Chapter 26:

Six Months Later

"Shepard, Jonathan."

Applause filled the auditorium as Shepard stepped up to the stage to accept the N7 plaque he earned by finishing the program. The last six months had been a breeze compared to the first two years. Maybe it was the mission against Cerberus, or the things he learned along the way. It didn't matter. He'd finally made it. It was a start, at least.

After the mission, Anderson put in a good word for Shepard, as did Callus and Kaidan, and Hackett decided not to pursue any charges for the recklessness he'd displayed during the mission. They'd all stayed a few days on Earth, recuperating after the events of Altakiril and Akuze. An Alliance ceremony was held for Captain Foster, which Shepard gladly attended. Before he left, he went to the San Diego cemetery, looking for Swift's grave. When he found it, he knelt down to it and placed a bouquet of flowers by the headstone, with the N7 symbol stitched on the wrapping. "I hope I've made you proud, Swift," he said, pressing his fingers to his lips then placing them on the headstone. "I love you."

And now here he was, six months later, receiving his N7 plaque and the recognition of being a graduate of the class. The rest of the class was called up, and soon afterward they were given leave to see their friends and family for congratulations. Shepard spotted Callus, Alenko, Joker, and Anderson waiting for him and made his way over to them. "You made it," he said happily.

"You're surprised?" Joker quipped. He stuck his hand out, and Shepard accepted it. "Congrats, Shepard."

Alenko did the same, and followed Joker to the buffet line. Callus also offered his hand, and Shepard shook it. "Congratulations," Callus said.

"Thank you," Shepard replied.

"People are starting to notice you now, Shepard. You keep this up, you may even get a Spectre recommendation."

Shepard chuckled unbelievingly. "That'd be the day," he joked. "So what are you going to do now?"

"The hierarchy offered me my father's position as Ambassador to Earth," Callus replied.

"I can't imagine you'd accept that."

"Actually, I'm considering it." Shepard's eyebrows raised at the surprising news. Callus shrugged. "My father was a good soldier, but it was his political abilities he was remembered for. I want to live up to his memory."

Shepard nodded, understanding. "Well, best of luck to you." They shook hands again, and Callus moved onward. Anderson was all that was left. Shepard extended his hand to him. "Captain," he said.

"Commander," Anderson returned, accepting Shepard's hand and shaking it. Shepard chucked. Both had received their promotions at the same time, and they were both still getting used to it. "Congratulations, Shepard."

"Thank you, sir."

"No, thank you."

"That's not necessary."

"Yes it is. You saved my life."

"I was just making us even."

Anderson smiled. "Maybe so. But I'm grateful all the same." He paused for a moment, then took a quick breath. "Listen, I'm not just here for the graduation." Shepard frowned slightly, wondering where Anderson was going with this. "I've been reassigned to a new ship. The one they were working on before the mission?" Shepard nodded. He remembered that ship. "I've been assigned as it's captain. They're letting me pick the crew, and I need an XO. You interested?"

Shepard was floored. "Me?"

Anderson nodded. "What do you say?"

Shepard grinned, excitement filling him. "What's our mission, sir?"

Anderson clapped his hand onto the boy's shoulder. "Shepard," he said, "let's see what we can find."

Final Note: I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this. This had been a lot of fun to write, even if it took a long time to get finished. A coupe things I'd like to do before declaring this story finished.

First, I'd like to specifically give a thanks to darkerego. As the main reviewer/supporter of the story, you've actually been the one to drive me to get this finished, even the bits that were tougher than the others. So thank you very much, and I hope you enjoyed it.

Secondly, I'd like to extend an invitation to anyone who's read this. As you all know, Mass Effect is really good with having multiple ways a single story can go. Because of this, N7 can actually go a number of different ways. So I'd like to invite any of you to make your own version of this, see how it would change using a different class, gender, and/or background. If you take this up, I'd ask that you please message me, as it's be awesome to read someone else's interpretations of the story.

Finally, I'd like to announce that inFAMOUS 3 is now officially off hiatus. Now that I have the time to continue it, I'll be working on it until it's finish. It'll most likely take a week or so to get it started up again, but I will balance it out by uploading not one, but three chapters at once.

Anyway, thank you all again for reading, and I hope you enjoyed N7!