I was thinking of story plots, and I happened to think of this particular one. I think this plot has potential, so I decided to give it a go. I think the first chapter turned out great. :) I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, please review. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own The Outsiders, or anything else you find familiar in this story.

He was use to everything his father threw at him. The punches. The wooden boards. The abuse. After sixteen years of all of it, he'd finally started to believe his father's words. Every single day, he'd hear the same harsh expression.

"You deserve everything I give you, you no good hood," The terms stung at first. Eventually, the pain that followed it had subsided. He had grown accustom to that sentence. Every time he had done something – good or bad – he'd hear the phrase. It no longer bothered him, neither did the abuse that was apart of the packaged deal. He had grown to withstand the pain, mentally and physically. It was the same thing everyday. He had done his best to avoid his house at all cost, but sometimes he couldn't help it. Sometimes his only escape wasn't available. One particular day, though, the pain had gone to a whole new level. He never thought his father could hurt him, especially since he's dealt with it so long, but even the littlest things can hurt. No matter how tough you are.


Johnny rummaged through the cabinets in a desperate attempt to find food. He was starving. He tried to make this a quick stop, but since there was nothing in the cupboard, it didn't go as planned. Johnny sank to the ground and sighed. He was hoping to get a snack and get out of the house before he arrived. All hope was gone. The front door squeaked open and shut with a loud slam. Johnny was too late. He was home.

"Johnny!" his father's words slurred. He was drunk, and it was only noon. "Johnny, where're you." Johnny reluctantly got to his feet and carried himself to his awaiting father. His eyes were blazing and bloodshot. Not only from the beer, but something else as well. "It's all your fault." Mr. Cade accused, pointing a finger towards his son. Johnny wanted to dart out the door and run to Pony's house. Surely that would work, but his father would catch him before he reached the door, so Johnny remained in his spot. He avoided eye contact and kicked dust around. He didn't even bother asking what he did; he learned several years ago that it was useless. Johnny found it easier to just take the blame. The punishments weren't as bad if he didn't question anything. "Because of you, I lost my job! My boss said it's 'cause of my anger issues . . ." Mr. Cade chuckled quietly to himself. ". . . Hell, I ain't got no anger issues; I got you instead. That's way worse." He started to undo his belt. Johnny knew exactly what was to come. He knew how bad it'd hurt. He knew how bad it'd hurt especially since he still had bruises from the last time. When the belt met the bruises, it wasn't the nicest feeling; everyone could tell you that, but Johnny preferred this to the wooden board. Nothing was worse than that in his opinion. "Now, it's time for your punishment." Johnny got into position. He leaned over a chair and waited for the pain his father was about to inflict on him. The belt cracked in the air and made contact with Johnny. He didn't even jump. The hits continued; Johnny's father slurred incoherent some things every now and then, and Johnny patiently waited for it to be over. He was desperate. He didn't know what he did to deserve this; he was a good kid. He wasn't the stereotypical greaser. He was good. His father kept mumbling stuff, and Johnny did his best to ignore it, but a specific phrase caught his attention. ". . . I dunno why we adopted ya. I still ain't sure how your mother talked me into it . . ." Johnny's eyes opened. That single word occupied his mind.


He was adopted? He couldn't be. People always told him how much he looked like his mother. Besides, his last name was the same as his mother and father. Cade. His father pulled back much to Johnny's relief. He stumbled into the kitchen and grabbed himself another can of beer. Johnny took this as the initiative to run. Despite the pain, he took off out the door. He ran as fast as he could with a sore bottom. He knew exactly where he was going.

The Curtis House.

They were the nicest people Johnny had ever met. They always fixed him up nicely after he experienced the wrath of his drunken father's rampage. Could Johnny even call him that? They're not his biological parents. He's adopted. Johnny Cade isn't actually a Cade. He's something else, but he couldn't bring himself to imagine him with another last name. With another family. Without even thinking, Johnny darted up the front steps and into the Curtis' living room. Mr. Curtis, Darry, Soda and Steve all sat in front of their tiny television watching something that looked nothing like the programming he had become familiar with. None of the boys – besides Mr. Curtis – turned to look at the younger boy.

"Good afternoon, Johnny," Mr. Curtis greeted, holding his newspaper firmly in both hands.

"Good afternoon, Sir," he answered shyly. Mr. Curtis had grown to be a dad to Johnny. It was shocking he was still so shy around him. "Where's Ponyboy?" Mr. Curtis opened up the paper.

"He's in his room reading like usual," Mr. Curtis replied, staring intently at the print. Johnny turned away from the crowd and hurried down the hallway to his best friend's bedroom. As Pony's father had stated, he was in fact reading. Johnny pushed the door open. Pony tore his attention away from the book and smiled at his smaller friend.

"Hey, Johnnycakes," Pony greeted, inserting his bookmark into the appropriate place. He shut the book and sat it on his desk. "What brings you here?"

"P-Pony, I came to talk to you," Johnny's voice was filled with worry. He didn't intend to come off like that, but it happened. Pony's smile disappeared, and he stood up from his seat rather quickly.

"Johnny, what is it?" he asked in a firm tone. Johnny stared into his friend's eyes and frowned. He wasn't sure how to break the news. Should he beat around the bush, or get straight to the point? Johnny took a deep breath. "Tell me, Johnny." Pony pleaded. Ponyboy was growing impatient, leading Johnny to blurting out the news without thinking.

"I was adopted," he revealed.

review loves. :)

If you like it, tell me why. If you didn't like it, tell me why. If you have any ways to make this better, tell me, and I'll be extremely grateful. I will happily accept constructive criticism. :)

what'd you think?