Disclaimer = I don't own Transformers, though I so dearly wish I did~! X3 Transformers belongs to Hasbro. X3
There was no way this was Starscream! For one, Starscream had a high, screechy voice that made mechs of all kinds want to rip their audio receptors out. And second, Starscream did not look like a femme! Though it... kinda looked good. Skywarp's optics wandered over the mech, raising his optic ridges as he elbowed Thundercracker with a grin. He received a disgusted look from his trinemate.
"Do I need to remind you who he is?" Thundercracker murmured lightly.
They raised their helms when they could feel the deck moving, looking up to see that big mech making their way over to them. Starscream scowled before he bowed his helm and moved out of the way, making way for the lord of the Decepticons. Every mech on the deck expected the two to bow, but were stunned to see them stare at the leader of Decepticons with flat looks on their face plates.
"I assume you are Starscream's trine," Megatron said, seeing the two glance at one another before hesitantly nodding.
"Yep, we are!" Skywarp struck a pose and held out his thumb with a grin. "I'm Skywarp, and this here, is TC~!" He said, wrapping an arm around the taller mech. "Or Thundercracker, either one."
Starscream was staring at him with horror, his jaw hanging open. "You fool!" He hissed, gaining their attention. "Show some respect! Do you know who this is?!"
Skywarp shuttered his optics. "...Your berthmate?" He asked with a wide grin.
Megatron frowned and narrowed his optics, deciding to ignore the way Starscream cringed and dry heaved at the thought. One drone nearby snickered before covering it up with a cough, all the drones now lowering their weapons since the leader decided to confront the two. Thundercracker shook his head at his trinemate's behaviour, staring at the much taller mech.
"I apologize for Skywarp's behaviour," Thundercracker said, standing straight when the mech's optics settled on him. "I assume this is Lord Megatron's warship?"
"Yes, it is," Megatron said, frowning at the question. "The Nemesis."
Skywarp squawked, turning to stare wide-opticked at his wing mate. The Nemesis?! Wasn't the Nemesis under the sea?!
"And where is Lord Megatron?" Thundercracker asked, receiving a stunned stare from his "trine leader."
"This is Lord Megatron!" Starscream snapped, holding his servo out towards the leader.
Thundercracker and Skywarp widened their optics, but other than that did not react to the news. On the outside. Inside, they were questioning everything. This wasn't Megatron! It couldn't be Megatron! For one, Megatron didn't have shark dentas! He had the helmet, though, and the air of power... Perhaps it is Megatron. Hesitating, Thundercracker sent a message through their bond, both kneeling down before the dark lord. Megatron smirked.
"Good. For a moment... I was afraid of punishing Starscream's trine for not showing respect," Megatron said, receiving a scornful stare from his second. "But since you two have just arrived, why don't we get you acquainted with the crew."
"Yes, sir," Thundercracker said, rising to a stand, all the while sending the mech a stare that none of the mechs on the deck could decipher.
"Shall we go inform them, Master?" Starscream asked, seeing the lord nod and lead the way, turning and following the tall mech, expecting his trine to follow.
Skywarp raised his optic ridges. "Whew! Look at that aft!" He yelled, snickering when he saw Starscream and all the drones stop, sending him odd looks.
Thundercracker frowned at him before pushing him to follow.
"C'mon! You have to admit, he kinda looks like a femme," Skywarp said, following the strange looking Megatron and Starscream.
"His frame does." Thundercracker said, sending him a firm stare.
:: And we do what any other trine does. But this time, Starscream sounds and even looks appreciating~! :: Skywarp said, raising his optic ridges several times with a lecherous grin on his face plates. :: Well, more than normal, anyway. :: They still loved their Screamer, anyways.
Thundercracker rolled his optics. Yes, it was true trinemates 'faced with each other, but this... was not their trinemate. He was still trying to put everything together. The only explanation he could come up with was that many universes theory, which was never proved. Or if it could be proved. If their Starscream was there perhaps he could figure it out. Skywarp was looking everywhere on the warship, noticing a huge difference between their Nemesis and this Nemesis.
"So... how's Soundwave?" Skywarp asked, grinning widely at the two.
