Why is she talking to him?
Uchiha Sasuke thought while looking straight ahead towards the crowd of people, dancing, laughing, smiling, and all the other ridiculous shit. He didn't care about the people at all, all he cared about was the 5'0, skinny female talking to another male.
The way she smiled and laughed with him.
Was eating Sasuke alive.
Watching her tenderly touched the male made his blood boil.
She shouldn't touch anyone like that except him–and only him.
He watched from a dark corner of a club, her every move. She was not intoxicated, that was the relieving part. He remembered watching her drown 6 glasses of Remy–back to back–nonstop, but she wasn't drunk, just slightly tipsy. But what bothered him the most was that he was irritated, and annoyed, and frustrated. He's in a hot, stank ass club, in a corner, in his ANBU uniform, coming home from a mission, hoping to be smothered in love from his pink-haired girlfriend but instead he had to track her down and watch like a predator waiting for its prey.
All because of her
She drove him insane, from her motor mouth to her very annoying bright pink hair. Her short creamy legs in those light washed jean shortshorts and a belly shirt that showed too much, for his liking. She knew exactly what she was doing and it arrogated the shit out of him. But he made no effort in stopping her from talking to the male. If he did, he would lose his temper and snap the male's neck. And he wouldn't hear the end of it if he does, so he kept his cool…for now.
He watched her cautiously at her moves, making sure she didn't do anything to piss him off. The male she was talking to suddenly put his arm on her hip. He balled his fist tight, glaring dangerously at the hand that was laid on her hip. The male then pulled her closer to his body and dragged her into the crowd. Sasuke watched like a hawk as they danced extremely close to each other. Her bosom grinded against his…area.
Sasuke was seething with anger. His aura screamed murder. When a female with a tray of drinks came over to him, he glared at her viciously and told her to fuck off. The woman quickly moved away from him slowly. Sasuke's eyes narrowed when he saw her throw her arms around his neck.
They danced for a few, then suddenly his faced mover towards her. A little too close to Sasuke's liking. He watches him increasing more closely to her face. When he saw his nose touches hers. Sasuke flipped. He quickly reached into his weapon pouch and swiftly threw a senbon needle at them, aiming for the male's neck.
He closed his eyes, waiting for the impact but he noticed that it never came. He opened his eyes slowly, only to be staring at a pair of jade green eyes that was glaring at him. The male she was dancing with never realized what was going on, I checked the back of his neck looking for the needle but noticed that it was between her fingers. He watched her bid the male a slight good bye, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek.
Sasuke fumed watching her lips come in contact with his cheek. He activated his sharingan watching the girl quickly push through the crowd, making her way over to him. When she broke free of the crowd she marched her tiny self over to him and immediately starting yapping.
"Sasuke! What are you doing here!?"
He rolled his eyes, watching as she nagged his head off about things he could care less about right now. All he wanted to hear is why was she here and why is she with him and why did she have herself so close to him and why in the fucking hell did she kiss him!
"Sakura. Shut. Up."
She looked at Sasuke with a confused expression. Sasuke has never spoken to her like that before. Before he continued what he was going to say he saw the male make his way over towards them. Sasuke grabbed Sakura's waist and did a few hand signs and was immediately transported into the hallway of their home.
Sasuke–Wha? Answer my question! Why were you there?! How did you even find me?" she asked.
"Why were you at a fucking club Sakura?"
"Because I want to! I just wanted to be free for once. Actually enjoy myself for awhile. Instead of having a crazy boyfriend tracking my every move for the past month!"
"Out of all places Sakura…you're at a fucking club, with another fucking male, dancing too close to him, then you had the audacity to fucking kiss him.." said Sasuke with venom dripping from each curse word.
Sasuke breathed slowly, trying to get his mind right before he spazzed out on her. He was already angry for the fact that she wasn't home instead of a club; of all places. Her constant questions and little pokes of her finger, was making it very difficult to set himself right. After all of the constant irritations he zapped. He pushed her up against the wall a little forcefully, having her legs wrapped around his waist and his face extremely close to her face. He immediately started telling her of his actions and why he would do what he do. It wasn't because he was protective…it was…difficult.
After over thinking his reason of being that way, he started punching the wall next to Sakura's head. Putting a small crater in the wall that deepens with each punch he threw. He punched both sides of the wall beside her head, pouring out every angry thought he had in his head. His sharingan wheels were spinning viciously, like they were going to spin out of his eyes.
He stopped hitting the wall, and stared into her eyes, panting heavily. He was very very slightly amused that she wasn't scared or cowering at his anger, but put that aside. She stared at him lovingly, running her fingers through his dark raven hair. Massaging the back of his head, trying to make him calm down, which slightly worked.
"Are you okay?"
That word, taunted him. Is he okay? Hell no! He's fucking livid! How in her right fucking mind ask her some stupid shit like that? She damn well he was not okay. And it was all because of her.
A small giggle escaped her plumped strawberry lips. Her giggles sound like an angel's laugh. Absolutely beautiful, everything about her was beautiful. He's mentioned that several times to her. She was like a reincarnation of an angel. It annoyed the hell out of him for someone to be that perfect.
"I can see what the matter is. Aww my poor baby. Come on." She said while sliding down from his waist and grabbing his arm pulling him into the room. "It's been a whole month since we've did anything 'fun' neh Sasuke?"
He stiffened.
How was she able to read him so well?
She pushed him lightly against the wall in their room then pushed her body on his, making sure to rub her breast on his chest, earning a slight-wolfish growl from him. "You've missed me that much Sasuke-kun. Aww…" she lightly kissed him on the lips. "Maybe you wanna' show me how much you missed me?" she said with a smirk on her face.
She opened his ANBU jacket and ran his fingers across his clothed chest, earning another deep growl from him. She moved her fingers down towards his pants, skillfully undoing the belt and sliding it from the belt loops. She put the belt in her mouth pulling on it, creeping herself from him. "C'mon Sasuke….I know you want it" She threw the belt around his neck, pulling him towards her.
All he could do was watch and wait. He was so traumatized in thinking of not having sex for a month. It drove him insane. During the mission all he could do was think about having her beneath him, with her screaming his name over and over. Pounding into her wet core repeatedly, But he knew he was going to have to wait a whole fucking month without that pleasure, it ate him alive.
She let go of the belt, walking towards the bathroom, pulling the shirt off slowly and seductive. "But you're going to wait a while okay? I'm all hot and sweaty from dancing I think it would be more appropriate to take a shower right?" she said emphasizing the words hot and sweaty; she threw the shirt at Sasuke.
"But I'm going to need help washing my back"
Before she could finish with anymore torturing words he pushed her into the bathroom locking the door behind him.
Sasuke feels soooo much better now.
FYI! Sakura is not cheating, she's just dancing and teasing Sasuke in a very bad way.
A/N: Review and tell me what 'chu think, kay?
- :)) Ebony