Author's Note: Two chapters in one day? WHOA! This chapter will have more slash, yes, just keep reading my friends, I hope to not disappoint.
One of my complaints for my stories is that they're too short. This chapter is for you, useo, it's twice as long as normal.
Today's ambient music is youtube extension /watch?v=F-4wUfZD6oc. This is Yiruma's River Flows in You. You can listen before you read, after, during. Heck you don't have to listen at all, but I'd like to start incorporating songs into the stories to add more feeling. C: Enjoy.

Chapter 5

Working Title-Pending (In other words, I can't think of one)

It was early evening; Austin was in his room when he heard tapping on his window. He turned to discover his best friend eagerly waiting to get in as he showed off his new DVD, Zombies and Ferraris, by shoving it against the window and repeatedly pointing to it. Amused of Dez's actions, Austin let him in.

"Check it out." Dez held out the DVD. "I heard it's full of action, and all of it is in slow motion! We can watch it tonight and then again with the director commentary." He put his hand out to execute their famous handshake. "WHAT UUU-"

"I'm going out tonight."

"Uuuu..." The word trailed off into disappointment.

"Sorry Dez, maybe another night. Tonight, I'm hanging out with Ally."

Dez seemed unnerved. "You mean like a date?"

"No, we're just hanging out." He was scattering around the room, still getting ready. Dez was like a lost helpless puppy, following him.

"You mean like a date." He repeated.

The blonde went to his dresser and pulled out socks from the drawer. When he sat down on his bed to put them on, Dez immediately sat next to him. Austin sighed. "Stop acting jealous dude. It's not like you and I are going out."

"I know." An upset Dez managed to force out.

Austin tried to find the right words to comfort him. "We'll watch the movie tomorrow, ok? Just you and me." He watched his friend nod slightly; he noticed the time and didn't want to be late to meet Ally, so he bid Dez a goodnight before leaving.

Ally was waiting at the miniature golf course, already with their putters and color coded balls. The balls were bright neon colors; Ally had already claimed the pink one and left the green one for Austin, who didn't mind at all. They had agreed to mini golf after debating over stargazing and laser tag. The agreement was based upon mini golf being a relaxing and enjoyable experience for Ally, but for Austin, the glow in the dark was enough for him to have fun.

It was dark inside the building, for a glow course, it would have to be. Ally had trouble seeing and had already stumbled over a few things, and a few kids. When she grabbed Austin's glowing green jacket he smiled, showing his bright, glowing, green teeth. Luckily for Ally, the visibility on the actual course brimmed with radiantly neon shades. Even the water seemed of a lively blue hue. The plastic blinking plants were especially appealing; Austin couldn't help but think that Dez would argue that they were real plants, probably from an alien planet.

The girl was a terrible golfer. At every hole Austin couldn't resist ridiculing how she held the putter, how many strokes she took, how she lost the ball in the water, twice. On the first hole Ally had hit the ball too hard. The luminous pink sphere went flying through the air, rebounding off of someone's head and then went splashing into the water. Actually, he was impressed that she could pull of such an impressive horrible shot. Around the last hole Austin couldn't take any more, the ridiculous way the putter was being held was a disgrace that he should have corrected in the beginning. Ally was on her ninth stroke before Austin came to help. He informed that the one handed, body twisting, hope to get it in approach wasn't the best tactic.

He stood behind her and set his hands on hers. He guided her arms slowly, showing her the right movements. The putter went up slightly then back to the ball, then went up again and back to the ball. Ally pretended to mess up a few times to get Austin to repeat the action before they finally tapped the ball, sending it gracefully bouncing off the course walls and sinking it in.

"Hole in ten!" Austin exclaimed.

Ally was amazed. She questioned why he hadn't shown her the technique in the first place. He simply replied that he liked to win, not to mention it was undoubtedly hilarious in the way she played. They were closer to the last hole now, second to it. On her third stroke, Ally was whacking the ball again, purposefully being clueless to get Austin's attention. "OH," she said in an excited, yet, somewhat droned tone, "I can't seem to get this right!"

Austin laughed. He went over to help her and repeated the pose from the previous hole. He took her arms and swung back. The ball went straight into the hole, as if a magnet were purposefully planted inside. She squealed, elated, Austin chuckled. Ally had turned her head when their eyes met. He was still holding her. The kiss was ambiguous, uncertain of who made the first move. Ally's heart rapidly began to beat, but Austin had quickly pulled away and said in a low voice, "Sorry."

"No, no! It's ok, really!" She tried to reassure him, she tried to reassure herself as well.

He raised a shoulder, only a tad. "It's just," he paused, another person was on his mind, "there's someone else."

Her heart stopped, it had been racing out of her chest but the news hit like a wall. She tried to force something out, anything, but all that came out was a measly, "Who?"

Austin put his head down, he was flustered and unsure of whether to tell her or not. However, they were having such a great time he didn't want to ruin any more of their time. Yet, her disappointed face made him feel obligated to tell her. "...Dez..." He said softly.

Her head shot up and eyes grew wider. She repeated the name after Austin, but the name bore more stress. "Dez?!" She repeated once more, this time louder; in her voice, in her face, was disgust.

