up to shade them. While things are getting set up, Daisuke notices the Shark Queen staring out at the ocean. She wears a sea-green bikini that fails to hold a candle to the color of her eyes as well as a sarong of matching color...even if she is dressed rather conservatively in terms of beach-wear it's absolutely perfect on her. When all that it done Daisuke removes his t-shirt and motions towards the surf. Tia grasps him by the wrist. "What?"

"Put some sun-screen on. As pale as you are, you'll get sunburn." He looks at himself in response. Several thin scars cover his torso and arms. Some old and some newly acquired from the Winter War. After a moment he looks up and arches a brow.

"Considering all I've been you really think sunburn will kill me?"

"That's not the point." She sits him down on the beach blanket and kneels behind him. "Now, be still, fool. I don't want to have to hold you down." A sigh escapes him in response which the Shark Queen ignores as she spreads sun-screen across his back and shoulders. When she's finished she sets the bottle down and the young Captain looks back, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Want me to do you, now?"

"I'll be fine."

"I don't want to have to hold you down." A small smile appears on her face.

"Think you can do it?" Daisuke turns and gently pushes Tia onto her back, a smile forming on his face as he does.

"Don't know...but I'll certainly try." The Shark Queen's arms circle his neck and he leans down kissing her.

"It's broad day-light! What are you two doing?!" exclaims a voice several yards away. Both are ready for a fight immediately, producing Soul Candy from seemingly thin air as they notice Lieutenant Ise who's face is a red that would make a tomato jealous and a smiling Shunsui.

"Seems like we showed up at a bad time, lil' Nanao," observes Shunsui. "Sorry about that, you two."

"Shunsui?" asks Daisuke. "What are you doing here?"

"Huh? Well, that's rather cold of you, Daisuke. I did apologize for interrupting you two." Tia looks at the young Captain who holds his hands up in response. "Oh, Daisuke didn't invite me. In fact, I heard through the grape-vine that it was your birthday today, Miss Harribel, and I thought I might come offer you a happy birthday. Didn't expect to happen across you in such a compromising position, though."

"He couldn't have waited a few hours?"

Tia glares at him in response and Shunsui chuckles a bit. "Don't you think that's a look you should save for your enemies?" After a moment she sighs in response and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"Sorry, Tia," whispers Daisuke. "I thought I'd kept things secret. I didn't tell anyone about this." After a moment he sighs heavily. "Shunsui, let me ask you something." The experienced Captain arches a brow. "That grape-vine come with a stripped hat and a pair of geta?" A smile appears on his face and he offers only a shrug in his defense. "Kisuke always was good at gathering information."

"Did someone call for me?" calls an airy voice moments before the man emerges from the tree-line in a pair of green stripped shorts. Kisuke jumps down from the tree line moments before Yoruichi follows.

"Wow, this place is really off the beaten path, isn't it?" observes Yoruichi. "We almost never found it, you know."

"Who else is coming?" asks Tia immediately.

"Well..." From the tree-line emerges both Unohana. The white haired Captain waves to the both of them before jumping down and then turning to help Unohana of them carry some items with them and a heavy sigh escapes Daisuke. "...looks like that's everyone."

The Shark Queen sighs as well. As much as she would have preferred to spend the day only with the man she loves...she doesn't exactly hate everyone who came. And in some way she considers them all friends. Tia looks at Daisuke and then everyone before standing. "I guess spending my birthday with friends is something that is normally done in the Soul Society."

"Oh? You consider us your friends?"

"Don't push it, Shihoin." The Goddess of Flash grins in response and then nods in understanding. Tia removes her sarong and then approaches the surf with Daisuke following behind her. The two wade into the surf and the Shark Queen closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the cool sea against her skin. After only a moment she dives forward beneath the surface and swims forward with ease. Daisuke watches with amazement as Tia glides forward with ease, eventually surfacing several yards out from the beach.

He follows with a smile on his face. "Guess you aren't too bothered with everyone inviting themselves here, huh?" asks Daisuke.

" went through all of the trouble of renting this beach for today. It would be rude of me not to enjoy it." Tia looks back towards the beach and the people gathered there. Daisuke follows her line of sight and smiles softly.

"You know, you've really come a long way since you arrived in the Soul Society."

"I...suppose I have."

"If only we could get you to make a joke now and again." The Shark Queen glares at the young Captain who chuckles and holds his hands up in a gesture of surrender. "I'm just kidding, Tia. No need to get testy. Let's just enjoy ourselves, Tia..."

- - The Soul Society - -

Ren reaches up with a single arm and presses it against the side of his neck before he cracks it loudly. The young Shinigami walks through the halls of the Fourth Divison looking around for a familiar face. He rounds the corner and runs right into someone else, knocking the person onto her behind. "Ow," complains the woman.

"Oh, Kotetsu," speaks Ren. "I was looking for you." The tall Lieutenant looks up at Ren, who helps her to her feet with ease. "I need treatment." He holds up his left arm which drips blood from a large slash across the forearm. Isane takes him to a room and after he removes his Zanpakuto from his obi, sits him down on the edge of the bed. Ren shrugs off his shitagi and kosode then offers her his arm for healing.

