Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or real people in this story. The characters belong to the WWE, and the real people own themselves presumably. There will be mild swearing, and maybe adult situations, we'll see how it goes, if those are not to your liking, then mosey along now.
A/N: So, if you've read that super monster fic I have, you'll know that I started shipping AJ and Dolph a while ago, when Dolph was insulting AJ (I guess I have a think for guys who insult girls and then get with them?), and I just love them right now. I'm all aboard that shipper train, and stories have been bugging me for a while now, so I thought I'd try it out.
This is my first AJ/Dolph focused story, and I'm a little wary of posting it because honestly, whenever I go out of my comfort zone, I'm a little scared. So, I hope that you'll enjoy the story, and enjoy the couple because I pretty much love them right now, and think their storyline is one of the best things WWE has going right now, so I hope they don't screw it up.
I would very much, very, very much appreciate reviews because I really don't know how this is, so I'm leaving it up to you. I'm not one to beg for reviews, but I'm going to beg now because I'm not even sure if this is good. If you want to be brutal, go right ahead, if you've never read my stuff, I can take it, so don't worry about it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy, please, please review and tell me if I should continue! :)
She loved too fast, too hard, and too much.
They all thought her crazy, every single one of them. They thought she was demented, a freak, something to be laughed at and pushed aside when no longer needed. Did they think she relished in that? Did they think she sat there and took it because she was too stupid not to notice how they mocked her? Oh yes, Punk had called her the crazy chick, but he amended it by saying he dug crazy chicks, as if that was supposed to make her feel better.
Yet, she tried. She still tried because the alternative, the gaping maw of loneliness that settled over her like a thick fog was too terrifying to consider. So she kept putting herself out there, hoping that someone, anyone would actually notice her. Not the her that everyone thought was crazy, but the person underneath because contrary to what everyone thought, there was an actual person under all that supposed crazy.
That person was tired. That person was tired of things like being blamed for Daniel's WrestleMania loss. She hadn't asked to kiss him, he'd wanted a kiss from her, and yet she was to blame, she'd been unceremoniously dumped. Then there was the entire debacle with him, Kane, and Punk. Yes, she'd been slightly unhinged, but she'd suffered a break-up, and nobody was rational during one of those, especially not when it was playing out in front of the entire world.
She'd thought she'd escaped that mess when she became the General Manager. She'd accepted the job for one reason and one reason only. It wasn't for the power, it wasn't for the prestige; it was for Stephanie McMahon. The opportunity to work with her hero was too enticing to pass up, and she thought she'd settled into it, gotten away from the men who were ruining her life, but it only brought more problems, more messes.
And she was still lonely.
Then John Cena, the king of the WWE, the man for whom the whole wrestling world revolved, it seemed, had strolled right into her life, and screwed it up, just like every other guy it seemed. She was starting to think men should be stricken from the record, at least wrestlers. They were nothing but trouble, and the trouble she had right now was with John freaking Cena.
She'd thought he could be trustworthy, she thought he would be different because he seemed to be nice to everyone. She thought that maybe, for once, a guy would treat her as something other than the crazy chick who clung a little too hard. But he was just like the rest of them, pushing at her with two hands when she'd never done anything to warrant his rejection.
She was tired of just sitting back and taking it.
Which was why she was taking matters into her own hands. She would show him, show them all that she was in charge, that she was not crazy. She would start with Cena, yes, she would start with Cena, but she wasn't going to end with him, not at all. She had a lot of pent-up frustration and anger, and she had targets for that anger. She was not going to be a little girl about this. She couldn't be, not after having her heart stomped on repeatedly. She'd had to toughen up, and this was the first step.
She knocked on the door. She bit her lip as she waited, hoping that he'd be alone. The door opened a moment later, and then started to close again. "Wait!" she pleaded, "I want to talk to you."
"Didn't we already talk today?" Dolph sneered at her. "You know, in the men's locker room, where you just barged in like the piece of trash that you are."
"Name-calling, I can handle that," AJ told him, "I need to talk to you."
"I don't want to talk to you, get out of my face," Dolph made a move to shut the door again, but AJ was petite and could squeeze through small spaces. She immediately slipped in through the door and he rolled his eyes, knowing he was never getting her out now. "I had hoped that you wouldn't be as crazy in your personal life, but clearly I was wrong."
"Ha ha," AJ told him, walking right past him to sit on his couch.
"Yeah, go ahead, sit," Dolph muttered to himself. He walked over to where she was, but leaned on the wall to look at her. "So is there any reason why you're here so late at night bugging me other than the fact you're crazy and this is what crazy people do?"
"Are you alone?"
"Do you see anyone in here with me?" he asked her, gesturing around lightly to the empty room.
"I just needed to make sure, no need to snap at me," AJ said, folding her hands in her lap. "I wanted to talk to you, adult to adult."
"Find an adult and we'll talk," he countered, and she knew this was going to be hard, but did he have to make it so exasperating? That was why she'd wanted to ask him though, because there was just no way she'd ever get attached to…him. He was caustic, mean, and self-absorbed, and he would make the perfect ally because his intentions would never deviate from self-preservation.
"You're hilarious," AJ tilted her head at him, letting out a soft snort. "But I'm here because I want to talk to you about something, and I want to make a proposition to you."
"Shouldn't you be finding your little boyfriend, Cena?" Dolph asked. "Isn't he the one who gets to play your little hero now? Since all the other guys figured out just how trashy you were? I mean, I know Cena likes lost causes but—"
"Shut up!" AJ yelled at him, standing up and facing him down. She was trying to be as intimidating as possible, but he was taller than her, and she was small, and didn't feel so intimidating, but she tried to look bigger and badder. "Would you just shut up for two seconds!"
