Well, well, fancy meeting you here xDD
To those of you who are readers of my main fic,
Dreaming of Wings, do not fear, I'm only taking a small writer's block break owo
Also for those readers: Yeah, I know this format looks awkward x3
(Disclaimer: Orihara Izaya, Heiwajima Shizuo and all others mentioned from anime/manga Durarara! Belong to Narita Ryohgo-sensei)
Heiwajima Shizuo was an important man. In fact, he was the most important man in Asia right now. His stocks were worth more than even select American stocks and his influence had gone as far as the United Kingdom; all at the ripe age of 24.
Not only that, his thick head of blond hair and caramel colored eyes made him number one on Japan's Top Ten Bachelors. His personality was as smooth and creamy as his eyes; charismatic, charming, dashing.
Well….in the public eye, anyway.
However in private…he was a demon with a shot temper, loudmouth, and angry eyes.
Yes, Heiwajima Shizuo was definitely an important man…but that didn't stop him from being an asshole.
A loud crash resounded through the Heiwajima manor as a rather expensive vase slammed into the wall behind the head of a maid and crumbled into small pieces at her feet. To say that the maid was terrified was putting it lightly. Her face had drained of all color, her eyes bugling and her body trembling as she watched her furious employer.
"I ASKED FOR FOOD," roared Shizuo, another priceless vase soaring through the sky and making contact with the wall. "NOT CRAP THAT RESEMBLED FOOD. HOW DARE YOU SERVE THIS SHIT?!"
The "shit" the rabid man was referring to was the meal placed before him that afternoon. It was a lovely meal to the say the least; fresh vegetables, rare beef, perfectly steamed rice. The delectable scent had filled the dining hall, but as usual, Shizuo was displeased.
"I AM NOT EATING ANYTHING THAT IS THAT OVERLY SEASONED," his bellowing baritone caused the younger Heiwajima, Kasuka, to nearly outwardly flinch. Unlike his eccentric brother, the much calmer man sat at the table, cutting away at his food contently. He sighed softly, just a small release of air between his lips.
Shizuo had quieted his ranting for a bit, his fists clenched at his side and his teeth grinding painfully loudly, causing Kasuka's eye to twitch almost imperceptibly. As usual, Shizuo was reacting drastically to a small mishap. Kasuka almost missed his quiet little house with few servants scampering about and the soft laughter of his friends at times of the day or night. Still, he treasured the few days he got to spend with his brother.
"You're fired," Shizuo hissed out venomously at the young maid who squeaked in terror and escaped almost immediately. The blond ran an angry hand through his locks, mussing them further before scowling and yelling for his tinted sunglasses and coat. His things were brought on command and as he shrugged on his coat, all the while receiving a curious stare from Kasuka.
"Where are you going?" the younger dared to inquire.
"Supermarket," mumbled Shizuo, shoving his glasses onto his face and effectively hiding his eyes.
Kasuka raised an eyebrow just a tad, "Why?" Shizuo had no need to go to a lowly place such as a supermarket…that's why he had servants.
"To get snacks!" the response was followed by a loud slam, making all the present servants and Kasuka jump.
'Well, whatever floats his boat, right?' thought Kasuka drily. The brunette sighed and dug into his beef once again, really, how long till Shizuo finally matured up?
Shizuo dug his hands into his pocket; not bothering with the steamy red corvette parked at the front. He set off towards downtown Ikebukuro, his strides long and tireless. The distance was far; the Heiwajima estate bordered the edge of town and more towards the forests, but Shizuo could care less. Walking helped rid his body of anger and stress.
He snorted softly to himself, thinking. It seemed out of all the Heiwajimas, he was the only one with a fuckload of stress. Kasuka was an actor, one with irreplaceable talent and a bright future. His current TV drama already had more than a million hits, and the first episode had only aired about a day or two before. Not just that, Kasuka lived in a cozy home (quite far from Shizuo's own house) that he shared with two of his actor friends. It amazed Shizuo at how much talent his beloved little brother had.
Then there were his parents…currently living in luxury on their retirement money in Spain. He sighed. And then there he was; Heiwajima Shizuo, living alone in 67,000 square feet of manor and 40 acres of forest employing nearly 50 servants to be at his beck and call. Having no one to share his day with, nearly no one to talk to since the servants were scared stiff of him.
Heiwajima Shizuo was lonely. Ever since he was young, he had been lonely and that aloneness had blossomed into bitterness, and soon into deep rooted anger. He sighed and buried his hand deeper into his pockets still, clenching and unclenching them slowly. So, to keep his loneliness at bay, he drowned himself in his work. He had mastered putting on the charmer's mask and being perfect. He had even mastered women; climbing the social ladder easily through the women he spent the night with.
Still, he was lonely and empty, only leaving more room for the anger to grow. Heiwajima Shizuo was a sad excuse for a human being, having only two friends; his right hand man, Tanaka Tom and his loyal employee and former flame, Sato Vorona.
As he neared the heart of the city, he huddled into himself slightly, trying to hide from prying eyes. It was not easy being a public figure and Shizuo knew that if he had taken off his tinted shades, there would be hordes of people (mainly women) bombarding him. Lucky for him, many men dyed their hair blond so his thick tresses did not stand out as much. However, those molten amber eyes were rare, easily spotted. Thus, they must be hidden behind dark glasses.