Starscream looked back and frowned. "Strange," Thundercracker tensed lightly under the stare. "I don't recall you two ever meeting Soundwave." Skywarp frowned in confusion. "But he is doing well." Unfortunately, was the unsaid word.
They knew their trine leader too well.
Glancing behind, Thundercracker frowned when he noticed the drones were following, their weapons powered up. Clearly their Lord didn't trust them. Walking into the command room Skywarp gawked at all the screens, his wings quivering slightly. Wow. This all looked much more high tech than their stuff. If that made any sense...?
Both Thundercracker and Skywarp brought their attention to the blue mech standing at the screen, noticing that he was still working and didn't react to their approach. It wasn't until that Megatron called him did he turn.
Skywarp's jaw dropped. This was Soundwave? What happened to his face?
"Hey, Soundwave. Where's your casset-Oof!" Skywarp stumbled to the side when Thundercracker roughly elbowed him. "What?" He asked, rubbing his side with a frown.
Soundwave was staring at them silently, making them a little... uncomfortable. Sure, Soundwave was uptight and all, but he always had a snippy response. Like, Soundwave superior, and all that scrap. This one... wasn't talking. At all. And where were his cassettes? Starscream was sending them a strange stare, causing Thundercracker to stay on edge. He most likely couldn't feel them through the bond.
He was especially on edge around Soundwave. Could this one also read minds?
"Soundwave," Starscream drawled, holding his claw out towards the two seekers. "Meet my trine."
Soundwave didn't react, which made Skywarp frown before he waved a servo in front of his helm, which caused the Leader to growl. Tensing, Skywarp drew his servo back, pretending to be looking it over. Hmm, there was a pebble in his digit. Raising it closer to his face he used the two to try and pull it out. And thanks to these claws it was an easy task. Muttering an, "Ah hah~!" he ignored the strange stares he received.
Hearing the door open, both the Seekers turned, seeing a red mech striding in with a confident look on his face plates.
"I assume the signals belonged to these two?" Knock Out asked, smirking coolly at the two.
"Yes," Megatron said, holding his large, clawed servo that caused both mechs to eye it warily. "My medic-" They expected him to say Hook. "Knock Out."
"My trine," Starscream said, giving the medic a little sneer.
Skywarp raised an optic ridge as he mouthed, Knock Out, glancing at the red sports car with a confused look on his face plates. What happened to Hook? He was startled when he saw the mech eye both him and Thundercracker, raising his optic ridges slightly in appreciation. Was he—Oh! Skywarp smirked right back, receiving a smooth smile.
He let out a small 'oof' when Thundercracker elbowed him, rubbing his side and sending him a glare. What was that for? The blue mech gestured with his optics towards Starscream, making Skywarp glance at the "trine leader" to see him send him a flat stare.
Obviously he saw him.
Shrugging he let a sheepish grin cross his face plates.
"Breakdown should be here soon," Knock Out drawled, turning when the door opened to see the mech walking in. "Ah, here he is."
Breakdown?! Skywarp grinned mischievously, staring at the one he assumed was Breakdown. And since the Breakdown he knew didn't have wings, since there were so many drones that looked the same and they couldn't be officers.
"Breakdown, meet Starscream's trine," Knock Out said, smiling coolly at the mech as he held a servo out towards the two.
Thundercracker nodded while Skywarp... Well, the black and purple one was just staring at him. Breakdown frowned, glancing at the medic for a moment before looking back. Why is he just staring at him? It was starting to irritate him. Scoffing, he looked away and stared at the tall blue Seeker.
"I win!" Skywarp yelled, raising his arms above his head and grinning. "So? Did you get all paranoid?"
Breakdown glared at him. "Watch it."
"'Warp," Thundercracker warned, sending his trinemate a firm stare. :: I don't know how to explain it, but... I suppose you could say we're in an alternate universe. ::
:: Really? Because last I remember Megatron wasn't so fraggin' huge! :: Skywarp said back, eyeing the warlord warily. :: He also wasn't freaky lookin'. ::
So Skywarp knew this wasn't their... "world," no matter how crazy that sounded. Good. If Starscream didn't find them suspicious, he had to guess that they looked exactly like the Thundercracker and Skywarp of this universe. But he still had the problem of trying to think of who could have sent them there.
