Black Butler: Life Within And New Beginning's

Sebastian clears his through loudly and says "Ciel are you ever going to wake up, sence I've been here you have been the hardest to wake." He opens the blinds to let the room fill with the early morning sun, this makes his mistress stir and open her eyes, slowly. "When are you going to let me sleep?" Ciel groaned from under the blankets. "Ma'am, you know you have to wake up. Now what would you like for breakfast, scones or bread and jam, I know how much you like fresh jam." Ciel "Neither, can I just have you instead? You're much tastier, even than fresh jam." "Ma'am, I don't think your understanding what I'm trying to tell you. You actually need to wake up and as flattering as that might be, and I'm craving something's as well, we just don't have the time, your newest client is here, the one with the dolls that are made of porcelain, you simply must wake up and go to breakfast with him. I will be waiting when you are done." Sebastian said in a deep seductive tone. This make Ciel want him more and just wishes the man downstairs to be gone, but the thought of Sebastian waiting for her makes her wake and find the dress she wanted to wear, Sebastian dresses her slowly to savior the feel of her skin. It was a blue laced, pink dress with a deep blue sash around the waist to outline her figure, this went very well with her black hair and blue eye, the other was covered with a blue patch to match her outfit, it covered a purple eye with markings in it that represents the bond Sebastian and Ciel share, the contract they share.

As Ciel made her way down the stairs, she glanced up to look at Sebastian one last time before she disappeared from sight behind the pillars. She couldn't wait to see him again, and it had only been a few seconds, maybe she just wanted him too badly? Or maybe she needed him more than she thought? This kept her amused through the first half of the meeting, the man she was discussing with had a devilish grin on his face and had from the beginning of the meeting. Like he was a predator and she was the pray. She soon began to wonder if she should be worried about his gaze, right as this thought came into her mind Sebastian came in with more snacks; he gave her a grin as he offered a finger sandwich to her trading partner. She knew Sebastian could read her thoughts and enjoyed teasing him with them, she could also order him to do things for her with a simple thought. At this point she merely wished this man to be gone, but he was carrying on "…And so the dolls would bring you 2.5%more income for 'in pocket' expenses." She didn't care to listen anymore and Sebastian knew it. He soon interrupted "I'm so sorry Ma'am but your piano teacher is here for your lesson, would you like to do this now, and for me to escort him out?" Ciel thrilled with the idea of alone time with Sebastian, but she kept her impatience a secret and merely said "Sure, why not? You know I have always hated the piano. I am so sorry that we have to cut this meeting short but this was a predicated arrangement, I do hope you understand." The man said "Yes, sure, I think I need a break too." Sebastian escorted him out talking about something to do with "next week…noon sharp…Don't be late!" she raced upstairs to quickly to care what the rest was, she knew he would soon be up here as well.