Hello! This is Annabeth Jackson. It's my first Olympic AU story, so, no constructive criticism please!

It is not by first Percy Jackson story, so visit my other ones- Boyfriend, and The Labyrinth that never died. Thanks!

Disclaimer: All rights go to Rick Riordan, blah, blah, blah.

Review and Enjoy!

Here it is…..

Chapter 1, you say Olympics, I go for the gold


He flopped back on his messy bed and sighed. He had to wrap his mind at the thought-he was going to Greece for the 2016 Olympics, his goal for his Olympic Career was 9 gold medals, breaking the World Record of Michael Phelps.

Michael Phelps.

The name sent shivers down his back. Would America really accept him? Percy Jackson? He was only 17 of course, Tom Daley, the Great Britain diver was now 22. His coach, Poseidon, was also his dad. As if on cue, his coach/father yelled,

"Perseus Jackson! Get you swimming butt down at this breakfast table this instant! You know we have practice meets, goals to reach, private lessons, partners, watching the stupid gymnastics…."

Percy rolled his sea-green eyes. Leave it for dad to make his day sound more complicated then it already was.

"I'm coming dad!" He shouted, hoping his voice traveled through his closed bedroom door, and into the kitchen.

He hurried through the apartment, and into the kitchen. His father was seated at one end of the table, his brother Tyson, was in the middle, his mother, Sally Jackson, at the other end of the table, which left one more seat for him-the one across from Tyson.

Tyson was also part of the Olympics. He just did diving. Both of the boys wanted Gold. They worked together, as a team.

"Good Morning, brother," Tyson grinned.

"Hi Ty," Percy answered, and started digging in his blue waffles, taking a gulp of milk now and then.

"Careful Percy," his mother smiled at him. "You don't want to choke!"

Coach Poseidon suddenly stood up. "It's time to leave," he boomed.

Percy quickly nodded his head, brought his plate to the sink, and hopped into the Maserati-Spyder. His head was swimming with thoughts, how he should do his backstroke, his freestyle, and his butterfly. Percy barely noticed when they arrived at the pool.

"Done thinking son?" Coach Poseidon asked.

"Yep. I'm all ready for today!" Percy showed his enthusiasm with a smile.

He climbed out, and saw his swim team all waiting for him. Coach Poseidon unlocked the door, and the USA swim team crammed into the lockers. Surprisingly this year, all of the team were boys, so the girls locker remained untouched. There were the Stolls, Travis and Conner, Grover Underwood, and Percy Jackson.

"Dude!" Travis called to Percy. "Don't you think we should have a break soon?"

Percy shrugged his well-muscled shoulders. "We'll be getting a break tomorrow on the private jet."

Travis nodded. "Yeah, of course we will. We can't even party! Remember Coach's rules? No Alcohol, no smoking, no sex, no junk food, I'm tired."

Grover nodded. "Man, your telling me."

Coach Poseidon's late bell rang. DING, DING, DING.

Conner rolled his mischievous blue eyes. "Oh look! It's time to swim!"

Percy, Travis, Conner, and Grover walked into the pool area.

"What took you guys so long?" Coach Poseidon barked. "You know the gymnasts are coming today! But, whatever. What's done is done."

The swim team stood in diving position on the blocks. Coach Poseidon blew his coach whistle, and Percy dived.

He felt the cool water instantly give him strength. His arms and legs did their work, without him even realizing what he was doing, he was already on the fourth lap. Percy won by a landslide.

"Great job son!" Coach Poseidon praised. "If you do that good on the Olympics, I assure you that you will win the Gold!"

"Lucky duck," Travis whispered in Percy's ear. Unfortunately, Coach Poseidon heard.


"Sorry Coach."

"The gymnasts will arrive in any second. Lets surprise them, shall we?" Coach asked, with a slight smirk on his proud face."

"Oh goody!" Percy jumped. "We'll show those tumblers what the USA swim team's made out of!"

Coach blew his whistle, and the USA swim team dived into the water.

At that very moment, the USA gymnasts walked in the swimming area.

Okay guys, how do you like it? I don't really know why I added the gymnasts part in it. Otherwise, how will Percy and Annabeth clash? Tell me.

Anyways, Review!

~Annabeth Jackson33

P.S I might be updating soon, it depends.