He'd have to figure it out later when they are dismissed.
They introduced themselves to everyone, seeing some nod while others ignored. Megatron welcomed them with open arms... Well, he grunted at them that he was glad he got more seasoned soldiers. Skywarp couldn't help but feel a little insulted. Was he calling them old? Sure, most of them were centuries old, but compared to most of them he was still young. Young and handsome, he thought with a smug grin on his face.
Thundercracker nodded, remaining calm on the surface. It wouldn't do to show he was uneasy about the whole situation. Turning his helm slightly, his optics snapped back towards Starscream, seeing that he was staring intensely at both him and Skywarp.
"Hmm," Starscream narrowed his optics. Turning towards the warlord he bowed his helm slightly. "I'm sure my trine is... exhausted from their long travel, Master."
Megatron glanced at the three Seekers. "You two are dismissed. But I want them examined by Knock Out after their rest."
"You are too kind, my Lord," Thundercracker said, bowing towards the large mech.
"Just the two of us?" Skywarp asked, pouting before he glanced at the second in command. "But I wanted to strengthen our bond with 'Screamer~!"
He ignored the warning glare from Thundercracker, grinning widely at Starscream, who sputtered at them.
"Strengthen?" Knock Out asked, staring at the Seeker in confusion.
A wide lecherous grin crossed Skywarp's face plates. "I don't call him 'Screamer for no reas-"
"Skywarp, follow me!" Starscream ordered, walking past the two and heading for the exit. "You shall recharge in my quarters until we find more suitable rooms for you."
Skywarp squealed and trailed after the shorter Seeker with a happy look on his face plates. Starscream stopped and frowned when the medic stepped in front of him, crossing his servos over his chest and sending Knock Out a glare. Thundercracker nodded to the warlord, heading over to the two Seekers and the medic.
"You have a burn on your wing," Knock Out observed, causing the violet Seeker to look at his wing. "Caused by the flyers?"
Skywarp nodded. "Yep." He lied easily. "Bunch of... buffoons."
"Buffoons?" Thundercracker asked, frowning in confusion.
"Yeah, it's one of those human sayings," Skywarp said, turning to grin at his trinemate.
"If you'd like I could patch you up," Knock Out drawled, seeing the SIC glare at him.
"His self-repair will help with that," Thundercracker intervened, not trusting anyone to be left alone with Skywarp. "'Screamer, if you will show us the way to your quarters?"
Starscream frowned. "Don't call me that."
Thundercracker couldn't stop the smirk from crossing his face, trailing after the air commander with Skywarp commenting how dreary it was inside the warship. Megatron stared after them, narrowing his optics slightly. If Starscream's trine was anything like him he'd need to watch out for them, as well.
"Just look at the place! Why is it so dark in here? You need to light this place up, no wonder everyone's so depressing."
Ignoring him, Starscream continued on, leading them towards his quarters. Some drones stopped and stared openly at the new Seekers, comparing their height with the SIC, who was shorter than the two. Arriving to his room he touched the pad, the doors sliding open.
"Hmm... homey," Thundercracker drawled, staring around the room with a flat look on his face, noting it didn't have much.
"You need some more stuff in here, 'Screamer," Skywarp commented, walking around the room with a frown.
"Alright," The two stopped examining the room, turning their helms when they heard the door click. Starscream crossed his arms and frowned. "Do you two mind telling me where you came from?"
Thundercracker tensed. "What do you mean?"
Starscream examined his digits with a calm look on his face plates. "My trinemates were pronounced killed in action." Now it was Skywarp's turn to tense. "I was with Lord Megatron at the time, but their ship... was blown to pieces by Autobots when they were coming to meet us." He said, his optics slowly looking at the two.
TC and 'Warp would have started sweating if they were human.
"So... start talking," Starscream ordered, his optics locking onto the other Seekers.
:: Frag. ::
Gasp! D: Starscream is a scientist. X3 I got stuck for a while, but I did it. :D Hopefully I got everyone's personalities right, I'm really bad at writing them. DX I once again thank everyone that reviewed, faved, or put on story alert~! :D It really means a lot to me. :]
P.S. I personally like Skywarp/Starscream/Thundercracker. Don't tell. XD And Megatron/Starscream. :D