Author's Note: Another drabble for you lovely readers. Keep calm and ship Kaitmus! Enjoy, and keep sending in requests.

I Love Yous~

When Sheamus said I love you for the first time, he hadn't meant for it to sound so rushed, so hasty, so unplanned. After all, those three words were a huge milestone in a relationship, and ever since they had escaped his lips, he wished he'd said it differently, or in a different setting, instead of tossing the words around so casually. He had never intended for them to be like that, because he really cared about Kaitlyn. Albeit, they had been together for seven months, and that seemed like a really long time, it seemed right to him to say those three words. It was the right time. They were laying in her bed, cuddling if you will, after they had finished making love to one another, and it just came out. The words escaped his lips, fragile, and just tumbling out. "I love you..." It was more a sigh than anything, but he was relieved when she didn't miss a beat and said it right back to him.