"Okay, crazy pants, calm down," he held his hands up in surrender.
"Don't call me that," AJ told him, her voice firm. "I'm not crazy."
"Could've fooled me."
"I want you to help me bring down John Cena," AJ told him straight out, tired of playing this little game with him. She was tired of his insults, but she needed him. There was nobody else that would help her, she knew. She had her doubts that Dolph would help her too, but she wasn't wrong when she'd thought him self-absorbed. He was always looking out for his best interests, and in that department, she could help him.
Dolph actually laughed at her, threw his head back and laughed, "Okay, now I know you're crazy. Why in the hell would I help you? I mean, have you seen you? I would never help you, you're a nuisance, and you were a shitty GM."
"I don't care what you think of me, Dolph, but I need your help. You want Cena to be brought down just as much as I do, I know you do. You hate him, and I hate him—"
"I thought he was your boyfriend now or whatever."
"I thought…" AJ paused, and for the first time, Dolph actually saw a vulnerability in her. He didn't know what to do with that information so he ignored it and stared at her critically. This could all be a trap. AJ might be crazy, but crazy was dangerous. Maybe she'd roped Cena into some kind of plan, and he was going to ambush him or something.
"Look, if this is some kind of stupid plan you have with Cena, I'm onto you, so you might as well leave. Nice try, but it's not going to work."
"It's not a plan with him, if you would listen maybe you'd know that," she told him, her voice belying her annoyance. "I had feelings for him, I thought he was different, but he's not. He's just like the rest of them, and I'm sick and tired of being a doormat."
"You think it's all their fault?" he wondered, furrowing his brow and staring at her. "You don't see anything wrong with your behavior?"
AJ shook her head, "No, I don't. Look, you don't have to understand me, and I'm not asking you too, but I am asking you to hear me out. If you want to throw me out at the end of this, then you can, but I'm just asking you to hear my entire plan and then judge."
"Fine," he said, taking a seat at the small table in the corner of the room. He sat across from her, studying her demeanor. Thus far, she hadn't necessarily appeared crazy. Sure, she was usually in the ring, skipping around or backstage, staring crazily into mirrors and ripping up flowers, and this was an entirely different setting, but he'd always thought her unhinged. Then again, this whole thing was kind of unhinged. What kind of person came to someone they supposedly hated with a plan? He was definitely still on the "AJ is crazy" train.
"I know you don't like me, I don't like you either, but we can do this and both get something out of it. Cena is just like the rest of them. They all think they can walk all over me, and I hate it," AJ confessed, and it felt good to get it out there, even if it was to one of her enemies. "He pretends to like me, to tolerate me, but I see him after I leave. It's like he doesn't think I actually watch the show when I get home. He only likes me to my face, but he's just like the rest of them…"
"Okay, so what do you want to do?"
"I want to help you, I want to bring down John. I might not have been able to do that with Daniel or Punk, but I can do that with Cena because you can help me. I want to help you retain your briefcase," she eyed said briefcase as it sat next to the door. "You have a big match coming up, and I can help you."
"I can make sure you win it."
"Okay, so then what?"
"Then we align with each other, and we make sure Cena finishes out the year on the bottom, and you keep him down there. I want him to feel everything he's made me feel. I want him to lose everything the way he's made me lose everything. I gave up my job for him. I gave up my dream to work with Stephanie McMahon because I thought he cared about me."
"So after you help me retain my briefcase, which I'm not even sure you can do," Dolph told her, "what then?"
"I'll make sure you get the WWE or World title of course," AJ told him with a careless shrug.
"And how do you plan on doing that exactly? Last time I checked, you weren't the General Manager anymore. Vickie has more power than you do right now—"
"And tell me, Dolph, what has she really done for you lately? I don't see her willing to run out to a match and help you…I mean, sure, she's there, but I'm more than willing to do what it takes to get you that championship. You say the word, I'll help you. People seem to forget I can actually wrestle."
She had a point there, but was that enough incentive? "That's all you can offer me? A maybe, sorta chance at winning even though I'm good enough to win on my own."
"If you really thought that, why are you still aligned with Vickie?" AJ asked. Dolph scowled because she had a point there. He'd been with Vickie a long time, and it was true what AJ said, Vickie wasn't really helping him. "If you need more incentive, I can offer…other things to you."
"Oh God, are you offering to sleep with me?" Dolph gagged. "I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole, I don't know where you've been."
"Fine, whatever, do you want to help me? I'll hold up my end of the bargain, Dolph, I won't back down. I want to get revenge on John for the way he's treated me. I'm not saying you're my only hope, but you're all I've got at the moment. I'm not asking to be your friend, I'm just asking for your help."
"And you'll do everything in your power to help me get the title?"
"Of course," she nodded eagerly, a smile crossing her face. It had been easier than she thought, but she knew that the belt was that enticing to a guy like him. "But you need to dump Vickie if this is happening."
Dolph thought about it for a moment. It couldn't hurt. Her reasoning was sound, Cena was an asshole, but nobody ever believed it because he covered it up with good deeds. He was just as much a bully as he claimed others to be. He'd love to get one over on him. And Vickie was no longer an asset to him, and he could cut her loose like nothing. Plus, AJ was just crazy enough to be willing to do anything to get him the title. He couldn't fully trust her yet, but this was intriguing and if it meant him as the World or WWE champion, what did he have to lose?
"Fine, you have yourself a deal."