He strolled into a fairly simple supermarket, watching with mild curiosity as middle class men and women did their shopping. With a small sigh, he strutted towards the snacks aisle. His eyes scanned the shelf, busily trying to choose exactly what he wanted. Suddenly, there was a loud crash that jolted the irritable man and caused him to peek around the corner.
His eyes widened slightly at the sight before him. A man no older than a university student lay sprawled on the ground, surrounded by cans of peaches. The man was clutching his side, his face buried in his shoulder and his body curled inwards. A small crowd had started to form around the man, but no one stepped forward to make sure he was alright.
Shizuo glanced around; annoyed with the behavior of those around the man, the way they just kept on avoiding his writhing little form. Well…if no one else was going to do anything about this….Shizuo stepped forward, and knelt down next to the smaller man. He lightly tapped his shoulder.
"Hey," the voice came out gruffer than he would have like. "You okay?"
The man's body was trembling and Shizuo felt a small pang of pity in his chest. The guy must have been really timid to become this frightened by the knocking down of a couple of cans.
Shizuo tapped him a bit more, his head slightly cocked to the side, "Hey." Shizuo was just about to ask if the man needed to be taken to a hospital when a gasping sound could be heard followed by howling.
Shizuo looked down, irritated beyond belief as the small, raven haired, crimson eyed man pealed out in rolls of laughter. The pale skin of his face was turning red with lack of air. His chest was heaving, his eyes watering as he tried to calm him maniacal laughter.
Shizuo gritted his teeth and glanced around at the bystanders who were sighing like they saw thing every day and shaking their heads. Shizuo bristled and grabbed the floored man by the arm, yanking him to his feet.
The small raven let out an indignant yelp and scrambled up. Shizuo's temper was flaring. Really…this stupid idiot had wasted so much of his time and for what? A little attention? Shizuo thought he might throttle the boy to death right there in the store. He clenched his jaw and shook the man furiously.
"What the fuck do you think y-" before Shizuo could finish his angry statement a man came barreling around the corner, murder written on his face. He stopped short of the blond and his captive raven, fury roiling in the small, dark eyes behind glasses. The man was middle aged, his hair slightly thinning and his body fairly round.
"Orihara-kun, what do you think you are doing?" the man's voice was two octaves higher with anger, his fists trembling.
The raven was still chuckling, his crimson eyes flashing with cool amusement, "Just having a little fun, Tenchou-san~!" The man's purring voice angered Shizuo to the point of wanting to beat him senseless and barf at the same time. His grip on the smaller man tightened and his eyes flashed.
The crimson eyed man frowned and looked at his captor, "Ouch that hurts!"
Shizuo was growling now, "Well maybe you should have thought about that before wasting my time, you flea." Scarlet eyes rolled and a smirk played on his lips.
"Don't worry…whatever punishment I get….it was worth it, "he flashed an irritatingly superior grin, "Your reaction was priceless~!"
Shizuo's blood boiled over and he saw red, his teeth nearly grinding into sawdust and his fist pulled back, ready to beat this little bitch black and blue…
"P-Please wait," the Tenchou shouted, grabbing Shizuo's arm.
Shizuo's icy glare could have frozen ten thousand suns as he turned his head to face the short man. The Tenchou paled at the look of pure monstrosity on the blonde's face and shrunk back timidly.
"U-uh…th-that is to say…he won't be doing s-such a thing a-again," the Tenchou went into a stuttering fit under Shizuo's unforgiving gaze before turning to the black haired man hatefully. "I am sick and tired of you, Orihara Izaya! If you want to keep your job I suggest you quit acting like a spoiled child begging for attention and actually get to work!"
Izaya pouted and struggled against the blonde's hold, "But he won't let me go!"
No sooner had the man finished his sentenced did the taller release him, a look of disgust etched into his features. Izaya was grinning at him, an impish, devilish grin that made Shizuo want to slap it off. Dammit, this man was so fucking frustrating. Shizuo could practically feel a vein on his forehead pulse with irritancy.
Shizuo turned away from the raven and the Tenchou, ignoring his babbling apologies and instead striding outside angrily. Fuck snacks. Fuck food. Fuck everything. He was too damn annoyed to buy the snacks he had chosen, which only made his mood fouler. He was nearly halfway down the road when he heard tapping footsteps and that same irritating purr.
"Hey," Shizuo turned, already feeling his anger pulsating at the challenging look on Izaya's face. "You're Heiwajima Shizuo, aren't you?"
Shizuo ground out a strained 'yes' before fixing Izaya with a gaze so angry, he could practically feel the heat radiating off of himself.
Izaya continued to grin foolishly, rocking side to side on his heels as he did, his eyes mocking, "You're an interesting human, Shizu-chan," Shizuo bristled at the pet name and snarled angrily at this cocky bitch who already referred to him in such an intimate manner despite knowing him for only a few minutes. Izaya laughed at the reaction, his eyes glinting slyly, "You have the best reactions out of every other human ever! They're just so funny~!"
Shizuo had just decided to strangle the bastard to death when he hopped back and waved, the grin still on his face, "Come back soon, Shiiiizzuuu-chaaaaan~!"
And already Shizuo began plotting of ways he could kill this arrogant little prick and dispose of his body…
Oh you, Shizu-chan, calm yo pants~! Izaya's only messing with you! x'DDD
Let me know what you think. 8D
Chapter two will only show up if there are reviews for chapter one~!
Now it's 3 am and I'm going to bed. xnx
Thanks for reading!