The tall Lieutenant notices a few thin scars on his toned torso from battles past. She has treated most of them personally. "What happened, Ren?" asks Isane, noticing that the wound appeared to come more from a Zanpakuto then the claws of a Hollow.

"Harribel sent me and Kouta to the 80th North Rukon to patrol for Hollows. There weren't any but there were some pissed off Souls there that we had to handle..." She looks up at him in surprise. "...we didn't kill any of them, Lieutenant. There's no point in killing someone who can't fight back." Isane smiles a bit in response, taking in his disheveled appearance.

"It seems like they could fight just fine." While Isane begins the treatment Ren sits in silence, arm held out to her. "You know...I think we should put a room on reserve for you and Captain Arata, Ren. You both seem to show up often enough." He actually smiles a bit and when she's finished with the wound her hands linger on his arm for a moment before she removes them.

"Yeah, I...guess we do." Ren stands, collects his Zanpakuto and pulls his shitagi and kosode back on before heading for the door. He stops in the doorway and glances back at her. "Uh, since Arata and I seem to bother the Fourth about I take you out for a drink as my way of saying sorry, Lieutenant? I know a good bar in the World of the Living. Kouta and I went there on leave once before."

"I-I don't really drink."

"Oh...never mind, then. See you around." Ren steps forward and Isane suddenly catches the sleeve of his kosode.

"But I-I could make an exception this time, I guess." He flashes a smile and the tall Lieutenant can't help but smile herself. She'd only ever seen him smile one other time and now is just as amazing. "Shouldn't we request some-" Ren catches her hand in his and smiles even broader.

"Don't worry about that. Captain Unohana, Harribel and Arata are all in the World of Living doing something else. They won't even know that we went of we don't tell them, Kotetsu..."

- - The World of the Living - -

"Hmmm...we have strange friends," mutters the young Captain. He sits behind the Shark Queen knee's raised up on either side of her and arms circling her trim waist. The sun is beginning to disappear beyond the horizon and the sky is alight with a myriad of beautiful colors. "Tia?"

"I am aware of that," replies Tia softly, glancing over her shoulder at the young Captain. After a moment she looks across the beach at Jushiro and Unohana. The two Captains sit very close together, watching the sun-set like the others. "Strange that Unohana and Ukitake don't seem to be together. As two of the oldest Captains within the Soul Society it would stand the reason that they've known each other for quite some time..."

"They're probably afraid of ruining their friendship but...I think they need a little push."

"Is that wise?"

"Probably not. But what are the odds of this blowing up in my face?"

"Considering your luck...fairly good, actually." Tia glances over her shoulder at him. "We shouldn't get involved in things that don't concern us, Daisuke. Bad things happen when people do something like that." He chuckles a bit and then kisses her softly.

"I had no idea that you were so concerned about me."

"Well, I'm usually the one that's standing there when things blow up in your face, aren't I? And besides that...isn't it normal to be concerned for the well-being of the one you're in love with?" He kisses her again and nods.

"It is, and I love you, too. But...I owe the both of them so much, Tia. I owe everyone here so much. They all helped me get where I am, helped turn me into the person I am."

", Lieutenant Ise helped you, as well?"

"Hah. I think 'everyone' sounds better then 'everyone but Nanao', don't-" He notices the mischief gleaming in her sea-green eyes and grins broadly in response. "Now, that is what I'm talking about, Tia."

"I thought the point of today is for me to relax, not focus on someone else." Daisuke nods in understanding but Tia sighs a bit. "You know, you don't owe them a thing, right? Everything they did for you was of their own free-will...but I don't suppose telling you that will make you feel absolved of your perceived debt to them. It's an annoying trait of yours, that honor."

"Mm, most would say endearing."

"One day it's going to get you killed, Daisuke."

"Well, in that case, I guess I'll just have to be on my toes and stick close to my capable Lieutenant, won't I?" Tia smiles in response and then turns her head up to kiss him softly.

"So...what are you planning for them?"

"I'll think of something, I'm sure. Until then, let's just enjoy this moment, huh...?"

- - The Soul Society - -

Early morning sunlight streams into the room, knocking away the cool summer-night's chill as it does so. It splashes across both figures waking the woman, who slowly leans up to look in the direction of the sun. It is just beginning to break the horizon, breathing some life back into the world around them. Her sea-green eyes scan the mess of a room. Clothes lay forgotten and tossed aside in haste and a slight heat creeps into her cheeks, hidden behind mask-fragments of a grim-smile.

The Shark Queen gazes down at the young Captain sleeping peacefully beside her. She'd been her seven months months spent working side-by-side with Daisuke. It's time she can recall as the happiest of her life...and that a Shinigami should make her feel that way still doesn't cease to amaze her. Before she can stop herself, a single hand comes down and gently brushes a few stray strands of black hair from his closed eyes.