"Ally!" He called her name as she began to march off. "So what if it's Dez? What's your problem!?"

"My problem is that I thought you liked me! My problem is that Dez is a guy! Let alone he's your best friend!"

The two had started a scene. People were listening, people were watching or trying not to watch. "I would think that you of all people would accept it!"

In a lowered tone, she shook her head. "No, I can't accept it. I'm sorry Austin, but it goes against everything I believe in."

Austin watched her take her leave. He was angry and frustrated. At that moment all he wanted to do was see Dez. He wanted the quirky red head by his side. He wanted to cry, but he wouldn't allow any tears to leave his watery eyes.

The sky was dark and it was late when Austin arrived home, just wanting to forget the night he headed straight to his room. Upon entering his room, he noticed a body in his bed, and a patch of red peeking over the covers. It was Dez, sound asleep, he had waited for him to get back. This time Austin did cry, he couldn't help the tears being forced out, they had nowhere else to go, but he was happy, yet regretted not coming home sooner.

He grabbed the DVD, Zombies and Ferraris, and switched on the TV after popping it into the DVD player; he then turned the volume up, it was quiet enough to not wake his parents but, loud enough to wake Dez. The disoriented friend propped himself up with one arm, and rubbed his eye with the palm of his other. Austin heard him murmur something but wasn't sure, however, he was positive that he heard the word "date" among the inaudible sounds. "It wasn't a date." He said as he sat on the side edge of the bed. "Are we going to watch this movie or what?"Dez's smile was cute, his eyes were still half asleep but the way the one corner of his mouth lifted as he flashed his teeth was sweet.

While the movie had played, Austin had moved himself closer and closer to Dez, to the point of where they were now snuggling. His head nestled on the other's chest. Dez had his arm resting around Austin's shoulder, and on the screen the zombie had been reunited with his sports car that had been in a wreck, which for some reason both boys found utterly romantic.

The two began friendly banter, basing themselves on who was the zombie and who was the Ferrari. "I'm the Ferrari and you're the zombie."

"What why am I the zombie?" Dez questioned.

"Because I'm faster than you."

"Whatever dude. Zombies are way cooler and in the movie you get totalled."

Austin began to whine. "I wanna switch now! Can I be the zombie?"

They were acting as if they were in grade school again. One was complaining to switch
characters while the other refused and started a wrestling match. The blonde propped himself on top of the other boy, they grasped each other's hands, weaving their fingers, and Austin pushed down hard. But Dez was stronger. No matter his tries, Austin couldn't get Dez's arm's to budge, despite the shaking muscles and grunting. Finally, he collapsed onto his friend, giving up.

Both laughing, Austin declared defeat. "Fine. I'll be the Ferrari." Unfortunately for him, Dez didn't accept his forfeit. This time Dez wanted to be the car. "Why?" Austin asked.

"So you can ride me."

He said nothing to respond. He didn't move. Instead he let Dez's hands search his body. He felt his fingertips gently gliding up and down his firm sides. His faint moans whispering into Dez's ear were an invitation for more. Tenderly stroking him, Dez removed Austin's shirt. He arched his back while his tender buds were being suckled by a busy wet tongue. Austin continued to moan, hunching over and reaching down for a kiss, their lips met, savagely exchanging affection. Dez's hips began to shift, lifting inches off the bed. Austin did the same, their stiffness grinding against each other's; Dez was finding it hard to keep it in. He turned and threw Austin onto his back.

Soon they were bare, they were hot, and their muscular bodies intertwined with their sweaty, sticky flesh rubbing against each other. Dez looked into Austin eyes and he stared back before he lifted the boy's hips and entered himself into the blonde. Austin let out a short high pitched cry, having his best friend's, his lover's, dick inside him was a new experience that overwhelmed him, but the well sized rod inside his virgin hole hurt as well.

Dez took it to the base, they were long slick strides, his red pubic hair tickling the smooth skin, he wanted all of him. Austin jerked his head to the side and bit his lip, restraining from making any more vocal sounds, but the tiny squeaks that escaped him were in sync with the motion, then Dez began massaging his erection causing Austin to cry out loud in pleasure. He jerked his body up while the other jerked inside him.

His body felt great, but something distracting his mind, clouding Austin from full satisfaction.


Austin groaned.

"It goes against everything I believe in."

He groaned louder.

"He's your best friend."

This time he shouted, "Stop!" He grabbed Dez's arm, who stared blankly. "Just stop!"

"What?" He exhaled heavily. "Was I going too fast? Was it too hard?"

In a disgruntled state, the blonde pushed him off, not giving an explanation, only uttering one word. "Go." Although confused, Dez didn't argue. He took himself off Austin. The shouting obviously didn't wake his parents for he had taken his time getting ready before taking his leave.

"Bye." Dez looked to Austin as he sat in the window. Austin said nothing and rolled the other way, gazing into the darkness of his room.

A/N: I think my writing has gotten better now that I'm not using a mobile device to write my stories. A physical keyboard goes a long way! Anyway, thank you for reading. Please, stay tuned for more!