His amber eyes open slowly and he gazes up at her, a smile slowly forming on his face. "Good morning," whispers Daisuke in greeting before slowly leaning up. He cups her face in his palms, stroking his thumbs across her mask-fragments and kisses where her lips would be. "You know...I really prefer you outside of your gigai."

"Outside of it?" asks Tia. "With my mask-ragments?"

"Is it strange that I prefer the real you?" The Shark Queen it silent for a moment before touching her forehead to his.

"Who knows? But, then again...when have you ever cared about being strange?" He chuckles a bit in response and offers only a shrug before she leans back. Tia turns to look at the sunrise and then stands, approaching the open shoji screen to gaze out at it. "It...never goods old."

"What do you mean?"

"Watching the sunrise. When I cam here I watched the sunrise through the bars of my cell in the First Division...that was actually the first time I can ever recall seeing one." Daisuke nods solemnly in understanding. "Before I never had any desire to leave Hueco Mundo and now...I couldn't imagine ever wanting to go back to a place where the sun never rises. But an Arrancar I'm not sure I belong in this world of light..."

A pair of arms gently circles the Shark Queen from behind and holds her tight. "You belong here, Tia. You belong here because you chose to free yourself from that darkness and not be blinded by hatred. Your actions in these past months have caused many people, not just within our Division, but all of them to question their tightly held beliefs regarding you kind. Without meaning affected a change in peoples way of thinking."

"But is that a good thing?"


"If they grow lax around Arrancar...they will die. In all the thousands of other Hollow and Arrancar I've encountered I can name only one other that did not despise Shinigami or look down upon Humans as nothing more then a meal." Tia captures his hands in her own. "We Arrancar are're far worse because we have the capacity to understand what we're doing is wrong and the ability to chose to do the right thing."

"You're no beast, Tia." He holds her tighter and she glances back at him, sea-green eyes meeting amber. "Never were."

"Some would disagree."

"Then they don't know you. The Tia I not a beast." He captures her hands and squeezes them lovingly while he offers her a smile. "You shouldn't focus on the past because you'll lose sight of the present and the future. A bright future in the Soul Society, at that...and hopefully one with me?" Tia chuckles a bit and nods in agreement. "Then, don't worry about anything else. Things like Arrancar and Shinigami are small details in the big picture."

"Me being an Arrancar and you being a Shinigami are small details?"

"In my bet. It doesn't matter to me that you're an Arrancar because I love you. If you were a Human or a Quincy or a Shinigami, I'd love you all the same, Tia." The Shark Queen chuckles again and squeezes his hands softly as she turns back to the sunrise.

"Is it really that simple, Daisuke?"

"Shouldn't love be...?"

- - Hidden in the Soul Society - -

Shadows encompass the room that the figures reside within, shadows so thick that even were light able to pierce the room it would be doused immediately. At the head of the table a man sits, gazing at a picture in silence. "Ren Aizen," comments the man, tossing the picture into the middle the table. "It would appear...he has his father's potential but lacks the will to unlock it."

"Should we proceed as planned?" asks one of the figures.

"He's currently under the protection of Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, Jushiro Ukitake and Shunsui Kyoraku, three of the most accomplished and powerful Shinigami in the entire Soul Society..." He pauses for a moment reclines further in his chair. "...and then there is former Tercera Espada Tia Harribel and the newest Captain Daisuke Arata."

"It shouldn't be difficult if we can get the boy alone with just Daisuke Arata. He is the weakest of them all."

"Do not underestimate him," speaks another of the figures. "He has been mentored by Kisuke Urahara, the brightest mind the Soul Society has ever seen in its long history. That man has knack for finding students with talent and nurturing it. Having been trained by that man...he will no doubt prove to be a formidable opponent."

"You sound scared!"

"Not in the slightest. I am simply being realistic."

"Just as well," adds yet another voice, a woman this time. "Both former Tercera Espada Tia Harribel and Captain Daisuke Arata have developed quite the soft spot for Ren Aizen. Both will prove to be even more dangerous once our intentions come to light and they are pushed."

"What of his friend, Kouta Ryuu? It's come to my attention that the Kido Corps has inquired about him several times. Many consider him to be quite the expert with offensive and defensive Kido. He could prove to be quite the thorn in our side."

"He possesses neither a Shikai nor a Bankai. He poses no threat as he is."

"All situations must be considered and all precautions taken to ensure our success."

"If that is the case...we also must consider that now that Kisuke Urahara's banishment has been lifted he may come running to the defense of his pupil and the Soul Society. If that were to occur then Yoruichi Shihoin will come as well. That would prove to be an unfavorable situation."

"And what of them?" questions the woman.

"Everything is under control," the man at the head of the table tells them. "He has provided us with all the information we'll need to counter any opponent that might stand against us, as well as the location of it. We will deal with any other problems as they arise." The door to the room opens with a loud 'bang!' and the sound of footsteps approaching the table sounds. All eyes turn towards the figure and the man at the head of the table slowly stands. "Welcome back...Mayuri..."